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The author begins by analyzing Walter Benjamin’s quarrel with George Kreis and the respective visions of culture advocated by both sides of the debate. Then, he offers a reading of a poem by Paul Celan in which the poet sides with Benjamin, but also makes his position more complex, ultimately offering a paradoxical figure of “the secret openness” or “open/public secrecy” as a remedy against the “mystery” of the Georgians. This idea can be seen as developed in Jacques Derrida’s understanding of secrecy, which the author proceeds to analyze. The secrecy as a deconstructive rift in the public discourse, a split which tears it open, can be seen as opposed both to the undemocratic mystery and to the seeming openness of globalatinization. After considering the formal, political and (post)religious aspects of secrecy, the author ends with showing how literature as such is the most powerful medium of Derridean secret.
The article uncovers the essence of the conspiration as a term borrowed from the European languages. It also revealssemantic and semiotic transformations that mislead the unity of understanding of the meaning of conspiration by the foreignand Ukrainian jurists. The article determines the differences between the nature of the secret performance of the opposite forces— representatives of the criminal, subversive organizations and the state agencies that are fighting against the organized crime.The research suggests approaches to the usage of the term of “conspiration” in legislation, taking into consideration the integrationof Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic community. In the west- European understanding “conspiration” as a term, is the reflectionof the secret activity of, specifically, illegal organizations that use a complex system of measures in order to ensure their evildoing.Adaptation of this term as an indication of the principles, bases, measures and the actions of the operative crime detection activityauthorities of Ukraine and other countries of the post-Soviet region is the result of semantic confusion and overlaying of the meaningin the understanding of the differences between the nature of the secret activity of the representatives of the criminal worldand the authorities that are competent to fight organized crime.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
vol. 29
issue 1
The article describes the issue of the relationship between the Catholic Church’s judicial system and the national law enforcement authorities and judiciary powers after 6 December 2019, when Pope Francis lifted the so-called “pontifical secrecy” concerning canon criminal cases of clerics accused of sexually abusing minors. After a brief outline of the regulations re- ferring to the institution of secrecy in the canonical legal order and arguments justifying the need to keep it, the author presents certain provisions on pontifical secrecy and the conse- quences of lifting it for the relationship between the state and the Church’s system of justice.
The purpose of the paper is to assess the relationship between secrecy and transparency in the pre- and post-Snowden eras in the United States. The Author analyzes, from both political and legal perspectives, the sources and outcomes of the U.S. politics of national security with a special focus on domestic and intelligence surveillance measures. The core argument of the paper is that, due to the role of the executive which has always promoted the culture of secrecy, there is no chance for the demanded transparency in national security surveillance, despite the controlling powers of the legislative and judiciary. As the analysis proves, the United States in the post-Snowden era seems to be the most transparent and secretive state, at the same time.
The article deals with the relationship between bank secrecy and tax transparency. It studies the issues of confidential information (which forms bank secrecy) being presented to tax authorities, also including the principle of providing information on request and automatic data provision within the framework of the Common Reporting Standard. The comparison of bank secrecy and tax transparency is carried out from the viewpoint of its value for the society, state, and individuals. It is noted that the expansion of bank secrecy access for tax authorities can be used not only in tax control, but also to simplify the taxpayers’ payment procedure and other benefits connected with the confidential information, or bank secrecy. The given research paper analyses the problem of broad exemptions from the banking secrecy regime in tax control. The analysis is based on the axiological approach and comparative legal research method based on the analysis of bank secrecy restrictions in the legal systems of Switzerland, Singapore and Russia. The scientific task is to determine the conditions and the necessary degree of bank secrecy restrictions in tax control.
The paper is an attempt to delineate model boundaries of protection of journalist secrecy when it comes to criminal proceedings. Despite the existing protection available under media law which also affects the criminal trial, certain modifications are still necessary. The paper discuses events when a journalist must be released from the duty of secrecy in the course of criminal proceedings. The existing normative regulations have been analysed, their defects identified, and certain improvements and amendments proposed. The controversial issue of the actual waiver of journalist secrecy has also been examined. The general goal of the paper is to postulate creation of solutions that will result from proper decisions made when the concurrent interests and values clash.
Artykuł stanowi próbę zakreślenia modelowych granic ochrony tajemnicy dziennikarskiej w relacji do postępowania karnego. Wprawdzie ogólny zakres tej ochrony, wyznaczony przepisami Prawa prasowego, oddziałuje także na proces karny, niemniej jednak musi w ramach tej procedury doznać pewnej modyfikacji, co jest konsekwencją rangi i znaczenia postępowania prowadzonego na podstawie przepisów Kodeksu postępowania karnego. W opracowaniu omówiono zatem wypadki, w których zachodzi potrzeba zwolnienia dziennikarza z obowiązku przestrzegania tajemnicy dziennikarskiej w związku z prowadzonym postępowaniem karnym. Dokonano oceny istniejących regulacji normatywnych, wskazano ich mankamenty, a w rezultacie zaproponowano uzupełnienie lub zmianę obowiązujących przepisów. Analizie poddano także bardzo niejednoznaczny i kontrowersyjny problem dotyczący faktycznego uchylenia tajemnicy dziennikarskiej. Całość rozważań ujętych w opracowaniu jest podporządkowana postulatowi kreowania takich rozwiązań, które są wynikiem właściwego rozstrzygnięcia kolizji zbiegających się dóbr i wartości.
The study tries to approach the theme of secrecy applying the terminology presented by Assmann/Assmann in their studies of literary communication. Firstly, the theme of secrecy is divided into secrets of absolute knowledge about the world and into secrets as a social fact. The division of the theme in arcana cordis, arcana Dei, arcana imperii and arcana mundi is also taken into consideration. Secondly, some moments of the secretary discourse present in the manuscript Cifra, contracifra. Antigua y moderna by Tomás Tamayo de Vargas are discussed. These discursive moments reveal that in early modern Europe a secretary is in close contact with the secrets of absolute knowledge about the world. It is especially the proximity of its tools to those of the kabbalah and the problematization of the legibility of the world that contribute to the confusion between secrecy as a social fact and secrecy as a question of cognition.
Pieniądze i Więź
vol. 17
issue 4(65)
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wyjaśnienie pojęcia tajemnicy prawnie chronionej w działalności spółdzielczych kas oszczędnościowo-kredytowych oraz wskazanie praktycznych aspektów tej instytucji. Pod pojęciem tajemnicy prawnie chronionej w działalności spółdzielczych kas oszczędnościowo-kredytowych należy zdaniem autora rozumieć przede wszystkim następujące rodzaje informacji: 1) tajemnicę zawodową, 2) informację prawnie chronioną związaną z wykonywaniem działalności przez spółdzielcze kasy oszczędnościowo-kredytowe, 3) tajemnicę spółdzielczych kas oszczędnościowo-kredytowych sensu stricto, 4) informację prawnie chronioną związaną z ochroną danych osobowych przetwarzanych przez spółdzielcze kasy oszczędnościowo-kredytowe, oraz 5) informację prawnie chronioną wynikającą z zawartych przez spółdzielcze kasy oszczędnościowo-kredytowe umów, a nie wynikającą wprost z ustawy. Uchwalenie ustawy z dnia 5 listopada 2009 r. o spółdzielczych kasach oszczędnościowo-kredytowych ujawniło wiele nowych problemów prawnych. Jednym z takich problemów jest właśnie wyjaśnienie czym jest tajemnica prawnie chroniona w działalności spółdzielczych kas oszczędnościowo-kredytowych oraz jaki jest jej zakres.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the concept of legally protected secrecy in the activities of credit unions and an indication of the practical aspects of the institution. The concept of legally protected secrecy in the activities of the credit unions should be – according to the Author – understood primarily as the following types of information: 1) the obligation of professional secrecy, 2) legally protected information related to the business performance of credit unions, 3) secrecy of credit unions sensu stricto, 4) information protected by law related to the protection of personal data processed by credit unions, and 5) information protected by law resulting from the agreements concluded by the credit union and not resulting directly from the Act. The enactment of the Act of 5 November 2009. on credit unions revealed many new legal problems. One of these problems is the explanation of what the legally protected secrecy in the activities of credit unions is, and what is its scope.
The author of press material has the right to keep his/her name in secret (Article 15 section 1 of the press law). The so-called right to anonymity is the right to publish press materials without revealing one’s name or under a nickname. It refers to every author of the mentioned material. This right is also refl ected in the copyright law (Article 16 point 2). The press law considers exceptions to the obligation to keep secrecy of the data identifying the author of the press material (Article 16 section 1: when the press material refers to a crime described in Article 240 § 1 of the penal code, or when the author of the press material agrees to revealing his/her name). Moreover, the specifi c situations and the extent of being released from the obligation to keep a journalist’s secrecy by the court are defi ned by the code of penal proceedings (Article 180 § 2–4).
Autorowi materiału prasowego przysługuje prawo zachowania w tajemnicy swego nazwiska (art. 15 ust. 1 prawa prasowego). To tzw. prawo do anonimatu oznacza prawo do publikowania materiału prasowego bez podawania nazwiska lub pod pseudonimem. Dotyczy ono każdego autora owego materiału. Znajduje ono również swoje odzwierciedlenie w przepisach prawa autorskiego (art. 16 pkt 2 tej ustawy). Prawo prasowe przewiduje wyjątki od obowiązku zachowania w tajemnicy danych identyfi kujących autora materiału prasowego (art. 16 ust. 1: gdy materiał prasowy dotyczy przestępstwa określonego w art. 240 § 1 kodeksu karnego lub gdy autor materiału prasowego wyrazi zgodę na ujawnienie jego danych). Ponadto sytuacje oraz zakres zwolnienia z zachowania tajemnicy dziennikarskiej przez sąd określa kodeks postępowania karnego (art. 180 § 2–4).
The article is an analysis of the cathegory of Presence in the context of religion. The scope is to show the phenominon of presence as a fundamental cathegory in the aspect of religious existence. Article mentions definitions of presense known in both classical and modern philosophy. Especially interesting for the work is the concept of God’s presence through: the word, the Providence, the world and the mystical experience. The matter of God’s presence is complemented by analisys of God’s secrecy often discussed in the religious literature, especially in the theologhy of spirituality. The text is featuring reciprocal correlation, dialectics of both terms and the consequences for the spiritual life. There are mentioned antropological conditions of the posibility for religious relationship, especailly relationship in which the essence is the presence – that are: capax Dei (man’s ability (and need) to relate to the Divine) and quaerere Deum (man’s ability (and need) to seak for Divine).
The article analyses the significance of silence and how the ability to speak is developed by the main character in My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout. The voice she finds not only enables her to talk about certain events from her past but also express herself as an artist. The paper draws on Frank Kermode’s studies of memory and secrecy: Secrets and Narrative Sequence, Memory and The Man in the Macintosh as well as Esther Rashkin’s psychoanalytically grounded analysis of secrecy. The paper aims to show that silence is the driving force of the narrative.
Artykuł analizuje znaczenie ciszy i proces odzyskiwania głosu przez główną bohaterkę powieści Elizabeth Strout pt. Mam na imię Lucy. Odnaleziony głos pomaga bohaterce uporać się z własną przeszłością, a także znaleźć drogę do wyrażenia siebie w sposób twórczy. Artykuł odnosi się do esejów Franka Kermode’a, poruszających temat pamięci i sekretów: Sekrety i narracyjne sekwencje, Pamięć i Człowiek w macintoshu oraz osadzonej w tradycji krytyki psychoanalitycznej analizie znaczenia sekretów autorstwa Esther Rashkin. Artykuł ma na celu wykazanie, że cisza jest siłą napędową narracji w powieści.
According to Article 15 section 2 point 1 of the press law, journalistic secrecy covers the information that the journalist obtained in the course of carrying out his / her job, and which refers to people who have provided specifi ed materials or information with the aim of being used by the press. These people must stipulate not to reveal data that would identify them. It must be also remembered that, in light of Article 15 section 2 point 2 of the press law, journalistic secrecy includes also all information which, when revealed, could infringe the rights of third persons protected by the law. Moreover, one must not ignore the fact that, according to Article 12 section 1 point 2 of the press law, a journalist is obliged to protect the personal rights and interests of informants acting in good faith, as well as other people who trust him / her.
Zgodnie z art. 15 ust. 2 pkt 1 prawa prasowego tajemnicą dziennikarską będą objęte te dane, które dziennikarz uzyskał w związku z wykonywaniem swojego zawodu, a które dotyczą osób, które przekazały określone materiały lub informacje w celu ich wykorzystania przez prasę. Te osoby muszą przy tym zastrzec nieujawnianie identyfi kujących ich danych. Trzeba przy tym również pamiętać, że w świetle art. 15 ust. 2 pkt 2 pp tajemnica dziennikarska obejmuje również wszelkie informacje, których ujawnienie mogłoby naruszać chronione prawem interesy osób trzecich. Nie należy również zapominać, że w myśl art. 12 ust. 1 pkt 2 pp dziennikarz jest obowiązany chronić dobra osobiste, a ponadto interesy działających w dobrej wierze informatorów i innych osób, które okazują mu zaufanie.
Can 965 CIC states that only a priest is the minister of the sacrament of penance. A sacerdotal character and faculty is necessary to administer validly the sacrament of penance. Every priest should aim to give an opportunity to faithful people that they successfully benefit from going to confession. A priest is obliged to take care of his own spiritual and intellectual growth, and in exercising his ministry he must adhere faithfully to the doctrine of the Magisterium, but he should remember that the imposition of a penance by the confessor must be individualised. The confessor is to impose salutary and appropriate penances in proportion to the kind and matter of sin confessed, taking into account the condition of the penitent. He should be especially sensitive to those people who by being in ecclesiastical suspense cannot receive a sacramental absolution. He should also be available to minister to people from other churches which do not have full unity with the Catholic Church. It should be in the situations provided by the law. Finally the priest is obliged to observe the secrecy of the confessional, which no one can release him from – the sacramental seal is inviolable.
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