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The aim of this study is to identify the level of performing self-care activities during lifetime, clarify the structure of these activities and detect the existence of gender differences. Sample consists of 713 respondents (429 women and 284 men), at the age between 15 and 89 years (average age 43,81; SD=23,12). Data are collected in particular development stages from adolescence (15-19 years), young adulthood (20-35 years), and adulthood (36-65 years) to senescence (66 and more years). For data collection Performed Self-Care Questionnaire (Lovaš & Hricová, 2015) is used. This instrument consists from 21 items focusing on three areas: physical wellbeing (factor 1), activities performed in the situation of health problems (factor 2) and positive frame of mind (factor 3). Interesting results were shown. At first, self-care intensity is relatively stable during life. In closer look to the structure of performed actions it is shown, that in the first part of life is the most frequent strategy the care of one´s psychical wellbeing. Contrariwise, in the second half of life are activities associated with health preservation and health problems prevention preferred. Similar results are shown in Orem and Vardiman (1995), who are interested in effects of specific development factors on self-care. Development trend, that lies in decreasing character of performed self-care activities in the area of physical wellbeing and increasing of self-care activities related with health problems and psychical wellbeing is confirmed. Explanation of this trend can be partially found in publications of Šolcová (2011), Zeleznik (2007) or Merluzzi and Nairn (2009), in which authors describe gradual increase of health problems connected with rising age and efforts done for their elimination. Other sources can be found also in work of Ráczová and Zibrinyiová (2014), where decrease of care of physical wellbeing is compensated by more accessible strategies, for example psychical wellbeing preservation. Gender differences are not confirmed, according to results in Lovaš (2010) survey. The idea of successful ageing reached by self-care perceived as perpetual activity is supported by results of this study. Attempts to understand these problems can lead to exploration of different strategies that will affect ageing processes in desirable way even during life and they can improve quality of life not only at individual level, but at all-society level too.
The article presents the results of research on the relationship between social support and self-care of people with myocardial infarction. 127 patients treated in a rehabilitation centre participated in the study. The Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviours (ISSB) and the Self-care Questionnaire (KTS) developed by the author, were used. The findings suggest that persons receiving little support are characterised by lower level of self-care than people with medium and high level of support. No such difference was noted between people with medium and high support level. This suggests that social support is of considerable importance for the changes in the level of self-care only in the case of people previously receiving little support. The research also indicates that informational support is related to higher level of self-care whereas instrumental support is related to lower level of self-care. Emotional support was significant only for the care for social functioning.
The study is linked to our previous research that focused on the analysis of attitudes of middleaged people towards aging in relation to their level of self-control and life satisfaction. The aim of the presented study was to find out the relationship between positive and negative attitudes of middle-aged people towards aging on one side and their level of self-control and self-care on the other. The sample consisted of 121 respondents (82 women and 39 men) between 40 and 50 years of age. Three methodologies were used in the research: RAQ (Gething, 1994, Scale tracing attitudes to processes of aging), Scale of self-control (SCS) (Tangney, Baumeister, Boone, 2004) and questionnaire monitoring the level of self-care (Lovaš, 2010). Analysis consisted of descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and one-way dispersion analysis. The results supported that respondents with negative attitude to aging show lower level of self-control and also lower level of self-care and, vice versa, that respondents with positive attitude show higher level of self-control and self-care – as confirmed by the analysis. The results revealed medium level of relation between self-control and self-care. Generic differences proved true only in the case of self-care.
Prezentovaná štúdia1 sa týka výskumu postojov strednej generácie k procesom starnutia vo vzťahu k miere sebakontroly a celkovej životnej spokojnosti. Naším cieľom bolo zistiť vzťah medzi pozitívnym a negatívnym postojom k starnutiu ľudí v strednom veku a mierou starostlivosti o seba a sebakontrolou. Vzorku tvorilo 121 (39 mužov a 82 žien) respondentov/tiek vo vekovom rozpätí 40 - 50 rokov. Vo výskume boli použité 3 metodiky: RAQ (Gething, 1994, Škála zaznamenávajúca postoje k procesom starnutia), Škála sebakontroly SCS (Tangney, Baumeister, Boone, 2004) a dotazník monitorujúci mieru starostlivosti o seba (Lovaš, 2010). Pri analýze bola použitá deskriptívna štatistika, korelačná analýza a jednovchodová analýza rozptylu. Výsledky ukázali, že respondenti s negatívnym postojom vykazujú nižšiu mieru sebakontroly a v súvislosti s tým aj nižšiu mieru starostlivosti o seba, a naopak respondenti s pozitívnym postojom vykazujú vyššiu mieru sebakontroly a vyššiu mieru starostlivosti - čo analýza potvrdila. Výsledky poukazujú na strednú mieru vzťahu medzi sebakontrolou a starostlivosťou o seba. Rodové rozdiely sa preukázali len v starostlivosti o seba.
The aim of the research paper was to identify the relationship between a chronic cardiac disease and heart transplantation, and the level of patients’ selfcare. The notion of self-care and its levels has been defined, and the circumstances in which it becomes activate specified. Research findings showed that there is no difference in the level of self-care between the group of patients with a chronic heart condition and the group of patients with a heart transplant, and between cardiac patients and healthy individuals. The difference showed in the higher global level of self-care in patients after heart transplantation compared to healthy individuals. The research revealed that a heart transplantation treatment has a direct effect on the scope of self-care in patients. It can therefore be concluded that in the context of changes following a cardiac transplantation, self-care is activated as a buffering mechanism, facilitating a better adaptation of a patient. Yet, it cannot be stated that self-care is a rational mechanism consciously used in order to cope with the situation.
The study was aimed to verify Model of Goal Directed Behavior (EMGB) by Perugini and Bagozzi (2001) applied on aggression by Richetin, Richardson and Boykin (2011). Two different studies were performed. Firstly original form of model was verified. In the second study, modification of EMGB through new conceptualization of scale of perceived behavioral control was executed. The research sample consisted together from 385 students of University of P.J. Šafárik and High school in Košice (182 respondents (78 men, 104 women with average age 20,84 years and standard deviation 1,94), who were involved in first study and 203 students (49 men and 154 women, with average age 19,71 and standard deviation 1,99) participated in second study) who were administrated questionnaire by Richetin et al. (2011) and Richardson Conflict Response Questionnaire (Richardson & Green, 2006). Expectancy of comparable relationships between particular factors of EMGB in comparison to its published original version was verified. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. In first study was shown insufficient fit of EMGB model. There were hypothesized two main sources of problems. At first, weak relationship between attitudes and behavioral desire was shown. Following statistical procedures confirmed its direct impact on intention, what is in correspondence with another studies (see Leone, Perugini & Ercolani, 2004, Perugini & Bagozzi, 2001, Richetin et al., 2011). Second source of problems was identified in factor named perceived behavioral control. Difficulties from our point of view lied in conceptualization of the term and its subsequent measurement. In the second study was involved new conceptualization of control. It corresponded with Baumeister´s understanding of selfcontrol as asserting control over one´s emotions, thoughts and behavior. After this modification sufficient fit of EMGB was shown. Besides this, factor of self-control was the strongest predictor of behavioral desire. Also important impact of this factor on prevolitional stages of aggressive behavior was identified. Next important predictor of behavioral desire was anticipation of positive emotions, but not negative emotions. These results correspond with theory of self-regulation where behavior that is focused on goal attainment is accompanied with positive emotions (see for example Cacioppo, Gardner & Berntson, 1999, Carver, 2004). Results confirmed not only sufficient model fit, but also explained 53% of variance of behavioral desire, 68% of intention and 37% of behavior. Some limitations should be mentioned - especially unequal gender representation in the second sample. Some results could be affected by lower sample size. For the future we recommend use also other types of aggressive behavior in verification EMGB and also to apply more complex incorporation of inhibition to the model. At last, character of this study is co-relational, therefore further researches should manipulate with key variables in experimental way to appraise main characteristics of stated theoretical background.
The goal of the theoretical contribution is to show an overview of knowledge on the aging processes in association with selected factors such as self-care, self-control or attitude to aging being the possible factors moderating the processes of preparation for aging. From the perspective of life span psychology the preparating for aging becomes a part of a complex process of a lifetime preparation, where especially the middle age takes on the key position. The presented knowledge is a theoretical basis of the research, which is currently realized in this area and our goal is to publish the results of the research in the near future.
Taking care of oneself is crucial for maintaining one´s psychical and physical health. In the context of risky profession this topic can play an even more important role, because it can be the source of necessary information for improvement of coping capacity when one is confronted with crisis situations. The aim of the present study is to identify the most common forms of self-care among selected risky professions. In the second part is the attention focused on the comparison of the specificities of risky to non-risky professions in self-care. Methods: For data collection Self-regulation Self-care Questionnaire by authors Hricová and Lovaš (in press) is used. The sample consists of two groups. In the first one participated 156 respondents, who worked in risky professions - namely police officers (60) at the age between 22 to 55 years (average age is 36.88, SD=9.49), fire fighters (46) at the age between 22 to 62 years (average age is 35.13, SD=8.31) and paramedics (50) at the age between 25 to 55 years (average age is 40.3, SD=6.62). 76.2% of the sample are men, 19.0% are women and 4,8% didn´t state their gender. The second sample consists of 161 participants who work in administrative, industry production or IT sphere. They were at the age between 23 to 61 years (average age is 38.01, SD=10.45). 74% of the sample are men and 21.7% are women. Results and discussion: Results confirmed the dominance of psychological self-care above physical among risky professions. To the forefront gets the need to live meaningful life, to fully use one´s skills and to be satisfied with one´s life and decisions. All this needs can be assigned to the necessity of sense, which could be seen as a result of everyday contact with critical and life threaten situations. Equally important sphere of self-care is the necessity of high-quality relationships, which doesn´t mean only relationships with family or friends. It is important to highlight also relationships with colleagues, that can help in dealing with risky situations and therefore shouldn´t be overlooked. In comparison with non-risky professions professionals care significantly more about their physical and psychical health. Closer analysis showed some uniqueness with respect to a particular type of risky profession. Police officers and fire fighters are more interested in their physical condition, which is important for example in rescuing a person from an object in fire or in a situation where physical force needs to be used. In comparison with it, paramedics use more psychical self-care strategies, namely they are trying more to control their negative emotional state, to minimize risky situation and to preserve health. Lastly they are caring more about their personal improvement. This study has several limits. Equality of gender in sample should be taken to account in future researches. We also recommend to involve other risky professions to the analysis (for example soldiers). Results can be used as a basis for trainee or education programs, which could help professionals in dealing with traumatic situations.
Background: Strategies used by patients to promote health (SUPPH), 29-item self-report instrument, is used to measure self-care self-efficacy in patients. The subject is asked to rate the degree of confidence in carrying out specific self-care behavior, mainly psychological side of self-care. Original authors found 3-factor and 4-factor structure. However, no data can be found on its performance in Slovak culture. Hence this study aimed to assess reliability, factor structure and validity of SUPPH in Slovak population. Method: A total of 162 undergraduate students completed interviews that included SUPPH, General Self-efficacy Scale and The Self-Care Self-Regulation Questionnaire. Internal consistency was measured by Cronbach's alfa. The factor structure was made by using exploration factor analysis. The validity was studied by correlations the main instrument with related instruments, which asses self-care and self-efficacy. Results: Cronbach alfa reliability coefficients surpassed the 0.70 criteria. A principal component factor analyses with orthogonal varimax rotation identified new 3-factors (positive attitude – nine items, decision for better life – five items, coping with stress and anxiety – eight items) structure. Seven items were deleted. The General Self-efficacy and The Self-Care Self-Regulation Questionnaire correlated positively to all factors SUPPH. Especially psychological self-care correlated strong positively with all SUPPH subscales. Conclusion: We became new Slovak version of Strategies used by patients to promote health (SUPPH-SK). Finely 22-items are more evenly distributed into new 3-factor structure.
Knowledge management in the healthcare sector encompasses collecting data on a patient’s disease. The method of collecting information affects the quality and efficiency of data processing by providing relevant results. The article compares different ways of diabetes management to support their self-care, and their measurable results. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how various forms of diabetes management affect patients’ knowledge and contribute to the improvement of diabetes treatment.
The goal of the study is to present the results of the research aimed at the processes of ageing in context of selected psychosocial factors, in particular self-control, self-care and attitude to ageing as possible factors having an influence on processes of the preparation and adaption for ageing. The study follows the earlier published summarizing theoretical study (Ráczová, 2012). The sample was composed of 119 respondents (46 man and 73 women) of age between 65 and 75 years (average age of 70 years, &delta = 3.91). The following three methodologies were used in the study: RAQ (Gething, 1994, Scale marking down attitudes to ageing processes), Self Control Scale - SCS (Tangney, Baumeister, Boone, 2004) and self- care Questionnaire (Lovaš, 2010). In the analysis there were used descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and ANOVA analysis. The results point out the existence of positive relation between attitudes to ageing, self-control and self-care among seniors. The results indicate that the respondents with positive attitude show higher degree of self-control as well as of self-care compared to seniors with negative attitude to ageing. Gender differences were proved only in attitudes to ageing, where men show more positive attitude. Significant differences in self-care were proved as well, what was due to different family status of seniors (both men and women), whereas divorced seniors have higher degree of care of myself compared to the married ones.
Obserwowane zmiany w zachowaniach okołozdrowotnych jednostek, wzrost zainteresowania własnym zdrowiem i stosowanie samodzielnych praktyk pozamedycznych w dziedzinie zdrowia mogą być traktowane jako zapowiedź procesów demedykalizacyjnych. W artykule zaprezentowano rozważania nad tezą, że samoleczenie i samoopieka, wynikające z różnych czynników makrospołecznych i ekonomicznych, są jednak nadal przejawem medykalizacji, ale na poziomie mikroi mezospołecznym. Jednostki wykorzystują wiedzę i rozwiązania oferowane przez medycynę, filtrując je w ramach realnych i wirtualnych grup uczestnictwa. W niniejszym artykule samoleczenie traktowane jest zatem jako przejaw „automedykalizacji” i obejmuje działania, takie jak: poszukiwanie wiedzy medycznej z niemedycznych źródeł, stosowanie leków O TC i suplementów diety bez konsultacji z lekarzem, samodzielne stosowanie terapii konwencjonalnych, niekonwencjonalnych, jak również kontrowersyjnych lub nawet nielegalnych. Zaprezentowano także próbę wyjaśnienia postawy, którą można nazwać „ucieczką przed medykalizacją”. W artykule podkreśla się ogromną rolę tzw. nowych mediów w wyłanianiu „naiwnych ekspertów” – poprzez umożliwienie anonimowego omówienia problemów zdrowotnych jednostek i tym samym powstawania wiedzy społecznej, która zyskuje status wiedzy „zobiektywizowanej” i która może konkurować z wiedzą medyczną. Ta społecznie konstruowana laicka wiedza staje się podłożem decyzji jednostek, dając przy tym wrażenie, że zachowania zdrowotne są niezależne od medycznej perspektywy. Jednak wybierając „wirtualne” rozwiązania, jednostki nieświadomie praktykują „automedykalizację”.
Nowadays, changes in people’s health behaviours, a growing preoccupation with one’s own health, and the application of non-medical autonomous practices in the health domain can be regarded as symptoms of demedicalization. In this article some arguments are elaborated to illustrate the thesis that self-care and self-medication, coming from different macro-social and economic conditions, are still indicators of medicalization, but at the micro- and mezzo-level of society. Individuals apply medical knowledge and solutions in their own way and filter them through spontaneous actions within both real and virtual groups. Thus in this article self-care is treated as symptom of “auto- -medicalization” manifested in actions like: seeking medical knowledge via non-medical paths; using OTC drugs and dietary supplements without professional advice; and self-administration of conventional, non-conventional and controversial or even illegal therapies. The attitude coined as “escaping medicalization” is also examined. The article shows the major role played by the “new media” in producing “naïve experts” – giving individuals the possibility to share their health problems anonymously and to acquire lay knowledge, which “becomes more objective” and may compete with medical knowledge. Acquiring lay knowledge by sharing it with others and using it to make one’s own decisions gives individuals a strong conviction that their health behaviours are independent of the medical perspective, while in fact individuals, in choosing ‘virtual’ solutions, are unconsciously practicing “auto-medicalization”.
This article states that the search for the meaning of life is possible only through an address to non-existence, and it is a sign of genuine human self-care. Religion and phi-losophy are considered as incarnation of the space of care. Philosophy here is under-stood in a broad sense, not as a rigorous science, but as search for wisdom. Based on the structure of self-care, given in Michel Foucault’s works, here are revealed peculiarities of the search for the meaning of life in respective fields. This also implies different lifestyles. The author believes that genuine self-care is available to everyone, in spite of the nature of modern mass culture.
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Postawa troski o siebie pacjentów po zawale serca

Skuteczność rehabilitacji po zawale serca uzależniona jest w dużej mierze od aktywności własnej pacjenta. W związku z tym zasadne wydaje się poszukiwanie czynników warunkujących aktywność własną. Za jeden z takich czynników uznać można postawę troski o siebie. Celem badań była odpowiedź na pytanie czy troska o siebie osób po zawałach serca różni się ze względu na natężenie i rodzaje od troski o siebie osób zdrowych. Badania wykazały, że nie ma istotnych różnic w ogólnym poziomie troski o siebie między osobami zdrowymi a osobami po przejściu zawału serca. Zaledwie jeden z wymiarów postawy troski o siebie – poczucie odpowiedzialności, okazał się istotnie różnicować obie grupy. Poczucie odpowiedzialności za siebie i własny stan zdrowia było zdecydowanie wyższe w grupie osób po zawałach serca. Badania potwierdziły także związek między rodzajami troski o siebie a faktem przebycia zawału serca. Okazało się, że osoby po zawałach serca cechują się zdecydowanie wyższym poziomem troski o funkcjonowanie fizyczne w stosunku do osób zdrowych.
The effectiveness of rehabilitation after myocardial infarction depends largely on the patient’s own activity. Therefore, it appears advisable to search for factors determining a person’s own activity. An attitude of self-care can be considered as one of such factors. The aim of this study was to answer the question whether the self-care attitude of patients after myocardial infarction differed in terms of intensity and types from the self-care attitude of healthy people. The study showed that there were no significant differences in the overall self-care attitude level between healthy people and those after myocardial infarction. Only one dimension of self-care attitude – responsibility, proved to markedly differentiate the two groups. A sense of responsibility for themselves and their own health was significantly higher in patients after myocardial infarction. The study also confirmed the relationship between the types of self-care attitude and myocardial infarction. It turned out that people after heart attacks were characterized by a much higher level of physical self-care attitude compared to healthy people.
Wstęp. Samoopieka wspomaga kontrolę prawidłowych zachowań zdrowotnych, które są niezbędne, aby utrzymać prawidłowy poziom glukozy i minimalizować ryzyko wystąpienia powikłań. W tej jednostce chorobowej to pacjent decyduje o swojej przyszłości, jego codzienne wybory, samoobserwacja i samokontrola wpływają bezpośrednio na stan jego zdrowia.
Background. Self-care helps to control proper health behaviors, which are necessary to maintain proper glucose levels and minimize the risk of complications. In this disease it is the patient who decides about his future, his daily choices, self-monitoring and self-control have a direct impact on his health.
ObjectivesThis study aimed to explore the self-care strategies undertaken by Polish nurses, and more specifically: to assess the participants’ self-care strategies; to check self-medication patterns in the study group; and to analyze compliance with medical recommendations regarding pharmacotherapy.Material and MethodsA quantitative and cross-sectional survey was conducted to examine the phenomenon of interest. The study employed a questionnaire survey with an independently designed questionnaire as a research tool. A total of 446 registered nurses taking part in different professional training courses for nurses in January–June 2018 who agreed to participate were included in the study.ResultsThe findings of this study reveal generally poor self-care strategies and compliance with medical recommendations among Polish nurses. The most frequent health behaviors among the surveyed nurses were caring for personal hygiene and a healthy diet. About 31% of the nurses confirmed supplements use. The most common reasons for taking supplements concerned the prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiencies (77.5%), and boosting of the immune system (49.3%). The most popular supplements included packs of vitamins (57.2%), single vitamin D3 (33.3%) and magnesium (31.2%). The vast majority of participants (79.8%) took some kind of over-the-counter drugs (OTCs) in the last 6 months, most often painkillers and flu medications, relying most frequently on the information included on the drug leaflets. The analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between declared OTC use and age, marital status, years of professional experience and economic status. Overall, 26.9% of the study participants declared the use of both supplements and OTCs, while 16.4% of the participants used neither supplements nor OTCs.ConclusionsSelf-care strategies undertaken by nurses should be seen as an essential factor in their positive therapeutic relationship with patients. The ageing nursing workforce should make all of us increasingly aware that their self-care needs will increase as well.
Self care in helping professions is a prerequisite for maintaining an effective ability to help clients. Objectives of study: The study aimed to reveal the predictive power of self-care for predicting the consequences of the practicing of helping professions. Sample and setting. The participants of the study were helping professionals working with clients in social service institutions in all eight regions in Slovakia (N = 745,89 % female). Social workers, psychologists, therapists, nurses, and educators working in the social service institutions were represented in a sample. Hypotheses. Authors assumed that self-care would be a significant predictor of experience of positive consequences of helping clients (work satisfaction, compassion satisfaction, personal accomplishment) and negative consequences (burnout, perceived stress, and secondary traumatic stress). Methods. performed Self-Care Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale, Mashlach's Burnout Questionnaire, Job Satisfaction Survey, and Professional Wuality of Life Scale were used for assessment main study variables. Statistical analysis was performed by means of Spearman correlations, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, and Man-Whithey U-test. The model was tested by structural equation modeling. Results. The model predicting the negative and positive consequences of the practicing the helping professions was confirmed by structural equations modeling. Performed self-care has been confirmed as significant predictor of the consequences of the practicing the helping profession. The performed self-care predicted significantly positively the level of compassion satisfaction, job satisfaction, and personal accomplishment, as well as significantly negatively the burnout, perceived stress, and secondary traumatic stress. Study limitations. A nonproportional composition of sample regarding the gender, profesions, and education, and the cros-sectional design of the study.
Cíele štúdie: Cieľom štúdie bolo odhaliť prediktívnu silu starostlivosti o seba pri predpovedaní dôsledkov praktizovania pomáhajúcich profesií. Vzorka prostredie: Vo výskumenj štúdii boli zahrnutí pomáhajúci odborníci (sociálni pracovníci, psychológovia, terapeuti, zdravotné setry a pedagógovia) pracujúci s klientmi v inštitúciách sociálnych služieb vo všetkých ôsmich regiónoch Slovenska (N = 745,89 % žien). Hypotézy: Autori predpokladali, že starostlivosť o seba bude významným prediktorom pozitívnych dôsledkov vykonávania pomáhajúcich profesií (pracovná spokojnosť, zadosťučinenie z pomáhania, spokojnosť s osobným a pracovným výkonom a kompetenciami) a negatívnych dôsledkov (vyhoreni, vnímaný stres a sekundárny traumatický stres). Metódy: Dotazník vykonávanej starostlivosti o seba, Škála vnímaného stresu, Dotazník vyhorenia, Dotazník pracovnej spokojnosti a Škála prefesijnej kvality života boli použité na posúdenie hlavných študovaných premenných. Štatistická analýza: Bola realizovaná pomocou Spearmanových korelácií, Kruskal-Wallisovou ANOVOU a Man-Whitneyho U-testom. Model bol testovaný pomocou štrukturálnych rovníc. Výsledky: Modely predpovedajúce negatívne a pozitívne dôsledky praktizovania pomáhajúcich profesií boli potvrdené pomocou štrukturálnych rovníc. Vykonávaná starostlivosť o seba predikovala signifikantne pozitívne úroveň zadosťučinenia z pomáhania, pracovnú spkojnosť a spokojnosť s osobným výkonom a kompetenciami, ako aj významne negatívne vyhorenie, vnímaný stres a sekundárny traumatický stres. Obmedzenia štúdie: Obmedzením bolo neproporcionálne zloženie vzorky z hľadiska pohlavia, profesií a prierezový projekt štúdie.
European societies, including Poland, are aging, and this increases the demand for health spending. The prices of new medicines and medical technologies will also increase. Health insurance funds will not be able to fully cover the growing demand for medical care. States will disclaim responsibility for the health of citizens. The proportion of patients paying for medical services will increase. There will be an increased interest in managing your own health, including self-care. The role of pharmacies in the market will change. As neighborhood facilities, they will be of assistance, providing pharmaceutical care. Patient support will be available in social media, as well as in various mobile applications. It will be helpful to use the achievements of behavioral economics to support the health of patients.
Społeczeństwa Europy, w tym także Polski, starzeją się, a to zwiększa popyt na wydatki w sferze zdrowia. Wzrastać też będą ceny nowych leków i technologii medycznych. Fundusze na ubezpieczenia zdrowotne nie będą mogły w pełni pokryć rosnącego popytu na świadczenia medyczne. Państwa będą się wycofywały z ponoszenia odpowiedzialności za zdrowie obywateli. Będzie wzrastał udział pacjentów za płacenie za usługi medyczne. Zwiększy się zainteresowanie dbałością o własne zdrowie, także samoopieką. Zmieni się rola aptek na rynku. Jako placówki z sąsiedztwa będą służyły pomocą, opieką farmaceutyczną. Wsparciem dla pacjentów będzie wiedza dostępna w mediach społecznościowych, także w różnych aplikacjach na telefony. Pomocne będzie korzystanie z osiągnięć ekonomii behawioralnej dla wspierania zdrowia pacjentów.
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