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The title of this article points to the progressivity of the didactic process in the area of simultaneous interpreting. The didactic process starts with exercises aimed at increasing the capacity of short-term memory, concentration, multi-tasking and memorising key information. Its last stage constitutes the execution of a project, i.e. a simulated commission that is received by a student acting as a simultaneous interpreter. The project requires the involvement of a team consisting of max. 10 persons, in which each member has a specific role to perform in a dynamic translational chain understood in terms of a communicative chain (cf. J. Żmudzki 2013). The aim of the article is thus to establish a model of teaching and developing translatoric skills (cf. S. Grucza 2008) in the area of simultaneous interpreting. The model consists of four stages: (a) warm-up, (b) source text analysis, (c) interpreting of the source text, (d) evaluation or self-evaluation. Such a model of simultaneous interpreting teaching is influenced by two factors presented in the article: (a) the intended learning outcomes, and (b) the problem catalogue, which is compiled based on students’ responses after their first simultaneous interpreting experience.
Our postmodern surrounding is forcing scientists to look for unconventional research methods that go beyond the commonly used measuring tools. The author presents possibilities of two dif¬ferent methods, which are derived from one methodological branch—ethnography, more pre¬cisely, one of the most typical methods of the scientific tradition which is observation. These are ‘mystery shopping’ and ‘shadowing.’ Starting with the primary role of observation in research and in science generally, the author shows the most important characteristics of both methods— their advantages and difficulties they brings. Researches done by “Regional Cultural Obser¬vatory” Adam Mickiewicz’s University show their practical application and the need to find new research tools that are designed to improve activity of cultural institutions. This publication is an attempt to reflect on whether or not to include ‘mystery shopping’ and ‘shadowing’ to the range of methods by examining local cultural and education leaders improving the quality of service in the institutions involved in the field of culture? Presented (relatively new) methods, based on different types of scientific observation, seem to be interesting, since using of their advantages in the study of culture can bring quaint results. Dynamically changing environment forces the constant search for new and effective methods and comprehensive data demonstrating a wide field of influence of different factors. These two methods open up great opportunities to generate them, and consequently enhance research in the field of culture.
Otaczająca nas ponowoczesna rzeczywistość zmusza badaczy kultury do poszukiwania nie-konwencjonalnych metod badawczych, wykraczających poza ramy powszechnie stosowanych, do tej pory, narzędzi pomiaru. Autor prezentuje możliwości, jakie dają dwie (odmienne od siebie) metody, które wywodzą się z jednej gałęzi metodologicznej – etnografii, a ściślej z jednej z najbardziej charakterystycznych metod tej tradycji naukowej, czyli obserwacji. Są to mystery shopping oraz shadowing. Wychodząc od pierwotnej roli obserwacji w badaniach i generalnie w nauce, ukazuje najistotniejsze cechy charakteryzujące obie metody – ich zalety i trudności, jakie niosą. Badania Centrum „Regionalne Obserwatorium Kultury” Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu pokazują praktyczne ich zastosowanie oraz potrzebę szukania nowych narzędzi badawczych, które mają służyć usprawnieniu działalności instytucji kultury. Autor publikacja zastanawia się, czy warto włączyć mystery shopping i shadowing do wachlarza stosowanych metod, badając lokalnych liderów edukacji kulturalnych czy podnosząc jakość obsługi w instytucjach związanych z obszarem kultury. Prezentowane (relatywnie nowe) metody, oparte na różnych typach obserwacji naukowej, wydają się być interesujące, gdyż wykorzystanie ich zalet w badaniach kultury może przynieść ciekawe wyniki. Dynamiczne zmieniające się otoczenie wymusza bowiem nieustanne poszu¬kiwania nowych, skutecznych metod i całościowych danych, ukazujących szerokie pole oddziaływania różnorodnych czynników. Opisane dwie metody otwierają duże możliwości ich pozyskania i w konsekwencji wzbogacania badań w obszarze kultury.
The article contains an analysis of the shadow economy at the time of quarantine restrictions and of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine using statistical, analytical and functional methods of scientific research. The aim of the study is to generalize the theoretical and methodological aspects of the shadow economy, to study the current state of shadow economy escalation in the conditions of quarantine restrictions and Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and to systematize possible ways of legalizing the economy. Such a socio-economic process as the shadow economy, represents a number of shifts in the state budget structure, in particular regarding the indicator of tax revenues. In the conditions of crisis, the shadow economy can become both a driving force for balancing the economy and a threat, not only economic, but also a social one. In this article, this issue will be considered in more detail. Therefore, the dynamics of changes in the shadow economy has been considered both according to certain methods of assessing its level to the official GDP volume, and also by various economic sectors during the quarantine restrictions according to the data of the Ministry of the Economy of Ukraine. A diagram of the shadow economy factors was also developed and possible effective changes were pro-posed to overcome them, from which it is clear that the shadow economy needs not only a perfect assessment and specific data for its analysis, but also improvement of the management system, quality of public services and the readiness of people to come out of the “shadow”.
The share of shadow economy in Ukraine is very difficult to be evaluated, because nowadays it is a part of all sectors of social life. Solving problems related to shadow economy requires concerted efforts of the state in all areas of economic and social policy. One thing is certain, the real participation of shadow economy is far bigger than the one which appears in data of Ukrainian and foreign experts. The part of shadow economy is so huge, that macro- and micro-economical indicators do not reflect the real state of economy in Ukraine. The fact is that legal system of Ukraine, in its current state, cannot counteract the corruption and money laundering in Ukraine, which increases the share of shadow economy in Ukraine. The strategic priorities of legalizing Ukraine’s economy at present stage are stimulation of investment processes, improving monetary policy, creating favorable conditions for business development, significant reduction and equalization of the tax burden, simplifying tax system, strengthening tax control in terms of production costs, efficient management of the public sector of economy, increased state oversight of public funds, loans and foreign investment, counteracting laundering of proceeds from crime, etc. To improve the quality of the fight against corruption, the following steps should be taken: continuing the development of the judiciary, taking actions to improve the independence of the judiciary, considering the problem of performance of a number of government agencies that are designed to coordinate the fight against corruption, reviewing principles of financial support for law enforcement agencies and providing measures to improve their wages. For majority of the Ukrainians illegal work in the black market, graft, corruption have become a part of life, which makes the possibility of joining the European Community for Ukraine very doubtful, without radical changes in society.
The current state of shadowing of the labour market is a threatening trend in national security of Ukraine, as it directly affects the socio-economic development of society. Shadow employment is considered as illegal involvement of an employee in economic activities by the employer. In view of this, we substantiate that the labour market with its destructive development may endanger the vital national interests of Ukraine as it covers the entire working population of the state and forms the economic potential of the state. With the help of PESTL-analysis, in order to identify large-scale problems of the labour market, the range of factors shadowing the labour and employment market, including political; economic; socio-demographic; regulatory. The study shows that the negative and destructive impact of these factors extends not only to the labour and employment market, but also to the economy, social protection, demographic situation and social development of Ukraine as a whole, which threatens the national security of Ukraine.
Obecny stan szarej strefy rynku pracy to zagrażający trend w bezpieczeństwie narodowym Ukrainy, gdyż bezpośrednio wpływa na rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy społeczeństwa. Zatrudnienie w szarej strefie traktowane jest jako nielegalne angażowanie się pracownika w działalność gospodarczą przez pracodawcę. W związku z tym uzasadniamy, że rynek pracy ze swym destrukcyjnym rozwojem może zagrażać interesom narodowym Ukrainy, gdyż obejmuje całą ludność pracującą państwa i tworzy jego potencjał gospodarczy. W celu zidentyfikowania wielkoskalowych problemów rynku pracy, szeregu czynników zacieniających rynek pracy i zatrudnienie, w tym regulacje polityczne, gospodarcze, społeczno-demograficzne, zastosowano analizę PESTL. Badanie wykazało, że negatywny i destrukcyjny wpływ tych czynników dotyczy nie tylko rynku pracy i zatrudnienia, ale także gospodarki, ochrony socjalnej, sytuacji demograficznej i rozwoju społecznego całej Ukrainy, co zagraża bezpieczeństwu narodowemu Ukrainy.
In the article, the research presents the drivers for the labor market and employment shadow-ing, the normative and legal factors in Ukraine, which are characterized by the following: the imperfection, obsolete domestic labor legislation, insufficient coherence of the corresponding normative legal acts and their provisions with international norms in the employment; low level of effectiveness of anticorruption legislation and state programs in the part of shadowing the labor market and employment of the population as an integral part of the state anti-corruption policy; the lack of effective regulatory and legal mechanisms of state administration to fight the shadow employment, adherence to legal social and labor relations in the field of employment; cumbersome tax system and instability of the taxation laws; excessive regulation of entrepreneurial activity and legal insecurity of economic entities in terms of the abuse by state controlling bodies. Taking into account the above we have found that one of the factors of the shadow processes of the labor market and employment in Ukraine is the imperfection of the regulatory framework, which does not facilitate the legalization of the labor market and employment of the population, but as a paradox - encourages the processes of shadowing.
Autorzy niniejszego artykułu podjęli próbę zbadania determinujących czynników sprzyjających ukraińskiemu rynkowi pracy i procesom zatrudnienia oraz czynników normatywnych i prawnych, które charakteryzuje: niedoskonałość; przestarzałe ukraińskie prawo pracy; niewystarczająca spójność odpowiednich normatywnych aktów prawnych i ich przepisów z międzynarodowymi normami w zatrudnieniu; niski poziom skuteczności ustawodawstwa antykorupcyjnego i programów państwowych śledzących rynek pracy i zatrudnienia - jako integralnej części państwowej polityki antykorupcyjnej; brak skutecznych mechanizmów regulacyjnych i prawnych administracji państwowej, które mogłyby zapewnić zwalczanie szarej strefy na rynku pracy, przestrzegania prawnych stosunków społecznych i stosunków pracy w dziedzinie zatrudnienia; kłopotliwy system podatkowy i niestabilność prawa podatkowego; brak bezpieczeństwa prawnego podmiotów gospodarczych w obliczu nadużyć ze strony państwowych organów kontrolujących. Biorąc pod uwagę powyższe autorzy stwierdzili, że niedoskonałość ram prawnych, nie ułatwia legalizacji rynku pracy i zatrudnienia ludzi, ale jako paradoks - zachęca do procesów związanych z nieformalnym zatrudnianiem na ukraińskim rynku pracy.
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