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The aim of the paper is to present a modernization project for the terminus at Redycka street in Wroclaw. The social amenity for the drivers and for the terminus staff has been designed. Additional equipment has been suggested, whose aim is to improve the terminus proper functioning. Also staff and passengers comfort has been taken into consideration. Proper pavement for the terminus has been designed as well.
The purpose of this article is to present the town hall in Lwowek Slaski and a related project “Shelter 1945 – a local meeting place” launched by Lwoweckie Towarzystwo Regionalne [Lwowek Regional Association], a local non-governmental organisation. The project centred on the restoration of the town hall’s basement chambers which now accommodate urban activity to help the residents to enrich their knowledge of the town.
Homelessness is a large problem nowadays. People who are homeless are faced with many social disadvantages which are very difficult for them. They don’t have any place of permanent resi­dence, they lose relationships with their families and they don’t have jobs. For these reasons the aim of this article is to describe impact of homeless people on changes in the structure of local self-government administration responsible for providing them shelter in the light of provisions of the act of September 5, 2016 amending the Act of March 12, 2004 on Social Assistance. Any amendment in law which regulates the structure of entities responsible for providing homeless shelter or standards of their services, should take into consideration any legal and non-legal consequence which it can cause. However, it is hard to predict all consequences, especially these negative, which amendments in law can cause.
Matthias Bel (1684–1749) in his work Notitia Hungariae Novae historico-geographica offered a contemporary view on the status, importance, response and particular facts about Hungarian counties within the Habsburg Monarchy. The study represents historical and geographical research of history and environmental issues of the Čertova pec Cave, which served as an occasional shelter for travellers and shepherds. Description of the subject is based on the text “Other places of discovery” in § XII. science section (Membrum primum physicum) of the general parts of Notitia of the Nitra County in the Kingdom of Hungary (1742). The “probe” into Bel’s characteristics of this topic has been realized through critical commentary on contemporary texts supplemented by literature and information obtained by studying old maps. Findings have been compared with the results of field research and author’s own knowledge of the subject.
Artykuł ma charakter empiryczny i stanowi podsumowanie kilkuletnich terenowych badań jakościowych poświęconych tematyce interakcji grupowych wśród wychowanków zakładów poprawczych i schronisk dla nieletnich. Poruszona została tutaj problematyka szeroko pojętych działań stygmatyzacyjnych na poziomie werbalnym i niewerbalnym, dziewcząt i chłopców zarówno wobec siebie (działania autostygmatyzacyjne), jak i siebie nawzajem. W artykule omówione zostały także uwarunkowania leżące u podstaw praktyk stygmatyzacyjnych, inicjowanych przez wychowanków, które determinują ich społeczną percepcję. Analiza materiału empirycznego dokonana została z perspektywy teorii naznaczania oraz koncepcji habitusu Pierre’a Bourdieu oraz Jeana Claude’a Passerona.
The following paper encompasses results of a few years of qualitative field study concerning group interactions among juvenile delinquents from reformatories and shelters. In the article there is discussed the problem of practices oriented on stigmatization both in verbal and nonverbal terms initiated by female and male juveniles. There are discussed conditions lying under self-stigmatization practices taken by inmates, which determine their social perception. In analyses there was helpful habitus theory by Pierre Bourdieu and Jean Claude Passeron but also conceptions of Erving Goffman encompassing social construction of stigma.
Charitable work in the Orthodox Church on the territories of the Republic of Poland was carried on mainly on the basis of Orthodox brotherhoods set up as institutions affiliated to churches or monasteries. The brotherhoods were established on a larger scale from the beginning of the 16th century in towns situated on the Eastern lands of the Polish-Lithuanian state. Members of the brotherhoods were called „brothers of mercy”, as they practiced „mercy and pious deeds”. The brotherhoods established and maintained hospitals for the poor, they organized aid for the sick and old, gave away alms, took care of funerals, organized relief and loan associations, pupils' dormitories, and a variety of charitable funds. The most intensive development of the Orthodox brotherhoods fell on the end of the 16th and the first half of the 17th centuries. In the 18th century apart from the brotherhoods already working, Uniate confraternities were affiliated to Orthodox churches. They were modeled after Orthodox associations also conducting charitable work, albeit to a lesser degree. Besides brotherhoods social care was conducted in the Orthodox Church on the basis of hospitals–shelters. Ruthenian shelters were established in bigger towns that were centers of Ruthenian settlement movement, and at the same time of the work of Orthodox brotherhoods that controlled them. After the Brest Union of 1596 also the Uniate Church established its shelters. Moreover, in the Eastern Church charitable work was also conducted by monks in monasteries (Basilian monks), establishing hospitals at their monasteries, or giving away alms at the monastery gates. In Lvov and Zamość also believers of the Armenian rite had their hospitals.
In recent years, in particular after 2015, tenths of thousands of unaccompanied children have arrived in Europe, mostly in Greece and Italy, escaping from war, conflicts and other hardships they were faced with in their countries of origin. A considerable number of them are very young (under 14 years) and extremely vulnerable. The challenge for Europe, in line with the obligations deriving from UNCRC, is to offer them a safe, appropriate environment to live and to carefully examine and protect all their rights, including their protection from violence and exploitation and access to education, health and social participation. In this direction and following EU action plans and decisions, European states are expected to further share responsibilities, collaborate and take all appropriate measures to fully protect the rights of these children.
Minimalizm w życiu to droga do prostoty,"mniej znaczy więcej". Może więc Tiny House jest w jakimś stopniu rozwiązaniem na to, co nas otacza w architekturze? Początki Tiny Houses Movenent pojawiły się w Stanach zjednoczonych, ale obecnie rozwijają się one na całym świecie. Małe domy, ich coraz szersza gama, to nie tylko architektura, ale w coraz większym stopniu styl i filozofia życia. Każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie - domy z paczki, modułowe, kampery, chaty, domki podmiejskie i plomby architektoniczne. W artykule autor przedstawia początki minimalizmu, systematyzuje rodzaje Mini Domów oraz dokonuje ich oceny. Tiny House to życie poste oraz uporządkowane, jednak dla architekta na pewno zadanie (nie)minimalistyczne. To projektowe wyzwanie.
Minimalism in our life is a way to simplicity, limiting unnecessary things, duties and activities in every area of our lives. "Less means more". So maybe Tiny House is somewhat a solution to what surrounds us in architecture? The beginnings of Tiny Houses Movenent appeared in the United States, but are currently developing all over the world. Small houses, their ever wider range, are not only architecture but increasingly the style and philosophy of life. Everyone will find something for himself. Package houses, modular houses, motorhomes, huts, suburban houses and architectural seals. Tiny Hause is a poste and orderly life, but definitely for architect is (not) minimalist. It is a design challenge.
Artykuł dotyczy działalności charytatywnej klasztorów eparchii kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX w. Pokazuje, że działalność dobroczynna Cerkwi prawosławnej osiągnęła swój szczyt w okresie poreformacyjnym. Polegała ona na zaopatrzeniu szkół, szpitali, sierocińców, przytułków i hoteli dla ubogich i pielgrzymów. Kijowskie eparchie klasztorne: a) rozdzielały jałmużnę, organizowały bezpłatne obiady, udzielały pomocy materialnej i medycznej, b) zajmowały się sprawami oświaty poprzez zakładanie szkół parafialnych, c) wspierały przytułki, pomagając chorym, samotnym starszym ludziom, osobom specjalnej troski i chorym psychicznie. Na początku I wojny światowej kijowskie klasztory eparchiczne aktywnie zaangażowały się w niesienie pomocy ludności oraz zakładanie i utrzymywanie przytułków dla dzieci (sierot) poległych żołnierzy. Takim dzieciom zapewniono należytą opiekę i terminową pomoc lekarską. Instytucje charytatywne na terenie kijowskich klasztorów eparchii działały kosztem środków pochodzących z ich działalności gospodarczej oraz darowizn od osób prywatnych. Klasztory eparchii kijowskiej obejmowały największą liczbę szpitali i przytułków ze wszystkich funkcjonujących na terenie ówczesnej guberni kijowskiej.
The article deals with charitable activities of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents during the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. It shows that charitable activities of the Orthodox church reached its peak in the post-reform period. The charitable activities within the specified time frame lay in the provision of schools, hospitals, orphanages, almshouses, and hotels for the poor and pilgrims. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents a) distributed alms, organized free lunches, provided material and medical assistance, b) handled education issues by establishing parish schools, c) supported almshouses by aiding sick people, lonely elderly people, people with special needs, and the mentally ill. At the beginning of World War I, Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents became actively involved in the provision of assistance to the population, as well as the establishment and maintenance of shelters for children (orphans) of fallen soldiers. Such children were provided with proper care and timely medical assistance. Charitable institutions at the premises of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents operated at the expense of funds received from their economic activities, as well as donations from private individuals. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents  comprised the greatest number of hospitals and almshouses of all those operating in the territory of the then Kyiv Governorate.
Sukkot is a festival that occurs in autumn and finishes the agricultural cycle of holidays in the Old Testament. It  reflects divine care of his own people. In the eschatological texts of the Old Testament, the term “Sukkot” refers to a new, changed reality. Prophet Ezekiel recognizes only two holidays in eschatological times: Pesach and Sukkot. Zechariah leaves only one term “Sukkot” and connects it with a general concept of the conversion of all nations to God in Jerusalem. Jesus gives the eschatological significance to the meaning of Sukkot when he refers to himself in the texts of the New Testament (Mt 17: 1–8; 21: 1–9; 33–34; Mk 9: 2–8). In theological sense Jesus becomes “sukka” – “the shelter.” Eschatological meaning of Sukkot fulfills itself in a gift of salvation in Jesus and through Jesus. He becomes the climax of salvation. Jesus is the eschatological, ritual and theological meaning of shelter, water and light.
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