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Social campaigns are a tool to promote ideas and attitudes, being at the same time a way of activating recipients to take pro-social behaviors and eliminating attitudes that negatively affect the health, life and development of society. In the current era social campaigns are seen as an element increasing the efficiency of operations in the field of public health or safety, because they have instruments thanks to which a particular social group can be reached. Social advertising, which is a persuasive message should induce attitudes and behaviors socially desirable and provoking abandonment of behaviors that violate the legal order or sense of social security. Examples include social advertising directed to people who are participants in road traffic. The purpose of these projects is to make positive changes in behaviour among all road users and to respect the dangers and consequences of making decisions that violate the law. Also, the governmental programme „Safer Together” has been integrated into the campaign to counteract unwanted traffic incidents and their consequences. His overriding goal, among others, was reducing the scale of phenomena and behavior creating a sense of danger in society. This programme combined actions of many entities including the police, government and local administration, as well as the social partners interested in improving public safety and order. Activity in this field educated and shaped a conscious and cultural participant of the road traffic; It has disseminated the principles of road rescue, first aid and, in particular, the promotion of traffic safety measures. Presented work is an attempt to answer the question of the quality and effects of an integrated approach to road safety issues under the „Safer Total” programme conducted in years 2007‒2015 and social campaigns.
The article is an attempt to analyse campaigns to promote reading, including You don’t read? I won’thave sex with you, Read – pick-up, or Naked girl reading, and related concepts aiming to present a book and the very act of reading as a new attribute of attractiveness. The main aim of such initiatives is primarily a presentation of the book as a "sexual attribute" and to demonstrate the relationship between reading and intellectual attractiveness. Campaigns designed in that way, aimed at "sexualisation of literature", provoke a question about the effectiveness of such projects. The process of reading is subject to all kinds of fashions, and analysing such promotional campaigns reveals the modern reader profile and his or her reading needs, as well as the relationship between reading choices and image creation.
Artykuł dotyczy sposobu przedstawiania osób niepełnosprawnych w środkach masowego przekazu. Mimo że obecnie promuje się ideę integracji i równości szans, osoby te często przedstawiane są w masowych mediach w sposób stereotypowy, co w znaczący sposób wpływa na postrzeganie osób niepełnosprawnych przez społeczeństwo. Artykuł omawia najczęściej spotykany obraz osób niepełnosprawnych w mediach oraz kontrowersje związane z próbami przełamania stereotypów, bazując na przykładach z mediów polskich i zagranicznych.
The article concerns the manner in which disabled people are presented in the mass media. Despite the current promotion of the idea of integration and equal opportunities, disabled people are often portrayed in the media in a stereotypical way, which significantly influences their perception in society. The article discusses the most common imagery of people with disabilities in the media and controversies associated with the attempts to challenge stereotypes. It is based on examples from both Polish and foreign media.
The aim of this study is to analyse educational social projects conducted by NGOs in the field of development aid. The educational role of Polish NGOs, implemented through public campaigns and discussed in the context of similar activities undertaken by non-governmental organizations in the world, shows that this is an area of social marketing, which has been evolving since Poland joined the European Union and is still developing. It has been presented by the professionalization of NGOs, including the search for modern communication tools and work on the image of the organization. Organizing social campaigns, often in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, may increase the level of knowledge in society, and furthermore increase public participation in development aid, as well as increase social support for activities of the government in this area.
In times of the current climate and ecological crisis, actions to counteract the problems that generate it are extremely important. The purpose of this chapter is to analyze issues related to vegetarianism from an ecological perspective and to show that a plant-based diet, or one that restricts the consumption of meat and dairy products, is to some extent a salvation for the climate and the environment. This chapter has three main parts. The first deals with the most important issues related to vegetarianism, both in the context of diet and in the ethical dimension, such as the excessive exploitation of animals by humans and cruelty towards them, which is the starting point for further analysis. After that the chapter focuses on the issues of factory farming and consumption of animal products on a large scale. It presents a number of environmental and climate problems caused by these issues. These matters are discussed primarily as part of the analysis of scientific research in this area. On this basis, it was found, that if people do not follow the current recommendations to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products, it will make other measures to prevent the advancing climate and ecological crisis ineffective. The last part of the chapter deals with the actions that the third sector is taking to solve these problems. This is illustrated by the example of two non-governmental organizations – Otwarte Klatki and Greenpeace. The chapter highlights the fact that such organizations can encourage positive behaviors and attitudes by promoting a plant-based diet, and may play an important role in terms of systemic change. Moreover, it is signaled that their social campaigns concerning the promotion of a menu excluding meat constitute one of the directions of pro-ecological activities in this context.
Social or Individual? The Model of Disability in Effective Social Campaigns
The article describes synthetically the issues and possibilities of social marketing use for the support of children and families mainly in the area of mass and media communication. It describes classical understanding of social marketing, social advertising, the basics of their functioning and outlines the process of evolution of social marketing together with present changes within the aspects of using its tools, campaign organization and styles of communication. The article points to the possibilities and practices in using social marketing by institutions supporting children and families, also civic organizations and care units.
Artykuł opisuje w syntetycznym ujęciu, kwestie i możliwości wykorzystywania marketingu społecznego na rzecz wsparcia dzieci i rodzin przede wszystkim w płaszczyźnie komunikacji masowej i medialnej. Omówione zostało klasyczne rozumienie marketingu społecznego, reklamy społecznej, podstawowych zasad ich funkcjonowania, a także zarysowane zostały kwestie ewolucji marketingu społecznego oraz obecnych zmian w aspektach wykorzystywanych jego instrumentów, organizacji kampanii oraz stylów komunikacji. W artykule wskazano na możliwości i praktykę wykorzystywania marketingu społecznego przez instytucje wsparcia dzieci i rodziny, w tym jednostki pomocowe oraz organizacje obywatelskie.
Rządowe komunikowanie kampaniami wskazuje adresatom ścieżkę zachowań prospołecznych, starając się jednocześnie zniechęcić ich do zachowań społecznie destrukcyjnych. Dzięki nim poinformowana zbiorowość społeczna przeobraża się w zbiorowość świadomą, aktywną i chętną do zarówno indywidualnego, jak i zbiorowego działania w formie społecznego dyskursu. Podjęcie problemu badawczego artykułu spowodowane zostało widocznie zarysowaną, zwłaszcza w mediach społecznościowych, wysoką reaktywnością dyskusyjną polskiego społeczeństwa na komunikowanie polityczne Ministerstwa Zdrowia w Polsce za pośrednictwem informacyjnych kampanii społecznych w związku z sytuacją ogólnoświatowej pandemii COVID-19 wywołanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2. Celem artykułu uczyniono nie tylko ukazanie możliwości wykorzystywania kampanii społecznych w obszarze komunikowania politycznego, ale przede wszystkim zobrazowanie dyskursu polskiego społeczeństwa w mediach społecznościowych jako impulsywnej i emocjonalnej odpowiedzi na rządową nieumiejętność komunikowania kampaniami. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na błędy rządzących zauważone i podkreślone przez społeczeństwo w licznych komentarzach, wyłamujący się spod kontroli władzy.
Public service campaigns and communications disseminated by the government is aimed at highlighting proper and pro-social behaviors, while trying to discourage socially destructive ones. As a result of their dissemination, an informed social collective is transformed into a collective that is aware, active and willing to act on an individual and collective level within the framework of social discourse. Taking up the research problem presented in this paper was caused by the highly visible – in particular in social media – debate undertaken by the Polish society, which concerned the political communications offered by the Polish Ministry of Health as part of its public service announcements published in connection with the global COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The aim of the paper is not only to showcase the possibilities afforded by using social campaigns in the field of political communications, but above all to illustrate the discourse of the Polish society in social media as an impulsive and emotional response to the government's inability to communicate using such campaigns. Particular attention was paid to the government’s mistakes noted and highlighted by the public in numerous comments, which slipped through cracks in government's control.
Theoretical background: The value of a given project (including those of a pro-social nature) is determined by a number of factors, not only those of a financial nature. Within the corporate social responsibility concept, ethics was indicated as one of the factors influencing the value of the project. Currently, one of the problems in the field of ethics is the widespread online hate speech, affecting also the effectiveness of the processes of building the value of pro-social activities that fit into the concept of social marketing. Hate speech has come to form a significant portion of online communication. Only in the first quarter of 2022, Facebook removed 15.1 million pieces of content with hate speech, constituting only a minor part of the problem. Purpose of the article: The authors have noted a research gap in the area of analysing the impact of hate speech on building the value of pro-social activities. The intention of the authors was to evaluate whether the analysis of the phenomenon in question will allow to verify whether there is a relationship between online hate speech and building the value of online pro-social activities. The following research question was formulated: Can online hate speech have an impact on building the value of pro-social activities? Research methods: The authors decided that the quality dimension of the conducted studies should have the form of an individual in-depth interview (the author’s perspective) and a focus group interview supplemented with projection techniques – connotation test, evaluation of emotions and level of controversy (the perspective of the user of social media). Main findings: Hate actions significantly impede the functioning of profile with pro social content which is meant to function as the so-called safe space, which may have an impact on building the value of the influencer’s pro-social activities. During the interview with the recipients of controversial social campaigns, the occurrence of contradictory emotions was confirmed. The paper may offer a basis for further deepened scientific studies in the area of building the value of pro-social activities and a guideline for authors of social activities. Further research in the discussed direction may indicate new modes of using the social media with the participation of influencers who are active in the pro-social area and who have a community of engaged followers.
The traditional (neoclassical) economics assumes that every individual is egoistically oriented towards achieving its main goal (its own interest), which is to maximize utility. However, in many studies referring to various aspects of human behavior, behavioral economics proves that human choices vary depending on the circumstances, place, time, norms and social influences, emotional judgments, cognitive distortions and biases, simplifying reasoning principles applied (heuristics) and at the same time on how and in what circumstances the choice is made (the choice architecture). The objective of the article is to define the concepts of behavioral economics which are the most interesting from the point of view of increasing the effectiveness of social campaigns. The implementation of this goal was carried out based on literature studies. They allowed to determine that among the concepts of behavioral economics, the greatest impact on campaign effectiveness have: an appeal to social norms, financial incentives and appropriate framing of messages. Although they do not exhaust the list of possibilities for influencing the behavior of individuals, their use by architects of choice (creators of social campaigns) may contribute to directing people to make more reasonable (in their own and social assessment) decisions and to make better choices, without forcing anyone to make specific results.
Tradycyjna (neoklasyczna) ekonomia zakłada, że każda jednostka jest egoistycznie zorientowana na osiągnięcie swojego głównego celu, którym jest maksymalizacja użyteczności. Ekonomia behawioralna w wielu badaniach odnoszących się do różnych aspektów ludzkiego zachowania dowodzi, że ludzkie wybory różnią się w zależności od okoliczności, miejsca, czasu, wyznawanych norm i wpływów społecznych, emocjonalnych osądów, skrzywień i błędów poznawczych, stosowanych upraszczających reguł wnioskowania (heurystyk), a jednocześnie od tego, w jaki sposób i w jakich okolicznościach wybór jest dokonywany (architektury wyboru). Celem artykułu jest zdefiniowanie pojęć ekonomii behawioralnej, które są najbardziej interesujące z punktu widzenia zwiększenia skuteczności kampanii społecznych. Cel osiągnięto dzięki przeprowadzeniu studiów literaturowych, które pozwoliły na określenie, że wśród koncepcji ekonomii behawioralnej mających największy wpływ na skuteczność kampanii można wyróżnić przede wszystkim: odwołanie się do norm społecznych, zachęty finansowe oraz odpowiednie ramowanie komunikatów. Chociaż nie wyczerpują one możliwości wpływania na zachowania jednostek, to ich zastosowanie przez architektów wyboru (twórców kampanii społecznych) może się przyczyniać do nakierowania ludzi na podejmowanie bardziej rozsądnych (w ich własnej i społecznej ocenie) decyzji i dokonywania lepszych wyborów, nie zmuszając nikogo do uzyskania określonych rezultatów.
La communication aura pour l’objet d’examiner les particularités du discours persuasif des campagnes sociétales pour y relever des stratégies les plus fréquentes et pour comprendre par quels moyens linguistiques les experts en marketing sociétal tendent à éveiller les émotions du destinataire. On se penchera sur le rôle de trois opérations discursives, notamment enseigner, plaire et émouvoir dans le discours des campagnes sociétales en mettant l’accent sur la publicité qui fait l’appel à la peur et à la provocation. Notre analyse sera basée sur un corpus constitué par les slogans, les affiches et les vidéos des campagnes sociétales relevées sur les sites français, polonais et italiens.
The present article aims at analysing the persuasive strategies that the authors of the social campaigns use in order to change the opinions and attitude of their audiences. The scope of the article is to examine the persuasive force of the words used in the slogans of the social campaigns as well as the evocative power of the images on the posters and videos. For this, it will focus on the three objectives of the persuasive discourse, i.e. teaching, pleasing and touching the audience, and examine them in the context of social campaigns that use fear and provocation to achieve their aims. The analysis is based on a corpus of slogans, posters and videos of French, Polish and Italian social campaigns.
Artykuł prezentuje kwestie bezpieczeństwa dzieci i młodzieży w przestrzeni wirtualnej. Dorośli są zobowiązani do zapewnienia młodemu pokoleniu bezpieczeństwa w różnych wymiarach, zarówno w tradycyjnej przestrzeni społecznej jak i w przestrzeni wirtualnej (cyberprzestrzeni). Współcześnie, młodzi ludzie, dla których media cyfrowe są nieodłącznym elementem ich codzienności, są narażeni na wiele niebezpieczeństw napływających z cyberprzestrzeni. W artykule zaprezentowano przykłady działań profilaktycznych i edukacyjnych, które należy podejmować, aby zapewnić młodemu pokoleniu bezpieczne funkcjonowanie w świecie realnym i wirtualnym. Omawiane kwestie poruszane są w kontekście interdyscyplinarnym.
The article presents issues of children and youth’s safety in virtual space. Adults are obliged to ensure that young people will be safe in different dimensions, both in traditional social space and in virtual space (cyberspace). Contemporary, young people for whom the digital media are inseparable part of their every-day reality, are exposed to many incoming cyber dangers. In the article the examples of prevention and educational activities are presented. They must be taken to ensure that the young will be safely work in real and virtual world. The issues are discussed in interdisciplinary context.
Wśród narzędzi komunikowania używanych przez organizatorów publicznych kampanii informacyjnych coraz częściej znajdują się media społecznościowe, w tym Twitter. Dotyczy to także wywołujących żywe debaty kontrowersyjnych zagadnień społecznych, ideowych, politycznych i obyczajowych, jak np. związki tej samej płci. Analiza komunikowania za pomocą Twittera, które amerykańskie i polskie organizacje wspierające związki tej samej płci prowadziły w 2015 roku, posłużyła do sformułowania wniosków o roli Twittera w nowoczesnych kampaniach informacyjnych i edukacyjnych.
Public awareness campaigns have begun to actively use social media, including Twitter. This also concerns controversial social and political issues, new ideas and habits, arousing hot debates, as exemplified by same-sex unions. This chapter investigates the use of Twitter communication by the Polish and American organizations supporting same-sex unions in 2015. It serves as a case study to formulate conclusions about the role of Twitter in modern informational and educational campaigns.
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