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EU integration has set challenges for the regions in the Eastern Poland, espe-cially in the field of economic development to minimalize internal differences on the one site, but also it needed to improve the new methods of cooperation between the public entities located in the border area on the field of public tasks . Podkarpackie Voivodship in Poland is the one of the regions in which you record-ed the lowest indexes of development . The tool to improve the situation is appro-priate development planning taking into account the potential of location and cross-border cooperation .The article presents the legal basis and real course of the cross-border coopera-tion in Podkarpackie Voivodship . Formal possibilities are the associations and oth-ers contractual forms permitted under national law . Regional authorities use all available instruments including the financial support from EU programs . Effec-tiveness of this activity is changed and is subject of various restriction . One of the most important changes, positive, is the assumption of the territorial allocation of founds dedicated to support areas located on the eastern border of EU in the perspective 2014-2020 and inclusion of cooperation in a number of development priorities set out in strategic documents .
The Tourism Development Strategy of Wielkopolska Province for 2020 year has a prosocial orientation and is geared towards the development of Wielkopolska, increasing the attractiveness of its tourism, and thus improving the quality of life of its inhabitants and increasing the quality of services. The implementation of the provisions included in this document will have a positive impact on the protection of the natural and cultural environment and the landscape. The document indicates directions of changes which can be expected as a result of implementing the Strategy and proposes ways to minimize and compensate for the negative impacts associated with the implementation of the strategy. The directions of intervention outlined in this document, which were assessed as environmentally sound in their individual components, should be treated as comprehensive measures of preventing or reducing risks and negative environmental impacts. On the other hand, the promotion of investment plans concerning the leisure infrastructure and the accompanying transportation and technical infrastructure were assessed as either hardly beneficial or even unfavorable to the environment. An improvement of the natural environment is an important prerequisite of the development of various forms of tourism. The unfavorable state of the environment is often a barrier to the tourist use of a given asset. The Tourism Development Strategy is not a scientific document and is accessible to anyone interested, which is its great advantage.
issue 318
131 - 146
The concept of sustainable regional development is a relatively new issue, which is the main object of traditional regional policy. According to the idea of sustainable development, regional equality development should be concentrated on sustainable development, prudent management and protection of nature and cultural heritage. The strategic regional document should take into account these guidelines, particularly sustainable development of the spatial structure. The main aspect of this study was to show the level of implementation of the idea of sustainable development at the regional level, with particular emphasis on spatial policy of the country. Poland is still at the stage of introducing the necessary changes that will improve the quality of the living space. The regional strategic and planning document disregards and does not respect the principles of sustainable development. This attitude is apposed to the European approach where the aim of spatial development policies is to work toward a balanced sustainable development.
The article focuses on knowledge regimes within the normative discourse of the reform of Czech educational curricula. Engaging with the relational ontology of ‘third-wave sociology of education’, the article presents a qualitative analysis of strategic documents that sheds light on the divergent systems of reasons for particular educational changes. The research traced legitimising (justifying and criticising) strategies in authorised documents (governmental organisations) and non-authorised (NGOs and transnational organisations) in the 2010–2017 period. These findings point to the existence of several significantly divergent knowledge ‘micro-regimes’ that produce various contradictions and tensions on the level of regimes, documents, and the meaning of ‘competent’ actors. The research tracked the different relationships between managerial, expert, revisionist, revising, and adaptation regimes. It demonstrated that contemporary Czech attempts to reach a consensus over the goals of education across society are paralysed by a number of contradictory legitimisations rather than one hegemonic discourse.
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Hybrid warfare challenges

In this article, hybrid warfare challenges and their impact on the evolution of warfare in the new dynamic security environment are analysed. The aim of the research was to identify hybrid threats, explore the complexity of the hybrid conflict that involves professional Armed Forces and irregular (paramilitary) forces. The research has been conducted through two case studies of hybrid warfare: the Israeli - Lebanese conflict in 2006 and the Lebanese militia organisation Hezbollah as a prototype of hybrid opponents; and the contemporary hybrid conflict in Ukraine through the Russian paradigm of hybrid warfare. The conducted research showed that the decisive role that influenced the outcome of the conflict belonged either to rapidness or inertia in of the making of political decisions. The research results showed further that revision of the existing strategic and doctrinal documents are required, as well as reorganisation of the national security system (and the Armed Forces as part of it), without which they will not be able to deal successfully with the dynamic nature of future conflict and complexity of threats (“synergy of threats”). The political decision is the most essential parameter for sizing military organisation. The rapidity of response in the event of emergencies (especially outside the national territory) also depends on the promptness of political decisions in order to activate the Armed Forces.
Since 2009 the new management system of development has been in operation in Poland. Strategic planning and the programming of development are of special importance in this system. The article aims to characterise the main strategic documents in the new management system of development in Poland with a particular attention paid to the strategic areas and priorities of development. The author put forward the hypothesis indicating that a new management system of development seems to be hierarchical in nature and strategic documents are mutually coherent and interconnected. Moreover, a development policy has been designed as a regionally and thematically concentrated one.
Od 2009 r. tworzony jest w Polsce nowy system zarządzania rozwojem, w którym szczególne znaczenie przypada planowaniu strategicznemu oraz programowaniu rozwoju. Kształtowanie polityki rozwoju określają dokumenty strategiczne nowej generacji, do których należą: Długookresowa Strategia Rozwoju Kraju Polska 2030. Trzecia fala nowoczesności (DSRK), Strategia Rozwoju Kraju 2020. Aktywne społeczeństwo, konkurencyjna gospodarka, sprawne państwo (SRK 2020) oraz dziewięć strategii rozwoju (tzw. strategie zintegrowane). Jedną z nich jest Strategia innowacyjności i efektywności gospodarki. Autorka stawia tezę, że nowy system zarządzania rozwojem w Polsce ma charakter hierarchiczny, a dokumenty strategiczne są spójne i powiązane ze sobą. Poza tym polityka rozwoju jest skoncentrowana terytorialnie oraz tematycznie. Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie głównych dokumentów strategicznych w nowym systemie zarządzania rozwojem w Polsce ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na obszary strategiczne oraz cele i priorytety rozwojowe. Nowy paradygmat zarządzania rozwojem w Polsce oznacza między innymi świadomą strategię realizacji celów przy wykorzystaniu funduszy unijnych oraz więcej kompetencji otrzymanych przez samorządy. Szczególnym elementem nowego systemu zarządzania rozwojem są strategie rozwoju regionów, powiatów oraz gmin.
Artykuł stanowi krytyczne omówienie rządowego dokumentu Krajowa Polityka Miejska (KPM 2014), podjęte z perspektywy nauk politycznych. Autor wskazuje na podstawowe wady dokumentu, związane z pominięciem istotnych działań rządu wpływających na rozwój miast, takich jak: zmiany podziału administracyjnego, tworzenie i znoszenie instytucji publicznych finansowanych z budżetu centralnego, restrukturyzacja gospodarki. Badacz przedstawia brak spójności między definicją miast jako miejsc skupienia nauki i biznesu a zaproponowaną hierarchią ośrodków miejskich, ściśle związaną z ich statusem administracyjnym (stolice województw). Opisuje próby narzucania przez rząd władzom lokalnym działań, w sferze których powinny one korzystać z właściwej samorządowi autonomii (partycypacja obywatelska, procesy suburbanizacji, rozwiązania komunikacyjne).
The article offers a critical review of the government document “National Urban Policy” (2014) from the viewpoint of political science. The author points out the fundamental flaws in the document related to the omission of important government actions influencing the development of cities, including changes in the administrative division of Poland, the establishment and closure of public institutions financed from the central budget, or restructuring of the economy. The article underlines a lack of consistency between the definition of cities as areas of concentration of economic activity and scientific institutions, and the proposed hierarchy of urban centres closely related to their administrative status (as regional capitals). The text also describes government attempts to impose certain policies in the area studied on local authorities where the latter should enjoy due autonomy (public participation, urban sprawl processes, transportation systems).
Nasilający się i utrwalający problem bezdomności i wykluczenia mieszkaniowego stanowi wyzwanie dla wielu dzisiejszych społeczeństw. Wyzwanie tym większe, że problem identyfikowany jest jako względnie nowy i niedostatecznie jeszcze rozpoznany. W artykule podjęto próbę spojrzenia na bezdomność jako formę wykluczenia społecznego przez pryzmat obowiązujących dokumentów strategicznych i programowych różnego szczebla. W pierwszej części artykułu dokonano przeglądu definicji zjawiska, scharakteryzowano jego zasięg i poddano analizie w kontekście współczesnych debat nad wykluczeniem społecznym i underclass. W części drugiej skoncentrowano się wokół wybranych aktów prawnych i dokumentów programowych o zasięgu europejskim, krajowym i lokalnym, starając się odpowiedzieć, na ile obecna jest w nich problematyka bezdomności i wykluczenia mieszkaniowego. Podniesiono także kwestię złożoności zjawiska, co wymaga uwzględniania w jego analizie wielu aspektów szeroko rozumianej polityki społecznej (pomocy społecznej, polityki mieszkaniowej, polityki rynku pracy, oświatowej czy zdrowotnej) w kontekście zwalczania problemu, jak i zapobiegania jego powstawaniu (działania prewencyjne, interwencyjne i readaptacyjne).
The escalating and strengthening problem of homelessness and flat exclusion is the challenge for many contemporary societies. This problem is identified as relatively new and it is insufficiently recognized so far. In the article the authoress proposes to keep the phenomenon of homelessness understood as a form of social exclusion through the prism of applicable strategic and programmatic documents. In the first part of her paper the authoress reviews definitions of the homelessness, characterizes its dimension an analyses in the context of present discussions about social exclusion and underclass. In the second part, the authoress analyses the selected European, national and local juridical acts as well as policy statements and is concerned with the issue of presence the homelessness and flat exclusion aspects in these documents. She raises the problem of complexity of the phenomenon. This character implies multiplicity of aspects that should be taken into consideration while conducting analyzes of the widely understood social policy (social assistance, flat policy, labor market policy, education and health policy), especially when the resolution of this problem is in search (preventive influences, intervention and readaptation).
W opracowaniu zaprezentowano w historycznym zarysie koncepcje strategiczne rozwoju obszarów wiejskich i rolnictwa (szerzej: sektora rolno-spożywczego) i ich wdrożenie w Polsce w latach 1990‒2020. W rozważaniach tych uwzględniono kompatybilność owych dokumentów z normami ogólnokrajowymi oraz unijnymi. Dla ich przedstawienia przyjęto dwa okresy przemian, tj. początkowy transformacji systemowej i stowarzyszenia ze strukturami unijnymi oraz pełnego członkostwa Polski w UE. W artykule scharakteryzowano także przemiany polskiego sektora rolno-spożywczego w świetle wielkości średniounijnych (UE-24) przed i po akcesji Polski do UE. W ostatniej części opracowania omówiono główne treści diagnozy, założenia i wymogi realizacyjne aktualnie wdrażanej Strategii Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Wsi, Rolnictwa i Rybactwa na lata 2012‒2020.
The paper presents a historical overview of strategic concepts for rural and agriculture development (broadly: agriculture and food sector) and their implementation in Poland between 1990‒2020. In this article the compatibility of these documents with the national and EU ones was considered. For their presentation, the two periods of changes were presented, that is the initial transformation and association with EU structures as well as complete Polish membership in the EU. The article also describes the transformation of Polish agricultural and food sector in the light of the middle European size (EU24) before and after the Polish accession to the EU. In the last part of the paper the author discusses the main content of the diagnosis, assumptions and requirements currently implemented for realization of the Sustainable Rural Development, Agriculture and Fisheries 2012‒2020.
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