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Using a surname as a trademark or part of a trademark has been the subject of numerous case-laws and has been widely discussed in the literature. However, it seems that after the Messi case (cases C-449/18 P and C-474/18 P), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) seems to have departed from their previous approach where it was held that surnames in trademarks should be treated as normal signs. In the Messi case, the CJEU, however, ruled that the reputation of Messi – an internationally famous football player – is so well known that an average consumer, seeing the ‘MESSI’ mark placed on clothing, gymnastic or sporting articles and protective equipment, will establish a link between the mark and the sports personality, despite the similarity between the ‘MESSI’ mark to the ‘MASSI’ brand name, a previously registered trademark. However, this ruling gives rise to the following questions, which this article seeks to address: - How can one prove that someone’s surname is globally recognised? - Why did the CJEU decide that Messi is better known than, for instance, Picasso who was the subject of the previous case? Who else can be as famous as Messi if Picasso was held not to be? - Has Messi changed the CJEU’s approach and opened the floodgates to expand trademark protection for an unlimited number of trademarks?
The text takes up the problem of the role of names in human life. The author refers to the identifying and ordering role of each person’s name in legal relations; she recognizes that the surname is a personal right and, moreover, that it is part of the marital status disclosed in marital status records. The surname also indicates the particular familylegal relationship of a person, both in terms of being married and being descended from certain parents.The text relates first of all to the method of establishing the surname for a child coming from spouses, and then to the child’s situation in the face of their parents’ divorce and of using the possibility of returning to the surname before marriage. The choice of the child’s name is not arbitrary. The Act regulates in detail the method and timing of selecting a child’s name. As a rule, in the case of a spouse’s child, the child’s surname remains associated with the presumption of descent from the mother’s husband.The article goes on to deal with the issue of the surname being changed by the parents following a divorce and the lack of influence of this decision on a change in the child’s surname. When a parent decides to return to their pre-marriage surname, they exercise their own right, the effects of which do not extend to the child.The author analyzes the impact of changing the parent’s surname in connection with entering into a new marriage, as well as the admissibility of changing the surname under administrative procedure, extending these effects to the situation of the minor’s surname. The text indicates a number of factors from which the law makes it possible to change a child’s surname. In the discussion, the author comes to the conclusion that changing a surname in the administrative mode remains independent of the situations indicated in the Family Code, which means that it should take place only exceptionally and solely for important reasons.
The contribution deals with the feminization of surnames in contemporary Czech. In particular, it takes notice of names of the type Karolina Peak in which case their bearers have their surnames in the masculine form in concord with conditions of the registry law. After the wedding the bearers of two surnames can have the shared surname in the same form (the type Romana Jákl Vítova) provided that they also comply with the conditions.
The aim of the article is to discuss the issues related to identifying the etymology of Polish surnames derived from appellatives. It also proposes a study containing a more thorough explication of the motivation behind the effects of word-formation that have been used as surnames. It is argued that the use of appropriate methods for analysing personal proper names may significantly contribute to revealing the pragmatic aspects of personal names created in the past. The first part of the text presents the ways of describing the origin of the discussed names in the largest Polish dictionaries of anthroponyms. Its second part is devoted to the presentation of old nicknames (currently functioning as surnames) as messages of everyday communication and elements of the vernacular. This part justifies the idea of compiling a dictionary of Polish surnames based on appellatives which would make use of the tools of ethnolinguistic methodology, especially Ryszard Tokarski’s open definition. The last part of the text presents a proposal for a dictionary entry on the example of surnames derived from the appellative bystry [PL smart].
This article analyses the specific nature of nominations of women in official documents of the Bratslav Voivodship in the period 1566–1606. The authors attach a particular attention to extralinguistic factors that are required for the correct interpretation of using various means of anthroponymic identification of women in the analysed texts. A comparison to the results of the Ukrainian, Polish, and Belarusian onomastics provides grounds for the ascertainment of the popularity of the female name Anna and the popularisation of the name Maria in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under the Ukrainian influence. Like in the neighbouring Polish lands, is the bi-lexical (through the first name and surname) method of anthroponymic identification of women prevalent in the Bratslav region’s documents.
The paper examines the Poznań historical anthroponymy preserved in tax registers from the 17th and 18th century, collected in the Documents of the City of Poznań in the State Archives. The starting point in the description of the surnames is their interpretation based on cultural onomastics according to which the linguistic interpretation of surname forms is accompanied by the social and cultural context. The theses of the paper are based on the linguistic analysis of the onomastic material that has been used in the research process and which rendered it possible to distinguish three main motivational types of Poznań anthroponyms  from the 17th and 18th century: surnames formed from appellatives (from old characterizing nicknames, from names of professions, posts and social functions) and surnames derived from proper names (from first names, local names, from ethnonyms). The model that appeared most frequently is an appellative-based surname formed from old nicknames. The second position in the Poznań anthroponymic system is occupied by a surname derived from the names of places. Also surnames formed from first names and appellatives followed this structural pattern due to the conviction of the social superiority of the adjectival model ending in  -ski. The third group consists of surnames derived from first names whereas the anthroponyms formed from the ethnonyms and the heraldic names appear rather rarely. Despite the fact that the German language had a significant impact on the surnames of Poznań burghers, these surnames – as the examined anthroponymy shows – preserve, in the majority of cases, the Polish character. As a result of an accurate observation of the anthroponyms occurring in the period of over a hundred and fifty years it was possible to show how the selected motivational types functioned and changed in the examined municipal documents and what degree of stabilization they presented. The process of the formation of the anthroponymy of Poznań burghers shows, on the one hand, specific regional features, on the other hand however – especially with reference to originally Polish surnames – confirms the general regularities connected with the development of the Polish anthroponymy in the Middle Polish period.
The article describes different ways to identify Ruthenian (Ukrainian) women living in the eastern part of the Lublin province. The material was excerpted from the registers of the Uniate parishes of the former Chełm diocese from the period 1596–1810. During the period under study, the anthroponymic system tended towards stabilisation in the form of two-element names in accordance with the [first name] + [surname] pattern. The majority of identification formulas consist of a given name and surname derived semantically or through word formation, although there are also few examples of the use of simple surnameless formulas or more extensive, two- and three-element anthroponymic descriptions used to identify adults.
Artykuł dotyczy analizy głównych kierunków w badaniach nad ukraińskimi nazwiskami z okresu od końca XVII do początków XXI wieku. Wskazano na aktualność badań w zakresie antroponimii regionalnej, które w znacznym stopniu przyczyniają się do rozwoju dialektologii, leksykologii, derywatologii i innych gałęzi językoznawstwa. Nazwy osobowe najpełniej odzwierciedlają językowe i historyczne realia dawnego życia całego narodu lub określonego regionu. Przeanalizowany materiał pozwala stwierdzić, że badając nazwiska ukraińskie, naukowcy zwracają dużą uwagę na tworzenie i rozwój narodowego systemu antroponomicznego, funkcjonowanie antroponimów w języku, pochodzenie i semantykę nazw osobowych. Badacze określili główne etapy kształtowania się i stabilizowania nazwisk jako oficjalnych znaków rodowych, zwracając uwagę zwłaszcza na procesy, które przyczyniły się do powstania i stabilizacji ukraińskiego systemu nazwisk. Zbadali także leksykalną bazę nazwisk i ustalili najbardziej produktywne grupy leksykalne stanowiące podstawę słowotwórczą współczesnych nazwisk ukraińskich. W artykule omówiono stan badań w zakresie podziału nazwisk według cech motywacyjnych i środków ich tworzenia. Przedstawiono perspektywy dalszych badań nad antroponimią ukraińską. Autorki zwracają uwagę na brak całościowego indeksu ukraińskich nazwisk i na to, że materiały zebrane w pewnych regionach zostały przedstawione tylko w dysertacjach i często są przechowywane wyłącznie w prywatnych kartotekach.
This article analyses main trends in the study of Ukrainian surnames from the period between the late seventeenth and the early twenty-first centuries. It points out the topicality of research on regional anthroponymy and its contribution to the development of studies on dialects, lexis, word formation and other issues in linguistics. Proper names contain a wealth of linguistic and historical information on realities of a nation or a particular region. The analysed material demonstrates that scholars investigating Ukrainian surnames have devoted considerable attention to the formation and development of the Ukrainian anthroponymic system, the functioning of anthroponyms in language, and the origin and semantics of personal names. They have identified the main stages in the formation of Ukrainian surnames and outlined the development of their role as a sign common to all members of a family, focusing in particular on the processes that have fostered the formation and development of the Ukrainian surname system. They have also examined the lexical basis of surnames, and identified the most productive lexical groups in this regard. The article presents the state of research on the classification of Ukrainian surnames according to their motivation features and means of their formation. It also sketches the prospects of further studies on Ukrainian anthroponomy. It points out that as yet there is no full register of Ukrainian surnames, and that some of the materials collected in particular regions have only been presented in dissertations and are often kept in private files of the researchers.
vol. 65
issue 2
Names in official circulation appear in an officially approved form and may not be freely changed. In informal communication they sometimes undergo certain transformations, which affects their communicative value. The paper analyses one type of name transformations in Internet communication, namely the creation of unofficial forms of women’s surnames using selected dialect maritonymic suffixes. The analysis was limited to the names of women participating in political life. The names of women politicians formed according to dialect patterns of maritonymic formation in Internet communication function as expressivisms that can perform various functions, the most important of which are the evaluative, persuasive, ludic and identifying ones.
Nazwiska w oficjalnym obiegu występują w urzędowo zatwierdzonej formie i nie mogą być dowolnie zmieniane. W komunikacji potocznej niekiedy podlegają pewnym przeobrażeniom, co ma wpływ na ich wartość komunikacyjną. W artykule zanalizowano jeden typ przekształceń nazwisk w komunikacji internetowej, a mianowicie tworzenie nieoficjalnych form nazwisk kobiet z wykorzystaniem wybranych gwarowych sufiksów marytonimicznych. Rozważania zostały ograniczone do grupy nazwisk kobiet uczestniczących w życiu politycznym. Nazwiska kobiet polityków ukształtowane według gwarowych schematów tworzenia formacji marytonimicznych w komunikacji internetowej funkcjonują jako ekspresywizmy, które mogą pełnić różne funkcje, z których najważniejsze to funkcja wartościująca, perswazyjna, ludyczna i identyfikująca.
The article presents the productivity of the name Józef and its variants in the creation of Polish personal and place names in the historical perspective, taking into account the frequency and geographical location of such names. In the surnames derived from the name Józef, known from the Middle Ages and later sources, various adaptations of the name have been recorded, including graphic and phonetic variants, dialectal and East Slavonic realisations. Most of the toponyms derived from the afore-mentioned name were more recently created in the 19th century. Among the names, toponyms with the suffixes: -ów, -owo, and -in dominate. Some place names have a commemorative genesis. The surnames and place names discussed in the article occur in various regions of the country, but the largest turnout is in the Mazowieckie, Łódzkie, Wielkopolskie and Lubelskie provinces.
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Jména po chalupě v obcích Láz a Čenkov

The paper provides with an analysis of the preserved names after houses in villages Láz and Čenkov. The linguistic analysis was carried out on a total of 139 names (75 in the village of Láz, and 64 in Čenkov). The largest group consists of names based on the surnames of the original or more rarely of the current owners. However, other groups were also represented, such as names derived from nouns reflecting the psychophysical or social qualities, education or profession of the owner. A partial comparative probe proves that, in spite of sceptical prognoses, the names after houses are still used in some villages and they successfully face especially the demographic changes of the Czech countryside.
In the limited liability partnership, whose general partner is a non-natural person, there is a possibility that in its business name may occur an indirect placement of a limited partner’s surname when general partner’s business name contains surname of a limited partner. Accordance to art. 104 § 3 of Polish Code of Commercial Companies (CCC) limited liability partnership’s business name shall contain full business name of at least one of its general partners who are non-natural persons. In the result art. 104 § 4 CCC is infringed by the force of the law itself. This conflict of laws can be resolved by application of either lingual or functional interpretations of these contracting to each other provisions. Due to the needs of business practice, more liberal approach to the application of art. 104 § 4 should be adopted. Additionally, it would be wrong to punish entities who are acting in accordance with law for obeying it. Finally, the indirect placement of a limited partner’s surname in the business name of a limited liability partnership shall not result in holding limited partner liable for its debts.
Remarks and conclusions on the specificity of surnames of the inhabitants of Southern Silesia, grouped in the thematic blocks were the object of an introductory description, which demands a detailed classifying and analytical overviews in the future. This general outline deepening the knowledge about the consistency and variability of naming processes in 19th century is intended to explain at least a part of interesting issues, referring to the peculiarity of anthroponymy of the researched field in the context of all-Poland and regional research. While analysing the selected issues, references to the knowledge related to synchronic and diachronic description of surnames of particular districts and regions were made. While analysing the anthroponymic material the researcher used the semantic field method, and while describing the collected set of appellative motivated surnames, the sociolinguistic aspect of naming was considered and references to statistical research were made.
W niniejszym artykule omówiono problem recepcji procesu kształtowania się i ewolucji nazwisk z perspektywy użytkowników forów genealogicznych. Przedmiotem analizy są posty wyekscerpowane z dwóch forów genealogicznych: genealodzy.pl i forgen.pl, które zdaniem autora stanowią reprezentatywny głos środowiska polskich genealogów amatorów. Autor próbuje ustalić, jaki jest stan wiedzy genealogów amatorów w zakresie przeobrażeń antroponimów historycznych oraz odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy są oni świadomi dynamiki tego procesu.
In this article the author discusses the problem of formation of surnames and their evolution from the perspective of the Internet genealogy forums users. The subject of investigation was an analysis of the messages in two genealogy forums: genealodzy.pl and forgen.pl, which, according to the author, represent the collective voice of Polish amateur genealogists. The author attempts to explain whether the genealogists are conscious of the historical-anthroponomastic processes occurring in the past and if they can identify their causes. The object of the research is also the emotional reaction of genealogists to the evolution of their own surnames and the family names of their relatives.
The surname Kurdyła has been noted in the great dictionaries of Polish anthroponyms, but the origin and structure ascribed to it have aroused some doubts. The reason for this is that the geography of the surname and its peasant origin were not taken into account. Therefore, the article discusses in detail the occurrence of this and similar anthroponyms within and outside Poland, as well as a detailed overview of all possible derivative databases and interpretations regarding its structure. These analyses lead to the conclusion that the surname Kurdyła is of Lemko origin, it was probably created from the appellative курділь ‘an ulcer on a horse’s tongue; tongue disease in cattle’. Apart from this interpretation, it is also possible to derive the surname from the lexeme with the root kurt- ‘short; truncated; lame’, probably from Hungarian.
Nazwisko Kurdyła jest notowane przez wielkie słowniki antroponimów polskich, jednakże przypisywane mu pochodzenie i budowa budzą wątpliwości. Przyczyną tego stanu rzeczy jest nieuwzględnienie geografii nazwiska oraz jego chłopskiego pochodzenia. W artykule omówiono więc dokładnie występowanie tego i podobnych antroponimów w granicach Polski oraz poza nimi, przedstawiono szczegółowy ogląd wszystkich możliwych baz derywacyjnych oraz interpretacje dotyczące jego budowy. Analizy te prowadzą do wniosku, że miano Kurdyła jest pochodzenia łemkowskiego, utworzono je najpewniej od apelatywu курділь ‘wrzód na języku konia; choroba języka u bydła’. Prócz tej interpretacji możliwe jest jeszcze wywodzenie nazwiska od leksemu z rdzeniem kurt- ‘krótki; ucięty; chromy’, pochodzącego zapewne z języka węgierskiego.
According to researchers dealing with the concept of identity, first and last names are considered to be an element of self-identification. Six nondirective interviews were conducted with people whose surnames are unusual, originating from words which in the Polish language denote, among other things, days of the week, plants, animals, personality traits. The analysis made it possible to conclude that surnames had had an influence on the formation of the respondents’ identity and self-image. The impact resulted mainly from various reactions of the social environment and the main consequence of these reactions involved an emotion of shame felt by the respondents. It aroused in them the need to use some defense mechanisms, such as self-irony, avoiding social activities, resentment, and apathy. If none of these tactics worked, and the negative reactions from the environment increased, the respondents gave up the defense mechanisms and eventually showed indifference. The analysis of the empirical material also made it possible to distinguish the meaning of family as a group which generates feelings of pride and attachment, thus helping the respondents to cope with the negative impact of the social environment.
Według badaczy zajmujących się pojęciem tożsamości imiona i nazwiska są uważane za element samoidentyfikacji. Przeprowadzono sześć wywiadów swobodnych z osobami o nietypowych nazwiskach, utworzonych od słów oznaczających w języku polskim m.in. dni tygodnia, rośliny, zwierzęta, cechy charakteru. Analiza pozwoliła na stwierdzenie, że nazwiska te miały wpływ na kształtowanie się u badanych tożsamości i obrazu siebie. Wpływ ten wynikał głównie z oddziaływania otoczenia społecznego, a konsekwencją różnorakich reakcji środowiska było odczuwanie przez rozmówców wstydu. Wywoływał on u badanych potrzebę stosowania taktyk: autoironii, unikania pewnych aktywności życia społecznego lub wzburzenia. W przypadku gdy żadna z wymienionych taktyk nie przynosiła oczekiwanych rezultatów, a negatywne reakcje otoczenia narastały, rozmówcy rezygnowali z mechanizmów obronnych i ostatecznie okazywali zobojętnienie. Analiza otrzymanego materiału empirycznego pozwoliła również na wyodrębnienie znaczenia rodziny jako grupy, która – poprzez generowanie uczuć dumy i przywiązania – pomagała rozmówcom w radzeniu sobie z negatywnym oddziaływaniem otoczenia społecznego.
The subject of the article are names of delegates to the Polish District Parliament in Poznan in 1918. The authors undertook an anthroponomastic analysis which allowed to classify surnames on the basis of their motivation and etymology. The influence of German spelling on Polish names and manifestations of Polish spelling of surnames after Poland regained independence were also discussed. The analysis is preceded by comments on the history of Polish surnames. Particular attention was also paid to female names, because in 1918 women obtained full electoral rights and could become delegates to the Parliament.
W artykule omówiono czynniki, które wpływają na proces zmian nazwisk. Z jednej strony wskazano tu na działanie uwarunkowań polityczno-ideologicznych, które prowadziły do polonizacji nazwisk obcych w okresie powojennym, np. Hoffman → Liwiński, a które także mogą działać współcześnie, np. na terenach pogranicznych, np. Gawryluk → Błahuszewski. Z drugiej strony omówiono rolę ekspresji językowej i negatywnego nacechowania stylistycznego podstaw pewnych nazwisk, jako najczęstszych powodów ich zmian, np. Żaba → Żabski. Podkreślono, że w kontekście odchodzenia od nazwisk ośmieszających pojawia się problem znaczenia nazw własnych, które z założenia w opozycji do słownictwa apelatywnego charakteryzują się brakiem znaczenia leksykalnego. W pewnych okolicznościach niektóre nazwy (tu nazwiska) nabierają różnego rodzaju znaczeń: metaforycznych, asocjacyjnych czy kulturowych. Tematyka podjęta w artykule może stanowić obszar zainteresowania różnych metodologii językoznawczych: nie tylko onomastyki, ale także stylistyki, aksjologii językoznawczej i kognitywizmu.
The article discusses the factors which influence the process of change surnames in Poland. Firstly, the author discusses the activity of political and ideological considerations. They caused polonization foreign surnames in the postwar period, e.g. Hoffman → Liwiński. These factors may also act today in frontier areas, e.g. Gawryluk → Błahuszewski. Secondly, the author described the role of linguistic expression and negative stylistic value of bases of some surnames as the most frequent reasons of these changes, e.g. Żaba → Żabski. The author emphasized that the issue of changes of ridiculing surnames was connected with a problem of meaning of proper names which versus for common words don’t have lexical meaning. In certain circumstances some names (this is surnames) receive meanings of different kind: metaphorical, associative or cultural. The issues discussed in the article may be an area of interest of different linguistic methodologies: not only onomastics, but also of stylistic, linguistic axiology and cognitivism.
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Jména pro nalezence z babyboxů

Between 2006 and 2021, 231 babies were anonymously abandoned by their parents in the so-called baby hatches or baby boxes placed around the Czech Republic. First names and surnames are given to these children by nurses in hospitals or mostly by Ludvík Hess, the founder and organizer of the project of baby boxes in the Czech Republic. First names are chosen after nurses or doctors in hospitals, sponsors of the project, and Hess’s friends. Sometimes the waifs are given the name corresponding to the respective name-day in the Czech calendar. Assigned surnames are motivated by the time (day, holiday, season) when, or the place (toponym) where, the child was found. However, these names are informal and temporary. The official first name and surname of the child must be decided by a court. Names can then be changed again after adoption.
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