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vol. Special Issue
issue 16
In this article, we will critically examine programmes in German at universities in Tirana and Shkodra. After a general, but historically-grounded, introduction to German Studies in Albania, we will discuss basic structural elements such as the content of the three-year programmes in Tirana and Shkodra. In this contribution, special emphasis is given to the current challenges for Programmes in German with respect to the law following the last university reform. Because of our many years of teaching activity and experience in this area, we aim above all to provide a multifaceted view of the problems, tendencies and prospects for Programmes in German in Tirana and Shkodra. Our considerations represent an attempt to continue or revive the international discussion on this topic.
The article is devoted to the problem of monitoring of the quality of students’ professional training at Ukrainian universities. Monitoring is regarded as an instrument of defining regularities, tendencies, variables and their dynamics for designing measures aimed at improving the quality of higher professional education. The research is based on the methods of comparative analyses such as comparison and ranging. The latest state documents concerning education: the Laws of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (2014) and “On Education” (2016) are taken into consideration by the author. Gaps in students’ professional training are defined: most students are not able to work in a team; they cannot take decisions and bare responsibilities for their implementation. Students are overloaded with theoretical material and lack of practical skills of using their knowledge in practice. That is because the academic process at most Ukrainian universities is based on knowledge-oriented approach while in European universities the competence approach to teaching prevails. Reproductive but not creative thinking is prospering at our universities: students reproduce the materials from the textbooks which are often obsolete and do not reflect the latest research data. Students seldom participate in scientific-research activity or are engaged in special students scientific societies. As a result our university graduates are passive and very rare create their own intellectual products. Very often they cannot get used to quickly changeable reality because they were taught to operate by only standard set of knowledge and skills. All these drawbacks prevent our students from successful integration to the European educational community. The basic ways of monitoring of students’ professional competence are cleared out. They are connected with improving of the of informative and analytical level of accompaniment of the university activity, creating the mechanism of well-timed exposure of the main tendencies and changes concerning improving of the quality of professional training at Ukrainian universities. Monitoring of the quality of higher professional education can be regarded as a means of management of the university activity in general and as an instrument for planning further steps on the way of improving our higher educational system.
In exploring sports ethics as a sociological phenomenon, I have tried to demonstrate how alterations in the nomos of the field of competitive practices (in the sense of Bourdieu), have unexpectedly unleashed a chain of events that have ultimately weakened the ethical principles of modern sport, imposing contradictions upon the way these are manifested in practice. Our theoretical approach to ethics was developed from the contribution of Durkheim, Weber and Elias.The universe of our study was the Portuguese reality during the Democratic state as a case study of the phenomenon. The information collected in our research has required different methods of analysis (qualitative and quantitative) and sources of data (official statistics, news from media, participate observation and interviews).Of the changes that took place in the last quarter of the 20th century in the Portuguese sports field, I have identified the inextricable interdependence of sporting, economic and symbolic dimensions as the main determining factor behind the victory-oriented approach to sporting action, which in turn has led to a radicalization of rival interests and an intensification of competition.As a result of this, there have been changes in the ethos of sporting interaction, weakening the principle of fair play and leading to an increase in practices that undermine it. This has meant that refereeing has become much more difficult, with increased distrust in the fairness of the competition, a situation which is aggravated by cases of corruption and doping. In this context, actors and organizations have become more involved in the ethical regulation of their sport in the Portuguese society. As a result, regulation has become more flexible and open to negotiation, both through institutional channels, and through strategies of pressure and persuasion in the (highly mediatized) public sphere. Thus, contingent solidarities have been strengthened to the detriment of organic solidarities.The growing distrust, together with the dynamics of surveillance and supervision launched in the 1990s, have also contributed to the activation of mechanical solidarities within groups with shared interests, in a context of opposition-confrontation or radicalization. This has been propitious to manifestations of collective violent revolt, and to the institution of forms of premeditated violence between some groups of ultra fans. Consequently, the undermining of ethical regularization has become even more visible, particularly in the field of top-level professional football.In response to the specific nature of the ethical conflicts in the sports figuration, states have intervened at national and European level by enshrining ethical principles in the form of legal provisions, defining systems of sanctions and penalties. This has resulted in a weakening of the autonomy enjoyed by sporting organizations, a principle that ultimately derived from the freedom of sporting associative movement in civil society.
The paper describes tendencies in changes of air temperature in Poland and Ukraine on the basis of a long series of measurements made in Warsaw (1779-2000), Cracow (1826-2000), Lviv (1824-2002) and Kiev (1812-2002). Air temperature in these cities in the years 1825-2002 is positively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index. Values of the r correlation coefficient are much higher in winter months than during the summer and they decrease with distance from the Atlantic Ocean. Of interest are air temperature changes in Warsaw, Cracow, Lviv and Kiev in the XIXth -XXth centuries together with forecasts until the year 2100. Significant dependence of the climate of Poland and Ukraine on the NAO index stems from similar temperature cycles and the eight-year, eleven-year and one-hundred-year NAO index. Forecast credibility results from the similar periodicity of air temperature, the NAO index and solar activity. The forecast mean annual temperature values for 2001-2100 were obtained from the interference of statistically important temperature cycles, determined by the sinusoidal regression method.
The 27the Edition of The Duden German Dictionary and Its Secrets: A Characteristics of the Specific Nature of Selected New Entries Duden – an orthographic dictionary of German language – is updated each three to five years, because this is the time period in which enough lexical changes take place to be enumerated and described. On the basis of a representative list of new entries in the latest Duden, conclusions are drawn in this article concerning the most recent German vocabulary. The specific nature of the new lexical items is commented upon as well as the most recent tendencies in the German language, the direction in which it is heading and the degree to which the development of the language is correlated with the development of the society and its priorities in the given timeframe and context. Furthermore, an important goal of the present article is to examine the ways in which vocabulary reflects the changes in our attitudes/communication behaviours.
The objective of the work is to determine the periodicity and trends of change in air temperature in Warsaw and in Lviv during the 18th-20thcenturies, together with the forecast for the years 2000-2100. There are interesting diagrams of temporal changes of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) indicator and air temperature, with the forecast reaching the year 2100. The forecasts were obtained on the basis of interpretations of the Sun activity and the NAO indicator cycles, determined with the method of ”regression sinusoids”. The fluctuations of air temperature and North Atlantic Oscillation during winter in Warsaw and in Lviv are closely correlated.
The article reveals the contradiction between the role of the US dollar as the main global re-serve currency and its national origin, which causes the misuse by the US government to cover the chronic trade and budget deficit. The author researches the crisis management transformation tendencies of the global mone-tary system, namely the weakening positions of the US dollar and euro as the key reserve curren-cies; the gradual formation of the regional monetary unions; the shifting to the national currencies in mutual trade and settlement operations without the US dollar mediation; the gradual replace-ment of the US dollar by the Chinese Yuan as the key reserve currency. The author discloses that the future key regional currencies are “amero” in the USA, Canada and Mexico; “afro” in Africa; “pachu” in Latin America; ACU in the Asian and Pacific region; “Golden dinar” in the Persian Gulf region; “sucre” in the Caribbean region; “euras” in the Europe-an and Asian Economic Commonwealth.
Artykuł ukazuje sprzeczności pomiędzy rolą dolara amerykańskiego jako głównej globalnej waluty rezerwowej a jego narodowym charakterem, co powoduje niewłaściwe jego wykorzystanie przez rząd Stanów Zjednoczonych do pokrywania chronicznego handlowego i budżetowego deficytu. Autor badaniom poddaje tendencje transformacyjne w ramach zarządzania kryzysowego globalnym systemem pieniężnym, w szczególności osłabianie się pozycji dolara i euro jako kluczowych walut re-zerwowych, stopniowe kształtowanie się regionalnych unii walutowych, zwrot w kierunku walut naro-dowych we wzajemnym handlu i operacjach inwestycyjnych bez pośrednictwa dolara, stopniowe zastę-powanie dolara amerykańskiego przez chińskiego yuana jako kluczowej waluty rezerwowej. Autor przewiduje, że kluczowymi regionalnymi walutami w przyszłości będą „amero” w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Kanadzie i Meksyku; „afro” w Afryce; „pachu” w Ameryce Łacińskiej; ACU w regionie Azji i Pacyfiku; „złoty dinar” w regionie Zatoki Perskiej; „Sucre” w regionie Karaibów: „euras” we Wspólnocie Gospodarczej Europy i Azji.
The paper sets a goal to demonstrate the question about a modern interpretation of Anton Semenovitch Makarenko’s legacy. Especially, in the paper is suggested how for the coaching, a modern management technique, is necessary to accept and use the person educational method developed by A. Makarenko. The coaching consents to understand more deeply the ideas of the pedagogue, in order to define a concrete possibility to effectively use the pedagogical work of A. Makarenko in the present time, when educational and pedagogical institutions continue fading into insignificance in order to adapt themselves to training, which nowadays is considered the principal criterion in regard to evaluation of pupils’ abilities and skills of a number of educational institutions. Not even is clear that is not needed to throw the baby out with the bathwater, throwing to the wolves the best you can have among the past models in education and pedagogy, and this way, we have to give a special place to Anton Semenovitch Makarenko’s model, internationally acclaimed either at Cuba and in France, where are used his ideas about collective, education through the labor and so on. Anyway, to resolve the problem of socialization and education of his pupils, Anton Semenovitch used the collective and the general assembly of the Colony of labor named after M. Gorki. Here he used the coaching, the ability to create an environment where former criminal could have the possibility to express themselves, experience positive emotions, doing something for the community where they lived. This way, working and managing the Colony, they reach some goal and developed their social, personal potential and creativity. Such educational means as the vis-à-vis colloquium with the pupils and the perspective lines system helped Anton Semenovitch in his tasks, because he strongly believed that the main role in choosing new perspective is played by the emotions and the furthest they are, the best they are efficient as far expectation increases a positive anticipatory tension, leading the consciousness towards the realization of the desired event. So, in the psychology of Makarenko’s pupils arose new motivations of behavior pushing them away from the past and, moreover, criminal life, changing their attitude to the society, their community and life, as well. Nowadays, we can use Makarenko’s ideas in regard to children with deviant behavior, as far as in our “liquid society” (genial utterance by Sigmund Bauman) the pervert charm of the social evil, with its social and ethical ambiguity can jeopardize the life of every children.
The article summarizes foreign and native tendencies in modern adult education. Their impact on the renovation of training the unemployed in Ukraine has been analyzed. It has been established that the system of adult training must meet the socio-economic, political and cultural changes in Ukraine. It has been indicated that defined tendencies should be considered when developing a strategy to modernize our system of training the unemployed. It has been pointed out that the organization and improvement of training the unemployed are caused by the interaction of three blocks: governance, social protection against unemployment, education market. Organized professional training in the employment sphere provides for developed infrastructure, which covers a range of organizations and agencies providing educational services and close cooperation of training with directions of socio-economic and educational policy. The role of the State Employment Service of Ukraine in professional training for the unemployed has been defined. Activities of specialists in professional training for adults is built according to the short-term and long-term forecasting and analytical-predictive control based on the world’s economic, cultural and educational tendencies. Based on the theoretical analysis of foreign and native scientists’ works we have concluded that the main tendencies include proper educational tendencies and extra educational tendencies caused by global processes in the world, the problems of humanity, the growing role of education in the development of social consciousness in the professional development of modern competitive specialist
The paper discusses periodic climate changes in Europe determined on the basis of dendrochronological data dating back one thousand years. In tree-ring width sequences of trees growing in Poland there are approximately 8-, 11-, 100- and 180- year periods. The tree-ring widths of oaks growing in Poland for the last centuries are characterised, without any significant amplitude, by 8- and 11-year periods (Tab. 1). In turn, chronologies of pine, spruce, larch, oak and fir growing in Europe are characterised by 100- and 180-year periods (Tab. 2). Cycles of dendrochronological variables approximate cycles of air temperature and North Atlantic Oscillation NAO as well as those of solar activity. The forecast of annual growth (ring width) for 2001-2100 was calculated by interference of the tree-ring width cycles determined by the sinusoidal regression method. Because of much longer empirical sequences of specific periods, the credibility of forecasts for treering widths is greater than that for air temperature.
The article contains a study of banking innovations and the current state of innovative development of banks. The separate attention is focused on the analysis of innovations and their implementation tendencies in Ukrainian banks. It was analyzed the performance of the company, producing and selling banking innovation. There are analyzed the activity indicators of the companies, which produce and implement bank innovations. Innovation products, which could be implemented into the activity of Ukrainian banks today, are singled out. During the research the detailed attention is concentrated upon the analysis of the most popular bank innovations as long as the tendencies of bank innovative devel-opment worldwide. Also, there is argued that the implementation of the new technologies and development of the existing ones will increase the efficiency of banks activity.
Artykuł zawiera analizę innowacji bankowych i obecnego stanu rozwoju innowacyjności banków. Szczególna uwaga skupiona jest na analizie innowacji w ukraińskich bankach i trendach ich realizacji. Analizowane są wskaźniki firm, które produkują i wdrażają innowacje bankowe. Prezentowane są innowacyjne produkty, które można dziś wprowadzić do działalności ukraińskich banków. Szczególną uwagę podczas badania skupiono na analizie najpopularniejszych innowacji bankowych i trendów innowacyjnego rozwoju banków na świecie. Ponadto argumentuje się, że wdrożenie nowych technologii i rozwój już istniejących zwiększy efektywność działania banków.
The article concretizes methodological approaches of studying the phenomenon of personality professional deformations in the light of adaptational conditionality of professional safety. Causes (general and partial), conditions (monotonous, closed, emotionally intensive, extreme character of work), emergence of professional deformations, positive and negative content of their manifestation through the characteristics description (rate of development, depth of formation, sustainability degree and wideness) have been outlined. Levels (general professional, special professional, professionally typological, individualized) and typology of manifestation of professional deformations have been structurized, personality characteristics of which are expressed in double ethical standards, professional marginalism and emotional burnout. Radical forms of professional deformations (professionally conditioned accentuations, learned helplessness, professional alienation, professional incompetence and stagnation) have been indicated, which are caused by age and psychological factors of professional aging. Risks zone of professional deformations manifestation (blocking of professionally important qualities by specialist, initiation of personality alienation by specialist and loss of professional maturity by specialist) has been grounded.
W artykule opisano metodologiczne aspekty zjawiska deformacji zawodowej osobowości z punktu widzenia adaptacyjnej determinacji bezpieczeństwa zawodowego. Przedstawiono przyczyny (ogólne i częściowe), warunki (monotonne, zamknięte, emocjonalno-intensywne) tworzenia się deformacji zawodowej, pozytywną i negatywną treść ich przejawu przez opis głównych cech (prędkość rozwoju, głębokość formacji, miarę stabilności i szerokość). Uporządkowano poziomy (ogólnoprofesjonalne, szczególnoprofesjonalne, profesjonalno-typologiczne, zindywidualizowane) i nakreślono typologie przejawu deformacji zawodowej, cechy osobowości, które są wyrażone w podwójnych standardach etycznych oraz marginalizmie profesjonalnym i wypaleniu emocjonalnym. Przeanalizowano radykalne formy profesjonalnej deformacji (wyuczoną bezradność, profesjonalną alienację, profesjonalną niekompetencję i stagnację), które są spowodowane przez psychologiczne czynniki zawodowego starzenia się. Uzasadniono sferę ryzyka przejawu deformacji zawodowej (blokowanie rozwoju profesjonalnie ważnych cech specjalisty, inicjację osobistej alienacjii, stratę profesjonalnej dojrzałości specjalisty).
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