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The article has two main goals, one of them being a report on the Third Conference of the Old Polish Linguistic Encounters series, the terms in synchronic and diachronic linguistics and a synthetic discussion of the issues raised during the Congress. In the first, definitely shorter part I discuss the issues presented by the referees. The second part, in turn, is devoted to the analysis of the aforementioned issues from the perspective of the theory of the term. At the end of the article I present science-oriented attitudes that characterize the speakers atthe mentioned conference. I ponder if their problems result from their relation to science itself.
This text is an attempt to apply the concept of a legal text unit to the description of strictly defined structures of legal texts, namely the gerund strings. The main attention is focused on the methods used to identify multi-segment terminological structures and on distinguishing them from strings that constitute a combination of linguistic expressions. The overall conclusion of such analysis is based on the indication of the mechanism used for connecting and limiting gerund structures in this scope. Therefore, this work includes, among others, the formal procedure of verification, which allows for distinguishing, with significant precision, the syntactic constructions with gerund forms and similar sequences of terms.
This text deals with the problem of procedures for adjudication on the correctness of terminological expressions used in legal texts. In particular, it argues about the need of distinguishing three types of units – those compatible with general units, motivated by general units, and affecting the form and the meaning of general units. Expressions, that belong to each of the above distinguished types, require separate standardisation procedures. Apart from fundamental considerations, the issue of the status of terminological expressions in legal texts as well as their relation to general units is discussed.
Подано матеріали до словника енциклопедичних термінів/
Glossary for encyclopedistics is proposed. The main terms and definitions of the discipline are given.
The aim of this article is to present and discuss selected results of a survey study conducted on the popularity and use of particular terms in the field of phonodidactic lapsology. The study shows that specialists in the field of teaching foreign languages and in the field of speech-language pathology use the same terms while referring to different kinds of errors. Also, the definition boundaries of individual lexemes are more or less blurred, depending on the case in which they are used (for example, substitution). Moreover, the definitions of particular lexemes are frequently not precise enough and vary depending on the area of study within which they are used. Due to the fact that one of the criteria for recognizing scientific terminology is its frequency, efforts were made to take a closer look at how teachers of Polish as a foreign language most often define errors made by foreigners which consist in replacing one sound with another.
The paper presents a comparative analysis of a separation of rural areas and subsequently basing on the definition of rural areas by TERYT the analysis of changes of infrastructure (mainly technical and social) in the country, urban areas and rural areas in the years 2003-2009 has been presented. As a result of external circumstances, including financial support of the European Union the pace of changes in rural areas accelerates, especially with regard to the level of infrastructure. Moreover, the present evolution of function of rural areas has been characterised in terms of Poland’s accession to the European Union.
In this paper I present the Natural Semantic Metalanguage approach (Goddard & Wierzbicka 2014; Goddard 2018; Wierzbicka 1996, 2013), arguing that it can be perceived as a terminological system, a terminology sui generis. NSM is a decompositional approach to semantics, based on the assumption that there are 65 basic concepts, known as semantic primes, and that all other concepts can be paraphrased in terms of elements taken from this set of 65. These elements are said to exist in all human languages – as words, phrases or morphemes – and they cannot be reduced any further. The system has been tested on more than 30 different languages so far and is considered one of the most comprehensive approaches to cross-linguistic semantics today. I want to shed light on the formal structure of NSM, and explain its most important theoretical concepts, such as semantic primes and molecules, reductive paraphrase and semantic template, in order to demonstrate its practical value across many domains. As an example of how NSM is used in practice, I will look at the meaning of one concrete and one abstract noun (beach and comfort, respectively).
The article discusses the linguistic status of specialist vocabulary, as well as the procedures used for its identification and description. Our theoretical analysis is based on a selection of penal law texts. The purpose of the article is to define the notion of legal text unit and to prove its relevance for linguistic research. The paper presents the relationships between a legal text unit, a language unit, a collocation and a term. We sug-gest that in order to identify specialist language units, the analysis should be based on a corpus consisting only of texts representing each particular field. Finally, the article discusses the basic mechanisms used for transforming general language units into legal language units.
The aim of the article is to present the terms concerning a roe‑deer used by hunters in the 21st century. There were discussed the names of spices living in Poland and living in Russia, names specifying the sex of the animal and names of its offspring. Semantic comparison research of each term began with an analysis of its meaning in the dictionaries of the hunting language. The frequency of their occurrence was checked as well as the accuracy of definitions in all sources was compared. The sources were dictionaries of hunting language, manuals for hunters and internet sources as well. The results of the research indicated a discrepancy in definitions mostly in manuals for hunters. In Russian sources there were less professional terms than in Polish sources.
In the article the problem of military and patriotic education of senior pupils in the process of extracurricular work is revealed. Due to the development of an independent Ukrainian state and its Armed Forces according to the new principles provided in the Law «On defense of Ukraine» and «On the Armed Forces of Ukraine», there was an urgent need to develop a new system of military and patriotic education of youth. This requires a new approach to determining the essence, content and tasks of military and patriotic education. The Concept of pre-recruitment training and military and patriotic education of youth sets the following objectives: the promotion of a sense of patriotism, love for people, their history, cultural and historical values; citizenship education and formation of civil consciousness, respect for the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, social activity and responsibility for government and public affairs; forming abilities to the analysis of the external and internal political environment, the ability on this basis independently and adequately evaluate the event and support the defense of the country; the formation of aspirations to acquire military knowledge, achievement of an appropriate level of physical fitness and endurance; raising the prestige of military service, military professional orientation of youth, formation and development of motivation on the development of patriotic feelings, getting ready to defend the Ukrainian state and serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. So, from the point of view of the tasks set in the Concept of pre-recruitment training and military and patriotic education of youth it can be seen that the military and patriotic education in modern conditions is a separate area of education. Its methodological basis constitute conceptual provisions on the development of military and patriotic education of youth; common views on the issue of education of a patriot and a citizen; the formation in youth of high patriotic consciousness, national pride and readiness to perform civil and constitutional duty to defend the national interests of Ukraine. The main purpose of military and patriotic education is to develop in youth a responsible attitude towards the future of military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the education of constant readiness to defend the Ukrainian state.
W artykule niniejszym wykazano potrzebę nowelizacji przepisów kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego oraz ustawy Prawo o postępowaniu przed sądami administracyjnymi w zakresie zachowania terminu, gdy pismo nadano w polskiej placówce pocztowej operatora publicznego. Wymagana zmiana odnosiłaby się do rozszerzenia możliwości zachowania terminu także w sytuacji, gdy pismo nadano w placówce pocztowej działającej w jednym z państw Unii Europejskiej. Jak się wydaje, względy wynikające z konieczności respektowania prawa Unii Europejskiej, w tym wprowadzeniew pełnym zakresie zakazu dyskryminacji ze względu na przynależność państwową, decydować muszątakże o zmianie stosownych przepisów.
The letter given to the Polish public post office makes, that the deadline will not be compromised.This is necessary, to change the provisions of Polish Administrative Procedure Act and in Administrative Court’s Procedure Act: in the future also the letter given in the European public posts will should make, that the deadline will not be compromised. The initiation of a full range of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality, must also decide to amend the relevant provisions of Polish Administrative Procedure Act and in Administrative Court’s Procedure Act.
The Structural-Semantic Features of Computer Terms in EnglishThe article is devoted to the study of the structural and semantic characteristics of computer terms in English. The peculiarities of the word-formation process and the functioning of English computer terms are analysed. Strukturalne i semantyczne cechy terminów komputerowych w języku angielskimArtykuł poświęcony jest badaniu cech strukturalnych i semantycznych terminów komputerowych w języku angielskim. Przeanalizowano specyfikę procesu słowotwórstwa i funkcjonowania angielskich terminów komputerowych.
Author-provided keywords as the basis of bibliographical description in the iSybislaw bibliographyA bibliographer primarily relies on the abstract and keywords provided by the author of the original article. However the author-provided abstract and keywords are rarely sufficient. The bibliographer’s task is to ascertain that they correspond to the content of the article itself, as well as to find the closest equivalents in the language of the bibliography, Polish in our case. Additional confounding factors in determining the keywords corresponding most accurately to the submission in question include terminological inconsistencies within the works by certain authors, terminological inconsistencies within each of the languages as well as possible inconsistencies due to different theoretical backgrounds. This article deals with all of these issues on the basis of two pairs of examples. The first is the Polish term frazeologizm ‘idiom, phrase’ and the Croatian term frazem ‘idiom, phrase’. The second pair is the Polish term dialekt ‘dialect’ and the Croatian terms dijalekt/narječje ‘dialect/vernacular’. The complication inherent in the work of the bibliographer is due to, inter alia, the fact that the bibliographer’s strategy in prepairing the bibliographic description should enable the user to achieve the best possible effectiveness and efficiency in his/her search. Słowa kluczowe podawane przez autora publikacji jako podstawa opisu bibliograficznego w iSybislawieStreszczenie/abstrakt i słowa kluczowe podane przez autora w oryginalnym artykule są podstawą opracowania bibliograficznego, nie stanowią jednak wystarczającego źródła pracy bibliografa. Jego zadaniem jest przede wszystkim sprawdzenie, czy streszczenie/abstrakt i słowa kluczowe odpowiadają treści samego artykułu. Kolejne zadanie polega na odnalezieniu w języku bibliografii (w naszym przypadku jest to język polski) najbliższych ekwiwalentów słów kluczowych. Czynniki utrudniające dobór odpowiednich słów kluczowych z istniejącej bazy to brak ujednolicenia  terminologicznego w pracach niektórych autorów, zróżnicowanie terminologiczne między językami, a także różnice terminologiczne związane z różnymi teoriami lingwistycznymi. W niniejszym artykule rozpatrywane są wszystkie te problemy na podstawie dwu przykładów. Pierwszy z nich stanowi para: polski termin frazeologizm i chorwacki termin frazem. Drugi reprezentowany jest przez polski termin dialekt i chorwackie terminy dijalekt/narječje. Problemy w pracy bibliografa wiążą się z opracowywaniem przez niego opisu bibliograficznego, który powinien zapewnić użytkownikowi jak największą skuteczność wyszukiwania informacji.  
A bibliographer primarily relies on the abstract and keywords provided by the author of the original article. However the author-provided abstract and keywords are rarely sufficient. The bibliographer’s task is to ascertain that they correspond to the content of the article itself, as well as to find the closest equivalents in the language of the bibliography, Polish in our case. Additional confounding factors in determining the keywords corresponding most accurately to the submission in question include terminological inconsistencies within the works by certain authors, terminological inconsistencies within each of the languages as well as possible inconsistencies due to different theoretical backgrounds. This article deals with all of these issues on the basis of two pairs of examples. The first is the Polish term frazeologizm ‘idiom, phrase’ and the Croatian term frazem ‘idiom, phrase’. The second pair is the Polish term dialekt ‘dialect’ and the Croatian terms dijalekt/narječje ‘dialect/vernacular’. The complication inherent in the work of the bibliographer is due to, inter alia, the fact that the bibliographer’s strategy in prepairing the bibliographic description should enable the user to achieve the best possible effectiveness and efficiency in his/her search.
Streszczenie/abstrakt i słowa kluczowe podane przez autora w oryginalnym artykule są podstawą opracowania bibliograficznego, nie stanowią jednak wystarczającego źródła pracy bibliografa. Jego zadaniem jest przede wszystkim sprawdzenie, czy streszczenie/abstrakt i słowa kluczowe odpowiadają treści samego artykułu. Kolejne zadanie polega na odnalezieniu w języku bibliografii (w naszym przypadku jest to język polski) najbliższych ekwiwalentów słów kluczowych. Czynniki utrudniające dobór odpowiednich słów kluczowych z istniejącej bazy to brak ujednolicenia terminologicznego w pracach niektórych autorów, zróżnicowanie terminologiczne między językami, a także różnice terminologiczne związane z różnymi teoriami lingwistycznymi. W niniejszym artykule rozpatrywane są wszystkie te problemy na podstawie dwu przykładów. Pierwszy z nich stanowi para: polski termin frazeologizm i chorwacki termin frazem. Drugi reprezentowany jest przez polski termin dialekt i chorwackie terminy dijalekt/narječje. Problemy w pracy bibliografa wiążą się z opracowywaniem przez niego opisu bibliograficznego, który powinien zapewnić użytkownikowi jak największą skuteczność wyszukiwania informacji.
The influence of world globalization processes in the field of computer technologies on different languages has been considered in the article. The methods of replenishing the languages terminology due to the borrowings from the English language and creating computer terms with the help of translation have been shown. The influence of the globalization process on the Ukrainian language has been analyzed. The assessment of the other languages influences especially Russian and English on the Ukrainian language has been given in the article.
Artykuł analizuje wpływ światowych procesów globalizacyjnych w dzie dzinie technologii komputerowych na różne języki. Pokazano metody uzupełniania terminologii komputerowej poprzez zapożyczenia z języka angielskiego i tworzenie owej leksyki za pomocą tłumaczenia. Analizowany jest wpływ procesu globalizacji na język ukraiński. W artykule przedstawiono ocenę wpływu innych języków, zwłaszcza rosyjskiego i angielskiego na język ukraiński.
Artykuł analizuje wpływ światowych procesów globalizacyjnych w dzie dzinie technologii komputerowych na różne języki. Pokazano metody uzupełniania terminologii komputerowej poprzez zapożyczenia z języka angielskiego i tworzenie owej leksyki za pomocą tłumaczenia. Analizowany jest wpływ procesu globalizacji na język ukraiński. W artykule przedstawiono ocenę wpływu innych języków, zwłaszcza rosyjskiego i angielskiego na język ukraiński.
В статье рассматриваются трудности, связанные с установлением польско-русских переводческих соответствий для терминов в области налога на доходы физических лиц. Проверяется способ их фиксации в специализированных переводных словарях. В случае обнаружения отсутствия эквивалента или его неадекватности на основе параллельных текстов предлагаются потенциальные переводческие решения. В качестве параллельных текстов были использованы польско- и русскоязычные формы годовых налоговых деклараций по налогу на доходы физических лиц, а также основные нормативные правовые акты, в которых кодифицированы термины, используемые в декларациях. На основе проведенного анализа были выявлены ошибки, встречающиеся в переводных словарях, и сформулированы рекомендации по определению переводческих соответствий.
The article focused on the difficulties with finding Polish-Russian translation equivalents for personal income tax terminology. The method of their fixation in specialized translation dictionaries is verified. In case of detecting the absence of an equivalent or its inadequacy, potential translation solutions are proposed based on parallel texts. The Polish- and Russian-language forms of annual personal income tax returns and the main regulatory legal acts that codify the terms used in the returns have been used as parallel texts. Based on the analysis, errors in translation dictionaries were identified, and recommendations for determining translation correspondences were formulated.
W artykule zostały omówione trudności z ustalaniem polsko-rosyjskich par przekładowych dla terminów z zakresu podatku dochodowego od osób fizycznych. Weryfikowano sposób odnotowania ich w dwujęzycznych słownikach specjalistycznych. W przypadku stwierdzenia braku ekwiwalentu lub jego nieadekwatności w oparciu o teksty paralelne proponowano potencjalne rozwiązania translatorskie. Jako teksty równoległe wykorzystano polskie i rosyjskie formularze rocznego zeznania podatkowego osób fizycznych oraz podstawowe akty prawne, w których skodyfikowano używane w deklaracjach terminy. W oparciu o przeprowadzone analizy wskazano błędy występujące w słownikach przekładowych oraz sformułowano wskazówki dotyczące ustalania ekwiwalentów przekładowych.
Contemporary paganism, like other new religious movements, includes theoretical explanations and substantiations of the doctrines created by ideologists of associations, oral speeches of leaders, replicated in the form of narratives, electronic carriers, fixed prophecies, and writings of adherents (usually within the first generation). Russian paganism of the XXth–XXIst centuries has its own “novoyaz”, created by the founders of communities and implemented in ritual practice. Modern “pagan language” is manifested in onomastics, ritual terminology and in the construction of magical verbal formulas. «Novo-lingua» used by today’s polytheists is represented by “science-like” and “ethnically enriched” groups; they are characterized by the use of the practice of text complexity. In addition, following other NSDs, pagans are “determined” by a set of standardized markers that are expressed in basic concepts and expressions. One of the characteristic features of the successfully implemented project “pagan seal as a commodity” is the eclecticism of the source of traditional paganism and the new - constructed. This specificity is realized through the textual work of the leader-author, the formula “copy-paste”, due to which the pagan “new people” acquires the features of a full-fledged “historical” source. In this connection, it is possible to draw parallels between the «new language of new pagans» and the phenomenon of “folk-stories”. Like the latter, the “historical” creations of modern leaders from nativism pretend to be true in the last instance.
Особенности нового языка («Новоязы») русских язычников XXI века. Современное язычество, подобно иным новым религиозным движениям (НРД), включает теоретические изложения и обоснования учений, созданные идеологами объединений, устные выступления руководителей, растиражированные в форме нарративов, электронных носителей, фиксированные пророчества, сочинения адептов (как правило, в рамках первого поколения). Русское язычество XX-XXI веков обладает собственным «новоязом», созданным основателями общин и реализуемым в ритуальной практике. Современный «языческий язык» проявляется в ономастиконе, обрядовой терминологии и в конструировании магических словесных формул. «Новоязы», используемые сегодняшними политеистами, представлены «наукообразными» и «этнически обогащенными» группами, для них характерно использование практики усложнения текста. Кроме того, вслед за другими НРД, язычники «определяются» набором стандартизированных маркеров, нашедших выражение в базовых понятиях и выражениях. Одной из характерных черт успешно реализуемого проекта «языческая печать как товар» является эклектизм источниковой базы традиционного язычества и нового – конструируемого. Данная специфика реализуется через текстологическую работу лидера-автора, формулу «копировать-вставить», за счет которой языческий «новояз» приобретает черты полноценного «исторического» источника. В этой связи можно провести параллели между «новым языком новых язычников» и феноменом «фолк-хистори». Подобно последней, «исторические» творения современных лидеров от нативизма претендуют на истинность в последней инстанции.
The article is devoted to some aspects of the analysis of the interaction of language and society in the modern paradigm. Its results relate to the formation of the content of such categories as “Ukrainian sociolinguistic tradition”, “periods of the development of knowledge about the social nature of language”, “sociological direction in Ukrainian linguistics”, “codifi cation”, “codifi cation on a folk basis”, “asymmetric communication situation”, “social - individual nature of family communication”, “social nature of a name”, “social functions of the Ukrainian language in the church”, “conversion to Orthodoxy of Greek Catholics”, “Ukrainization in the 20-30s of the twentieth century”. Researchers also analyze modern aspects of language-nation interaction, language-national security, the concept of “institutional language management”, “language discrimination”, “hate speech as a form of discursive discrimination”, “linguistic landscape”, informal names in the socio-group “ students”, communication in the socio-group “political elite”, etc. In general, the results obtained in the works of representatives of Lviv sociolinguistic circle contribute to the development of the terminological system and the categorical base of historical, theoretical, applied and cognitive sociolinguistics.
Настоящая статья посвящена проблемам перевода произведений научной фантастики. В качестве материала для анализа мы использовали роман известного польского писателя-фантаста – Яцека Дукая – Идельное несовершенство. Внимание автора статьи сосредоточилось, главным образом,  на проблемах перевода терминов, псевдотерминов и неологизмов. Как показал анализ материала, решения переводчика, как правило, соответствуют замыслу автора оригинала.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest problemom przekładu literatury fantastycznonaukowej. W charakterze materiału do analizy wykorzystano powieść znanego polskiego pisarza fantasty Jacka Dukaja  – Perfekcyjna niedoskonałość. Uwaga autora skupiła się przede wszystkim na problemie przekładu terminów i pseudoterminów, a także neologizmów. Jak wykazała analiza materiału w rosyjskim przekładzie decyzje translatorskie pokrywają się na ogół z intencją autora oryginału.
This article is devoted to the problems of translating science fiction literature. As a material for analysis, a novel by well-known Polish fantasy writer Jacek Dukaj – Perfect Imperfection,  was used. The author’s attention focused primarily on the problem of translating terms and pseudo-terms, as well as neologisms. As the analysis of the material in the Russian Translation has shown, the translation decisions generally coincide with the author’s intention of the original.
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