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The article focuses on the issue of bilingualism in Jewish headstone inscriptions. The research covers 100 texts which were created in the period of 1829–1949 and come from a Jewish cemetery in Ansbach in Bavaria. The research of their structure showed that bilingual versions concern various components of the text, more rarely entire texts, and are not actually translations. Furthermore, diachronic analysis allowed the research to confirm the slow expansion of the German language (from the mid-19th century) and limitation of use of the Hebrew language to the phrases beginning or ending the grave inscription (the 30s of the 20th century).
The Polish version of the article was published in Roczniki Humanistyczne vol. 57, issue 1 (2009). This text describes the literary structure (the immanent poetics) of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s 1952 diary Podróż do Burmy (A Journey to Burma) to properly situate this work in the domain of non-fiction and to indicate the most important characteristics of the writer’s diarist conception.
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O gramatyce stylistycznej

The author makes a revision of the newest Polish publications dealing with stylistic gram mar and claims that there are many research possibilities still open in these works.
In Porządek sądów i spraw miejskich prawa majdeburskiego w Koronie Polskiej published in Cracow in 1559 Bartłomiej Groicki had codified with respect to law regulations the text of a court summons. This codification also comprised the linguistic layer of the summons. The model of a summons text had been its oral and written text realizations in the court practice both in Polish and in Latin, which were previously known from mediaeval Polish, and also legal regulations included in professional legal literature written in Latin.Numerous reprints of Porządek sądów…, used through centuries in the court practice in Poland, contributed to the popularization and preservation of a summons in linguistic awareness of court officials and participants of court trials as a standard official utterance
vol. 22
The article is devoted to the Upper-Silesian space understood here not as the matter’s physical attribute, but as a cultural fact which delimits the area of incidents that the local press can include. It is an attempt to identify the textual strategies employed to demarcate the local borders – shared by the sender and the receiver. The strategies acknowledged to be the most interesting were those whose teleological dimension was subordinated to the journalistic practice of creating the sense of regional affinity. The research confirmed the thesis about the stylistic and genre unification of the Upper-Silesian press in the second half of the 19th century as stemming from the sociopolitical and cultural situation of the region, i.e., predominantly from the lack of the receivers’ reading skills, using the press as a political weapon, or publishers’ concern for winning the readers over. All of the above can be, thus, easily observed in the text, where appeals, addresses and persuasive resources are used in abundance. The analyses were focused on these elements which create the community of the Upper-Silesian region in the structure of the press message in a multifaceted way: the newspaper as a whole – the press column as a text – the press text. A number of newspaper titles were studied, which showed the strongly-stressed identification of the press makers with the local space – the Upper-Silesian one. The emotional style, explicitly expressed relationship with one’s own community and the use of the primarily spoken genre of speech (e.g., legend) in the written form make the bond stronger, whereas the whereas the goal of “taming” foreign topics was realized through, among others, the textual structure of enumeration or the dialogue.   goal of “taming” foreign topics was realized through, among others, the textual structure of enumeration or the dialogue.
The article presents the principle o f analogy in contemporary Polish Catholic homilies addressed to children. Searching for an analogy between a liturgical text and human life is a very important element o f a homily as a variant o f a sermon, especially a homily to children, because the main aim of this type o f sermon is discovering what a sacred text (the Bibie) says to contemporary man. The article is based on over sixty homilies for childrenrecorded in Cracow Catholic churches in the years 1994-2005. For comparison a similai number o f homilies for adults were used. In the paper different morę or less conventional ways o f reference to human life are discussed. It appears that preachers very often use cognitive schemata, for example so called scripts and scenes, to facilitate understanding. At the level of language these schemata may be a basis of multiword expressions that have aconstant function in a given text type and that occur repeatedly in the same situations. These collocations may be characteristic o f a given functional style (register o f language) and o f a given speech genre and a sub-genre, in this case for a homily for children as a speech sub-genre. Searching for analogy seems to fulfill two main functions in homilies: explanation and tic, especiall) in respect to ethical problems, presented on the example of linguistic images o f good and bad deeds, images that are fixed in repeated collocations. It is appropriate to ask why ethical problems in homilies for children are discussed in a schematic and stereotypical way. It may result ffom the genre features of the homily, in which a sacred text is input, or may result ffom an over simplified image o f the child’s world, which preachers have. To explain this problem it would be useful to analyze the language of other types o f sermons and the language o f religious oducation. actualization (reference to the contemporary listener’s situation). Regarding explanation there is a great creativity in the authors o f sermons, whereas actualization is very schematic, especiall) in respect to ethical problems, presented on the example o f linguistic images o f good and bad deeds, images that are fixed in repeated collocations. It is appropriate to ask why ethical problems in homilies for children are discussed in a schematic and stereotypical way. It may result ffom the genre features of the homily, in which a sacred text is input, or may result ffom an over simplified image o f the child’s world, which preachers have. To explain this problem it would be useful to analyze the language of other types o f sermons and the language o f religious oducation.  
Fiscal quantifications in the structure of an official text from the 17th century The strategy of the lustration procedure drawn from the parliament’s acts and fiscal instructions that shaped 17th century official discourse, consisted of an inventory comprising the royal assets in a specific structural formula based on a fiscal calculative pattern used for tax purposes. The inventory’s structure comprised the following text sequences: 1. Showing the source of revenue. 2. Showing the revenue. 3. Showing the costs of income. 4. Showing the income. 5. Determining the amount of tax liability from the earned income. A fiscal operation treated in a numerical way as a certain calculative concept became a constructional diagram, which textually materialised itself in lustration inventories of cities, villages and farms throughoutthe Lviv area, which were developed in a repetitive discursive practice. A quantitative assessment in lustration inventories used for tax purposes, except for structural exponents, also has some other textual exponents, which refer to assessable areas of land, the number of outbuildings, the amount of harvest, time of work, amount of money, tax liability or the number of people.They primarily included cardinal and ordinal numbers, expressed linguistically and numerically, indicating a particular number of units which were subject to quantification, lexemes which expressed approximate values, that is indefinite numerals, and also units of measurement. Official quantitative conceptualization, which was pragmatically conditioned, as it was in accordance with fiscaland parliamentary directives used with royal assets, expressed itself in the 17th century lustration texts using a serial and repetitive textualprocessin a structural and stylistic dimension.
The article is dedicated to the problem of conceptions of polytext, of foundation of its notional nature. Polytext is defined as a row of marked by associative and semantic community in the spheres of author (creator, compiler), code, context, addressee of autonomous word texts which in the cultural practice actually or potentionally are represented as integral (whole and unique), dynamic, multumeasured, dissipative conceptual and semantic product, completely sub- mitted to the principle of centration. Polytext is an integral, polystylistic, polygenre, polysubject formation. The inner aspect of integrity of polytext is connected with mechanisms which ensure its ‘internal life’, determine processes making senses. Sources of conceptions of polytext are in the works by A. Potebnya, D. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, A. Veselovsky, V. Ivanov, A. Belyi, M. Bahtin, G. Gukovsky and others. The interest to the theory of polytext was initiated by Y. Lotman, Z. Mints, V. Toporov and others. The cycle is a subtype of polytext.
The article shows genre transformation on the basis of chosen texts about fashion. The author followed through the compositional formation of texts about fashion, published in women lifestyle magazines from 19th  through 20th to 21st century. Taking into consideration pragmatic aspect, texts about fashion adapt genre indicators such as correspondence, column, story, review or advertisement. However, the genre identification should not be absolutized. The analysis of genre strings, with particular consideration of architectonics of the texts, shows that typical for contemporary magazines layouts – genres in the form of collection, composed of references (affiliated with iconographical material) are not editorial novelty. They have a long tradition, on the contrary. Another difference, according to the contemporary times, is genre richness of texts about fashion. Two schemes decided about the form of texts in the past: the genre in the form of collection that was composed of references and collection of genres with the domination of correspondence.
Artykuł przedstawia przeobrażenia gatunkowe wybranych tekstów dotyczących mody. Autorka prześledziła ukształtowanie kompozycyjne materiałów ukazujących się w prasie kobiecej od wieku XIX, przez wiek XX, aż do współczesności. W aspekcie pragmatycznym publikacje modowe adaptują wyznaczniki gatunkowe korespondencji, felietonu, relacji, recenzji czy reklamy. Nie można jednak tej generycznej identyfikacji absolutyzować. Analiza ciągów gatunkowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem architektoniki realizujących je tekstów pokazuje, że typowe dla współczesnej prasy układy, czyli gatunki w formie kolekcji złożone ze wzmianek (stowarzyszonych z materiałem ikonograficznym) nie są redakcyjną nowością. Wprost przeciwnie – mają długą tradycję. Kolejna różnica w stosunku do współczesności dotyczy bogactwa genologicznego tekstów o modzie. W przeszłości o ich ukształtowaniu decydowały dwa schematy: gatunek w formie kolekcji złożony ze wzmianek oraz kolekcja gatunków z dominującą korespondencją.
Pierwsza polskojęzyczna książka została wydana w Lublinie w 1630 r. Nosi ona tytuł Słonecznik albo porownanie woli ludzkiey z wolą bożą, jej autorem jest Jeremiasz Drexelius, a wydrukował ją Paweł Konrad. O drukarzu tym nie zachowały się żadne wzmianki w źródłach. Na podstawie analizy starego druku (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem korelacji między strukturą tekstu a jego ukształtowaniem typograficznym) można stwierdzić, że P. Konrad dobrze znał współczesną konwencję wydawniczą. Umiejętnie korzystał ze swojego – dość skromnego zasobu typograficznego, aby podkreślić strukturę tekstu. Używał trzech rodzajów pisma drukowanego, stosował kapitaliki, wersaliki i pismo tekstowe, zmieniał wielkość liter, wyśrodkowywał i wyjustowywał tekst, używał inicjałów i składu tekstu w kształt kolumny szpicowej, zamieszczał w tekście ozdobniki i świadomie operował przestrzenią niezadrukowaną.
The first Polish language book was published in Lublin in 1630. The book Słonecznik albo porownanie woli ludzkiey z wolą bożą by Jeremiasz Drexelius was printed in Paweł Konrad's printing house. The name of the printer was not mentioned in historical resources. The analysis of the old print (especially the correlation between the structure and the typographic layout of the text) shows that P. Konrad knew well contemporary publishing convention. He skilfully made use of his meagre composing material in order to emphasise text structure. He used three different typefaces, small capitals, capitals, and book ordinary type. He changed the letter size, used centring, justification as well as initials and the short column. Moreover, the printer placed ornaments in the text, and he consciously employed unprinted space.
The focus of this diachronic linguistic research into the Early New High German is, among others, the use of language conventions in a particular historical linguistic community and the development of these conventions in a given period. A suitable procedure for such investigations has been found in description of the text types in the form of the so-called text forms, i.e. schemas with binding components present in all copies of the given text type, or additional components resulting from the specifics of a concrete communication situation which may depend on the writer’s personality. After determining the text forms, i.e. analysis at the level of the text macrostructure, the analysis of selected microstructures of each text follows, which refers to the formal and content aspects of a sentence. From this perspective, the study examines 180-year-long development of the German specimens of the ‘inventories of inheritance’ text type produced in the Olomouc Town Office. Concrete examples from German texts are given to illustrate the gradual formation of a uniform text structure and its uniform lexical realization.
Im Mittelpunkt der aktuellen diachronen Erforschung des Frühneuhochdeutschen liegt der konkrete Gebrauch der Sprachkonventionen in einer bestimmten Sprachgemeinschaft und die Entwicklung dieser Gewohnheiten in einem längeren Zeitraum. Eines der optimalen Verfahren in dieser Untersuchung ist eine Beschreibung von Textexemplaren in Form von Textmustern mit verbindenden und freien Komponenten, die auf eine spezifische kommunikative Situation reagierten und von der Persönlichkeit des Schreibers beeinflusst werden konnten. Der Untersuchung der Textschemata, d.h. der Analyse auf der Ebene der Makrostruktur des Textes, folgt die Untersuchung der Mikrostrukturen ausgewählter Texte, die sich auf die formalen Aspekte bezieht. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert unter diesem Aspekt deutsche Exemplare der Textsorte „Inventar des hinterlassenen Gutes“, die in der Olmützer Stadtkanzlei verfasst wurden, und verfolgt ihre Entwicklung im Zeitraum von 180 Jahren. Konkrete Beispiele belegen eine allmähliche Entwicklung der einheitlichen Textstruktur und deren ebenso einheitliche lexikalische Realisierung.
The article is a presentation of the previously undiscussed prayer book Dworskie nabożeństwo, published in 1781 in Kalisz, a city which has a long tradition of publishing, mainly connected with the activities of Jesuits. Currently there are 6 known copies of this anonymously published prayer book (commissioned for print “by a priest of the former order of The Society of Jesus”), including the one unknown to XX century bibliographers, found in the Library of Elbląg, which has been recovered and made available recently. Dworskie nabożeństwo is a book constructed in a very original way. It contains 368 identical hexamerous prayers. Parts of the prayers are placed in tables, in a way that makes the reader consciously reconstruct the whole prayer from the elements divided between different rows in the table.
The concept of time reveals its complex naturę. It has been encoded in the structure of language in many different ways and it is also permanently present in the discourse. Due to its anthropological character, it is strongly related to the domain of human feelings and imagination. So the time is not simply measured, but it is experienced and lived by as well. As a factor of many different acts, the time undergoes various mental operations. In several types of utterances the concept of time happens to be transformed in some charac- teristic ways: it might be reduced or stopped and one may experience an illusion of time- lessness. Modifications of this kind are being introduced in some special sentence and text structures. Though such constructs might be used in every day speech and in some other kinds of discourse, i.e. in advertisements, they are specific for three types of poetry: poetic meditations, reflective considerations, and lyrical descriptions. The time can also be apparently stopped in the narrative poems, with their specific temporal structures con- nected to the plot. It happens when they are constructed in a particular way undergoing the rule of semantic loop.In this paper some examples of such apparent time flow arrests are discussed as well as their specific functions in poetry.
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