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This article seeks to define and defend the work of transreligious theology and invite a broad range of instructors from a variety of institutional settings to teach it. What is distinctive here is my definition of transreligious theology understood as the quest for interreligious wisdom. My central questions will be these: Just what is transreligious theology? Why should it be taught? Finally, this essay will take up the concrete question of how transreligious theology might be taught in a variety of institutional settings including undergraduate religious studies departments and even within the state university context.
Open Theology
vol. 2
issue 1
The Theology Without Walls (TWW) project attempts to interpret spiritual experiences without subjecting them to a priori criteria from religious traditions, but TWW does not substitute universalized secular criteria for religious criteria. Some have promoted “multiple religious belonging” as a prism through which to interpret the experiences of people participating in more than one spiritual path. Yet the concept of multiple religious belonging still presumes a framework in which communal traditions coordinate one’s spiritual experiences. For TWW, however, belonging does not have to be religious or interreligious or multireligious. The manner in which practitioners thematize, or refuse to thematize, their journeys is not a prerequisite for participation in TWW. Is TWW then a sect of the disaffiliated that rejects communal encounters and traditions? How does TWW operate in practice? Raimon Panikkar’s writings on the Trinity demonstrate how a theologian/practitioner well versed in two traditions responds to what he calls “the cosmotheandric experience” by articulating how trinitarian presence is not primarily a doctrine but contrasting facets of reality to which Christianity and Hinduism bear witness. Panikkar’s work is a model of how scholars working with TWW can engage with traditions and simultaneously remain attentive to the particularities of everyday reality.
Do Vaticanum II głównym celem misji było zbawienie ludzi, którzy nie wierzyli w Chrystusa. Uznanie przez Sobór obecności elementów prawdy, dobrej i autentycznej świętości w religiach zrodziło pytanie o sens misji w nowym świetle. Rezultatem było nowoczesne odejście od zbawczego eklezjocentryzmu i powrót do chrystocentryzmu w teologii. W świetle współczesnej teologii religii do zbawienia nie jest konieczne formalne członkostwo w Kościele. Celem misji jest jednak przede wszystkim plantatio Ecclesiae. Obecność Kościoła jako przekaziciela objawienia i pośrednika zbawczej łaski jest konieczna dla pełnego zbawienia świata. Jego rola jest analogiczna do roli Chrystusa i wyczerpuje się w byciu powszechnym sakramentem zbawienia dla całej ludzkości, tj. w jednoczeniu ludzi z Bogiem i między sobą.
Up to Vatican II, the main goal of the mission was the salvation of people who did not believe in Christ. The Council’s recognition of the presence of elements of truth, good and authentic holiness in religions posed a question about the sense of mission in a new light. The result was modern departure from salvific ecclesiocentricism and return to christocentrism in theology. In the light of modern theology of religion, no formal membership of the Church is necessary for salvation. The mission’s purpose, however, is first and foremost plantatio Ecclesiae. The Church’s presence as a trader of revelation and mediator of saving grace is necessary for the full salvation of the world. Role of the Church is analogous to the role of Christ himself and is exhausted in being a universal sacrament of salvation for all humanity, i.e. in uniting people with God and among themselves.
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Ekskluzywizm ewangelikalny

Within the Christian theology of religions one distinguishes three basic paradigms: exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism. Pluralism considers all religions as equal ways of salvation leading to God. It denies that Jesus Christ is the unique Savior of the world.  Inclusivism maintains the unicity and salvivic universality of Jesus Christ, but affirms that  explicit faith in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation for unevangelized people. Exclusivism is the view that Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world and that one must believe God’s special revelation that culminates in the gospel of Christ in order to be saved. Evangelical theologians principally maintain this position. Interestingly enough, on the one hand they affirm that children who die in infancy (as well as people who are mentally incompetent) are included within the circle of God’s saving grace and will be saved; on the other hand, they say that since the first coming of Christ the only way of salvation is explicit faith in him. The article is divided into three parts. The first part examines the argument of those theologians about the fate of children who die in infancy and then compares it with the teaching of the Catholic Church expressed by the International Theological Commission in its document The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptized (2007). The second part examines the biblical and theological arguments advanced by evangelical theologians in favor of exclusivism. In the third part these arguments are discussed from the perspective of Catholic theology. For Catholics as much as for evangelicals, there is no doubt that Jesus Christ is the unique Savior of the world and that salvation has always been by grace through faith. The difference concerns the content of this saving faith. Must it have as its object an explicit knowledge of Jesus Christ, as is argued by the evangelical exclusivists?
In context of interreligious dialogue development, especially the meetings of the representatives of different religions led by the Pope in Assisi and criticized by various ecclesiastical circles, an essential question appears concerning theological ground for Christians’ participation in interreligious prayer. The author of the article indicates the origins of the above mentioned criticism, refutes charges of syncretism and relativism aimed at Assisi, and gives the reasons for the possibility of such a prayer within the so-called dialogue of religious experience. The possibility is grounded, above all, on such facts as common origin and destiny of mankind, unity of God’s economy of salvation, uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s saving mediation, universality of the action of the Holy Spirit in the world and in religions, and uniting role of the Church toward mankind. The practical aspect of the problem resolves mainly to the necessity for taking into consideration the principle lex orandi - lex credendi and sensibly avoiding all appearances of syncretism and proselytizing.
Nurt SVD
issue 2
How can a local Church be, at the same time, a credible, convincing witness to Christ’s Kingdom and pro-active in the attitude of openness, reconciliation, understanding and collaboration? In other words, how to be God’s people in mission and in dialogue? Letter to a New Bishop offers theological grounds and provides some suggestions and material for a truly Catholic encounter with other believers. It begins with a brief overview of the relevant terminology: mission, evangelisation, interreligious dialogue and proclamation. It then proposes several concrete propositions of how to set up and run a diocesan office, or an organisation, charged with interreligious dialogue and related matters. The Letter addresses also some common misconceptions about the idea of interreligious dialogue, and encourages its advocates to carry on this difficult, but so desperately needed, work.
W jaki sposób Kościół może praktykować postawę otwartości, pojednania, zrozumienia i współpracy, niosąc zarazem wiarygodne i przekonujące świadectwo o Królestwie Bożym? Innymi słowy, w jaki sposób winniśmy być chrześcijanami, a przy tym ludźmi misji i dialogu? List do Nowego Biskupa, teologicznie spójny, stanowi zaproszenie do skorzystania z kilku propozycji w tym względzie. Po krótkim przeglądzie terminologii tematu jak misja, ewangelizacja, dialog międzyreligijny i proklamacja, jego autor przechodzi do konkretnych sugestii dotyczących ustanowienia i prowadzenia specjalnej komórki, lub organizacji diecezjalnej, obarczonej zadaniem prowadzenia dialogu międzyreligijnego i zajmowania się wszelkimi innymi związanymi z nim tematami. W dalszym ciągu Listu jego autor zmierza się z kilkoma najbardziej rozpowszechnionymi błędnymi mniemaniami na temat dialogu międzyreligijnego, oraz zachęca jego zwolenników do kontynuowania tego trudnego, ale jakże potrzebnego, dzieła.
Coming from a more comparative point of view as far as Theology of Religions and Interreligious Studies are concerned – though to a certain extent as well as a pluralist in the sense of hope for universal understanding and well-being – I want to ask how Interreligious and Intercultural Hermeneutics are a necessary tool when we try to set up minimal standards for a Global Ethics in the reality of nowadays multicultural societies. I introduce for Ethics as well as for Hermeneutics the concept of ‘Responsible Interim’ – the latter reflecting the fact that human beings do have universals only under the ‘eschatological reserve’ (in Christian terminology), as ‘Suchness in Emptiness’ (in Buddhist terminology). I will proceed from universal truth questions and more general questions of philosophy of religion towards questions of cultural i.e. religious contexts shaping ethical and religious view(s) and convictions. Can smallest common denominators be found? How does legal rule help to establish and keep them? How does society, how do individuals change by starting from a spiritual, creative and holistic and maybe even transpersonal point of view – a view of co-creation and incarnatio continua in religious, i.e. in Christian terminology again?
This paper presents a new perspective on theology, especially the theology of religions, proposed by the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC). The key concept is the harmony, striving toward which firmly inscribed in the religious concepts of Asian philosophical point of view. Understanding of harmony was outlined in the Eastern religions and the perception in the perspective of redemption in Jesus Christ and His Church. Shown are a number of documents and initiatives of FABC that refer to the idea of harmony as a common denominator for Asian theology. Triple form of dialogue (with the poor, with the culture and interreligious) selected as a criterion of activities of the Church in Asia seems to be most fully understood and implemented with a view of harmony.
Artykuł prezentuje nowe spojrzenie na teologie, zwłaszcza teologie religii, proponowane przez Federacje Konferencji Episkopatów Azji (FABC). Kluczowym pojęciem jest w nim harmonia, dążenie ku której mocno wpisane jest w religijne koncepcje światopoglądowe Azji. Naszkicowane zostało rozumienie harmonii w religiach Wschodu oraz postrzeganie w jej perspektywie zbawczego dzieła Jezusa Chrystusa i Kościoła. Ukazane zostały liczne dokumenty i inicjatywy FABC, które odwołują sie do idei harmonii jako wspólnego mianownika dla teologii azjatyckiej. Potrójna forma dialogu (z ubogimi, międzykulturowego i międzyreligijnego) wybrana za podstawowe kryterium działali Kościoła w Azji wydaje sie najpełniej rozumiana i realizowana w perspektywie harmonii.
This article describes the comparative theology and focuses on its criti­cal assessment. As a scientific discipline, it has been developed mainly in Anglo-Saxon circles and recently in Germany, as well. In the first part the author presents origins and the concept of comparative theology. It is generally understood as a theological discipli­ne which reflects on other religions within the frame of dialogue with religio­logical sciences, especially with the empiri­cal comparative religion. The micro-logi­cal nature (i.e. specific issues) and the consisten­tly applied comparative method distinguish it from the theology of religions. It is not, however, a part of religious studies in general because it does not confine itself to mere description of religious phenomena, but it raises the question of its veracity. Comparative theologians do not distance themselves from their own religion, but they attempt to look at it from the perspective of other traditions in the context of genuine interreligious dialo­gue. The comparative theology is highly diverse (there is no just one concep­tion of it). The author illustrates this diversity with the views of two compa­rative theologians: F.X. Clooney and R.C. Neville. The second part of the article deals with methodological issues. The methodological status of compa­rative theology has not been fully established yet. Two issues are particularly important here; the relation of the comparative theology with empirical reli­gious studies and its relationship to the theology of religions. The author does not agree with the thesis that the comparative theology should replace the theology of religions. Decisive in this respect is the unclear theological nature of comparative theology. Mere focusing on the veracity of religious beliefs does not make theology out of it. The philosophy of religion raises this issue as well. On the other hand allegations of comparative theologians against the theology of religions are partly true (i.e. vagueness, apriority of judgments, underestimation of otherness/difference, etc.). In such a si­tuation a creative cooperation of both disciplines could be the solution, with a “com­parative theology of religions” as a final consequence.
Niniejszy artykuł stawia sobie za cel prezentację i krytyczną ocenę teologii komparatywnej (comparative theology). Dyscyplina ta uprawiana jest głównie w środowiskach anglosaskich, a ostatnio w Niemczech. W części pierwszej ukazano genezę oraz pojęcie teologii komparatyw­nej. Widzi się w niej dys­cyplinę teologiczną, która w dialogu z innymi naukami religiologicz­nymi, zwłaszcza z empirycznym religioznawstwem (comparative religion), dokonuje refleksji nad innymi religiami. Tym, co odróżnia ją od teologii religii, jest jej mikrologiczny charakter (tj. koncentracja na zagadnieniach szczegółowych) oraz konsekwentnie stosowana metoda po­równawcza. Nie jest ona jednak religioznawstwem, gdyż nie poprzestaje na zwykłym opisie zjawisk religij­nych, ale stawia pytanie o ich prawdziwość. Teolog komparatywny nie dys­tansuje się też od własnej tradycji religijnej, ale stara się na nią spojrzeć z perspektywy innych trady­cji, z którymi prowadzi uczciwy dialog. Teologia komparatywna jest zjawiskiem wysoce zróż­nicowanym (nie ma jednej koncep­cji tej dyscypliny). Różnorodność tę ukazano na przykładzie komparatystyki F.X. Clooney'a oraz R.C. Neville’a. Kolejna część artykułu poświęcona jest kwestiom metodologicznym. Status metodologiczny teologii komparatywnej nie jest jeszcze do końca ustalony. Dwa zagadnienia są tutaj szczególnie ważne: relacja teologii komparatywnej do empirycznych nauk o religii oraz jej stosunek do teologii religii. Autor nie zgadza się z tezą, że teologia kom­paratywna powinna zastąpić teologię religii. Niejasny jest przede wszyst­kim teologiczny charakter teologii komparatywnej. Samo podjęcie kwestii prawdzi­wości prze­konań religijnych nie czyni z niej jeszcze teologii. Także filozofia religii podnosi tę kwes­tię. Z drugiej strony zarzuty teologów komparatywnych pod adresem teologii religii są po części słuszne (ogólnikowość, apriorycz­ność wydawanych sądów, niedocenianie inności/odmien­ności itd.). W takiej sytuacji można by sobie życzyć twórczej kooperacji obydwu dyscyplin. Efek­tem tego mogłaby być „komparatywna teologia religii”.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie myśli Josepha Ratzingera w dziedzinie teologii religii, zgodnie z którą zarówno zbawcza uniwersalność Chrystusa, jak i konieczność Kościoła dla zbawienia każdego człowieka (a tym samym najgłębszy sens bycia chrześcijaninem) są nierozdzielne. Autor pokazuje, że wizja Ratzingera koncentruje się wokół dwóch aspektów: teologicznego rozumienia zbawczego pośrednictwa Chrystusa (a wraz z nim Kościoła) oraz refleksji nad istotą ludzką i subiektywnymi warunkami zbawienia. W dalszej części artykułu wykazano, w jaki sposób między człowiekiem a Bogiem może zostać nawiązana istotna relacja zbawcza – synteza wiary i miłości. Pokazano również, że Ratzinger podkreśla rolę, jaką chrześcijaństwo wraz z religiami świata może odegrać we wspólnym poszukiwaniu prawdy o Bogu i człowieku, przyczyniając się do jedności rodziny ludzkiej. Artykuł kończy się spostrzeżeniem, że głębia refleksji Ratzingera nad kwestią zbawienia przyczynia się do naświetlenia fundamentalnych aspektów złożonego teologicznego problemu religii.
The article aims to present Joseph Ratzinger’s thought in the field of theology of religions, according to which both the salvific universality of Christ and the necessity of the Church for the salvation of every man (and thereby the deepest meaning of being Christian) appear inseparably. The author shows how Ratzinger outlines a vision with two focal points: the objective aspect of salvation with the theological understanding of the vicarious representation of Christ (and the Church with him) and the subjective conditions of salvation with a reflection on the human being. In the article, it is thus demonstrated how an essential salvific relationship – a synthesis of faith and love – can be established between man and God. It is further shown that Ratzinger also highlights the role which Christianity, together with world religions, can play in the common search for the truth about God and man, contributing to the unity of the human family. The article concludes with an observation that the depth of Ratzinger’s reflection on the question of salvation contributes to illuminating fundamental aspects of the complex theological problem of religions.
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