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Father Erich Wasmann, a German Jesuit, played the crucial role in the debates with monists on the interpretation of theory of evolution. He showed that monistic interpretation of this theory is not necessary, and he proposed theistic interpretation of evolution. In this paper the history of these debates, that took place in Germany in 1907 was presented together with the philosophical examination of the arguments used by opponents. The second part of this paper presents how those debates influenced philosophical and theological thought in Poland.
In this article the author considers an attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the theory of evolution beginning with the year of publication of Darwin 'The Evolution of Species' until contemporary times. The orthodox theology relies upon the thought of Greek Fathers of the Church who emphasized a difference between the incomprehensible essence of God and His actions (energies), by which He reveals Himself in the created world. In the light of the above conception the Orthodox Church acknowledges every scientific theory as an reflexion of this revelation, if only it doesn't trespass its relevant boundaries. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church has never condemned the evolution theory itself, although some of her theologians have been criticizing some of its aspects. In the last part the author presents contemporary polemics between orthodox evolutionists and creationists. He also suggests some insight into their arguments exposing their limitations. In this article the author considers an attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the theory of evolution beginning with the year of publication of Darwin 'The Evolution of Species' until contemporary times. The orthodox theology relies upon the thought of Greek Fathers of the Church who emphasized a difference between the incomprehensible essence of God and His actions (energies), by which He reveals Himself in the created world. In the light of the above conception the Orthodox Church acknowledges every scientific theory as an reflexion of this revelation, if only it doesn't trespass its relevant boundaries. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church has never condemned the evolution theory itself, although some of her theologians have been criticizing some of its aspects. In the last part the author presents contemporary polemics between orthodox evolutionists and creationists. He also suggests some insight into their arguments exposing their limitations.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 8
issue 2
The author considers John Paul II’s treatment of the topic of evolution in order to retrieve its full content. He starts with an analysis of the Pope’s 1996 Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, especially addressing the problem of the meaning of the words that “the theory of evolution . . . [is] more than a hypothesis,” and the problem of hominization. Then, he explores papal statements from 1985 and 1986. Finally, he concludes that John Paul II’s teaching on evolution appears as fragmentary and ambiguous and, as such, requires greater precision and further development, especially for the sake of the Catholic theology of creation.
Bioethical justification for human improvement. Reflections on the book of John Harris Enhancing evolution: The author discusses the transhumanist perspective on evolution, and considers Harris’ views in a wider context of the ongoing anthropological and ethical debate. While doing so he addresses some of the crucial issues at the interface of modern technologies, medical progress and bioethical challenges.
Some biologists and philosophers are convinced that no definition of life can be formulated. I polemicize with this skepticism. Especially, I discuss the argumentation of Carol E. Cleland and her co-workers. I demonstrate that the theory of evolution is a proper theoretical foundation for defining life. I show that downgrading the importance of the theory of evolution is not based on the traditional arguments against the scientific character of this theory (e.g. Popper’s argument). New arguments are deduced from the belief that every mature theory of life should explain all forms of life. I also consider conclusions derived from my analysis, showing that they lead to a functionalist view of life.
Today the theory of evolution is under attack from the point of view of Intelligent Design (ID), which remains not only intellectual position but a political movement too. In some interpretations ID is a continuation of the Creationism; in others ID is coherent with the scientific background. According to W. A. Dembski ID is best characterized by three things: 'a scientific research program that investigates the effects of intelligent causes; an intellectual movement that challenges Darwinism and its naturalistic legacy; and a way of understanding divine action'. Taking account of this situation it is extremely important to reinforce the dialogue between true science and theology. God of the New Testament remains the source of the innovation and from this perspective neither chance in nature excludes God, nor destiny in nature requires God. These and other reasons lead one to accept the position of Cardinal J. H. Newman: 'I believe in design because I believe in God, not in a God because I see design'. Today the theory of evolution is under attack from the point of view of Intelligent Design (ID), which remains not only intellectual position but a political movement too. In some interpretations ID is a continuation of the Creationism; in others ID is coherent with the scientific background. According to W. A. Dembski ID is best characterized by three things: 'a scientific research program that investigates the effects of intelligent causes; an intellectual movement that challenges Darwinism and its naturalistic legacy; and a way of understanding divine action'. Taking account of this situation it is extremely important to reinforce the dialogue between true science and theology. God of the New Testament remains the source of the innovation and from this perspective neither chance in nature excludes God, nor destiny in nature requires God. These and other reasons lead one to accept the position of Cardinal J. H. Newman: 'I believe in design because I believe in God, not in a God because I see design'.
Over the years A View of San Francisco Bay (1969) has proven itself essential both to Miłosz’s life and to his writings. It was here that he formulated, for the fi rst time with such a force, the theses that would later regularly reappear in his essays and poetry. One vital aspect of the intellectual construction outlined in A View of San Francisco Bay was the concept of Nature. Miłosz proposed a “presentistic” approach arguing for the concept of Nature, which he expounded, as an indispensible element of contemporary thought. His refl ections are restricted to selected motifs closely linked with his theses about Nature: Nature and beauty, human/animal relations, and the theory of evolution.
Ethics - evolution - utopia. Remarks on John Harris’ Enhancing evolution: The paper is divided into two parts. The first part justifies the thesis that the project of enhancing evolution presented by Harris, consisting in replacing natural selection with deliberate selection, is based on misunderstanding of the scientifically defined theory of evolution. In the second part, it is shown that Harris’ argument may serve as a classic example of a utopian discourse in which a pseudoscientific narrative is mixed with a quasi-religious belief.
Encyclical 'Aeterni Patris' of Leo XIII (1879) caused significant development of neo-scholastic movement in Poland in the beginning of 20th century. This movement was strongly influenced by philosophers from Louvain (Leuven). The struggles between German monists and Jesuit Erich Wasmann in the years 1905-1907 inspired Polish neo-scholastics to take a stand in philosophical discussions about the theory of evolution. The aim of this paper is to show how Polish neo-scholastics resolved problems of relations between 'fides' and 'ratio' with respect to the theory of evolution. In this paper there are presented some ideas of such philosophers as Franciszek Gabryl (1866-1914), Kazimierz Wais(1865-1934), Feliks Hortynski SJ (1869-1927) and Konstanty Michalski (1879-1947). Their ideas show how philosophical, historical and sociological background of the theory of evolution's reception in Poland looked like.Encyclical 'Aeterni Patris' of Leo XIII (1879) caused significant development of neo-scholastic movement in Poland in the beginning of 20th century. This movement was strongly influenced by philosophers from Louvain (Leuven). The struggles between German monists and Jesuit Erich Wasmann in the years 1905-1907 inspired Polish neo-scholastics to take a stand in philosophical discussions about the theory of evolution. The aim of this paper is to show how Polish neo-scholastics resolved problems of relations between 'fides' and 'ratio' with respect to the theory of evolution. In this paper there are presented some ideas of such philosophers as Franciszek Gabryl (1866-1914), Kazimierz Wais(1865-1934), Feliks Hortynski SJ (1869-1927) and Konstanty Michalski (1879-1947). Their ideas show how philosophical, historical and sociological background of the theory of evolution's reception in Poland looked like.
Prehistoric archaeology constituted an important topic in the writings of Karol Libelt during the final stage of his work. As a result of several years’ research and bringing up this subject in his texts, Libelt made notable achievements in the field of prehistoric archaeology. The most important of them are: description of archaeological discoveries in Czeszewo, participation in a dispute over prehistoric chronology with Stefan Pawlicki in 1871, and also one of the first descriptions of the Stone Age in the Polish literature. Thus Libelt should be considered as a pioneer in prehistoric research, particularly the Stone Age, in Poland. Apart from that, among his undoubted achievements was propagation of the theory of evolution, although with reservations, during the earliest stage of Darwinism’s reception in Poland.
Anthropology and hermeneutics, two disciplines separated in the 19th century, were combined in the 20th. According to them is man a being who interprets itself. This purely formal description has to be filled up with content. How man sees himself depends from the idea he has about himself. Today’s sociobiologists and primatologists stress only a quantity difference between men and apes. This frees human being from self-admiration. I’d like to propose such a idea of man that uses the figure of the hermeneutical circle. According to it the results of empirical sciences and of human’s self-understanding condition each other. The fact that we are a product of biological evolution dismiss the exceptionality of our self-consciousness, and vice versa: this consciousness does not eliminate our self-understanding as a product of evolution. The huge role in our becoming humans plays the pair: a man and a woman, joined in an erotic relations that results in transcending the purely biologicaldimension of reality.
Edward Osborne Wilson does not want to follow Richard Dawkins's example and ignore religion. He expresses the belief that as a result of our genetic makeup religion is a part of our inherent nature. Wilson explains religion as a kind of illusion which is neces-sary for effective survival and reproduction. Organisms that have faith are more able to survive and reproduce than those that are devoid of it. In Wilson's opinion, nobody will ever be able to eliminate religion. At the most we can promote Darwinian evolution as an alternative to „lay religion”. In this article Wilson's views on the relationship between science and religion are to be addressed and evaluated, which will then be supported by the arguments of well-known authorities in the fields of biology and philosophy.
Edward Osborne Wilson nie chce bagatelizować religii na wzór Richarda Dawkinsa. Wyraża przekonanie, że dzięki naszym genom religia jest częścią naszej wrodzonej natury. Wilson wyjaśnia religię jako rodzaj iluzji, która jest konieczna dla efektywnego przetrwa-nia i reprodukcji. Organizmy posiadające wiarę są w stanie lepiej przetrwać i się reprodu-kować niż te, które jej nie mają. Zdaniem Wilsona, religii nigdy nikomu nie da się wyeli-minować. Co najwyżej możemy promować darwinowską ewolucję jako alternatywną „świecką religię”. W niniejszym artykule zreferowano poglądy Wilsona na relację nauka-religia oraz dokonano ich krytycznej oceny, wspierając się argumentami znanych autorytetów w dziedzinie biologii i filozofii.
This paper deals with the problem of alleged conflict between the theological idea of the creation of man by God and the scientific theories that explain the origin of the human body referring to the process of evolution. It is argued that there is no contradiction between these two domains and that there is no real conflict between the idea of creation and the theory of evolution. At first, the conception of evolution is introduced. Afterwards, the evolutionary creationism is presented as the theological doctrine which claims that God created man, using for this purpose mechanisms of evolution. It is argued that the Biblical account of creation must not be understood literally and that during the lecture of this account one should respect the interpretative principle of St. Augustine concerning metaphorical sense of some Biblical texts. Finally, a “method” of explaining of the emergence of the human body by a direct action of God (“God of the gaps”) is criticized.
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie i analiza wydarzeń z 1999 roku. Podczas rutynowego procesu aktualizowania stanowych szkolnych standardów nauczania w stanie Kansas (USA), grupa lokalnych aktywistów kreacjonistycznych (w większości kreacjoniści tzw. młodej Ziemi) podjęła udaną próbę wprowadzenia poprawek do dokumentu końcowego programu nauczania przyrody. Dokument ten został przyjęty w głosowaniu Radę ds. Edukacji stanu Kansas w sierpniu 1999 roku. Wprowadzone z inspiracji kreacjonistów poprawki m.in. usuwały z programu nauczania przyrody zapisy mówiące o nadrzędnej i niepodważalnej roli neodarwinowskiej teorii ewolucji i w ogóle ewolucjonizmu w nauce, w szczególności zaś w biologii, antropologii i geologii (oraz szerzej we wszystkich naukach zajmujących się pochodzeniem Wszechświata i człowieka). Rozpętana po tym fakcie przez ewolucjonistów ogólnoamerykańska (a nawet i międzynarodowa) polityczna i medialna nagonka na stan Kansas, w której nie brakowało szyderstw i drwin, doprowadziła ostatecznie przy następnych wyborach stanowych do elekcji nowych członków Rady, którzy anulowali kontrowersyjne zapisy i przywrócili „proewolucjonistyczne", zgodne z obecnym stanem wiedzy i opinią większości naukowców zapisy. We Wprowadzeniu przedstawiona została krótko historia „afery Kansas", ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na istotne jej momenty, wprowadzając jednocześnie czytelnika w sedno zagadnienia. Część główną pracy stanowią trzy rozdziały, których treścią jest analiza (przedstawienie wraz z komentarzem) zmienionych, dodanych bądź usuniętych zapisów w końcowym dokumencie programu nauczania przyrody dla szkół publicznych stanu Kansas w stosunku do proponowanego, „proewolucjonistycznego" projektu. Zadaniem komentarza jest przedstawienie argumentów stron oraz odpowiedź na pytanie, jak poszczególne zapisy należy traktować w kontekście filozoficznego sporu ewolucjonizm-kreacjonizm; czy wszystkie poprawki wprowadzono na korzyść kreacjonizmu lub niekorzyść ewolucjonizmu? W Zakończeniu następuje zebranie wszystkich pojedynczych spostrzeżeń w ogólne wnioski oraz wypływające z nich dalekosiężne, niewidoczne być może „na pierwszy rzut oka", polityczne, społeczne i ekonomiczne konsekwencje, nadające „aferze Kansas" znacznie bardziej poważne znaczenie, niż mogłoby się zrazu wydawać.
The aim of the article is the presentation and analysis of some events of 1999. During the routine process of updating the state school teaching standards in Kansas (USA), the group of local creationist activists (mostly so-called young earth creationists) made successful attempt to introduce some corrections into the document of the final science curriculum. This document has been adopted in a vote of Kansas State Board of Education in August 1999. The corrections introduced by creationists removed from the science curriculum, among other things, the records about superior and undeniable role of the neo-Darwinian theory and the theory of evolution us such in science, especially in biology, anthropology, and geology (and more generally in all sciences dealing with the origin of the Universe and the man). After this event, a political and media all-American (or even international) campaign against Kansas state, initialized by evolutionists and full of derision and raillery, led, after next state elections, to appointment of new members of the Board who cancelled controversial records and restored pro-evolutionist ones, compatible with the present state of knowledge and opinion of most scientists.
Spór ewolucjonizmu z kreacjonizmem trwa od dawna. Podstawą tego sporu jest różne rozumienie nauki wśród ewolucjonistów i kreacjonistów. Dla tych pierwszych nauka jest przedsięwzięciem naturalistycznym. Twierdzenia, które wychodzą poza wyjaśnienia naturalistyczne, traktowane są jako nienaukowe. Na tej podstawie argumentuje się, że kreacjonizm nie może uzyskać statusu pełnoprawnej teorii naukowej. Pogląd taki jest popularny wśród naukowców, ale nie wśród niektórych filozofów nauki. Jednym z nich był Paul K. Feyerabend, który argumentował na rzecz anarchizmu metodologicznego - poglądu, że rozwój w nauce jest możliwy tylko w przypadku zniesienia rozmaitych ograniczeń metodologicznych. Kreacjonizm, w tym ujęciu, zyskuje miano teorii alternatywnej. Teorii, która dostarcza zewnętrznych standardów krytyki i która nie powinna być a priori skreślana na podstawie założeń metodologicznych.
The evolution-creation controversy has last for a long time. At its core is the fact that evolutionists and creationists have different understandings of science. For the former science is a naturalistic enterprise. Explanations that go beyond the naturalistic ones are considered to be unscientific. On that basis it is claimed that creationism cannot be legitimate science. That point of view is widely popular among scientists but not among some of the philosophers of science. One of them was Paul K. Feyerabend who supported the idea of methodological anarchism according to which scientific progress is possible only when a number of methodological limitations be abrogated. In this light creationism is viewed as an alternative theory which provides external criticism and should not be a priori excluded on methodological grounds.
This article is a presentation of the statements of John Paul II in which, as Pope, he referred to the theory of evolution and assessed it from the point of view of the Christian doctrine of cre ation. He is thought to have reconciled Christian creationism with evolution, and has even been explicitly described as an evolution ist. However, on the basis of his actual statements it is argued here that justifying such a thesis runs into difficulties. The paper exam ines the texts of papal catecheses on creation from 1985-1986, as well as messages sent by him to members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1996. John Paul II pointed out under what conditions evolution would be compatible with Christianity, rejectingthe dogmatic principles that underpin the Darwinian theory of evolution. At the same time, though, he postulated a position in whichthe scientific vision of the world does not contradict the religiousvision, and where they complement one another, describing different dimensions of reality.
Artykuł omawia wypowiedzi Jana Pawła II, w których jako papież odnosił się do teorii ewolucji i podejmował się jej oceny z punktu widzenia chrześcijańskiej nauki o stworzeniu. Zgodnie z popularnym poglądem Jan Paweł II pogodził chrześcijański kreacjonizm z ewolucjonizmem i nawet wprost określany jest jako ewolucjonista. Na podstawie konkretnych wypowiedzi papieża został wykazany szereg trudności w uzasadnieniu tak postawionej tezy. Analizie zostały poddane teksty papieskich katechez na temat stworzenia z lat 1985–1986, a także przesłania, które w 1996 roku wystosował do członków Papieskiej Akademii Nauk. Jan Paweł II zaznaczył, pod jakimi warunkami ewolucjonizm jest możliwy do pogodzenia z nauką chrześcijańską, odrzucając dogmatyczne zasady, które stały u podstaw darwinowskiej teorii ewolucji. Postulował jednak stanowisko, w którym naukowa wizja świata nie jest niezgodna z wizją religijną, a obie uzupełniają się, opisując inne wymiary rzeczywistości.
Pod koniec 1859 roku na półkach angielskich księgarni ukazała się najbardziej rewolucyjna książka w historii biologii. Jej autor, Karol Darwin, podważył pogląd o niezmienności gatunków i twierdził, że życie na Ziemi rozwija się pod wpływem procesów czysto przyrodniczych. Książka Darwina miała sześć wydań, do których wprowadzał on pewne zmiany. Jednym z najbardziej znanych przykładów jest przeformułowanie ostatniego stwierdzenia z pierwszego wydania O powstawaniu gatunków, do którego angielski przyrodnik dodał wzmiankę o Stwórcy. Choć w opinii niektórych komentatorów miało to świadczyć o akceptacji nadnaturalistycznego pochodzenia życia, to w rzeczywistości była to jedynie swoista zagrywka taktyczna Darwina w celu złagodzenia kontrowersyjnego wydźwięku książki, który mógł utrudnić przyjęcie teorii ewolucji drogą doboru naturalnego. Innym powodem, dla którego przyrodnik zdecydował się złagodzić wyraz swojej książki, mogła być chęć uspokojenia żony, jako że obawiała się ona o jego zbawienie i ich wspólny pobyt w raju.
At the end of 1859, the most revolutionary book in the history of biology began appearing in English bookshops. Its author, Charles Darwin, called into question the idea of the permanence of species and claimed that life on earth evolves by purely natural processes. Darwin’s book had six editions, each of which included changes by the author. One of the best-known examples is the rephrasing of the last statement from the first edition of On the Origin of Species, to which the English naturalist added a mention about the Creator. Although in some of the commentators’ opinions this was a sign of the acceptance of the supernatural origin of life, it was, in fact, Darwin’s thoughtful strategy to diminish the controversial overtone of his book, which might cause problems with acceptance of his theory of evolution by natural selection. The other reason for mitigating the ideas stated in the book might have been the will to calm down his wife, who feared for Darwin’s salvation and their common stay in Eden.
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza tekstów opublikowanych przed pierwszym wydaniem książki Darwina O powstawaniu gatunków, czyli o utrzymywaniu się doskonalszych ras w walce o byt. Autorzy tych tekstów to Patrick Matthew (1831), Edward Blyth (1835) i Alfred Russel Wallace (1855). Nie były one dotychczas przedmiotem szerszego zainteresowania polskich uczonych, a należy je uznać za istotne w historii teorii ewolucji.
The main aim of this article is the analysis of the papers which had been published before the first publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. The authors of these publications are Patrick Matthew (1831), Edward Blyth (1835), and Alfred Russel Wallace (1855). So far, these texts were scarcely an object of interest of Polish scholars but are important in the history of the theory of evolution.
The author of this publication undertook the task of analyzing the interpretations of the “eclipse of Darwinism” proposed so far in order to determine to what extent they correspond to reality. Having made his findings in this regard, he concluded that none of them adequately accounted for the collapse that struck Darwin’s theory during that period. Therefore, he decided to propose his own interpretation of the “eclipse of Darwinism,” he refers mainly to philosophical determinants of the Darwinian theory of evolution. --------------- Received: 04/08/2021. Reviewed: 19/08/2021. Accepted: 06/09/2021.
Autor omawianej publikacji podjął się zadania przeanalizowania zaproponowanych dotąd interpretacji „zaćmienia darwinizmu”, chcąc ustalić, w jakim stopniu odpowiadają one rzeczywistości. Po dokonaniu ustaleń w tym zakresie doszedł do wniosku, że żadna z nich nie wyjaśnia w sposób adekwatny załamania się, jakie dotknęło teorię Darwina we wspomnianym okresie. Dlatego postanowił zaproponować własną interpretację „zaćmienia darwinizmu”, w której odwołuje się przede wszystkim do filozoficznych uwarunkowań darwinowskiej teorii ewolucji. --------------- Zgłoszono: 04/08/2021. Zrecenzowano: 19/08/2021. Zaakceptowano do publikacji: 06/09/2021.
Myślę, że w dzisiejszych czasach większość ludzi wykształconych uważa się za darwinistów. Jeśli tak jest w istocie, dzieje się to za sprawą niedostatecznej wiedzy na temat darwinizmu i tego, o czym on mówi. Mówi on bowiem o wielu rzeczach, które zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do naszego gatunku są w sposób zbyt oczywisty fałszywe, aby ktoś wykształcony, a przynajmniej posiadający zdolność krytycznego myślenia, mógł w nie uwierzyć. Obecnie większość ludzi wykształconych to, oczywiście, darwiniści w tym sensie, że wierzą oni, iż nasz gatunek powstał wskutek ewolucji zwierząt, a nie został powołany do życia aktem boskiej woli. Ale sama akceptacja tego przekonania to za mało, żeby uznać kogoś naprawdę za darwinistę. Z historii biologii wiemy, że wielu przyjmowało ten pogląd na długo przed narodzinami Darwina i powstaniem samego darwinizmu. Aby uznać kogoś za zwolennika danej szkoły myślenia, konieczna jest z jego strony wiara we wszystkie, bądź prawie wszystkie, twierdzenia właściwe dla tejże szkoły i wyznawane przez wszystkich lub przynajmniej najskrajniejszych jej zwolenników. W każdej dużej szkole myślenia znajdzie się mniejszość, przywiązująca szczególną wagę do najbardziej charakterystycznych dla niej twierdzeń. Ludzi z tego kręgu nazywa się „purystami” bądź „ultrasami”. Dla uczynienia kogoś darwinistą konieczna i wystarczająca jest wiara we wszystkie, bądź prawie wszystkie, twierdzenia właściwe darwinistom i przez nich, a przynajmniej przez ultradarwinistów, uznawane. Podaję dziesięć twierdzeń, które są przekonaniami darwinowskimi w sensie, jaki przed chwilą wyszczególniłem. Każde z nich jest bez wątpienia fałszywe: albo bezpośrednio fałszywe, jeśli mówi o naszym gatunku, albo jeśli ma ogólny charakter, jest wyraźnie fałszywe w odniesieniu do naszego gatunku.
Most educated people nowadays, I believe, think of themselves as Darwinians. If they do, however, it can only be from ignorance: from not knowing enough about what Darwinism says. For Darwinism says many things, especially about our species, which are too obviously false to be believed by any educated person; or at least by an educated person who retains any capacity at all for critical thought on the subject of Darwinism. Of course most educated people now are Darwinians, in the sense that they believe our species to have originated, not in a creative act of the Divine Will, but by evolution from other animals. But believing that proposition is not enough to make someone a Darwinian. It had been believed, as may be learnt from any history of biology, by very many people long before Darwinism, or Darwin, was born. What is needed to make someone an adherent of a certain school of thought is belief in all or most of the propositions which are peculiar to that school, and are believed either by all of its adherents, or at least by the more thoroughgoing ones. In any large school of thought, there is always a minority who adhere more exclusively than most to the characteristic beliefs of the school: they are the "purists" or "ultras" of that school. What is needed and sufficient, then, to make a person a Darwinian, is belief in all or most of the propositions which are peculiar to Darwinians, and believed either by all of them, or at least by ultra-Darwinians. I give ten propositions which are all Darwinian beliefs in the sense just specified. Each of them is obviously false: either a direct falsity about our species or, where the proposition is a general one, obviously false in the case of our species, at least.
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