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Glass finds from Polish excavations in Palmyra from 1959 to 1973 in tombs and in Diocletian’s Camp, not all of them already published, are reviewed and presented with new photographs and drawings.
Perspektywy Kultury
vol. 41
issue 2/1
The essay analyzes women’s burials present in the basilica of St. Anthony in Padua during the fourteenth century. Some of them have survived and some are just documented in historical sources. During the fourteenth century, there were clearly more female tombs (about twenty), than in the following centuries, and they belonged to families of high status. The significant number of such burials shall be put in relation with the lordship of the Carraresi, thanks to whom the city, in the fourteenth century, had a strong political importance and a very high cultural profile within the Po Valley region of the peninsula.
Il saggio analizza la presenza delle sepolture femminili nella basilica di Sant’Antonio a Padova, nel corso del XIV secolo, in parte pervenute e in parte documentate nelle fonti. Durante il Trecento infatti, le tombe femminili sono in numero nettamente superiore, circa venti, rispetto a quelle dei secoli successivi e appartengono a famiglie di rango elevato. La numerosità di tali sepolture è da mettere in relazione alla signoria dei Carraresi, che resero la città, nel Trecento, un centro, nell’ambito dell’Italia padana, di importanza politica e altissimo profilo culturale.
The article is devoted to the places commemorating the Krzeszowice participants of Polish insurrection activities during the January Uprising (1863-1864). To observe the 150th anniversary of the January Uprising outbreak, the present article attempts to collect the information concerning traces of the Uprising in the Krzeszowice region. Although there was no military activity in the region, weapons were collected, volunteers set out from here, and this is where wounded participants of the fights were treated. Krzeszowice and the adjoining areas were the places where the participants of the Uprising and the exiles to Siberia spent the final years of their lives. The article indicates places of remembrance and the insurgents’ tombs. Many of the tombs no longer exist; some of the inscriptions are indecipherable. War tombs in the region are inventoried, yet until now there have been no records of tombs holding the remains of Insurrections participants deceased after the military activities. In Krzeszowice, the insurgents’ tombs are the most visible testimony to independence-seeking activities.On account of the Potocki family’s activities, St. Rafal Jozef Kalinowski and priest Wincenty Smoczynski, the Krzeszowice region became one of the places supporting the participants of the Uprising – first the wounded, later Siberia returnees, for example priest Jozef Owsiany, or those returning from emigration, for example priest Seweryn Paszkowski Insurrection participants from the Krzeszowice region left documents and keepsakes – tokens of gratitude offered to the Potocki family by the insurgents, a collection of items commemorating St. Rafal Jozef Kalinowski’s insurrection activity (a patron of the exiled to Siberia, who entered the Barefoot Carmelites), the tokens of memory placed in the Monastery of Barefoot Carmelites in Czerna by the family of Joanna Podluska – a veteran of the Uprising, and items left by Florian Buzdygan, a local Uprising leader, currently in the collection of The Krzeszowice Region Society [Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Ziemi Krzeszowickiej].
This paper presents the wall paintings decorating a number of Hellenistic and Roman tombs, of various architectural types, in Paphos and the region. The paper gathers together for the first time all the known published and unpublished painted tombs of the city, which are studied on the basis of observations made on the actual decoration preserved either in situ or in the laboratory of the Paphos District Museum, and with the use of all pertinent publications. A catalogue of these tombs has been created and this is accompanied by a map with the geographic location of each example. The various themes represented on wall paintings have been divided into groups and are discussed accordingly, while the manufacturing technology of a sample of the wall paintings is examined using both non-contact and analytical tools.
In Mercier’s futuristic novel published in 1771, the author’s alter ego wakes up one day as a sevenhundred-year-old man and he rediscovers the city of Paris in the company of a citizen of the 25th century. Memory and forgetting can be interpreted in different ways in the novel: on the one hand, we can see how the elderly man remembers his own time, what memories he keeps from the 18th century, and also how the people of this new Paris are kept in the memory of future generations. On the other hand, we will examine the author’s point of view, especially the influence of the philosophers of his time. During Mercier’s meditations on the tombs and ruins, it is mainly the impact of Diderot’s thoughts that dominates, and these passages show that the notions of memory and forgetting are closely related to those of imagination and dream.
The evidence found on the cemetery of palace officials west of the Step Pyramid complex in Saqqara indicates that ancient Egyptian tomb builders reacted to climate changes that occurred toward the end of the Old Kingdom (related to the 4.2 ka event) by introducing specific, innovative measures solutions to minimize a negative impact of rainfalls on the non-royal funerary cults. The solutions designed to protect the burial places and to re-activate offering places damaged by water are presented.
The second half of 18th century brought the era of change in existing burial procedures in many European countries, where corpses were buried in churches and adjacent cemeteries. The changes were implemented due to health related aspects, but also through limited burial capabilities within the town administrative borders. In Austria, the decision to move cemeteries outside the town administrative borders, was made by Emperor Franz Joseph II before the end of 1783. As a consequence, numerous new cemeteries were commonly established within the territory of the State, including Galicia, many of which exist to the present day. Concurrently with time, there were a number of legal acts issued in Austria, that precisely governed issues relating to organization of cemeteries and funerals. In the second part of the study, selected legal issues concerning administration of the cemeteries are presented, including fees and cemetery infrastructure. Legal solutions introduced by the city of Kraków regarding management of Rakowicki Cemetery in the second part of the 19th century are given as an example.
Druga połowa XVIII w. to okres odchodzenia w wielu państwach europejskich od dotychczasowych zasad pochówku, opartych na grzebaniu zwłok w kościołach i na cmentarzach zlokalizowanych w ich bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie. Dokonywane zmiany motywowane były przede wszystkim względami zdrowotnymi, ale również ograniczonymi możliwościami pochówków w obrębie samych miast. W przypadku Austrii decyzja o przeniesieniu cmentarzy poza obręb miejscowości podjęta została przez cesarza Józefa II końcem 1783 r. Jej konsekwencją było niemal powszechne zakładanie na terenie państwa, w tym także w Galicji, nowych cmentarzy, z których część funkcjonuje do dziś. Jednocześnie w Austrii z biegiem kolejnych lat wydawano szereg aktów prawnych, które szczegółowo regulowały kwestie związane z organizacją cmentarzy i pogrzebów. W drugiej części opracowania przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia prawne w zakresie administracji cmentarzami, m.in. dotyczące opłat oraz infrastruktury cmentarnej. Jako przykład posłużyły rozwiązania prawne przyjęte w drugiej połowie XIX w. przez miasto Kraków dla zarządu Cmentarza Rakowickiego.
This article is devoted to a copy of the first edition of Ugo Foscolo’s Dei Sepolcri from 1807, held in the Jagiellonian Library. However, its aim is not to analyse the text itself but to make an attempt to solve the mystery of whom the work might have originally belonged to. Having identified the donor, a woman named Kicińska, I next managed to get through to Elżbieta Skotnicka née Laśkiewicz, who may have been the owner of a part of the book collection donated in the 1930s. This is attested not only by the blood ties between the two women, but also by the reason why it was likely Skotnicka who acquired the aforementioned copy of the Italian work. Foscolo’s poem is set around the theme of the graves of great and distinguished Italians in the Florentine church of Santa Croce, where the remains of Michał Bogoria Skotnicki, a Polish painter and Elizabeth’s husband, were actually interred several years after its publication. It therefore seemed worthwhile to me to reconstruct the history of this particular work and to present it to the readers of “Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej.”
Artykuł poświęcony jest przechowywanemu w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej egzemplarzowi pierwszego wydania utworu Dei Sepolcri Ugo Foscola z roku 1807. Celem rozważań nie jest jednak analiza samego tekstu, lecz próba rozwikłania zagadki, do kogo dzieło to pierwotnie mogło należeć. Zidentyfikowawszy osobę ofiarodawczyni – Kicińską, dotarłam następnie do Elżbiety z Laśkiewiczów Skotnickiej, która mogła być właścicielką części przekazanego w latach 30. XX wieku księgozbioru. Wskazują na to nie tylko łączące obie panie więzy krwi, ale również powód, dla którego prawdopodobnie Skotnicka nabyła omawiany egzemplarz włoskiego dzieła. Wokół tematyki grobów wielkich i zasłużonych Włochów we florenckim kościele Santa Croce osnuty jest poemat Foscola, tam zaś kilka lat po jego wydaniu złożono szczątki Michała Bogorii Skotnickiego, polskiego malarza i męża Elżbiety. Zasadnym wydało mi się więc zrekonstruowanie historii tego konkretnego dzieła i przybliżenie jej czytelnikom „Biuletynu Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej”.
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Údolí králů – po králích

The article provides an overview of the history of the Valley of the Kings following its abandonment as a royal necropolis at the end of the New Kingdom and the dismant ling and caching of the royal mummies in the Twenty-First Dynasty and early Twenty-Second Dynasty. The valley was subsequently used for non-royal burials of individuals of lower rank throughout the Third Interme - diate Period. After centuries of neglect during the Late Period, interest from visitors from all corners of the ancient world surged in Ptolemaic and especially Roman times. In Late Antiquity the valley hosted a small Christian community which reused a few tombs as lodgings and for their own religious purposes.
The second half of 18th century brought the era of change in existing burial procedures in many European countries, where corpses were buried in churches and adjacent cemeteries. The changes were implemented due to health related aspects, but also through limited burial capabilities within the town administrative borders. In Austria, the decision to move cemeteries outside the town administrative borders, was made by Emperor Franz Joseph II before the end of 1783. As a consequence, numerous new cemeteries were commonly established within the territory of the State, including Galicia, many of which exist to the present day. Concurrently with time, there were a number of legal acts issued in Austria, that precisely governed issues relating to organization of cemeteries and funerals. The study presents selected legal and administrative solutions, being in force throughout the years on the territory of Habsburg Monarchy in the broadly understood area of cemetery regulations. The legal acts directly relating to and only being in force in Galicia were also included in the study. Thus, in the subsequent parts of the study, the specific issues related to establishing new cemeteries outside the town administrative borders, enlarging their areas, closing them and legal status were presented. The study presents the legal regulations concerning the transportation of the corpse, rules of organizing burials and related fees. Concurrently, the special attention was drawn to specific forms of burials, which were in force during cholera epidemic, occurring in Galicia. It is well worth mentioning, that many solutions of cemetery law implemented during Galician times were still biding in Reborn Poland and had direct influence not only on the modern appearance of the cemeteries established during that time, but also on certain burial practices.
Druga połowa XVIII w. to okres odchodzenia w wielu państwach europejskich od dotychczasowych zasad pochówku, opartych na grzebaniu zwłok w kościołach i na cmentarzach zlokalizowanych w ich bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie. Dokonywane zmiany motywowane były przede wszystkim względami zdrowotnymi, ale również ograniczonymi możliwościami pochówków w obrębie samych miast. W przypadku Austrii decyzja o przeniesieniu cmentarzy poza obręb miejscowości podjęta została przez cesarza Józefa II końcem 1783 r. Jej konsekwencją było niemal powszechne zakładanie na terenie państwa, w tym także w Galicji, nowych cmentarzy, z których część funkcjonuje do dziś. Jednocześnie w Austrii z biegiem kolejnych lat wydawano szereg aktów prawnych, które szczegółowo regulowały kwestie związane z organizacją cmentarzy i pogrzebów. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wybrane rozwiązania prawne i administracyjne, które na przestrzeni lat obowiązywały w monarchii habsburskiej w zakresie szeroko rozumianego prawa cmentarnego. Uwzględniono przy tym również te akty prawne, które bezpośrednio dotyczyły Galicji i tylko w niej były stosowane. Tym samym w kolejnych rozdziałach przedstawiono w szczególności zagadnienia związane z zakładaniem nowych cmentarzy poza obrębem miejscowości, poszerzania ich terenu, likwidowania oraz ich statusu prawnego. Opracowanie przedstawia także regulacje prawne w zakresie przewożenia zwłok, zasad, na jakich organizowano pogrzeby, i pobieranych od tego obrzędu opłat. Przy okazji zwrócona została uwaga na szczególne formy pochówku, które obowiązywały choćby w przypadku pojawiających się w Galicji epidemii cholery. Warto przy tym nadmienić, że wiele z przyjętych w okresie galicyjskim rozwiązań z zakresu prawa cmentarnego obowiązywało jeszcze w odrodzonej Polsce i miało bezpośredni wpływ nie tylko na współczesny wygląd cmentarzy założonych w tamtym okresie, ale też na pewne zwyczaje pogrzebowe.
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