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Tourist activity and travel constitute the function of the people's quality of life and indicate the level of civilizational development of the country. Tourism of young people has its separate, specific place in the trends in contemporary tourism. Students constitute a social group that has substantial free time resources at hand, and therefore, form one of the most touristically active society groups. This articles aims at analyzing tourist activity of Szczecin universities students, and in particular, in detecting the relations between the variables characterizing their holiday. Simple statistic methods in the field of structure analysis and multidimensional correspondence analysis were used as a scientific tool. The Correspondence Analysis module of STATISTICA 8.0 package was used for the purpose of calculations and graphic presentation.
The purpose of the article is the analysis of transitory pensioners touristics departures. The research was carried out basing on a representative research result of individual transitory domestic departures in 2009 where pensioners participated in. As investigative instrument the autor chose the multidimensional correspondence analysis. The results of research were presented in a tridimensional area. The Ward's method was used in research due to bif number of variants of analyzed variables. This method permitted the assignment of coherence between variable variants.
vol. 21
issue 1-2
This article presents the international and domestic diversification of tourist activity. In the former case, it focuses on analyses of the general level of tourist activity, expressed in the ‘tourist activity rate’, while with regards to the inhabitants of Poland, analyses were conducted on the diversification of tourist activity across various socio-demographic categories. For international comparisons, the wide-ranging research conducted by EUROSTAT in 2011 on representative samples of the inhabitants of 32 European countries was used. The diversification of Polish tourist activity in the context of social exclusion, on the other hand, is presented on the basis of the author's research and calculations. Statistical analyses were employed: Kendall's Tau-b rank correlation coefficient and cluster analysis.
The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of place of permanent residence (urban or rural) on the tourist activity of senior citizens (60+) of different socioeconomic statuses. The study involved 380 senior citizens (305 female and 75 male) aged 60 years and older who were permanent residents of the region of Warmia and Mazury, Poland. In this group, 244 subjects resided in urban areas and 136 participants were rural dwellers. The respondents were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their socioeconomic status (place of permanent residence, age, gender, educational attainment, financial status, membership in senior organizations, marital status, and professional activity) and tourist activity. A significance test of two structure coefficients (α=0.05) was applied. Factors such as gender, professional activity, and marital status were not related with the travel propensity of seniors from different groups (urban and rural), but were significant when rural residents were compared with urban dwellers. Seniors residing in urban areas of Warmia and Mazury, Poland, were significantly more likely to travel for leisure than those residing in rural areas. The tourist activity of seniors decreased significantly (p<0.05) with the age (60-74 years) and financial status of rural residents. The travel propensity of elderly people increased significantly (p<0.05) with educational attainment and membership in senior organizations. The study revealed considerable differences in the socioeconomic status and social characteristics of seniors residing in rural and urban areas, and those variations significantly influenced their propensity for travel: urban residents traveled more frequently than rural residents. It can be concluded that place of residence was a crucial factor determining the tourist behavior of senior citizens, and urban dwellers were more likely to travel.
vol. 27
issue 2
Staying in social groups is inseparably connected with the process of socialization and upbringing. Educational environments play a significant role in shaping human attitudes, including those towards tourist activity. Family and school are part of those educational environments whose impact is of a special nature. The main objective is to present the social factors conditioning tourist activity and destinations among Chicago Polonia. Among these factors, the family situation, family patterns, a lack of family tradition, membership of an organization, an individual desire to discover new places and a lack of free time have been distinguished. The aim is to check whether affiliation to an organization influences a greater frequency of tourist trips of Chicago Polonia and whether it has an impact on the choice of tourist destination.
vol. 21
issue 1-2
This article presents the international and domestic diversification of tourist activity. In the former case, it focuses on analyses of the general level of tourist activity, expressed in the ‘tourist activity rate’, while with regards to the inhabitants of Poland, analyses were conducted on the diversification of tourist activity across various socio-demographic categories. For international comparisons, the wide-ranging research conducted by EUROSTAT in 2011 on representative samples of the inhabitants of 32 European countries was used. The diversification of Polish tourist activity in the context of social exclusion, on the other hand, is presented on the basis of the author's research and calculations. Statistical analyses were employed: Kendall's Tau-b rank correlation coefficient and cluster analysis.
Globalisation is a complex and dynamic process that today influences many factors determining the development of tourism. It brings about economic, political, social and even cultural changes and drives the expansion of a single global market where the movement of capital, goods and people is much easier than it used to be. Globalization also has an intangible dimension - by enabling access to information and modern forms of communication and by stimulating the spatial mobility of populations it allows ideas to flow freely, as a result of which individuals learn new attitudes and behaviours. This article discusses the influence of globalization on the tourism preferences and tourism activity of Polish residents. The results of the earlier empirical research has confirmed that different social groups have their specific models of tourism activity, showing also which groups have responded to globalization the most strongly and the possible consequences this may have for tourism activity.
W artykule przedstawiono zróżnicowanie aktywności turystycznej mieszkańców Węgrowa w latach 2014-2016. W pracy skupiono się na analizach dotyczących ogólnego poziomu uczestnictwa w turystyce tak krajowej, jak i zagranicznej, dokonując analiz jego zróżnicowania w najważniejszych przekrojach społeczno-demograficznych. Do analiz wykorzystano badania przeprowadzone w styczniu 2017 r., na 100-osobowej próbie mieszkańców Węgrowa. W pracy zidentyfikowano: średnią liczbę krajowych i zagranicznych wyjazdów turystycznych w podziale na krótkoterminowe i długoterminowe, główne cele podróży oraz kierunki. Uzyskane wyniki badań jednoznacznie wskazują, iż mieszkańcy Węgrowa preferują aktywny wypoczynek realizowany na obszarze Polski. Stwarza to szansę na wzmocnienie i wykorzystanie potencjału turystycznego kraju w przyszłości i jednocześnie stanowi czynnik ożywienia polskiej gospodarki turystycznej.
The article presents the diversification of tourist activity of the inhabitants of Węgrów in 2014-2016. The work focuses on analyzes of the overall level of participation in tourism, both domestic and foreign, analyzing its diversity in the most important socio-demographic sections. The research was carried out in January 2017 on a 100-person sample of residents of Węgrów. The work identified: average number of domestic and foreign tourist trips broken down into short-term and long-term, main travel motives and destinations. Obtained research results clearly indicate that the inhabitants of Węgrów prefer active rest on the territory of Poland. This creates an opportunity to strengthen and use the tourist potential of the country in the future and at the same time is a factor in reviving the Polish tourist economy.
The purpose of the study conducted by the author was to determine the impact of a group of selected characteristics on the tourist activity presented by people with disabilities. The method of a diagnostic survey and the technique of distributed and electronic questionnaire were used in the study. The analysis of the research questionnaire content allowed selecting questions (X variables) describing the specific aspect of tourism activity performed by the disabled for which a procedure based on analysing correlations between these variables and the characteristics of the respondents will be carried out.
Celem badania przeprowadzonego przez autorkę było określenie wpływu wybranych cech (demograficznych, społecznych, ekonomicznych) na aktywność turystyczną osób z niepełnosprawnością. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, technikę ankiety rozdawanej i elektronicznej. Analiza treści kwestionariusza umożliwiła wytypowanie pytań wskazujących na aktywność turystyczną osób z niepełnosprawnością, dla których przeprowadzona została procedura badania związków między zmiennymi a wybranymi cechami charakteryzującymi respondentów.
Artykuł określa współzależność między uprawianiem turystyki i doskonaleniem się podmiotu w aspekcie fizyczno-duchowym. To próba zwrócenia uwagi, że turystyka jako istotna forma aktywności poznawczej stanowi ważne źródło równoważenia „serca” i rozumu w kontekście biopsychicznego oraz społecznego funkcjonowania człowieka. Egzystencja w środowisku ludzkim, a także czynniki przyrodnicze nadają równowadze duchowej szczególne znaczenie.
Tourism as a form of activity is having a significant influence on the regeneration of the physical and spiritual human forces. It promotes the formation the physical health and motivation to act. In the hereby article scientific materials and own research on the psychological aspects of openness to others have been used.
The aim of this article is to present biographical narratives about tourist destinations retained in memories of seniors from the period of their youth, i.e. the 60s, 70s and 80s of the last century. The author’s intention was to retrieve those distant memories during narrative interviews with respondents and use them to reconstruct information about tourist destinations. The respondents were not asked any specific questions about their holiday memories and were allowed to choose what they wanted to recall. The preferences revealed during the interviews resemble contemporary trends. It can therefore be concluded that despite the passage of time and all kinds of changes that have taken place over several decades, tourists are invariably attracted to the same destinations.
Celem artykułu jest analiza aktywności turystycznej emerytów i rencistów zamieszkujących województwo zachodniopomorskie a w szczególności wykrycie powiązań pomiędzy zmiennymi charakteryzującymi ich wyjazdy turystyczne. Jako narzędzie badawcze wykorzystano wielowymiarową analizę korespondencji. Ze względu na dość dużą liczbę wariantów analizowanych zmiennych zastosowano metodę Warda, która umożliwiła wyznaczenie powiązań pomiędzy wariantami zmiennych.
The purpose of the article is an analysis of tourism activity and pensioners living in West County in particular, to detect relationships between variables characterizing their vacations. The study used a multidimensional analysis of the correspondence. Due to the relatively large number of variants of the analyzed variables using Ward method, which allowed setting the links between the variants of variables.
The aim of this study is to determine the tourist activity of ‘senior citizens’ in Kielce in 2015–2019. Particular attention is paid to their preferences, motives and possible restrictions on tourism activity. It is assumed that a ‘senior citizen’ is a person at least 55 years old. The article presents the results of a survey conducted among ‘senior citizens’ from Kielce (n = 371) in 2020. The analysis showed significant dependencies between age, education, their financial and health conditions and tourist activity, and also showed that nowadays it is a very important element of their lifestyle.
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie analizy dotyczącej aktywności turystycznej seniorów w Kielcach w latach 2015–2019. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na preferencje, motywy oraz ewentualne ograniczenia dotyczące podejmowania aktywności turystycznej przez osoby starsze. Przyjęto, że senior to osoba w wieku co najmniej 55 lat. W artykule prezentowane są wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w 2020 r. wśród kieleckich seniorów (n = 371). Sporządzona analiza wykazała zależności między wiekiem, wykształceniem, sytuacją materialną oraz kondycją zdrowotną a aktywnością turystyczną osób starszych, a także dowiodła, że w dzisiejszych czasach aktywność ta jest dla seniorów bardzo istotnym elementem stylu życia.
Tourism is an important part of life for all people, including those with disabilities.In the case of the latter, in addition to typical features such as – leisure, cognitive,educational, etc., tourism is also part of rehabilitation (physical rehabilitation, psychologicaland social), contributes to the openness to other people, facilitates acceptanceof disability, make disabled people believe in their own value, and often break out ofisolation - the same contributes to finding his place among “healthy” people. People withdisabilities, taking a tourist activity, much more often than people without the restrictions,encounter in a variety of barriers. Some of these barriers are common to people with variousdisabilities, others are linked to the type of disability. Most studies about disabledpeople tourism focuses on the discussion of barriers of tourist activity in this group. Thisarticle treats this issue in a different way - is an attempt to show that tourism is not onlya privilege for people without disabilities. The author presents ways to increase touristactivity of people with disabilities and shows ways for making the tourism area of activitymore accessible for them.
The main objective of the article is to discuss the determinants of tourist activity. The own model of tourism activity and destination for the whole American population, including the external and internal factors will be described in the article. The results of the empirical research conducted in the group of 1014 people, divided into 7 age subgroups will be presented. The most important factors and inhibitors (barriers) determining tourist activity and the choice of tourist destination by the Chicago Poles will be analyzed. The selected indicators of tourism organization will be depicted and it will be shown whether the aspects, such as tourist development and the conditions for practising various sports disciplines determine the tourist activity and the choice of destination among the conducted research group.
Głównym celem artykułu jest opracowano czynniki, które wpływają na aktywność turystyczną. W artykule omówiono własny model aktywności i destynacji turystycznej dla ogółu amerykańskiej populacji z uwzględnieniem czynników zewnętrznych oraz wewnętrznych. Autorka przedstawiło wyniki badań empirycznych, które przeprowadziła na 1014 osobach (z podziałem na 7 podgrup wiekowych). Przeanalizowano najważniejsze czynniki oraz inhibitory (bariery) decydujące o aktywności turystycznej oraz wyborze destynacji turystycznej przez Polonię zamieszkującą Chicago. Omówiono wybrane wskaźniki organizacji turystyki i takie aspekty, jak zagospodarowanie turystyczne oraz dobre warunki do uprawiania różnych dyscyplin sportowych, które to decydują o aktywności turystycznej i wyborze destynacji wśród ankietowanej grupy badawczej.
Turystyka należy do tych form aktywności ludzkiej, które mają szczególne znaczenie dla rozwoju osobowości, samokształcenia i przygotowania człowieka do pełnienia różnorodnych społecznych ról, funkcji i zadań. Jak żadna inna sfera działalności, daje szansę integracji wpływów wychowawczych rodziny, szkoły, pozaszkolnych instytucji wychowawczych oraz nieformalnych grup rówieśniczych, a także, co szczególnie ważne, samodzielnej aktywności jej uczestników. Uczestnictwo w turystyce rozumiane jest coraz częściej jako edukacja dla rozwoju psychofizycznego i kulturowego jednostki, jako edukacja do kształtowania potrzeb zmiany osobistego życia z biernego na aktywny, twórczy, samorealizacyjny, z wpisanym dobrostanem zdrowia fizycznego, psychicznego i społecznego w rozwoju każdej jednostki. Na ten walor aktywności turystycznej wskazuje wielu badaczy. Literatura przedmiotu ukazuje i dowodzi, że istnieje wiele związków uprawiania turystyki, szczególnie przez dzieci i młodzież, z ich rozwojem psychofizycznym. Na potrzeby niniejszego opracowania postanowiono zdiagnozować, czy aktywność turystyczna jest dla podkarpackiej młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych źródłem i sposobem samodoskonalenia. Starano się m.in. znaleźć odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: czy badana młodzież dostrzega korzyści wynikające z uprawiania turystyki, zarówno dla rozwoju mentalnego, jak i fizycznego własnego organizmu (jeśli tak, to jakie), czy wyjazdy turystyczne wpłynęły na rozwój wiedzy i umiejętności, czy turystyka może być sposobem przeciwdziałania złym zachowaniom, które są spotykane wśród młodzieży w jej codziennym życiu (w czasie wolnym)?
Tourism is one of the forms of human activity which has special importance for the progress of personality, self-education and preparing man for performing a variety of social roles, functions and duties. Tourism, like any other sphere of activity, provides the chance to integrate the educational influences of the family, school, non-school educational institutions, and informal peer group, and, most importantly, self-activity of the participants. Participation in tourism is more and more often understood as education for the mental, physical and cultural progress of man, education for the evolution of the needs in personal life from the passive to an active, creative, self-realization, with the physical, mental and social welfare of everyone taken into account. This value of tourist activity has been indicated by many researchers as can be seen in the literature of the subject which details number of associations, especially for children and young people, which have an impact on their physical and psychological development. For the purposes of this study, it was decided to diagnose whether tourist activity is a resource and a way to improve themselves for young people in secondary schools in the Podkarpackie region. Efforts were made to find answers to the following questions: Do young people see the benefits of tourism, both for their mental and physical development? Should tourist trips affect the evolution of their knowledge and skills? Can tourism be a way to prevent the bad behavior which is common among young people in their daily lives (during their free time)?
vol. 23
issue 2
The article presents the concept of generation-based ‘tourism space’ research using the holiday biography method. The author refers to her earlier research conducted among three generations of Łodź families. She discusses the biography method used in the research and approaches it from a geo-biographical point of view, showing possible ways of recording the phenomenon (the particular character of the source material collected) and the various options available at later stages of research – interpretation (choosing the analysis, measurement and presentation methods) – and generalization.
Holiday or tourist trips are gradually becoming part of the lifestyle of more and more Poles. The statement can be based on both research results on the trips accomplished, and declarations concerning future plans. However, those who travelled outside their place of permanent residence in 2012 still constituted the minority of the adult population. In 2012, as in the previous years, Poles most often practised domestic tourism (40% of the population); 15% of the Polish population rested abroad. Those who went to foreign countries most often chose European directions, especially Germany.
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