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The general purpose of this research is the description of the psychological predisposition of working as a trainer. The group of 72 individuals, 36 trainers and 36 non-trainers completed the battery of the following questionnaires: Social Competences Questionnaire, Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, Psychological Gender Questionnaire, NEO-FFI and Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale. The results reveal that being a trainer can be predicted considering neuroticism, conscientiousness, emotional intelligence and general level of social competences.
The aim of this study was to examine the level of creativity among trainers of soft skills. Creativity is one of the key competence in the profession of trainers. 80 participants response on the Polish adaptation of Test for Creative Thinking - Drawing Production, (TCT-DP) by Klaus K. Urban & Hans G. Jellen. This study shows that psychological education and graduation of professional school for trainers coexist with high score in creativity. Gender is not related with the score in the creativity test. They also confirm results of few prior metanalisys which reveal the lack of differences in creativity between genders. These studies are an important factor in the discussion about the relevance of creating the qualification framework in the profession of trainers.
In the article analysis of various approaches to formation of individual style of professional activity of the psychologist in organizations is made taking into account the Russian and foreign experience; main directions of his activity are analysed.
The aim of the study was to determine the level of ethical manifestations in trainers of teacher continuing education and to compare trainers’ self-evaluations with their evaluations by teachers. The same was measured also in trainers of other adult professional training and participants of that type of education. Research involved 262 participants, and ethical competencies were measured using the Questionnaire of Trainers’ Ethical-Humanistic Manifestations by Pavlov and Skúpa (2018). It was found out that the overall level of ethical competencies was high above-average and comparable in both groups of trainers. Trainers of teacher continuing education statistically significantly overestimated themselves in comparison with how teachers perceived them as participants of the continuing professional development. A similar phenomenon was observed also in trainers of other professional training, although less significant. From the point of view of trainees, trainers of teacher continuing development were evaluated in some measured aspects worse than trainers of other professional training.
The article deals with coaching which is a relatively new area in Poland. The author analysis the origins of this popular term and its connotations. It presents the assumptions of the coaching profession and the differences between the work of a coach and a psychologist.
Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje temat stosunkowo młodej w Polsce dziedziny jaką jest coaching. Autor analizuje skąd wzięło się tak popularne słowo, a także z czym się wiąże. Przedstawiono założenia profesji coachingu, a także różnice jakie są pomiędzy coachingiem a pracą psychologa.
Artykuł porusza problematykę związaną z nauczaniem języka polskiego jako obcego w inwestorskich firmach zagranicznych. Globalizacja i idąca w ślad za nią mobilność zawodowa powodują konieczność uczenia się języków nie mających mocy ekonomicznej. Nauczyciel JPJO ma do czynienia z zatrudnionymi w firmach cudzoziemcami – przedstawicielami Pokolenia Y, bardzo często pochodzącymi z innych kultur. Ludzie znani jako „Pokolenie Y” wzrastające w dobie technologii informatycznych i szybkiego dostępu do wiedzy są świadomymi uczestnikami nauki języka polskiego. W artykule zostaje przybliżona problematyka językowej dydaktyki korporacyjnej od strony cech i potrzeb uczącego się JPJO cudzoziemca, przedstawiciela Pokolenia Y, a także i nauczyciela języka polskiego, który zmienia swoją kwalifikację zawodową na trenera/coacha, stając się usługodawcą oferującym rozwój praktycznych umiejętności językowych w zakresie nauczania JPJO.
The article focuses on problems associated with teaching Polish as a foreign language (PFL) to employees of foreign companies investing in Poland. Globalization and job mobility, made necessary learning languages that do not have the so called economic power. Teacher of Polish deals with foreign employees – representatives of Generation Y of the other cultures. People known as „Generation Y”, growing in the era of informatic technologies and rapid access to knowledge appear as competent participants of Polish courses. We see, if the existing civilization, culture and development differences point the diversity of the global Generation Y, still the mentioned Generation has a common dimension – the command of digital technology, Internet and social media.. This article approximates problems of language teaching Polish in international corporations from characteristics and needs of the foreign learner of PFL a representative of Generation Y, to the experience of qualified Polish language teacher, who changes qualification to a professional trainer or a coach for doing services of developing practical language skills.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób wykorzystania symulatorów i trenażerów czołgu Leopard 2 na podstawie doświadczeń szkoleniowych z 1 batalionu czołgów 10BKPanc i Ośrodka Szkolenia Leopard ze Świętoszowa. Dokonano charakterystyki symulatorów i trenażerów czołgu Leopard 2 z perspektywy instruktora i szkolonych. Podjęto próbę oceny poszczególnych urządzeń. Przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania poszczególnych urządzeń szkolno-treningowych w procesie szkolenia pododdziałów.
The article addresses using the Leopard 2 tank simulators and trainers based on training experience from the 1st battalion of 10th Armored Cavalry Brigade (10 BKPanc) and the Leopard Training Center from Świętoszów. The Leopard 2 tank simulators and trainers from the perspective of the instructor and trainees are characterized. The author has attempted to evaluate individual devices. The possibilities of using individual training devices in the process of training subunits are presented.
The article presents the selected results of the comparative analysis of professional competence standards for the VET trainers in the construction sector, carried out within the Erasmus+ project „Certified VET trainer in the construction sector”. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of VET area in the construction sector and especially the requirements for the VET trainers in this specialisation, which until now have not been researched as such. The findings are used to identify the key issues and problems as well as areas where actions are most urgently needed to make working in this specific field of vocational education and training more attractive.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań porównawczych opisów standardów kompetencji zawodowych dla trenera kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego (VET) w branży budowanej, przeprowadzonych w projekcie „Certified VET trainer in the construction sector” (CertiVET). Z analizy literatury wynika, że istnieje cały szereg inicjatyw wspierających edukację pozaformalną, które mają na celu lepszą prezentację kwalifikacji i umiejętności zawodowych, dzięki czemu kwalifikacje stają się bardziej czytelne, są łatwiejsze do zrozumienia i porównania w różnych systemach i w różnych krajach, a przede wszystkim ułatwiają mobilność na europejskim rynku pracy, promując ideę Lifelong learning (LLL) – uczenie się przez całe życie. Celem badań w projekcie CertiVET była identyfikacja i analiza porównawcza modeli standardów kwalifikacji / kompetencji zawodowych w krajach partnerskich (Francja, Polska, Rumunia) lub innych równo ważnych dokumentów powiązanych z trenerem VET w branży budowlanej, z uwzględ nieniem wymagań Europejskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji (EQF) i Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji (NQF) dla uczenia się przez całe życie (5 poziom EQF/NQF).
Training an anti-aircraft soldier is expensive, complicated, and time-consuming. As a result, many countries, weighing the cost-effectiveness, opt to introduce solutions aimed at minimizing this trend. One of them is incorporating modern training devices such as simulators and trainers into the training. However, to make this happen, it is worth analyzing the effectiveness of training with their use by comparing it to that conducted in a traditional way. With this in mind, the purpose of this article is to present the results of research on the effectiveness of using a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator developed at the Military University of Technology in teaching the construction and basic activities of combat work in the area of conducting a selected check of the functioning of the SA6 Gainful missile launcher system. The theoretical foundation for the empirical research was provided by a method of analyzing literary content. By using the method of comparison and generalization, knowledge was obtained about the general construction and use of training devices in the training of the anti-aircraft defense forces of the Polish Armed Forces, and the features of the VR simulator were described. As regards the empirical methods, a study was conducted using a research sample which was conducted using a parallel triangulation strategy scheme involving the simultaneous use of quantitative and qualitative methods. The synthesis served in formulating the final conclusions and in determining the relationships between theoretical and empirical studies. The results obtained in this way can provide valuable information about the effectiveness of using training devices in training anti-aircraft defense forces and serve as a basis for further work on their development and application.
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