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A starting point for discussing the subject matter raised in the article is presentation of a model of perspective of the knowledge transfer process. The main part of the study has been devoted to discussion of determinations of the effectiveness of knowledge transfer process, with particular focus on the issues of knowledge transfer at the meeting point of cultures. The presented and characterized factors are considered important in the context of quality and effectiveness of knowledge transfer. The whole of deliberations are summarized with formulation of factors of knowledge transfer at the meeting point of culture
Punktem wyjścia do omówienia podjętej w artykule problematyki uczyniono przedstawienie modelowego ujęcia procesu transferu wiedzy. Zasadnicza część opracowania poświęcona została omówieniu uwarunkowań skuteczności procesu transferu wiedzy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kwestii transferu wiedzy na styku kultur. Wskazano i scharakteryzowano czynniki uznawane za istotne w kontekście jakości i skuteczności transferu wiedzy. Podsumowaniem całości przeprowadzonych rozważań jest sformułowanie przesłanek transferu wiedzy na styku kultur.
In the article the authors analyze the problems of intercultural contact in written communication on the basis of bilingual scientific texts, such as scientific study, collection of scientific papers and lesson book. The ways of transfer of verbal and nonverbal (paragraphic) elements are discussed with consideration for such parameters of the communicative situation, as addressee, self-positioning of redactor or author of the text and publishing tradition.
The present study looks at the effects of structural similarities between L1 and L3 on learner performance. The main focus is on the knowledge of the dative construction in Polish learners of Portuguese. Portuguese and Polish share a number of important similarities in their use of the dative, which include functions not found in English, the learners’ L2. The main question investigated in this study is whether learners are aware of the non-banal similarities (given that they do not occur in English) and whether they can make use of that knowledge. It is found that learners do benefit from positive transfer, but that depends of the kind of function and frequency of the dative.
This article is devoted to the issues of foreign language teaching. It analyses the process of teaching a specific foreign language which also takes into account linguistic thinking which constitutes its starting point. The problem can be accounted for by means of constructivism – a key assumption of language teaching in the postcommunication era. According to constructivism, acquisition of new knowledge is based on the prior knowledge. Consequently, the mechanism of transfer is regarded as a mental and linguistic activity which to a great extent determines foreign language acquisition. Types of transfer (unconscious and controlled), its kinds (interlingual, intercultural, intralingual) and aspects (positive and negative) allow for the presentation of didactic consequences in teaching Russian to the Polish.
What is extremely important in the modern economy is the ability to create and adapt new solutions, technologies, and to introduce new products and services. Innovation is currently a significant factor influencing the development of both businesses and regions or countries [Zalesko 2005, p. 683]. In the European Union and its Member States there is an increasing interest in innovations and their impact on the socio-economic development, as evidenced by the new Europe 2020 strategy of socioeconomic development of the European Union, in which innovations are a priority. It is increasingly emphasized that for the innovative economy to develop, the academic sector must cooperate with the economy in the process of both generating and implementing innovations. The article discusses the issue of cooperation between science and business in Poland for the development of innovation.
Spin-off companies constitute an interesting subject of research for economic geographers. The significance of local knowledge networks, tacit knowledge flows and strong links with local social and economic environment are their most important features. Academic spin-offs, created by employees of higher education and R&D establishments, form a specific subgroup among these firms. Spin- -off companies are acknowledged as a most important technology transfer mechanism in the highly innovative modern biotechnology sector. This paper deals with the creation and functioning of the Jagiellonian University’s biotech spin- -off companies in the contemporary business environment of Poland. Most of these companies are in an initial phase of development, facing many problems with financing and bureaucracy. The most important barriers to popularization of spin-off activity among researchers are: lack of financing, complicated IP law system, lack of business knowledge among scientists and general focus only on scientific activity among research personnel. The role of Jagiellonian University’s technology transfer and entrepreneurship support agencies (i.e. the Jagiellonian Centre of Innovation and the Life Science Technology Park and Cluster) is also discussed.
This article describes benefits and dangers for football clubs using Third Party Ownership transactions while buying players. Author indicates frequency of transfers completed with participation of private investors. Share of TPO type transactions in European football transfer market oscillates between 3.7% and 5.7%, while investment funds own part of contract rights of up to 90% of players in Brazilian top football division. Article emphasizes the fact, that most of investment funds are clusters of companies registered in so called "tax havens" and lack of transparency is one of the biggest accusations, that investors dealing with shared ownership of players' contracts are facing. Author also focuses on some of controversial transfers done with the use of TPO, which prompted FIFA to take steps necessary for this type transactions to be eliminated. Article describes potential methods and necessary steps needed to heal transfer system and tools helpful in fighting negative influences of TPO on football transfer markets across the world.
Theme ofthis article is constituting discussion about irwestments under the form ofthe transfer ofthe technology into the Polish furniture industry, there are subjects about the different organizational-law form, located in cities ofPoland. Essential aim ofthis article is analysis ofthe influence ofthese investments on the public-economic development ofthe city. This influence consists on: for keeping one’s balance on the local labour market, domestic and international shaping profits on the level higher than the domestic average wages and on the special offer ofthe city on the forum. It is possible to assess, that in the end of these investments the majority ofthe production offurniture in Poland comes from enterprises whom actively new technologies are accustoming through the transfer. In the very big measuring cup exactly thanks to opening the business for the transfer of new technologies, the Polish furniture industry got the strong position onthe European market offurniture.
Tematem niniejszego artykułu, stanowiącego rozważania o inwestycjach pod postacią transferu technologii w polski przemysł meblowy, są podmioty o różnej formie organizacyjno-prawnej, zlokalizowane w miastach Polski. Zasadniczym celem jest analiza wpływu tych inwestycji na rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy miasta. Wpływ ten polega na: utrzymywaniu równowagi na lokalnym rynku pracy, kształtowaniu zarobków na poziomie wyższym od przeciętnego wynagrodzenia krajowego oraz na promocji miasta na forum krajowym i międzynarodowym. Można szacować, że w efekcie tych inwestycji większość produkcji mebli w Polsce pochodzi z przedsiębiorstw, które aktywnie wdrażają poprzez transfer nowe technologie. W dużej mierze właśnie dzięki otwarciu branży na transfer nowych technologii polski przemysł meblarski zdobył mocną pozycję na europejskim rynku mebli.
W niniejszym artykule autorka omawia zagadnienia związane z umową o transfer wynagrodzenia, a w szczególności charakteryzuje ten rodzaj umowy, wskazuje podstawy prawne transferu wynagrodzenia, a także dokonuje oceny umowy we współczesnych stosunkach prawa pracy. Autorka uwzględnia w opracowaniu orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego.
In the article „Salary transfer contract” the author discusses issues concerning salary transfer contract. In particular, the author describes this sort of agreement, clarifies legal basis of salary transfer contract as well as evaluates the contract existing in contemporary relations of employment law. The author takes into account actual jurisprudence of the Polish Supreme Court.
The article explores the role that Polish business clusters play in the transfer of knowledge and innovation from science to business. It also identifies the forms of such cooperation at individual stages of cluster functioning. The discussion shows that the forms of knowledge and innovation transfer from research centers to enterprises are changing with the development of clusters. This conclusion is based on an analysis of available literature as well as on the findings of empirical studies. The article describes individual stages of cluster development and their role in the process of knowledge and technology transfer. The author evaluates the scope of collaboration between research centers and enterprises working as part of clusters. According to respondents, collaboration with the science sector enhances the technological advancement of businesses and boosts their competitive advantage. Despite these obvious gains, however, such collaboration is still limited in Poland, the author says.
Celem artykułu jest określenie roli polskich klastrów w transferze wiedzy i innowacji z nauki do biznesu i zidentyfikowanie form współpracy w poszczególnych fazach ich funkcjonowania. Rozważania służą weryfikacji hipotezy, że wraz z rozwojem klastrów zmieniają się formy transferu wiedzy i innowacji z podmiotów naukowych do przedsiębiorstw. Oparto je na analizie literatury przedmiotu i wynikach badań empirycznych. Artykuł zawiera opis etapów rozwoju klastrów, ich znaczenia w procesie przepływu wiedzy i technologii, a także ocenę zakresu współpracy przedsiębiorstw i podmiotów naukowych należących do struktur klastrowych. Kooperacja, zdaniem badanych, zwiększa poziom zaawansowania technologicznego podmiotów gospodarczych, a co za tym idzie również ich przewagę konkurencyjną. Mimo tego pozytywnego wpływu współpraca między środowiskiem nauki i biznesu klastrów w Polsce jest jeszcze ograniczona.
Transfer of innovations is understood as the emergence in a given place or community of new products, technologies, crops, livestock, ways of organizing government and society, beliefs and values from other places or communities. It is the transfer of knowledge in the form of objects, knowledge contained in media and in the minds and skills of people. A distinction is made between indirect and direct modes of innovation transfer. The former takes place on the occasion of other activities: trade, wars and conquests, religious missions, migrations caused by various factors. The latter include deliberate actions by authorities to import knowledge and skills and knowledge transfer as a result of scientific expeditions. This study discusses the general features of innovation transfer and more specifically trade, religious missions and migration as mechanisms of innovation transfer, from the earliest times to the 20th century.
Pod pojęciem transferu innowacji rozumie się pojawienie się w danym miejscu lub w danej społeczności nowych produktów, technologii, upraw, zwierząt hodowlanych, sposobów organizacji władzy i społeczeństwa, wierzeń i wartości pochodzących z innych miejsc lub społeczności. Jest to transfer wiedzy pod postacią przedmiotów, wiedzy zawartej na nośnikach i w umysłach i umiejętnościach ludzi. Wyróżnia się pośrednie i bezpośrednie sposoby transferu innowacji. Te pierwsze mają miejsce przy okazji innych działań: handlu, wojen i podbojów, misji religijnych, migracji spowodowanych różnymi czynnikami. Te drugie obejmują świadome działania władz mające na celu sprowadzanie wiedzy i umiejętności oraz transfer wiedzy w wyniku wypraw naukowych. Niniejsze opracowanie omawia ogólne cechy transferu innowacji oraz bardziej szczegółowo handel, misje religijne oraz migracje jako mechanizmy transferu innowacji, od czasów najdawniejszych do XX wieku.
The Act of 21 August 1997 on real estate management specifies two modes in which real estate which is property of the State Treasury or of a local government unit can be transferred or given in perpetual usufruct – a tender and non-tender mode. The real estate resources are the basic assets element of the above-mentioned entities. They may be used for the purposes of development and organised investment activity, in particular for the construction of residential housing as well as implementing other public purposes. A tender procedure has been specified in the Polish law. A tender is the most optimal way to commit public property. The objective of this instrument consists in transactions involving public real estate according to universally applicable rules. It is a way which gives the greatest guarantee of security in terms of transferring immovable property assets.
The purpose of this paper is to compare the Greek and English conceptual categories of directives and conclusions so as to present the cognitive dimension of cross-linguistic influence in Foreign Language Learning (FLL). This comparison entails a tertium comparationis, namely, a taxonomy based on cross-linguistic semantic categories, which share comparable linguistic expressions. Modality, being a general cross-linguistic semantic category, lends itself to the requirements of a comparative tool. A cross-linguistic discussion of modality, however, is not limited only to those aspects that comprise the knowledge of these linguistic units and the rules of joining them together at the level of sentence. It also seeks to anticipate possible difficulties Greek EFL learners may encounter while using specific English modal verbs in a variety of contexts, which situationally constitute representations of different conceptual aspects of the speech acts of directives and conclusions. Hence the emphasis is on the pragmatic component as well. The cognitive perspective is borne out by viewing certain English modal verbs and their Greek counterparts as interconnected members of conceptual categories, i.e. Idealised Cognitive Models (ICMs; Lakoff 1987), being run through by the unifying element of force (Talmy 1988).
The article is an attempt at an initiatory, quantitative and semantic verification of Italian loanwords in the field of medicine and related sciences in the contemporary Polish language. In the introductory part, the aim and the methodology adopted in the research are described. The criteria for identifying loanwords depend on the assumed research perspective: for one-sided research, a loanword from Italian may be considered both a lexeme of Italian origin adopted into the Polish language and a lexeme of any other origin, provided that it was borrowed into Polish via Italian (e.g. the word gabinet). In the case of contrastive research, on the other hand, only a lexeme of Italian origin can be considered as an Italian loanword (an Italianism), regardless of the language through which it came into the Polish language (e.g. the lexeme malaria). The further part of the article is an analytical segment devoted entirely to Italianisms present in Polish medical terminology. In this part, the initial corpus was analysed in order to preparatively verify the number of Italianisms occurring in Polish medical terminology. Then, the separated target research corpus was subjected to a qualitative analysis. The analysis confirmed that – taking into account the requirement of Italian origin – the number of Italianisms in Polish medical terminology is lower than what is shown in the sources consulted.
The aim of the study is to identify risks characteristic of the local government sector and to present the insurance offer dedicated to this sector on the example of the city of Łódź. The article puts a thesis forward that a comprehensively structured insurance offer contributes to the optimal transfer of local government risks. The study was based on a literature review, legal acts and an insurance offer addressed to local government units. A properly conducted risk identification process and the insurer selection procedure lead not only to the selection of the optimal insurance offer, but also to the entity itself. A limited analysis of the example of the city of Łódź shows that local government authorities are interested in comprehensive, "tailor-made" insurance policies offered by one insurer. This translates into the time of acceptance, consideration of the damage and payment of compensation. Insurance programs directly addressed to local government units that appear on the insurance market should be assessed positively. An example is the "Safe Commune" program. It should be expected that in the coming years, due to the special budget constraints resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, the interest of local authorities will increase in new, innovative solutions in the field of risk insurance.
Celem opracowania jest wskazanie ryzyk charakterystycznych dla sektora samorządowego oraz prezentację oferty ubezpieczeniowej dedykowanej temu sektorowi na przykładzie miasta Łodzi. W pracy postawiono tezę, że kompleksowo skonstruowana oferta ubezpieczeniowa przyczynia się do optymanego transferu ryzyk samorządu terytorialnego. Opracowanie powstało w oparciu o przegląd literatury przedmiotu, akty prawne oraz ofertę ubezpieczeniową skierowaną do jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Pawidłowo przeprowadzony proces identyfikacji ryzyk oraz procedura wyboru ubezpieczyciela prowadzi nie tylko do wyboru optymalnej oferty ubezpieczeniowej, ale także samego podmiotu. Z ograniczonej analizy przykładu miasta Łodzi wynika, że władze samorządu są zainteresowane kompleksowymi, „szytymi na miarę” polisami ubezpieczeniowymi oferowanymi przez jednego ubezpieczyciela. Przekłada się to na czas przyjęcia, rozpatrzenia szkody i wypłaty odszkodowania. Pozytywnie należy ocenić programy ubezpieczeniowe bezpośrednio adresowane do JST, które pojawiają się na rynku ubezpieczeniowym. Przykładem jest program „Bezpieczna Gmina”. Należy oczekiwać, że w najbliższych latach, z uwagi na szczególne ograniczenia budżetowe wynikające z pandemii Covid-19, zaintersowanie władz samorządowych wzrośnie nowymi, innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami w zakresie ubezpieczenia ryzyk.
Studia Bobolanum
vol. 30
issue 3
The article presents the knowledge about Europeanisation and its transfer to public policies of European Union Member States on a selected example of Poland’s agricultural policy. Europeanisation is a tool for understanding the processes of influence by the Union on a member state and for analysing whether the pressure of the Union causes any reaction of the member states. The definition of Europeanisation used in this article combines three traditional definitions of Europeanisation: first: bottom to top (upload), second: top to bottom (download), and third: Europeanisation circle. There is also a large group of researchers understanding Europeanisation as the adaptation of national policies and structures for managing the state to the European level, and the projection of national preferences in the European Union. The article attempts to present and explain the essence and contemporary trends of Europeanisation.
Artykuł przedstawia wiedzę na temat europeizacji i jej transferu na polityki publiczne państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, na wybranym przykładzie polityki rolnej Polski. Europeizacja jest narzędziem zrozumienia procesów wywierania wpływu przez Unię na kraj członkowski oraz analizy, czy presja Unii wywołuje jakąś reakcję krajów członkowskich. Definicja europeizacji wykorzystana w tym artykule łączy trzy tradycyjne definicje tego pojęcia: po pierwsze, z dołu na górę (przesyłania), po drugie, z góry na dół (pobierania), i po trzecie, okrągła europeizacja. Istnieje również spora grupa badaczy rozumiejących europeizację jako adaptację narodowych polityk oraz struktur zarządzania państwem do poziomu europejskiego oraz projekcję narodowych preferencji w Unii Europejskiej. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje próbę przedstawienia i wyjaśnienia istoty i współczesnych trendów europeizacji.
Following a brief discussion on the understanding of the concept of bilingualism (and diglossia) the author shares with his audience the reflections on the role and significance of bi- and multilingualism in three areas: practical linguistic communication on the global scale, language education and linguistics (theoretical, comparative and descriptive, at the synchron­ic and diachronic level). 
In September 2013 in the case of Divito v Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) the Supreme Court of Canada dealt with the issue of whether section 6(1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Charter, which grants Canadians the right to enter Canada was violated in a case where the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness declined to consent to the transfer of a Canadian citizen to serve his sentence in Canada where the sentencing state had consented to the transfer. Another issue was whether sections 8(1) and 10(1)(a) and 10(2)(a) of the International Transfer of Offenders Act, which granted the Minister the discretion to consent or not to consent to the transfer, were contrary to section 6(1) of the Charter. In resolving the above issues, the Court referred to its earlier jurisprudence, academic publications and international law. Although the Court agreed with the government that the appeal was moot because the appellant had left the USA by the time it was heard, it held that it retained “a residual discretion to decide the merits of a moot appeal if the issues raised are of public importance” and that this case was one of public importance because “[t]he issues are likely to recur in the future and there is some uncertainty resulting from conflicting decisions in the Federal Court.” The purpose of this article is to highlight the interpretative tools invoked by the court and the implications of the judgement.
W związku z coraz słabszym zainteresowaniem instytucji edukacyjnych tak potrzebnym współcześnie kształceniem zawodowym oraz nawiązywaniem i utrzymywaniem przez szkoły zawodowe kontaktu z podmiotami rynku pracy, jak również potrzebą świadomego planowania kariery zawodowej uczniów, podjęto badania dotyczące aktywizacji grup najbardziej zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym i ekonomicznym – Romów. Badania realizowano w latach 2012–2014 w trzech krajach: w Niemczech (głównie przykłady z Bawarii), w Szkocji oraz w Polsce. Dotyczyły one szkolnictwa zawodowego oraz możliwości transferu innowacji w kontekście docelowej aktywizacji mniejszości romskiej na Węgrzech. W tym celu wykorzystano prace badawcze prowadzone w ramach międzynarodowego projektu „Common Goals – Common Ways”, pokazując rolę i zadania poszczególnych partnerów zagranicznych w przygotowaniu, testowaniu oraz wdrażaniu programu kształcenia Romów w kontekście ich przyszłej aktywizacji zawodowej. Pomimo różnych uwarunkowań kulturowych, społecznych, ekonomicznych oraz integracyjnych edukacja młodych Romów, a zwłaszcza usuwanie wszelkich barier edukacyjnych, stanowi najważniejszy aspekt przyszłej aktywizacji zawodowej, rozwoju motywacji i kształtowania postaw przedsiębiorczych mniejszości romskiej w wielu krajach Unii Europejskiej, w tym na Węgrzech i w Polsce.
Due to the declining interest of educational institutions in vocational training much needed today, and in establishing and maintaining contact between vocational schools and labour market entities, as well as the needs of conscious career planning by students, research was undertaken for the activation of those groups at high risk of social and economic exclusion, including the Roma population. This study was undertaken in the years 2012–2014 in three countries: Germany (chiefly examples from Bavaria), Scotland and Poland in the field of vocational education and the possibility of transferring innovation within the context of the target activation of the Roma minority in Hungary. In this regard, research work carried out within the framework of the international project titled “Common Goals – Common Ways” was used, showing the role and responsibilities of each of the foreign partners in the preparation, testing, and implementation of the program of educating the Roma population in the context of their future professional activation. In spite of the different cultural, social, economic, and integration backgrounds of the young Roma people, education, and especially the removal of all educational barriers, is the most important aspect of the future of professional activation, as well as developing motivation and shaping entrepreneurial attitudes of the Roma minority in many EU countries, including Hungary and Poland.
Der Band enthält die Abstracts ausschließlich in englischer Sprache.
Multilingualism is intrinsically linked with the European Union. Therefore, many European documents contain recommendations concerning its promotion, especially in the context of education. This paper describes the main axes of the European language policy. It also presents a suggested strategic model of developing plurilingual competence, which is one of the principal objectives of contemporary language teaching. The central point of the proposed model is the acquisition by pupils of the ability to make a conscious inter-language transfer, which requires them to create a set of strategies based on the resources of the language repertoire. This implies directing the didactic activities to the development of the ability to learn and emotional management that accompanies it, which requires the student to adopt a reflective attitude.
Le numéro contient uniquement les résumés en anglais.
Том не содержит аннотаций на английском языке.
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