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100 years of constitutionalism of two neighbouring European states – Czechoslovakia, later becoming the Czech Republic, and Poland – encourage a reflection on the paths of development of their respective constitutions, on the historical stages and successive olitical transformations, not just in the context of individual constitutionalisms of each of those states but with an emphasis on the similarities and differences in this domain. And this is what this study focuses on. Starting from the common fate of rebirth of both states after WWI through the inter-war efforts to establish democratic constitutional systems and the obstacles found on the way, followed by the post-WWII period of real socialism ending with the era of transformations and stabilisation as democratic states of law. The text explores all the similarities found in both general aspects – like the references to the European tradition of parliamentary governance – and in certain specific solutions – like the differences in the concept of the two-chamber parliament. But there are also situations occurring in only one of the states, e.g. the federalisation of Czechoslovakia, the emergence of two separate states of the Czechs and Slovaks, or the differences in the course and sequence of events of democratic transformations in each of the states in the 1980s, which brings us to the conclusion that despite all the possible differences, the two constitutional systems have actually been very similar to each other.
In his novel “Dolina Radości” [“Valley of Joy”] Stefan Chwin tackles the subject of metamorphoses. In this article I will talk about the issue of transformations in “Dolina radości”. The hero of the novel is a makeup­-artist and that is why metamorphoses are at the center of the action. Noteworthy are also transformations connected with the most important political events and the most important places in Europe in the 20th century for example in the Polish city of Gdańsk which Chwin writes about. The events of December 1970 are described in an episode of the novel but are a very important element of the whole book. This article first presents references to German literary works (Friedrich Nietzsche, Günter Grass, Novalis) which are the part of the literature of German­-Polish dialogue.
vol. 43
issue 6
The idea of this paper is to review and summarize the complex interplay between information technology (IT) and organization in stages that impacted radically both the organizational structure and the evolution of effectiveness and economic performance. We could identify five major stages where the underlying technology, the typical organizational structure, and the criteria of performance or business success changed, increasing the complexity of evaluation models proposed. It seemed that the effectiveness impacts of IT escalated from the individual to the team level, from the organizational to the virtual ecosystem level, and from the corporate to the national or global level. Therefore, the IT productivity paradox could not be refuted until 2003.
The article discusses transformations of the proverb na złodzieju czapka gore / на воре [и] шапка горит in Polish and Russian-language online media (lexical changes, additions, grammatical modifications, contaminations).
The discussion about elites is part of a cumbersome and long debate. In the context of a globalized world, the task becomes even more complex to understand. It is because national borders no longer define or, at least, do not define completely, all the loyalties and actions of powerful groups. Meanwhile, the transnational space opens new fields of activity and, along with, gives them new opportunities. In first place, this paper aims to understand the very meaning of a power elite: its significance and its possible implications for some selected economic and historical processes. Secondly, since the elites are largely defined by their social environment, the present paper seeks to understand the particularity of the American case. Finally, we try to explain how this ruling class influenced the consolidation of the United States as the leading world power, participating in the creation of a specific international system, based on institutions and the global regulation.
The current article deals with issues related to organisational behaviours, as perceived in the light of social and economic transformations that are going on in our country. The author claims that a change in an organisation should be analysed from the point of view of an individual. Thus, the author points at the whole spectrum of individual behavioural reactions to the process of transformations – from resistance, through indifference, to enthusiasm andco-operation. These views lead the author to suggest a theoretical model of personal and situational determinants of readiness for change in organisation, which constitutes the basic theme of the article.
The article discusses the approach of the Polish émigré community in London to the transformation of Poland towards democracy throughout 1989‑1990. The article focuses on journalists and activists who debated the issues in: “Dziennik Polski i Dziennik Żołnierza”, “Rzeczpospolita Polska” and “Orzeł Biały”. Research focuses on the topics surrounding the events, observations, predictions and very often fears towards the character of the political transformation as well as the direction which new elites would take. Important for contemporary commentators was also the role of the Polish Diaspora in the processes and its future place within the new structures of the new Polish Republic. Research was conducted through the analysis of majority of the sources discussing the situation in Poland as well as ongoing transition which occurred during 1989‑1990, supported by historical evidence and opinions and thoughts of émigré community leaders including: last remaining Presidents in Exile Kazimierz Sabbat and Ryszard Kaczorowski as well as the prime minister of the Government of the Republic of Poland in exile prof. Edward Szczepanik.
The traditional family model is becoming blurred and for this reason it is no longer valid. Thus, in this changing reality it is worth making an attempt to understand those changes in order to be able to promote appropriately the values which are still most important for the proper functioning of family. The family has always been and will be the central category of social life, around which processes, social phenomena or religious norms are cumulated, but the changing conditions of life of families are generating a necessity to monitor the quality of life of families and look at them as a whole and individually.
100 years of constitutionalism of two neighbouring European states – Czechoslovakia, later becoming the Czech Republic, and Poland – encourage a reflection on the paths of development of their respective constitutions, on the historical stages and successive political transformations, not just in the context of individual constitutionalisms of each of those states but with an emphasis on the similarities and differences in this domain. And this is what this study focuses on. Starting from the common fate of rebirth of both states after WWI through the inter-war efforts to establish democratic constitutional systems and the obstacles found on the way, followed by the post-WWII period of real socialism ending with the era of transformations and stabilisation as democratic states of law. The text explores all the similarities found in both general aspects – like the references to the European tradition of parliamentary governance – and in certain specific solutions – like the differences in the concept of the two-chamber parliament. But there are also situations occurring in only one of the states, e.g. the federalisation of Czechoslovakia, the emergence of two separate states of the Czechs and Slovaks, or the differences in the course and sequence of events of democratic transformations in each of the states in the 1980s (martial law in Poland and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia), which brings us to the conclusion that despite all the possible differences, the two constitutional systems have actually been very similar to each other.
100-lecie konstytucjonalizmu dwu sąsiednich państw europejskich – Czechosłowacji a potem Republiki Czeskiej i Polski – skłania do rozważań o drodze rozwoju ich konstytucji, etapach historycznych i kolejnych zmianach ustrojowych, nie tylko w kontekście własnego konstytucjonalizmu każdego z nich, ale także podobieństw i różnic. Temu właśnie poświęcone jest niniejsze studium. Począwszy od wspólnego losu odrodzenia obu państw po I wojnie światowej, poprzez międzywojenne budowanie demokratycznego ustroju konstytucyjnego i przeszkody, jakie na tej drodze napotykały, poprzez okres po II wojnie światowej, kiedy pozostawały w warunkach realnego socjalizmu, a wreszcie po czas transformacji i stabilizacji demokratycznego państwa prawa. W tekście śledzi się zarówno wszystkie podobieństwa, zarówno co do kwestii generalnych, jak np. nawiązywania do europejskiej tradycji rządów parlamentarnych, jak i w niektórych szczegółowych rozwiązaniach, jak przykładowo różnice w koncepcji dwuizbowości parlamentów. Ale pokazuje się też specyficzne sytuacje, właściwe tylko jednemu z tych państw, np. federalizację Czechosłowacji czy powstanie oddzielnych państw Czechów i Słowaków albo różnice w przebiegu i chronologii transformacji demokratycznej w każdym z państw w latach 80. (stan wojenny w Polsce i aksamitna rewolucja w Czechosłowacji), aby ostatecznie wskazać, że – mimo wszelkich różnic – bliskość obu systemów konstytucyjnych była bardzo znaczna.
The article analyzes the main modern globalization challenges, that influence on the communication activities of business entities; on the basis of statistical analysis, their positive and negative characteristics are determined. A comparative analysis of the irreversible transformational changes in the world and the main trends of modern communications are carried out. The approaches to the improvement of external and internal communication activities are defined. It is hypothesized that the symbiosis of these areas allows us to implement advanced communication capabilities and have a synergistic effect of the introduction of advanced communications. The trends of changes in communication activities in the context of globalization challenges are systematized. Their introduction will allow to increase the efficiency of activities and improve the competitive position of modern business entities in the market.
Dla badaczy zjawisk socjologicznych interesujący wydaje się aspekt ewolucji postaw pracowniczych stanowiący przykład przemian świadomościowych społeczeństwa. Umożliwia on odkrywanie skomplikowanych struktur przemian na poziomie makro i porównywanie ich z postawami jednostek, w wyniku których przez lata transformacji ustrojowej ukształtowaniu uległa nowa jakość życia społecznego. W związku z nowymi postawami dającymi się zdefiniować i wskazać w naszym życiu szczególnie ciekawe wydaje się badanie przemian życia społecznego i porównanie ich z działaniami jednostek. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, w jaki sposób działania związane z restrukturyzacją przedsiębiorstwa wpływały na postawy zatrudnionych.
The aspect of evolution of workers’ attitude being an example of society awareness transformation, seems to be interesting for the researchers of sociological phenomena. It makes it possible to discover complex structures of changes on the „macro” level and to compare them with attitude of individuals, which influenced formation of a new quality of social life, within years of system transformation. In connection with new attitudes which are definable it is especially interesting to research transformations of social life and to compare them with activities of individuals. The aim of the article is to present how the activities in connection with a company restructuration influence the attitudes of employees.
Phenomena of video games is constantly changing. Many of the changes have induced modi­fications of understanding of specific game genres, their crucial features and even essential factors of the whole phenomena. The aim of this paper is to point out the most important factors that af­fect evolution of video games. Is technological advance the main reason of games’ transformation? Author attempts to determine how features and capability of devices (e.g. personal computers or consoles) affect quality of video games. The next problem is influence of „indie” creators on video games’ evolution, as well as phenomena of specialization of the electronic entertainment.
We współczesnej polszczyźnie obserwujemy zarówno proces zanikania przysłów, jak i powstawanie nowych jednostek paremiologicznych. Ponadto jesteśmy świadkami przekształcania paremii już istniejących. Do takich przysłów znanych użytkownikom języka polskiego od stuleci i mających swoje ekwiwalenty w innych językach należy fraza Niedaleko pada jabłko od jabłoni. W artykule zaprezentowano przykłady „ożywiania” tytułowej paremii, manifestujące się w postaci kontekstualnych modyfikacji formy i/lub treści.
In contemporary Polish, one can observe both the disappearance and formation of new paremiological units. In addition, one often witnesses or even participates in transforming the existing ones. The proverb Niedaleko pada jabłko od jabłoni (The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree), which has equivalents in other languages, has been known to users of the Polish language for centuries. The article presents examples of revitalizing this proverb, manifested in the form of contextual modifications of form and / or content.
Lexical Forms of Song’s Incipits in Belarusian Wedding Cycle: Semantics, Structural Transformations (an Example of One Type of Texts) In the context of the study on dynamic typology and dialectal features of Belarusian folk songs, the paradigm of texts relating to the episode when the Bride parts with her parents is considered here. Such texts have the same lexical and poetic basis; are characterized by common type of incipit in different variants. All of these texts depict an dramatic for the Bride moment of “intrusion” into her backyard “an alien” family – the Groom’s family. Different versions of this incipit have been noticed within the large territory of Belarus and on the frontier (Latvia, Poland). Structural transformations of this type of incipits are manifested by reduction or, quite the opposite, by adding (affixation) syllables in verses. It is conditioned by non-verbal semantics expressed through vocalic rhythmic – the superiority of recitation elements or motor and somatic dynamics. Expansion of an incipit verses by adding to the initial word its rhymed synonym is also a typical phenomena.Diachrony of a given paradigm texts is also revealed by comparing the texts related thematically to the wedding moment mentioned above. A large number of these texts are abridged versions (a middle and a final part) of full texts of paradigm in question. A song in the abbreviated version begins with the culminative part and omits the metaphorical and descriptive initial part (such transformations can be observed in the periphery districts of a radical area). Accordingly, in such a case a different stanza fulfills the incipit function. The method of dynamic typology is applied while analyzing various texts that belong strictly to the same syllabic and rhythmic paradigm. It is a promising approach to study on linguo-musical dialects and diachronic changes in folk song language. Leksyka incipitów białoruskich pieśni weselnych: semantyka, transformacje strukturalne (na przykładzie jednej grupy tekstów)W kontekście badań typologii dynamicznej oraz cech dialektalnych białoruskiej pieśni ludowej rozpatrujemy paradygmat tekstów dotyczących epizodu rozstawania się panny młodej z rodzicami. Są to teksty o tym samym podłożu leksykalno-poetyckim, które charakteryzuje wspólny typ incipitu w różnych jego wariantach. Wszystkie one symbolizują dramatyczny dla panny młodej moment „wtargnięcia” na jej podwórko „obcego” rodu – rodu narzeczonego. Metafora ta zawarta jest w formule incipitu. Warianty formuły zanotowano na znacznym obszarze Białorusi oraz na terenach przygranicznych (Łotwa, Polska). Transformacje strukturalne tego typu incipitów polegają na redukcji lub rozrastaniu (afiksacji) składu sylabowego wersolinii. Wszystko to jest uwarunkowane semantyką pozawerbalną, wyrażoną przez rytmikę wokaliczną – z przewagą albo elementów deklamacyjności, albo dynamiki motoryczno-somatycznej. Charakterystyczne jest również poszerzenie wersu incipitu za pomocą dodawania do początkowego wyrazu synonimu rymowanego.Diachronia tekstów danego paradygmatu ujawnia się także przy zestawieniu tekstów tematycznie związanych z tymże epizodem wesela. Spora liczba tych tekstów przedstawia wersję skróconą – środkowy i końcowy fragmenty – tekstu pierwotnego danej grupy. Pieśń w wersji skróconej rozpoczyna się od punktu kulminacyjnego, z pominięciem metaforyczno-narracyjnej części wstępnej. Odpowiednio rolę incipitu pełni tu inna strofa. Teksty w wersji skróconej lokalizują się na peryferiach areału. Metodę dynamicznej typologii pieśni stosujemy do opisu tekstów różnych gatunków, o różnej tematyce, jednak należących ściśle do tego samego paradygmatu sylabo-ryt­micznego. Otwiera to nowe perspektywy w badaniach dialektów lingwo-muzycznych oraz zmian diachronicznych w języku pieśni ludowej.
The archivist’s profession has been shaped by its relations with historic sciences. In the 19th century, where first archival institutions were founded, they attracted numerous historians. It was them who primarily joined the ranks of archives’ personnel and contributed to their development. It constitutes a foundation for the traditional archival methodology, the perception of archives themselves and the self-identification of their employees. Nowadays, the world is changing more rapidly than ever before affecting the archives. Polish state archives influenced by both techno-logical and cultural revolutions are faced with a difficult choice for further advancement of their scope and activities. This article outlines the principle reasons behind the discernible changes in the Polish archival realism. The authors try to answer the question of what these changes are, in which spheres of archival work take place and on what levels. They also prepare a portrait of an employee of the modern state archive in Poland and describe the transformations in the consciousness, self-esteem and intellectual and professional condition of archivists. They confront this picture with the situation in Ukrainian archives operating in a similar geographical area, although with the experience of the realities of the Soviet Union and a different systemic path after 1991. This comparative study was based on an analysis of the scientific literature on Polish and Ukrainian archivists and the results of research conducted by the authors among employees state archives.
The exclusive interview with Mr Lech Wałęsa, the legendary leader of “Solidarity” Trade Union, the Noble Peace Prize Laureate in 1983 and the President of Poland from 1990 to 1995, on the state of democracy in Poland and Europe presents Mr Wałęsa’s perspective on challenges that contemporary political leaders have to face. It discusses four major areas: a historical consideration of Poland’s post–communist transformation, a today’s perspective on democracy in Poland, an evaluation of country’s role in the united Europe and a discussion of processes that threat democracy in Poland and Europe. In the interview, Mr Wałęsa shares his hopes and fears, and he presents main ideas for the new political times. His assessments do not focus only on the today’s state of democracy, but he also tries to consider how the democracy may look like in the future. As a result the Polish Political Science Yearbook publishes a unique conversation with the legend of the struggle against Communist dictatorships in Europe that shows Mr Wałęsa’s personal remarks on the democracy, the globalised World and modern technologies.
Kultura i Wychowanie
vol. 21
issue 1
Artykuł jest próbą wyjaśnienia przemian rodziny na przestrzeni współczesności. To, jak się zmienia, dlaczego spotykamy się z wieloma załamaniami tej grupy społecznej, zależy od czynników zewnętrznych, tj. środków masowego przekazu (w szczególności), które zaburzają jej prawidłowe funkcjonowanie. Na przykładzie licznych definicji tej grupy społecznej, jaką jest rodzina, w artykule wymieniono, jakie podstawowe funkcje zostały konkretnie wprowadzone do stanu odległego od homeostazy i jakie są przyczyny tego stanu.
This article is an attempt to explain the transformation of the contemporary family. It considers how it is changing and explores why we encounter many breakdowns of this social group. The author contends that breakdowns are often the consequence of external factors, i.e., mass media (in particular), which disturb the proper functioning of the family. Referring to numerous definitions of the family, the article lists the fundamental functions that have been specifically introduced into a state far removed from homeostasis and what are the reasons for this state.
The paper focuses on reconstruction of changes occurring on the surface in the vicinity of the Wieliczka’s Daniłowicz Shaft from the beginning of its operation in the 17th century until the present times. It shows changes in the vicinity of the facility constituting, at the present moment, the most recognizable part of the above-ground infrastructure of the mine and the main place where tourist trac in Wieliczka is concentrated. It presents facilities which exist in the area between Daniłowicza Street (from the east) and Matejki Street and Kinga’s shaft headroom (from the west) and within the borders of plots belonging to the Wieliczka Salt Mine and Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka. It mentions a number of shaft-adjoining buildings, residential houses, an employee bathhouse (the so-called Saltworks Bathhouse), public toilets, green areas, landscape architecture, including the decorative fence from the side of Daniłowicza Street. The issue of foundation and development (since 1870) of the present-day Park of St. Kinga was brought to attention in the article. This landscape-type park, established by the saltworks company as a specic form of a patronage project, harmoniously combined various production, transport, residential and social functions. Open to the public, it has evolved towards a spa park model in relation to intense tourist trac and sanatorium activities. The article touches upon the contemporary conservation problems related to the complex of above-ground facilities, which should be carefully protected as integral elements of the cultural heritage of the historical salt mine in Wieliczka. Protection of cultural landscape of this type is a great challenge – in the past, several historical buildings were demolished and in place of the disassembled authentic building of the so-called Saltworks Bathhouse, a new structure was erected for hotel purposes, making references to the picturesque forms of architecture from the beginning of the 20th century.
Raport prezentuje wyniki badań porównawczych nad związkami między narracjami pamięci a tranzycyjną polityką tożsamości. Badania zrealizowane zostały poprzez zastosowanie jakościowo- ilościowej analizy narratywnej sześciu przypadków: Chile, Estonii, Gruzji, Hiszpanii, Polski i Południowej Afryki. Artykuł omawia wewnętrzne korelacje w ramach struktury tranzycyjnej polityki historycznej w odniesieniu do trzech poziomów analizy: ogólnego, przestrzeni oddziaływania (celów polityki) i pól oddziaływania (zadań polityki). W efekcie przedstawia dwa modele – ogólny model korelacji i model korelacji wewnętrznych. Nakreślają one najważniejsze cechy opowiadania o przeszłości w toku demokratyzacji i rozwijają obecne rozumienie sposobu, w jaki argumenty historyczne mogą oddziaływać na tranzycyjną rekonstrukcję tożsamości narodowej.
The research report presents results of the comparative study on relationships between remembrance narratives and transitional identity policy. It is based on the qualitative-toquantitative narrative analysis of six cases: Chile, Estonia, Georgia, Poland, South Africa, and Spain. It discusses internal correlations within the structure of transitional remembrance policy with reference to three levels of analysis: the general level, the areas of impact (objectives of the policy) level, and the fields of impact (aims of the policy) level. As a result, it offers two models – the General Model of Correlations, and the Model of Internal Correlations. These two drawings show main features of remembrance story-telling during democratisations, and they develop present understandings on the way in which historical arguments may influence transitional identity reconstruction.
The article is an attempt to answer the question about the Comenius phenomenon and to determine the essence of the universalism of his pansophism. The universalism of Comenius' views and his vision of the world seem to be an acknowledgement of his genius. On the other hand, a question arises: is not the universalism of Comenius' pansophism a longing for a better world? It is understood as free from violence, safe, predictable, and bringing a sense of happiness, order, and social order, which were social paradigms for Comenius. In the context of comeniology, an assessment of contemporary education, its problems and threats was made. An attempt to reminisce the era of Comenius and a turn towards the future justify the importance and value of his work and its timeless dimension.
Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o fenomen Komeńskiego oraz istotę uniwersalizmu jego pansofii. Z jednej strony uniwersalizm poglądów Komeńskiego i jego wizja świata wydają się uznaniem dla jego geniuszu. Z drugiej strony powstaje pytanie: Czy uniwersalizm pansofii Komeńskiego nie jest tęsknotą za lepszym światem? Rozumianym jako wolny od przemocy, bezpieczny, przewidywalny oraz dający poczucie szczęścia, porządku i ładu społecznego – co u Komeńskiego stanowiło społeczne paradygmaty. W kontekście komeniologii dokonano oceny współczesnej edukacji, jej problemów i zagrożeń. Próba reminiscencji epoki Komeńskiego i zwrot ku przyszłości ukazują znaczenie i wartość jego twórczości oraz jej ponadczasowy wymiar.
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