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The development of information technologies in the last two decades has made traditional public relations tools insufficient. New media, in particular social media, has opened up the possibility of establishing a direct contact with the public and using a brand to build long-lasting relations. A platform serving a special role in PR activities is Facebook, whose importance has already been noticed by the Polish uniformed services. The presented analysis of the “Polish Police” profile shows how and to what extent the Police utilize Facebook to create their online image and build relations with the public.
It is not obligatory for uniformed services in Poland to have press services. Therefore, maintaining press offices and spokespeople is a visible sign of a more open information policy of the heads of these services, while it also indicates their awareness of the benefits stemming from good media relations. The article presents the place of press and PR services in the organizational structure of uniformed services responsible for internal security in Poland. All conclusions and recommendations listed in the summary are based on internal documents‟ analysis, the author‟s own observations and expert interviews with spokespeople. The article has been written as a result of a research project, realized in 2010 and 2011 within an internal research grant of the University of Information and Technology and Management in Rzeszów on “Public Communication of Uniformed Services in Poland”.
Istnienie służb prasowych w formacjach mundurowych nie ma charakteru obligatoryjnego. Jedynie w odniesieniu do jednostek traktowanych jako urzędy centralne mogą mieć zastosowanie przepisy rozporządzenia Rady Ministrów dające Prezesowi Rady Ministrów albo ministrowi nadzorującemu pracę urzędu centralnego możliwość powoływania lub wyrażania zgody na powoływanie rzeczników prasowych. Funkcjonowanie służb prasowych w formacjach mundurowych stanowi zatem wyraz przyjęcia otwartej polityki informacyjnej przez kolejnych szefów tych formacji, jak również jest efektem świadomości z korzyści, jakie przynosić może prowadzenie działalności media relations. Oczywiście, jest to również swoisty wymóg czasów, efekt uwarunkowań formalnych oraz dynamicznie zmieniającego się na naszych oczach systemu społecznego we wszystkich jego wymiarach. Artykuł przedstawia miejsce służb prasowo-informacyjnych w strukturze organizacyjnej największych formacji mundurowych odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne w Polsce. Analiza wewnętrznych dokumentów organizacyjnych tych służb uzupełniona własnymi obserwacjami i wywiadami eksperckimi z ich rzecznikami prasowymi posłużyły wypracowaniu wniosków i rekomendacji znajdujących się w podsumowaniu. Artykuł jest efektem projektu badawczego „Komunikacja społeczna służb mundurowych w Polsce” zrealizowanego przez autora w ramach grantu wewnętrznego WSIiZ w Rzeszowie w latach 2010-2011.
The subject of this article is issue of stress, which is an indelible part of work of a representative of uniformed services. Presented were causes and possible consequences of work in stress situations, which are threats to both psychological and physical health. In the article emphasized was a relation of ways of dealing with stress to lifestyle. For the author claims, that along with providing assistance in the workplace, awareness of stress and techniques of relaxations, very important for dealing with stress is active recreation. Aim of the article was to prove, that physical activity and own development are an effective ways of preventing negative consequences of stress accompanying work of a policeman, which threatens his physical and psychological health.
The article discusses the pension of police officers upon their retirement and is an analysis of the rules related to the granting police pensions and the determinants conditioning their amount and form. Police officers, as well as other representatives of uniformed services, are covered by the pension system which differs significantly from the general pension system provided by the Social Insurance Fund. This difference results mainly from the nature of the police officers’ work and the duties imposed on them. The differences are manifested by the rights granted to officers, which include, among other things, the possibility of a faster retirement benefit in comparison with other workers. The current legal provisions regulating the matter of granting and shaping benefits of police officers’ pensions have been reviewed several times. As a result, retired officers have been now covered by a police pension in three options. These options differ in terms of the length of service for which a policeman in question is entitled to a pension and the manner in which the pension can be increased. Classification into any of the possible pension variants depends on the date of commencement of service in the uniformed formation. In addition, regulations were also introduced involving the possibility of reducing the size of pension in the case of officers employed at the time when Poland was a totalitarian state. The variety of benefits granted within a single formation and the complexities associated with the regulation of police pensions cause many problems arising from their interpretation and the determination of pension benefits for present and former officers.
All in all, the role of dogs in uniformed services is invaluable, as demonstrated, for instance, by the range of methods that can be used in each service. Moreover, their presence has a direct or indirect impact on increasing the security of the state (internal and external) – quod erat demonstrandum. In the present study, many references have been made to different normative acts (of various ranks), illustrating the use of dogs in the Police, the Prison Service, the Border Guard, and the Customs Service.It should also be stressed that a comprehensive study of the subject of official dogs, in the opinion of the author of the study, constitutes a terra incognita, as currently there is no study addressing the issue of the presence of official dogs in all uniformed services in a synthetic way (extensive historical-legal analysis).Therefore, this work should be treated as a unique introduction (prelude) to further, significantly expanded, and detailed research in such a material area.
The overall positioning of the functioning of an individual in a professional work has been a subject of interest in numerous fields of science. Nowadays, a great amount of consideration has been given to the subject of high-risk professions, which entail severe disorders in professional activity. The aim of this article is to present the impact of stress on the professionals who work in the uniformed services of the police, fire department, correctional department, therefore such individuals who are carrying out their chores under conditions of being particularly at risk of experiencing various types of traumatic incidents. The article, based on the both theoretical and empirical researches of the experts of this issue, presents the main criteria, symptoms and factors conditioning development of the post-traumatic stress disorder. It also presents data indicating the scale of this phenomenon and the effects of the trauma associated with acting a stressful professional role. The interest for this issue stems from the fact of an increasing amount of the traumatic experiences in the world. It is estimated that ca. 70% of the population has experienced in their life this kind of occurrence, while the post-traumatic stress disorder is considered as one of the most severe of its consequences, leading to negative psychosomatic symptoms, which disorganise a hitherto functioning in all of the life spheres. The aspects addressed in this article, represent a cognitive value, since they expose the widely understood traumatic situation of the individuals working in the high-risk professions. Furthermore, another value added of this paper is its diagnostic character due to the presentation of the knowledge not only about the issue of trauma, but also of the criteria of the post-traumatic stress disorder.
The concept of security is presented ambiguously depending on the scientific discipline. From a sociological point of view, it means an objective state of no threat, integrally associated with subjective, emotional, psychological deprivation of space as safe, otherwise referred to as a sense of security. In turn, in legal terms, it means all conditions and social institutions protecting the state and citizens against phenomena dangerous to the legal order and to the life and health of citizens. From a psychological point of view, the need for security is one of the fundamental needs of both individual individuals and entire social groups. Its satisfaction provides a sense of confidence and a guarantee of lack or minimal risk threatening valuable values such as life, health, optimal living standards and material goods. Everyone, to fulfil their tasks assigned to the social role, must feel safe. This is particularly important in the case of people who, because of their profession, are supposed to protect security and other people, and such a professional group is the Prison Service. The paper presents the results of the research carried out using the Uchanst’s Sense of Security Questionnaire of the Confederation of National Defence among officers of the Prison Service who undergo vocational training at the Central Training Centre of the Prison Service in Kalisz. The research has shown a optimal level of general sense of security and factors which make up the sense of security syndrome, which is, the sense of closeness, stability and mutual trust.
Principles of good manners are associated with courtesy, politeness, tact, good behaviour standards, or savoir-vivre. They include a set of specific rules of conduct that are approved of by a given community. Because courtesy plays an important role in shaping interpersonal relations, the knowledge of etiquette by officers of the services subordinate to and supervised by the Minister of the Internal Affairs and Administration in Poland is the basis for functioning in day-to-day service. Unfortunately, the notions and principles of etiquette are often confused with the principles of an official ceremonial protocol in business pragmatics. This article features the basic principles which should be followed, and not only by every police officer. After all, ignorance of the rules of protocol may lead to our being ridiculed, along with the force which we represent, both in professional and private life.
In the modern world, conditions in various spheres of human security are changing at a very fast pace. How non-traditional events are interpreted and the kind of approach to all kinds of transformations may be conducive to a higher frequency of beneficial effects of these changes. The appropriate nature and level of security culture can contribute to perpetuating beneficial trends in solving specific problems, to dealing more effectively with difficult situations, treated as challenges, which can often result in opportunities, and not only as threats. The responsibility of officers of various services, not only for themselves, but also for their subordinates, as well as for decisive decisions resulting from legal conditions, has an even greater impact on the need for strong consolidation of individual judgements, verdicts or decisions. Relying on a personal security culture in various types of situations can more often have a positive impact on the functioning of the entity and their environment, provided that this security culture is of an acceptable character and high level. The author points out that a favourable culture of security for uniformed personnel and citizens will be conducive to a higher level of security.
Wypalenie zawodowe występuje powszechnie w każdej organizacji. Powszechne myślenie o wypaleniu zawodowym skoncentrowane jest na pracowniku i jego słabości w zakresie znoszenia trudności psychologicznych. Tymczasem syndrom wypalenia jest mocno związany ze stresogennym miejscem pracy i doświadczaniem przez pracownika chronicznego obciążenia emocjonalnego. Najczęściej występującymi skutkami organizacyjnymi wypalenia zawodowego są: konflikty w miejscu pracy, zaniedbywanie obowiązków, obniżenie wydajności i efektywności zawodowej, negatywne nastawienie do obywatela, współpracowników, pracodawcy oraz samej pracy, niewykorzystywanie wszystkich posiadanych kompetencji czy także częstsze nieobecności spowodowane stanem zdrowia. Dotychczasowe badania w zakresie wypalenia zawodowego prowadzone były w różnych służbach ale nie obejmowały pracowników straży miejskich. Mając na uwadze powyższe, celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja poziomu wypalenia zawodowego wśród strażników miejskich. Aby osiągnąć założony cel, w 2022 roku przeprowadzone zostanie badanie z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety wśród 40 pracowników.
Burnout of meetings in any organization. Widespread and burnout technological soap. Meanwhile, the syndrome is a dynamic problem in the workplace and a chronic employee experiencing this problem. Occurrence of serving employees - organizational service employees are: employees at work, neglect at work, service and service, achieving accessibility to the employer, co-workers, the employer and the work itself, not using all possessed competences or competences, including health. Previous research - maintenance in various services, but not applicable to employees of the city guards. Having the players on, it will exhibit is a level control of burnout of the city guardians' guardians. In order to achieve the assumed goal, a survey will be conducted in 2022 with the use of a survey among 40 employees.
Objectives Employees of uniformed services (EoUS) were screened for cardiovascular risk factors. Material and Methods A total of 1138 EoUS (age M±SD 49.9±6.0 years) and 263 controls (age M±SD 54.4±9.7 years) under the care of the cardiology clinic in Gdańsk, Poland, were included in the study. Medical history and blood samples were collected, and a physical examination was performed. Ten-year cardiovascular risk of death was calculated using the systematic coronary risk evaluation (SCORE) risk algorithm for high-risk countries. Results Significantly higher values of mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure, mean total cholesterol level and mean BMI were recorded among the EoUS compared to controls (M±SD 141.7±11.6 mm Hg vs. 135.5±11.0 mm Hg, p < 0.001; 90.1±5.9 mm Hg vs. 84.5±6.8 mm Hg, p < 0.001; 6.01±0.76 mmol vs. 5.44±0.87 mmol, p < 0.001; 29.3±4.7 vs. 29.0±4.1, p < 0.001, respectively). Smoking cigarettes was most frequently reported by the youngest group (20–39 years old) – 47.7% and it was significantly higher in the entire EoUS group compared to control group (35.5% vs. 16.7%, p = 0.001). The occurrence of observed risk factors (blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg, total cholesterol concentration >5 mmol, smoking,) was significantly higher among EoUS compared to controls (92.1% vs. 57.8%, p < 0.001; 89.0% vs. 66.9%, p < 0.001; 35.5% vs. 16.7%, p < 0.001, respectively). In the male group, the mean calculated ten-year risk of fatal cardiovascular events, the percentage of high calculated risk, and very high risk were higher in the EoUS group compared to controls (M±SD 4.44±3.49 vs. 4.23±3.86, p = 0.001; 23.7% vs. 20.2%, p = 0.007; 7.4% vs. 6.5%, p = 0.03, respectively). Conclusions The prevalence of all identified risk factors was found to be higher among employees of uniformed services when compared to the control group. The presence of these risk factors within the population of uniformed service employees results in a greater risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.
Service regulations which define employment of uniform service officers in regards to parental rights, predicts provisions which refer to applying the provisions of the Labour Code. It means that, the services regulations are not complete, and therefore application of provisions from other law systems is allowed. Another example of relations between a uniform service employment and the labour law, is introducing rules to service regulations which are similar (or identical) to a labour law. As previously mentioned, the amount of benefit payment during the leave related to childcare, has been regulated in the same way to they employees who take this kind of leave. Making officer’s status similar to employe’s status cause diverse consequences for officers. Some of them are more favorable to officers, for example parental rights. In this way, officers can benefit from these rights regardless of gender. Almost in the same way as employees, officers also have a right to additional maternity leave and childcare leave. Other changes, in relation to making officer’s status similar to employe’s status, cause however loss of service officers’ privileges, for example decreased pay during sick leave.
The article discusses the issue of the official assessment of the police. It covers the theoretical aspects of periodic appraisal of employees and presents the study results on the official assessment of police officers. The first part of the article deals with the essence of the employee appraisal and its impact on the subfunctions of human resource management system. It demonstrates the classification of criteria and assessment methods and describes the employee review-related risks. Methodological assumptions, the result analysis and conclusions from the conducted studies have been contained in the further part of the article. The aim of the studies was to diagnose the assessment system of police forces. The studies were conducted at one of Municipal Police Stations in Wielkopolskie voivodeship. They were carried out within the research project on the management of uniform services. The performed studies were of a pilot character and will encompass a greater number of respondents. The main method of the conducted studies was a diagnostic survey. As a result of the studies performed, it was found that the system of official assessment required fundamental changes. The existing assessment system proved not to have performed one of its basic functions, namely it does not provide reliable information on the quality of work performed by police officers.
The article presents the issues aimed at introducing and describing the criteria for distinguishing police models and indicating the types of policing structures that have been adopted in European countries, including Poland. The diversity of police forces and their distinct organization allows to pinpoint various criteria enabling the description of contemporary police structures. They are characterized differently, which additionally hampers the establishment of the full catalog of basic features that would strictly define particular police models. The article refers to numerous discussions held in the literature addressing the issue of the organization of uniformed services.
Artykuł prezentuje problematykę mającą na celu przybliżyć i scharakteryzować kryteria dotyczące wyodrębniania modeli Policji oraz wskazać rodzaje modeli, które zostały przyjęte w państwach europejskich z uwzględnieniem Polski. Wielość formacji Policji i odmienne ich zorganizowanie pozwala na wskazanie różnych kryteriów, które umożliwiają opisywanie współczesnych modeli Policji. Charakteryzowane są one odmiennie, co dodatkowo utrudnia ustalenie pełnego katalogu podstawowych kryteriów, które ściśle określałyby poszczególne modele. W artykule nawiązano do licznych rozpatrywań w piśmiennictwie dotyczących problematyki organizacji służb mundurowych.
Obecnie w Polsce działa dziesięć służb mundurowych: Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego, Agencja Wywiadu, Policja, Straż Graniczna, Państwowa Straż Pożarna, Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego, Służba Wywiadu Wojskowego, Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne, Służba Ochrony Państwa oraz Straż Więzienna. Stosunek prawny łączący funkcjonariuszy z poszczególnymi służbami, regulujący zasady przyjmowania kandydatów do tych służb, prawa i obowiązki funkcjonariuszy oraz zasady odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej jest nazywany stosunkiem służbowym. Polski ustawodawca zdecydował się – mimo wielu podobieństw – uregulować przepisy dotyczące stosunków służbowych dla każdej ze służb oddzielnie. Powoduje to problemy w interpretacji tych przepisów zarówno przez organy administracji, jak i sądy. Dlatego też lepszym rozwiązaniem byłoby zawarcie przepisów, o których mowa, dotyczących wszystkich służb mundurowych, w jednym akcie prawnym.
In modern Poland there are ten uniformed services: Internal Security Agency, Foreign Intelligence Agency, Police, Border Guard, State Fire Service, Military Counterintelligence Service, Military Intelligence Service, Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, State Protection Service and Prison Guard. The legal relationship between officers and individual services regulates the rules of admission to these services, the rights and duties of officers and the principles of disciplinary liability – and it is called a service relationship. The Polish legislator decided, despite many similarities, to regulate the service relationship for each of the services separately. This causes problems in the interpretation of these regulations by both administrative authorities and courts. Therefore, a better solution would be to regulate the service relationship for all uniformed services in one legal act.
vol. 18
issue 20 (2)
In the times of open borders, when Poland is a member of the European Union and the Schengen Area, the movement of people not only within the country but mainly between countries has become something natural and even necessary for normal functioning. A significant part of passenger as well as cargo traffic is carried out by air, using the numerous communication airports operating in Poland. The mass movement of people results in the occurrence of many threats and the need to ensure security in various levels and dimensions. At the beginning of this study, a thesis should be made that uniformed services are primarily responsible for security, peace and order at airports. The subject of consideration in this study is the legal basis and activities of such services as the Border Guard, the Police, the Customs and Fiscal Service, the airport security service and the airport rescue and firefighting service. Their purpose is to ensure security, calm and public order at airports and the adjacent area. The paper is an overview, and the considerations contained are based mainly on normative material. According to the Author, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on the role of uniformed services in the formation of security at airports, and therefore it is worth noting the most important aspects related to this issue.
W czasach otwartych granic, gdy Polska jest członkiem Unii Europejskiej i Strefy Schengen przemieszczanie się ludności nie tylko wewnątrz kraju, ale głównie pomiędzy państwami stało się czymś naturalnym, a wręcz niezbędnym do normalnego funkcjonowania. Znaczna część ruchu osobowego, ale także towarowego odbywa się drogą powietrzną, przy wykorzystaniu licznie funkcjonujących w Polsce lotnisk komunikacyjnych. Masowy przepływ osób skutkuje występowaniem wielu zagrożeń i koniecznością zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa w różnym stopniu i wymiarze. Przystępując do badań należy postawić tezę, że za bezpieczeństwo, spokój i porządek publiczny na lotniskach komunikacyjnych odpowiadają w głównej mierze formacje mundurowe. Przedmiotem rozważań w niniejszym opracowaniu są podstawy prawne oraz działalność takich formacji jak: Straż Graniczna, Policja, Służba Celno-Skarbowa, służba ochrony lotniska oraz lotniskowa służba ratowniczo-gaśnicza. Mają one za cel czuwanie nad bezpieczeństwem, spokojem i porządkiem publicznym na terenie lotnisk oraz obszarze przyległym. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, a zawarte w nim rozważania oparte zostały w głównej mierze na materiale normatywnym. Zdaniem Autora brak jest kompleksowych opracowań dotyczących roli, jaką spełniają formacje mundurowe w kształtowaniu bezpieczeństwa na lotniskach dlatego warto zwrócić uwagę na najważniejsze aspekty z tym związane.
The article discusses film motifs focused on the image of a militiaman, a Security Service agent, a prison guard, a soldier, a border guard, and a fireman in Polish television and cinema films. In order to capture the image of the uniformed services of the Polish People’s Republic as broadly as possible, all such motifs available to the Polish viewer were analyzed, but film genres were not distinguished as a separate criterion. In a chronological sense, the author focuses on films shot after March ’68, only mentioning earlier ones. This caesura seems important because after the brutal actions of the Citizens’ Militia against Polish intellectuals in March 1968 and the intervention of the Armed Forces of the Polish People’s Republic in Czechoslovakia in August of that year, the party and state authorities wanted to influence a positive image of the uniformed services among Polish society. The chronological framework ends in 1990 – the last year when it comes to the cinema screens of works shot in the People’s Republic of Poland. The image of uniformed services that emerges from the analysis is multicolored and multifaceted. Certainly, a common feature is the portrayal of Poles wearing uniforms as punitive, disciplined, and humble towards the authorities. There are many more differences. It is basic to distinguish between rank-and-file officers or soldiers and officers. The former are often not very intelligent and are often ridiculed, especially the militiamen. Officers are often portrayed in an exemplary manner, as intelligent men with a high level of personal culture. Both of them have courage. The image of a militiaman was presented most fully, while the image of a customs officer, a border guard, and a fireman was presented least well.
W artykule omówiono motywy filmowe skoncentrowane wokół wizerunku milicjanta, agenta Służby Bezpieczeństwa, strażnika więziennego, żołnierza, wopisty oraz strażaka w polskim filmie telewizyjnym i kinowym. Aby jak najszerzej uchwycić wizerunek służb mundurowych PRL, przeanalizowano wszelkie tego typu motywy dostępne polskiemu widzowi, nie wydzielono jednak gatunków filmowych jako osobnego kryterium. W sensie chronologicznym autor koncentruje się na filmach nakręconych po Marcu ’68, wcześniejsze jedynie sygnalizuje. Cezura ta wydaje się o tyle istotna, że po brutalnych działaniach Milicji Obywatelskiej skierowanych przeciwko polskim intelektualistom na fali marca 1968 roku oraz interwencji Sił Zbrojnych PRL w Czechosłowacji w sierpniu tego roku władzom partyjno-państwowym zależało, aby wpłynąć na pozytywny obraz służb mundurowych wśród polskiego społeczeństwa. Ramy chronologiczne zamykają się na 1990 roku – ostatnim, jeżeli chodzi o wejście na ekrany kin dzieł nakręconych jeszcze w Polsce Ludowej. Obraz służb mundurowych, który wyłania się z analizy, jest wielobarwny i wieloaspektowy. Z pewnością cechą wspólną jest ukazanie Polaków noszących mundury jako jednostek karnych, zdyscyplinowanych i pokornych względem władzy. Różnic jest znacznie więcej. Podstawowe jest rozróżnienie szeregowych funkcjonariuszy czy żołnierzy i oficerów. Ci pierwsi często nie grzeszą zbytnio inteligencją i zazwyczaj są ośmieszani, zwłaszcza milicjanci. Oficerowie zaś ukazywani są niejednokrotnie wzorowo, jako inteligentni mężczyźni z wysokim poziomem kultury osobistej. Jednym i drugim nie brakuje odwagi. Najpełniej przedstawiony został wizerunek milicjanta, a najsłabiej – celnika, wopisty i strażaka.
Współcześnie Policja istotnie wpływa na bezpieczeństwo i porządek publiczny w III RP, stała się wręcz papierkiem lakmusowym podejścia władzy do ogółu. Dodatkowo społeczeństwo polskie nabywa cech społeczeństwa ryzyka i społeczeństwa informacyjnego, co kreuje szczególne zainteresowanie obywateli i mass mediów wszelką działalnością instytucji mundurowych. Często ocenia się ich stosunek do aktualnych wydarzeń politycznych, a także poddaje krytyce skuteczność. Warto zatem przeanalizować jaki wpływ na Policję wywierają współczesne procesy modernizacyjne – jednym z nich jest feminizacja. W tym celu niezwykle przydatne okazały się metody badawcze, jak studium przypadku, analiza porównawcza czy analiza systemowa.
Nowadays, the Police have a significant impact on the security and public order in Poland having actually become a litmus test of how the authorities approach the general public. Furthermore, Polish society is developing the characteristics of risk society and information society, which stimulates a special interest of citizens and the mass media in all the activities of uniformed institutions. Their attitude to current political events is often assessed and their effectiveness criticized. Therefore, the impact of contemporary modernization processes on the Police, including feminization, is a worthwhile task. For this purpose, extremely useful have been research methods, such as case studies, comparative analysis and system analysis.
The appraisal of an officer takes place through a service review. It takes place periodically or in specifically indicated situations. The official opinion is one of the motivators for better performance and for shaping the attitudes necessary in a given service. In the article, the focus was placed on the analysis of the legislation and on the course of the proceedings in business reviews in selected representative uniformed services. The research material has been supplemented with numerous judgments of administrative courts in cases regarding the appraisals of officers. Also, the views of the doctrine connected theoretically with the ongoing processes of opinion-making were presented. The collected research material and the analysis of the legal provisions allowed formulation of conclusions which may be used in the law-making processes in terms of professional pragmatics in the issues concerning official opinions of officers.
Ocena funkcjonariusza następuje w drodze opiniowania służbowego, które od­bywa się co określony czas lub w konkretnie wskazanych sytuacjach. Opinia służbowa jest jednym z motywatorów do lepszej realizacji zadań służbowych oraz kształtowania pożądanych w danej służbie postaw. W pracy skupiono się na analizie prawodawstwa oraz toku postępowania w sprawie opiniowania służbowego w wybranych reprezentatywnych służbach mundurowych. Materiał badawczy uzupełniony został o liczne orzecznictwo sądów administracyjnych w sprawach dotyczących opiniowania funkcjonariuszy. Przybliżono także poglądy doktryny odnoszące się w sposób teoretyczny do zachodzących procesów podczas oceny. Zebrany materiał badawczy oraz dokonana analiza przepisów prawa pozwoliła na skonstruowanie wniosków, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w procesie stanowienia prawa w zakresie pragmatyk służbowych, w kwestiach dotyczących opiniowania służbowego funkcjonariuszy.
Transformation of official mutual relations of public servants is subject to some regularities in legal provisions. Differentiation of subjects appropriate to take some acts in law is noticeable, but there is also a possibility of making a classification of some changes. In the article, the content of the officers’ service relationship was analysed basing on legislation concerning selected uniformed services. It allowed specifying the typical and characteristic forms of transforming the service relationship and the premises on which the changes are based as well as indicating that a typical phenomenon is terminological convergence. A supplement to the considerations is presentation of basic concepts, such as an officer, service, nomination, appointment or a business relationship.
Przekształcenie stosunku służbowego funkcjonariuszy podlega określonym w przepisach prawa prawidłowościom. Z prawodawstwa wynika również zróżnicowanie podmiotów właściwych do podejmowania określonych czynności prawnych oraz możliwość dokonania ich klasyfikacji. W opracowaniu poddano analizie treści stosunku służbowego funkcjonariuszy, która dokonana została na bazie ustawodawstwa dotyczącego wybranych służb mundurowych. Pozwoliła ona na wyszczególnienie typowych i charakterystycznych form przekształcenia stosunku służbowego oraz przesłanek, na jakich oparte są zmiany, a także wskazanie, że powszechnym zjawiskiem jest zbieżność terminologiczna. Uzupełnieniem rozważań jest przybliżenie podstawowych terminów, takich jak: funkcjonariusz, służba, mianowanie, powołanie czy stosunek służbowy.
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