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The aim of this article is to signal the possible relationships between the simultaneous interpreter and the image in its widest sense. In this communicative situation, attention is first paid to the text of the oral presentation, the meaning of which is conveyed by the interpreter. However, this meaning is also made up of visual elements that the interpreter faces and which make the interpretation inter-semiotic and multimodal. Three different types of simultaneous interpreter/image relationships will be outlined: firstly, the whole interpreting communicative situation can become an image if remote interpretation is necessary, secondly, it is the speaker who can be understood as an image, thirdly, the speaker can refer to previously prepared images. Then, by means of a pilot study, it will be checked whether and how experienced simultaneous interpreters relate the speaker to the picture when the picture presented is not redundant with what is being said, but complements the speech. The main question is whether and how it will be verbalized. Possible ways of extending the study will also be discussed.
A phenomenon of organic stones, today regarded as precious stones, namely pearls, is the fact that they have never gone out of fashion. Their enduring popularity has been exploited by the creators of artificial jewellery, which – like real pearls and their imitations – has accompanied humans since ancient times. The subject of this article is comments on the names of pearls and terms associated with pearls incorporated into “secondary jewels”. In the Polish language one- and multi-word names have been preserved, among others for: a) different types of these (less frequently used) natural stones and their (more frequently used) artificial counterparts, b) morphic pearls, c) chromatic qualities of pearls, d) the quantity and quality of stones used, e) the type of framing of both organic and artificial stones, f) metal studded with pearls, g) the complementary properties of artificial and natural pearls, h) names that reflect the diversity of “secondary” jewellery “pearl” designations and details that co-create them. These names are further complemented by professional jewellers’ terms related to pearls that enrich these artificial items of value. All the linguistic testimony or “linguistic data” presented in this proposal allows for the redefinition, verification, complementation, modification and thus expansion of the concept of artificial jewellery.
In Modern English the gerund, historically a nominalized verb in –ung(e), is marked by a gradient of increasing verbalization, from full noun (the reading of the book) to nearly full verbalization (... John having read his essay very carefully), which is due to morphological syncretism in Early Middle English with the present participle in –ind(e). It is demonstrated that this (re)verbalization can be traced diachronically from its incipient phase to Modern English. It also allows us to fine-tune our terminology as to the most recent stage in terms of verbalized or verbal gerund, which at first sight seems to be a contradictio in terminis. In light of the data it is argued that –ing forms after verbs of perception (We saw him working in the garden) can also be interpreted as (semi-)gerunds, featuring at the extreme right of the gradient; ‘‘semi-”, because such structures lack one nominal property, viz. the genitival subject (...*his working in the garden). The historical history and development of the gerund in English can be described as a triadic process: VERB – NOUN – VERB.
The paper is an attempt to present the ways of verbalization of emotions in Russian critical texts. The material shows examples of verbalization in two aspects of analysis: in first part the material has been divided into five groups and focused on the grammatical characteristics of the examples, in second part the author of the article attempts to compare the descriptions of emotions written in music score with examples of verbalization used in critical texts on music. The studied material shows a variety of ways of verbalization of emotions in analyzed texts
The article compares the verbal description of the names of thirty-four fruits in Polish dictionaries, taking into account the descriptions of tastes in the definitions and their relationship with the structure of the definitions. The definitions of bases and polymodal tastes are analysed and differences in the way they are interpreted are revealed. Standards for the perception of the tastes in Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and English are highlighted.
Human personality is The complexity of human personality is confirmed in its psychological, pedagogical and lexicographical definitions. This complexity is clearly seen Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska’s personality. The aim of this publication is to describe the personality traits of Maria Pawlikowska‑Jasnorzewska, a playwright, painter, a descendant of the Kossak family and one of Poland’s greatest poets. The metaphorical terms used to refer to Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska include: colorful butterfly, bracken, hummingbird, lioness, salamander, rose, exotic flower, fortune-teller, or a fairy, to name but a few, and are all characterized by symbolic meaning. This was discussed in Mariola Pryzwan’s biographical work complementary to the existing portraits of Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska – the woman and the artist, whose subtlety and softness were paradoxically coupled with her strong sense of realism were reflected in her unrivalled literary works.
The article is a type of reconnaissance. The author aims at providing a description of the limits of language, including the structure and meaning, focusing particularly on the issues relating to the limitations of speech. The author seeks the answer the following question: what and to what extent can be said? In close relationship with the analyzed problem author explicates selection features of the verbs of speaking. On this basis, the author creates a classification of sentences.
Artykuł porusza kwestie dotyczące sposobów ujmowania rzeczywistości przez profesjonalnych i nieprofesjonalnych interlokutorów w obszarze zinstytucjonalizowanego dyskursu funkcjonalnego. Przyczynkiem do podjęcia analiz stała się obserwacja dychotomii językowych obrazów świata zawodowych i zwykłych uczestników interakcji. Celem artykułu jest wyodrębnienie i deskrypcja różnic w sposobach postrzegania i opisywania rzeczywistości wśród aktantów dyskursu instytucjonalnego. W wyniku oglądu stosowanych w wypowiedziach jednostek nominatywnych i ciągów werbalnych ustalono, że funkcjonalność komunikacji instytucjonalnej opiera się na transponowaniu pojęć pierwotnych w koncepty wtórne. W procesie transpozycji dochodzi do rekonstrukcji znaczeń i statusów podmiotów i przedmiotów dyskursu. Metodologiczną podstawę podjętych analiz zbudowały założenia pragmatyzmu sprzężone z prakseologicznym paradygmatem sprawnego działania.
The article explores ways of describing reality by professional and non-professional interlocutors within the framework of institutionalized functional discourse. The motivation for analysis was the observation of dichotomies of linguistic representation of the world of professionals and ordinary participants of interaction. The aim of the article was to indicate and characterize the differences in the ways of perceiving and describing reality among participants in institutional discourse. As a result of the analysis of lexical units and verbal sequences used in speech, it has been proven that the functionality of institutional discourse is based on transposing primary concepts into specialized concepts. In the process of transposition, the meanings and statuses of subjects and objects of discourse are reconstructed. The methodological basis for the analysis was the pragmatism and praxeological paradigm of efficient action.
Język Polski
vol. 98
issue 1
Artykuł jest poświęcony różnicom w sposobie werbalizowania suwerena w polskich konstytucjach z 1921, 1952 i 1997 roku. Badaniem zostały objęte jednostki nominatywne, które odpowiadały przyjętemu w artykule zakresowi referencyjnemu pojęcia suweren (m.in. obywatel, naród, ludność). Celem analizy komparatywnej było ustalenie, czy leksykalne odmienności i analogie w nazywaniu władzy zwierzchniej w badanych ustawach zasadniczych determinują ontologię i pragmatykę obiektu rozważań. Badanie wykazało, że stosowanie konkretnych jednostek nominatywnych określających suwerena jest transjęzykowym procesem semiotycznym, w którym ustawodawca nie tylko nadaje mu określoną postać leksykalną, ale przede wszystkim redefiniuje jego status prawny i faktyczny.
The article is devoted to the changes in the verbalization of the sovereign concept in the Polish constitutions of 1921, 1952 and 1997. The study covered lexical units which correspond to the reference range of the sovereign concept, adopted in the article (e.g. obywatel, naród, ludność). The aim of the comparative study was to determine whether lexical differences and similarities in naming the supreme authority in the analyzed laws have an influence on the basic ontology and pragmatics of the object. The study showed that the method of naming the sovereign is a translingual semiotic process in which the legislature gives it not only a specific lexical form but primarily redefines its legal and factual state.
Artykuł jest częścią cyklu publikacji eksplorujących dziedzictwo Karola Wojtyły – papieża Jana Pawła II. Tym razem autor podejmuje próbę językowej i kulturologicznej rekonstrukcji międzywojennych Wadowic zwerbalizowanych w opracowaniu historyka sztuki Michała Rożka i fotografa Adama Bujaka. Dawne nazwy miejscowości, postacie i różne obiekty architektoniczne służą odtworzeniu atmosfery miasta, w którym dorastał kolejny następca św. Pawła.
The article is a part of cycle of publications exploring the heritage of Karol Wojtyła – pope John Paul II. This time the author attempts at a linguistic and culturological reconstruction of the interwar Wadowice verbalized in the study of art historian Michał Rożek and photographer Adam Bujak. Old names of places, characters and various architectonic objects premitted to recreate the atmosphere of the town in which the next successor of Saint Paul was growing up.
The article focuses on the analysis of the language means of the negative emotions verbalization in modern publicistic texts in Ukrainian and English. A direct nomination of emotions, interjections, vulgar words, exclamatory marks, metaphors, negative particles are considered to be the main means of the negative emotions expression.
W artykule dokonano analizy sposobów wyrażania negatywnych emocji gniewu, nienawiści, oburzenia we współczesnych ukraińskich oraz angielskich tekstach publicystycznych. Bezpośrednia nominacja emocji, wyrazy-wykrzykniki, brutalna leksyka, znaki wykrzyknienia, metaforyczne przeniesienia, negatywnie zabarwione partykuły to środki wyrażenia negatywnych emocji.
The extraordinary character of a contemporary ‘Baedeker’-type culinary-tourist guide,whichappeals to the senses of its reader, is perfect to showcase the region al specialties of the Lubuskie Region. Such a guide will also act as an inspiration to consider the richness and diversity of the Lubuskie Region. The subject, and thus the objective of this articleis to prezent Lubuskie’s culinary heritage and, throughit, the virtues of Lubuskie’s fauna and flora, the advantages of Lubuskie’s agrotourism farms and Lubuskie’s ethnotourism. The spiritual/symbolich eritagethatis preserved in this guideshows off the Lubuskie Region as an attractive are a where the past is an integral part of the present. 
Przedmiotem artykułu są uwagi dotyczące edukacji regionalnej, która odbywa się w specjalnie przygotowanych do tego celu gospodarstwach agroturystycznych. Autorka refleksji, jako dialektolog-lingwokulturolog, zwraca w nich uwagę na zalety owego przedsięwzięcia, dzięki któremu jego uczestnicy – uczniowie, nauczyciele, studenci, wykładowcy, mieszkańcy miast – poznają walory lubuskiej wsi, lubuskiej fauny i flory, lubuskich kulinariów, różnych przedsięwzięć artystycznych i możliwości tkwiące w szeroko rozumianej ekologii oraz prozdrowotnym trybie życia. Będące przedmiotem szkicu zwerbalizowane oferty edukacyjnych warsztatów dokumentują potencjał lubuskiej wsi oraz inwencję osób, dla których prowadzenie takich jednostek stanowi sposób na życie i niezwykle istotną misję.
The paper comments on regional education which takes place in agrotourism farms especially prepared for this purpose. The author, as a dialectologist-linguistic-culturalist, draws attention to the advantages of this undertaking as a result of which its participants - students, teachers, and city dwellers - become acquainted with the values of Lubuskie’s countryside, its fauna and flora, cuisine, various artistic endeavours, and opportunities found in the widely understood ecology and a prohealthy lifestyle. The verbalised offers of educational workshops document the potential of the Lubuskie countryside and the inventiveness of its people, for whom running such units is a way of life and an extremely important mission.
Статья посвящена исследованию некоторых аспектов вербализации концептос- феры ‘религия’, в частности анализируется специфика вербализации концептов ‘христианство’, ‘священник’, ‘церковь’ в дискурсе дневника Тараса Шевченко, что позволяет более полно и объективно изучить специфику его восприятия религии. Диарист исповедует христианскую религию, целиком воспринимая свойственные ей идеи милосердия и всепрощения, а вербализатор соответственного концепта, лексема христианский, выступает в его дискурсе контекстуальным синонимом к прилагательному свободный, внедряя в текст смыслы ‘братолюбие’, ‘человечность’, ‘равенство’. Поэт по-своему понимает значение слова христианин, актуализируя прежде всего такие его смыслы, как ‘порядочность’, ‘доброта’, ‘чистота помыслов’, ‘искренность’. Высоко оценивая религию, веру, христианство, Шевченко критически относился к русскому православию, считая его одним из механизмов царской внутренней политики, поэтому лексема православный употребляется с коннотацией иронии и вербализацией смыслов ‘несовершенство’, ‘немилосердие’, ‘жестокость’. Шевченко неоднозначно оценивает религиозные сооружения, которые вызывают в его душе широкий спектр чувств – от восторга до разочарования. Для номинации храмов используется определенная система лексем, однако, употребляя некоторые из них, Шевченко вербализует отрицательные смыслы (‘ненастоящий’, ‘наигранный’, ‘чужой’, ‘противоречивый’, ‘недопустимый’), что связано с его восприятием имперского значения византийства. Дневник Шевченко изобилует наименованиями священников с актуализацией иронично-отрицательных коннотаций, что абсолютно не противоречит сложившимся в украинской лингвокультуре представлениям о традиционном образе священнослужителя.
The article is devoted to the chosen aspects of the verbalization of the concept sphere ‘religion’ in Taras Shevchenko’s diary. Such concepts as ‘Christianity’, ‘priest’ or ‘church’ are analyzed, which allows to draw conclusions about Shevchenko’s attitude towards religion. The diarist respects the Christian religion for its ideas of charity and forgiveness, which is verbalized by the usage of the lexeme христианский (Christian) as a contextual synonym to the adjective свободный (free) introducing meanings of ‘brotherly love’, ‘humanity’ and ‘equality’ in the text. The poet understands the word христианин (a Christian) in his own way and associates it with ‘decency’, ‘kindness’, ‘purity of thoughts’ and ‘sincerity’. Even though Shevchenko highly estimated religion, faith and Christianity, he was critical of the Russian Orthodox Church. He considered it one of the tsar’s tools in internal policy and therefore used the lexeme православный (orthodox) with irony in order to verbalize such senses as ‘imperfection’, ‘mercilessness’ and ‘cruelty’. Shevchenko’s attitude towards religious practices is ambiguous – the poet experiences a wide range of feelings – from delight to disappointment. The diarist uses certain lexemes to nominate temples. Sometimes they are employed to verbalize negative meanings such as ‘unreal’, ‘histrionic’, ‘unfamiliar’, ‘contradictory’, ‘intolerable’, which is connected with the imperial meaning of Byzantinism. Shevchenko’s diary abounds in names of priests used with ironic-negative connotation, which resembles the traditional image of the clergy in the Ukrainian linguistic culture.
Tradycyjny ubiór ludowy to istotny element kultury regionalnej i spuścizny narodowej. Dla rodzimego dziedzictwa materialnego ważne są te ludowe artefakty, które dokumentują pozytywnie nacechowane interakcje i interferencje kulturowe utrwalone również poprzez język i w języku. Do grupy takich tradycyjnych desygnatów należy z pewnością, godny uwagi także współcześnie, mało znany, archaiczny, skromny, ale elegancki, powstały pod wpływem białoruskim, jeden z najciekawszych męskich północnokresowych ubiorów – strój bielsko-hajnowski. Celem rozważań jest zatem próba lingwokulturologicznej rekonstrukcji dawnej męskiej odzieży noszonej we wsiach okolic Bielska Podlaskiego i Hajnówki, zwerbalizowanej w dwóch etnograficznych opracowaniach popularnonaukowych autorstwa Elżbiety Piskorz-Branekovej i Jarosława Górskiego. Na podstawie utrwalonych w nich „danych językowych” wkomponowanych w pełne językowych detali / językowych szczegółów opisy udało się odtworzyć specyfikę noszonego dawniej męskiego stroju bielsko-hajnowskiego współtworzonego przez: 1) różne nakrycia głowy, jak: kapelusze ze słomy, czapki maciejówki, czapki baranie; 2) różne typy spodni, jak: spodnie z samodziałów, spodnie o kroju miejskim, bryczesy; 3) różne okrycia wierzchnie, jak: płócienne koszule o kroju przyramkowym, burki, letniki, kożuchy, żupnice; 4) różne rodzaje obuwia, jak: łapcie, walanki, buty z cholewami, trzewiki; 5) owijające stopy onuce; 6) różne dodatki, jak: krajki, prostokątne paski skórzane; 7) haftowane ornamenty dekoracyjne.
Традыцыйны народны ўбор – важны элемент рэгіянальнай культуры і нацыянальнай спадчыны. Для роднай матэрыяльнай спадчыны важныя народныя артэфакты, якія дакументуюць станоўча адзначаныя культурныя ўзаемадзеянні і інтэрферэнцыю, зафіксаваныя таксама праз мову і ў мове. Да групы такіх традыцыйных абазначэнняў, безумоўна, належыць і сучасны, малавядомы, архаічны, сціплы, але элегантны, створаны пад беларускім уплывам, адзін з самых цікавых мужчынскіх строяў паўночнага памежжа – бельска-гайнаўскі. Такім чынам, мэтай разгляду з'яўляецца спроба лінгвакультуралагічнай рэканструкцыі старога мужчынскага адзення, якое насілі ў вёсках наваколляў Бельска-Падляскага і Гайнаўкі, вербалізаванай у двух этнаграфічных навукова-папулярных даследаваннях: Эльжбеты Піскаж-Бранековай і Яраслава Гурскага. На аснове замацаваных у іх "моўных дадзеных", уключаных у поўныя лінгвістычных дэталяў апісанні, удалося ўзнавіць спецыфіку бельска-гайнаўскага мужчынскага строя, які насілі раней: 1) розныя галаўныя ўборы, такія, як капелюшы з саломы, шапкі-мацееўкі, баранавыя шапкі; 2) розныя тыпы штаноў, як даматканыя штаны, штаны гарадскога крою, брыджы; 3) розныя верхнія апранахі, як палатняныя кашулі з аблямоўкай, буркі, летнікі, кажухі, жупніцы; 4) розныя тыпы абутку, як лапці, валёнкі, боты з халявамі, чаравікі; 5) анучы для абкручвання ног; 6) розныя аксэсуары, як пругі, прамавугольныя скураныя рамяні; 7) вышытыя дэкаратыўныя арнаменты.
Traditional folk clothing is an important element of regional culture and national heritage, but folk items of dress that document positively charged cultural interactions and interferences perpetuated also through, and in, language are crucial for native material heritage. There is no denying that the archaic, Belarusian-influenced attention-worthy – even in modern times – modest, yet elegant Bielsko-Hajnowski national dress belongs to the group of items of such traditional significance. Thus, the purpose of this article is an attempt at a linguocultural reconstruction of old men's clothing worn in villages near Bielsko Podlaskie and Hajnówka, verbalized in two ethnographic popular studies by Elżbieta Piskorz-Branekova and Jarosław Górski. On the basis of the "linguistic data" that was recorded in them and incorporated into descriptions packed with linguistic details, it was possible to reconstruct the specifics of the formerly worn men's costume of Bielsko-Hajnówka consisting of: 1) different headwear, such as straw hats, Maciejówka caps, and sheepskin caps; 2) different types of trousers including ones made of homespun materials, urban cut trousers, and breeches; 3) different outer garments such as cloth shirts with a border cut, burqas, and sheepskins 4) various types of footwear, inlcuding summer footwear made of jute, valances, shoes with uppers, and slippers; 5) foot-wrapping puttees; 6) various accessories such as selvedges, and rectangular leather belts; and 7) embroidered decorative ornaments.
The article deals with the actualization of the study methodology of the nonverbal communication (NC) national parameters, verbalized by means of phraseological units (PhU) in Ukrainian, Polish, Russian ethnoses as these that have common eastern Slavic roots. The use of the comparative contrastive method of analysis facilitated the process of revealing the pragmatic mechanisms of the communicative senses of phraseological units with the non-verbal components.
W artykule przeanalizowano metodykę badań nad parametrami komunikacji niewerbalnej, werbalizowanymi poprzez jednostki frazeologiczne ukraińskiego, polskiego, rosyjskiego etnosu, które łączą wspólne wschodniosłowiańskie korzenie. Zastosowanie komparatywno-porównawczej metody analizy sprzyja ujawnieniu pragmatycznych mechanizmów tworzenia komunikacyjnych znaczeń frazeologizmów z komponentami niewerbalnymi.
The article analyzes the axiological characteristics of emotions of the group „Compassion” as verbalized in Russian. The author explicates the influence of hedonistic and moral assessment upon the conceptualization of these emotions in the linguistic consciousness of the Russians.
В статье проанализированы аксиологические характеристики эмоций группы „Сочувствие”, объективированные в русском языке. Эксплицировано влияние гедонистической и моральной оценки на концептуализацию этих эмоций в русском языковом сознании.
Der Artikel enthält das Abstract ausschließlich in englischer und französischer Sprache
In this paper, we examine the question of the verbalization of fear and its translation from modern Greek into French. The target texts of our analysis are of two types: translations of experienced translators and translations of Cypriot learners. We study data from the analysis of our translation corpus and we question the conceptualisation of the emotion of fear.
Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à examiner la question de la verbalisation de la peur et de satraduction du grec moderne vers le français. Les textes cibles de notre analyse sont de deux types :les traductions de traducteurs expérimentés et les traductions d’apprenants chypriotes en cours deformation. Nous étudions des données provenant de l’analyse de notre corpus de traduction et nousnous interrogeons sur la conceptualisation de l’émotion de la peur.
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