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The subject of this research is an unknown Slavic translation of Sermon 5 John of Sinaya’s Scala Paradisi (Lestvica) in a Serbian Menaion and Triodion Panagyric, rewritten from an old Bulgarian antigraph which has preserved the archaic grammatical traits of the prototranslation. In the sermon’s text, forms of asigmatic aorist and first sigmatic aorist with a preserved “s” are being registered, as well as non-contrahered forms for imperfect, forms of past active I participle formed with suffix -ьш- from verbs with a base ending on -и-, possessive adjectives as a translation of the Greek genitive case for possession, usage of a local prepositionless, excessive prepositionless usage of ablative case, descriptive future with a preponderance of forms of хотѣти + infinitive, dual number forms, non-contrahered forms of complex (determinative) adjectives, etc. The translation of the sermon of the transcript in NHM24 includes rare lexemes that attribute it to the early translations of Cyril and Methodius. It demonstrates similarities to the Glagolitic translations of the hand-written cannon of 10th–11th century.
The article highlights research findings of the ballad plots from the folklore repertoire of Volyn and Western Polissia of the end of the 19th century revealed in the records of Lesya Ukrainka and her family members (Mykhailo and Olha Kosach, Olena Pchilka) and also known in close Polish analogues of those days. The ballads, recorded by the Kosachs, are dominated by stories of family relationships and conflicts caused by marriage without love, long-term separation (the topic of incest), and the mother’s interference in a marital relationship that leads to murder, poisoning, and other tragic situations. A comparative analysis of ballad variants in two languages allows identifying not only the geographical area of spreading of ballad plots in the folklore of neighbouring nations, the specifics of plots, motifs, images, but also points to the features of the Ukrainian and Polish folklore works interaction on the borderlands. In the ballads, belonging to the International Ballad Fund, the plot-lines about wanderings of a dishonoured girl, the incest-related topics, mother’s poisoning of her daughter-in-law and son, about the death of a servant because of his/her mistress’ caprices, the wife’s murder of her husband are typical and similar to various languages. Ukrainian and Polish versions of the ballad-songs have similar features in the structural components of the lyrics, describing mostly life tragic collisions, everyday situations, dialogues of the characters, and artistic details. Despite the affi nity of plots, images, artistic means of expression, multilingual texts off er diff erent, oft en radically diff erent ways of resolving personal and family confl icts. In addition, they are oft en marked with national colouration and refl ect the features of local life, the social life realities of the Ukrainians, Poles, and other ethnic groups. Th e study has revealed that national attribution of the characters, their specifi c national names (especially in the Polish texts), polarization on the principle of ours/a stranger, a native/foreigner are the most noticeable features. Th e Ukrainian and Polish plots express mental ethnic stereotypes of folklore carriers, in particular, regarding women’s role in family and society.
During investigations of criminal offences of this category it is extremely important for an investigator to have proper access to the scene of an accident and to develop their own algorithm of work. According to the results of our study of the statistical data and materials of criminal proceedings (cases), we have found out that a lot of criminal cases in Ukraine were closed for various reasons for the past three years. In particular, there were registered 88 cases according to the constituent elements of offence, provided for in Art. 276 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in 2011. There were 5 cases closed by procedure, and 67 ones taken to courts. In 2012, there were registered 53 cases according to the constituent elements of offence, provided for in Art. 276 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. 13 of them were closed by procedure, and 71 cases were taken to court. And in 2013, the rate got worse since out of 237 registered cases according to the constituent elements of offence, there were 1429 closed by procedure and 11 ones taken to courts. Taking into consideration these data, it is timely and necessary to update scholarly attention to the key aspects of the issues, to develop the mechanism of improving current legislation and the algorithms for the proper functioning of investigators.
The Pauline father Amandus Ivanschiz (1727-1758) was a composer whose music heralded the style of the early Classical period. He worked mainly in Austria (Wiener Neustadt and Mariatrost), as well as in Rome (it has recently been established that he spent three years there). His sacred music, especially masses, litanies and cantata-style pieces to non-liturgical texts, has been preserved in numerous manuscripts (over 260 items) held in eight countries of Central Europe (Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Hungary). Comparative analysis of all the manuscripts allows one to distinguish several problems commonly encountered in research into eighteenth-century musical sources, such as variants, multiple versions of works and contradictory attributions of authorship, further exacerbated by the lack of originals. This article focusses on the most recent findings relating to Ivanschiz’s life and religious music, as well as discussing and illustrating discrepancies between various copies of the same compositions by reference to selected works. We will also consider the differentiation of authorial variants from variant versions arising from custom.
Covert categories of the Russian language and formation of “syntactic prohibitions”: formulating the problemThe paper covers various deviations from rules and anomalies in syntactical constructions of the Russian language, lacunas in syntactic paradigms determined by a number of covert categories (cryptotypes). Among the covert categories that are revealed based on an analysis of atypical syntactic usages or syntactic gaps which I dub “syntactic prohibitions” are: controlled vs. uncontrolled actions, dependence vs. independence, activity vs. inaction, and version. One of the sources allowing to identify these syntactic gaps have been erroneous Russian sentences constructed by foreign students of Russian. Covert categories of the Russian language have usually been discovered by comparison with overt categories (phenotypes) in other languages. The present article offers a preliminary analysis of the use of lacunas in syntax paradigms as another method, besides the comparative one, of revealing covert categories in Russian. Ukryte kategorie języka rosyjskiego a powstawanie „zakazów składniowych”: ku postawieniu problemuArtykuł traktuje o odstępstwach od zasad i anomaliach obecnych w konstrukcjach składniowych języka rosyjskiego – o lukach w paradygmatach składniowych, będących wynikiem działania szeregu ukrytych kategorii (kryptotypów). Wśród ukrytych kategorii ujawnionych dzięki analizie nietypowych konstrukcji – czy też „zakazów” – składniowych są: kontrolowalność i niekontrolowalność, zależność i niezależność, aktywność i inercyjność oraz wersja. Jednym ze źródeł pozwalających na rozpoznanie owych „zakazów” były błędne zdania formułowane w języku rosyjskim przez uczące się go osoby obcojęzyczne. Ukryte kategorie języka rosyjskiego ujawniono zwykle przez porównywanie jego zasad z jawnymi kategoriami (fenotypami) innych języków. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wstępną próbę zastosowania analizy luk w paradygmatach składniowych jako innej niż porównawcza metody ujawniana ukrytych kategorii języka rosyjskiego.
Celem proponowanej pracy jest analiza statusu zbioru Nea-lit (1993–1994) w białoruskim procesie literackim lat dziewięćdziesiątych. Materiałem badawczym jest makieta tej książki z prywatnego archiwum poety Wiktara Żybula. Taki dokument literacki nie został jeszcze upubliczniony ani wprowadzony do obiegu naukowego. Właściwości Nea-litu są wyjaśnione w aspektach ogólnokonceptualnym, tekstologicznym i gatunkowo-stylistycznym. Między innymi rzeczami antologia manifestowała krystalizację nowej literatury. Ponadto w zbiorze znalazły się odmienne od późniejszych publikacji warianty wierszy Sierża Minskiewicza, Illi Sina, Aliesia Turowicza. W końcu Nea-lit został platformą do poszukiwania aktualnego języka artystycznego. W ramach projektu książki zarysowano radykalne eksperymenty translogiczne i niezwykły gatunek „panfilu”, zaprezentowano dominowanie obrazów przestrzeni miejskiej z zaakcentowanymi motywami cielesności.
The purpose of the proposed work is to analyze the status of the collection Nea-lit (1993–1994) in Belarusian literary process of the 1990s. The research material is the layout of this book from the private archive of the poet Viktar Zhybul. Such literary record has not yet been made public or put into scientific circulation. The peculiarities of Nea-lit are illuminated in the general conceptual, textual and genre-stylistic aspects. Among other things, the anthology manifested the crystallization of new literature. In addition, the collection included versions of poems by Sierzh Minskievich, Illia Sin, Alies Turovich, different from later publications. In the end, Nea-lit became a platform for searching for actual imaginative language. Within the project of the book radical translogical experiments and unusual genre of ‘panphile’ were outlined, images of urban space with accentuated motifs of corporeality prevailed.
Цель предлагаемой работы – проанализировать статус сборника Неалит (1993–1994) в белорусском литературном процессе 1990-х гг. Материал исследования составляет макет этой книги из личного архива поэта Виктора Жибуля. Ранее соответствующий документ не был обнародован и введен в научный оборот. Особенности Нэа-літа освещаются в обще концептуальном, текстологическом и жанрово-стилистическом аспектах. Среди прочего, мини-антология продемонстрировала кристаллизацию новой литературы. Кроме того, в сборник вошли варианты стихотворений Сержа Минскевича, Ильи Сина, Алеся Туровича, отличные от более поздних публикаций. В итоге Нэа-літ стал площадкой для поиска актуального художественного языка. В рамках макета издания наметились радикальные транслогические эксперименты, сформировался нестандартный жанр «панфиль», проявилось преобладание образов городского пространства с подчеркнутыми мотивами телесности.
Pamiętnik Literacki
vol. 112
issue 3
W artykule przywołano dotychczasową, wieloletnią praktykę edytorską i badawczą w zakresie edycji „Vade-mecum” Cypriana Norwida. Zwrócono też uwagę na nowe rozwiązania tekstologiczne. Dotąd przyjmowano wyłącznie warstwę czystopisową manuskryptu lub wyłącznie brulionową za podstawę wydania – obie możliwości odnosiły się do całego zbioru. Nowa propozycja ogranicza te rozstrzygnięcia do każdego z wierszy, postulując tekstologiczną analizę (jako wiążącą) w stosunku do wszystkich tekstów cyklu z osobna. Wybór podstawy nie dotyczyłby zbioru, lecz (z uwagi na niekompletność i brulionowość cyklu) poszczególnych jego ogniw. W rozprawie zaprezentowano także możliwość cyfrowej edycji „Vade-mecum” – edycji otwartej (zwłaszcza w warstwie materiałowej i komentarza), choć zarazem nie unikającej edytorskiego domknięcia.
The article recollects a long-standing so far editorial and research practice of editing Cyprian Norwid’s “Vade-mecum”, and also gives attention to the new textological solutions. To this day, only the manuscript’s clean copy or only rough draft was made the editorial basis, and both possibilities referred to the entire collection. The new proposal limits the solutions to each poem, postulating a separate textological analysis (as binding one) to each piece of the cycle. The choice would not pertain to the collection but (due to its incompleteness and roughness) to its individual items. The study also suggests a digital edition of “Vade-mecum”, an open edition—especially in its material and commentary matter—though also unavoiding editorial completion.
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