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The study presents partial results of a research project which monitors the reception of poetry by primary and secondary school students. We introduce a research of the reception of poems by selected students of a vocational school. We would like to find out whether a research method, which is based on a semantic differential and designed primarily to measure reading experiences of grammar school students, is able to capture the reader‘s experiences of the concerned respondents, too. We compare the results with the results of grammar school students obtained in a previous research. The results show that the semantic differential method can also be used to measure reading experiences of students of vocational schools. Factor analysis showed sufficient saturation of particular scales by relevant factors. It was also revealed that vocational school students are able to read poetry independently and record their reading experiences when sufficiently motivated. It very much depends on their motivation, a selection of appropriate texts, and choice of appropriate teaching methods
vol. 2
issue 2
Impelled by the observation that motivation might be one of the most important factors within the affective domain influencing foreign language learning (FLL), the field of second language acquisition (SLA) has seen an intense worldwide interest in empirical research in motivational issues. The studies have been rooted in different theories and methodologies, (most notably those advanced by Gardner and Dörnyei and their respective associates) that have given precedence to a number of variables assumed to play an important role in understanding the phenomenon of FLL motivation. The present study is set between the macroperspective of the social-psychological period–by giving a general view of second language motivation–and the situation-specific period–by taking into consideration the immediate learning context. It focuses on exploring the nature of FLL motivation in Croatia at secondary education level where FLL is part of core curriculum. In particular, it explores the role of one specific contextual variable that has been largely ignored in SLA motivational research, i.e. type of school environment, and its interaction with gender and success in FLL.
During the transformation of modern Ukrainian civil society is facing new challenges and problems. Their magnitude and consequences threaten not only for the further development of a single person, but also Ukrainian nation as a whole. The traditional systems and mechanisms cannot effectively resist the emergence and spread of abuse and violence, human trafficking, exploitation of different skills and abilities. Since the problem of human trafficking still remains a serious one in Ukraine, there are improvements in recognizing the importance of prevention, care opportunities for those who need it. Particularly vulnerable to trafficking situations are the students of vocational schools. This is due to the peculiarities of adolescence and age psychological difficulties. This period is extremely important as the need for social identification, selection of values, choosing the life course, significant adults, and professional self. One of the goals of educational work with the pupils is a socio-educational prevention of human trafficking as a part of prevention of negative phenomena among the youth. The problem of combating trafficking in scientific literature is mainly seen in the context of sexual exploitation of women and children and criminal responsibility for crimes. Human trafficking is a causal relationship with other relevant violations of human trafficking such as abuse, violence and exploitation. It acts as both a cause and effect with respect to such anti-social phenomena. In the article the features of social and educational prevention of trafficking in vocational-technical schools are described. The factors including social, educational, existence and extent of the problem of child trafficking are given. They are classified into the following categories economic, political, psychological, legal, and social. Among the social and educational factors the author has singled out the low level of legal culture, an inadequate system of legal education and training, a lack of awareness of the problem and its possible consequences among the pupils and students, among the parents and society in general, a lack of social consciousness perception of the problem of human trafficking as relevant, difficulty of socialization and resocialization vulnerable victims of trafficking unwillingness teaching staff to implement prevention activities, inadequate communication between different entities prevention of human trafficking.
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of internal quality evaluation of vocational education under decentralization. It outlines the components of the training of future skilled workers as object monitoring; selected stages of monitoring; specified instrument monitoring of quality of education in vocational schools.
Departing from the model suggested by Luyckx, Schwarz, Berzonsky et al. (2008), the relationships between identity and educational context, social participation, and identity information processing style were investigated. Participants were 972 students from six vocational schools in Poznań. The students, within these six schools, attended Grades I-III of three types of vocational schools: basic vocational schools (n=271), technical upper secondary schools (n=448), and specialized upper secondary schools (n=253). Three questionnaires were used: The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS/PL), which measures five identity dimensions according to the concept of Luyckx, Schwarz, Berzonsky et al. (2008), Social Participation Questionnaire, developed by Brzezińska, Rękosiewicz and Hejmanowski (see Rękosiewicz, 2013b), enabling identification of the type of social participation, and the Polish adaptation of M. Berzonsky’s Identity Style Inventory 4 (ISI-4) authored by A. Senejko (2010), to examine identity styles. The results showed that the students from basic vocational schools and technical upper secondary schools were more often characterized by the normative identity style, whereas the students from specialized upper secondary schools manifested a greater tendency to engage themselves in exploration, both adaptive and ruminative.
W artykule podjęto rozważania dotyczące nauczyciela szkoły zawodowej ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na specyfikę jego pracy oraz kompetencje zawodowe. Przedmiotem owych rozważań uczyniono głównie kompetencje ogólne i zawodowe, jakie powinni posiadać nauczyciele teoretycznych przedmiotów zawodowych i praktycznej nauki zawodu pracujący we współczesnej szkole zawodowej.
This article considers vocational school teachers, with particular attention to the specificity of their work and professional competences. The subject of these considerations is mainly connected to general and professional competences which the teachers of theoretical vocational subjects and vocational training teachers working in a modern vocational school should have.
Artykuł przedstawia rolę stacji kontroli pojazdów w szkole zawodowej, w której młodzież przygotowuje się do pracy w branży motoryzacyjnej. Tego rodzaju podmioty jak stacje kontroli pojazdów są istotnym elementem zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym szkoły. Są naturalnym środowi-skiem pracy, w którym kształcąca się młodzież nabywa umiejętności związane z diagnozą samo-chodu. Jednocześnie też zapoznaje się ze specyfiką zawodu diagnosty uprawnionego do badań technicznych.
The article presents the role of vehicle control station at a vocational school, where teenagers are preparing to work in the automotive industry. Such places as vehicle inspection stations are an important external and internal element of the school. They are a natural work environment in which young people acquire skills related to car diagnosis. At the same time they get acquainted with the specifics of the diagnostician profession eligible for technical tests.
Labor pedagogy is a subdiscipline of pedagogy which tackles issues of upbringing to perform work throughout the entire life of a person. Contemporary socio-economic changes mean that the range of problems undertaken on the basis of labor pedagogy is systematically expanding, which culminated particularly after the introduction of a market economy in Poland. Labor pedagogy is a subdiscipline of the borderland of sciences, which means that it is strongly associated with many other disciplines of science. That makes it difficult to determine its separateness. Despite this, however, the features of a scientific subdiscipline can be recognized in it. A number of problem areas identified within it are important for both pedagogy and other social sciences. They are systematically examined by labor pedagogy researchers. In labor pedagogy, scientific theories based on other social sciences are used as well as its own theoretical concepts have been developed . They try to explain the problems outlined in the thematic triad: man - education - work. An important task of labor pedagogy is to disseminate its theoretical achievements on the basis of other subdisciplines of pedagogy as well as other sciences.
Article presents relationships between the occupational interests of students with intellectual disabilities and their choice of educationalprofile. The second aim of the article is to present internal and external factors that influence the choice of the educational profile. Theresearch, in which 63 participants took part, was made using the author’s questionnaire and the tool about student’s occupational interests forthe student with reduced intellectual abilities. This tool was created by MałgorzataPołajdowicz, EwaRadtke-Pawłowska, UrszulaSajewicz-Radtke,published by the Psychological and Pedagogical Testing Laboratory in Gdańsk. The results indicate that the choice of the educational profileby persons with intellectual disability is not consistent with their occupational interests. The family environment, consultations with teachers, educational offer at school and health contraindications are important in deciding on the choice of the educational profile.
Artykuł przedstawia związki między zainteresowaniami zawodowymi uczniów z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu lekkim a wyborem przez nich profilu kształcenia. Drugim celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie czynników wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych, które oddziałują na wybór profilu kształcenia przez badane osoby. Badania, w których udział wzięło 63 uczestników, zrealizowano z wykorzystaniem „Profilu zainteresowań zawodowych dla uczniów o obniżonych możliwościach intelektualnych” autorstwa Małgorzaty Połajdowicz, Ewy Radtke-Pawłowskiej, Urszuli Sajewicz-Radtke, wydanego przez Pracownię Testów Psychologicznych i Pedagogicznych w Gdańsku oraz autorskiego wywiadu kompletnie kierowanego. Wyniki wskazują, że wybór profilu kształcenia przez badane osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną uczące się w szkole branżowej pierwszego stopnia nie jest zgodny z ich zainteresowaniami zawodowymi. W podejmowaniu decyzji o wyborze profilu kształcenia przez badanych znaczenie mają: środowisko rodzinne, konsultacje z nauczycielami, oferta kształcenia w szkole oraz przeciwskazania zdrowotne.
Austria has quite an experience in vocational CLIL. It has been implemented on a compulsory level, and now it is a method of teaching in about one hundred Austrian schools and this number is rising. In the last few years about three hundred Austrian vocational teachers have successfully completed a CLIL course at Pädagogische Hochschule Wien. The project “CLIL-VET – Implementing the CLIL-VET model in vocational schools” with partners from Poland, Romania and Spain offered a possibility to take a step back and view CLIL in Austria through another perspective. Especially the differences in vocational teaching and language proficiencies of teachers and students in other countries gave us a chance to explore the needs of Austrian vocational CLIL. This paper is a strong call for content in vocational CLIL. The need for improvement roots in different factors, some of which are the language proficiencies of vocational CLIL teachers and students and the CLIL subject’s content. This paper describes two methods of pushing
Austria posiada znaczące doświadczenie w kształceniu metodą CLIL w szkołach zawodowch. Metodyka ta została wdrożona jako obowiązkowa i jest wykorzystywana w około stu szkołach austriackich, a liczba ta nadal rośnie. W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat około trzystu nauczycieli zawodu w Austrii z powodzeniem ukończyło kurs CLIL w Pädagogische Hochschule Wien. Projekt „CLIL-VET – Wdrożenie modelu CLIL-VET w szkołach zawodowych” realizowany z partnerami z Polski, Rumunii i Hiszpanii umożliwił spojrzenie na CLIL w Austrii z zupełnie innej perspektywy. Zaobserwowane różnice w szkolnictwie zawodowym oraz biegłości językowej nauczycieli i studentów z innych krajów umożliwiły redefinicję potrzeb austriackiego kształcenia zawodowego i dotychczasowej roli CLIL w tym kontekście. Artykuł ten jest silnym wezwaniem do rzetelnej analizy założeń metodycznych CLIL oraz uwydatnienia nauczanych tą metodą treści zawodowych. Konieczność ta spowodowana jest różnymi czynnikami, m.in. umiejętnościami językowymi nauczycieli zawodu i ich uczniów oraz jakością opracowania treści przedmiotowych. W artykule opisano dwie metody, które ułatwiają przygotowanie lekcji według wymagań metodyki CLIL; obie wykorzystują model translanguaging.
Poniższy Raport zestawia informacje o aktualnym stanie wdrożenia metodologii CLIL w polskich szkołach zawodowych. Informacje te zostały zebrane za pomocą ankiet internetowych przeprowadzonych wśród nauczycieli przedmiotów zawodowych. Raport jednoznacznie dowodzi, że aktualnie dostępne formy doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli nie dostarczyły im niezbędnej wiedzy na temat metodologii CLIL, oraz wskazuje, że większość nauczycieli szkół zawodowych jest mocno zainteresowanych taką formą szkoleń.
W artykule autorka krótko przedstawiła historię szkolnictwa zawodowego, pierwszych jej prób reform w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Z uwzględnieniem sytuacji polityczno-gospodarczej na Ziemiach Zachodnich po drugiej wojnie światowej, na przykładzie konkretnej placówki oświatowej, szkoły średniej o profi lu zawodowym – Zespołu Szkół Tekstylno-Handlowych w Żaganiu autorka krótko scharakteryzowała historię placówki wraz z kierunkami kształcenia oraz unaoczniła jak przemiany gospodarczo-polityczne roku 1989 wpłynęły na funkcjonowanie szkoły o profilu włókienniczym. Na koniec opisała jakie działania zostały podjęte przez władze polityczne, oświatowe, aby profi l kształcenia szkoły był adekwatny do możliwości gospodarczych Żagania.
In the article the author presents the history of vocational education, the first attempts to reform in the post-war period, taking into account the political and economic situation in the Western Territories after World War II with the example of a particular educational institution, the school-professional profile of the School of Textile and Trade in Sagan. The author characterizes the history of this institution, together with the directions of education as were revealed as political-economic changes, of 1989 affecting the functioning of the textile school profile. At the end she describes what action has been taken by the political, educational, vocational school profile as adequate for economic opportunities in Sagan.
Stosunkowo wolno, ale systematycznie powiększa się krąg osób, które uświadamiają sobie, że bez dobrze zorganizowanego systemu przygotowania kadr nie ma silnej gospodarki, a w efekcie godziwej egzystencji obywateli. Dlatego coraz śmielej słychać głosy, by polski system edukacji był nakierowany na potrzeby rynku pracy. Każdy człowiek niezależnie od ścieżki przygotowania ogólnego, by wejść na rynek pracy, musi w końcowej fazie stać się podmiotem kształcenia zawodowego. Zmiany określone w ustawie z 19 sierpnia 2011 r. wprowadzają mechanizm umożliwiający m.in. szybsze dostosowanie kształcenia zawodowego do zmieniających się potrzeb rynku pracy. Zostały one jednak przyjęte pospiesznie i bez szerszej konsultacji społecznej. Dlatego budzą więcej wątpliwości niż nadziei na zracjonalizowanie kształcenia zawodowego w Polsce.
The group of people who realize that a strong economy (providing decent level of existence) relies on a well-organized system of professional training, is increasing slowly but continuously. Therefore, people have been more often raising their voice to promote the belief that the Polish education system should follow the requirements of the labour market. Every person – regardless of their common path of professional preparation – in order to be able to exist in the labour market, should in the end become the subject of vocational education. Amendments to the Act of 19 August 2011 have introduced a mechanism which speeds up the process of adjusting vocational education to labour market requirements. However, these changes have been approved in a hasty manner and without a broad dialogue with the society. Therefore, they are a subject of doubt rather than hope for making vocational education in Poland more rational.
The article analyzes the influence of the main socio-political factors on the developing of technical education at Ekaterinoslav Gubernia during the period of the end of the XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries. During that period Ekaterinoslav Gubernia was located on the territory of the Russian Empire. The second half of the XIX century is characterized by reforms in political and social life of the Russian Empire. It has led to quick development of industry. At the territory of Ekaterinoslav Gubernia were developing such kinds of industry as Сoal, Metallurgical, Railway, Machine building. Factories and mines needed qualified specialists: engineers, assistants, workers. That is why technical education started developing. Specialists were prepared by crafting, secondary and higher technical schools. In general they were owned by private industrialists and different ministries. A big role in organization of industrial education was played by the representatives of society. The process of development of professional education in the second half of the XIX century was actively influenced by the intellectual elite, representatives of which had actively implemented the most advanced educational ideas. In this connection it is necessary to note the activities of the standing Committee on technical education at the Imperial Russian technical society, which included teachers of education institutions, government officials, interested in the development of industrial education, outstanding scientists. In the mid-1880s, this organization initiated the Congress of the native representatives of technical and vocational education. In 1888 there was published a decree about industrial schools, which was a try of a government to regulate the technical specialists preparation at different professional levels. The beginning of the XX century is characterized as a new stage of industrial education development. The level and amount of prepared specialists didn’t satisfy the requests of developing industry. It was actively discussed at different congresses. The Professional Congress in the direction of technical education promoted to opening of new crafting departments and professional schools. The process of industrial education formation at the end of the XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries had a socially-governmental character.
The article presents the author’s integrated course, which is directly aimed at the parallel development of students’ soft- and hard-skills who master the profession in the automotive industry. Hard skills formation requires the acquisition of professional knowledge and implementation of instructions that can be tested through the exam. In contract, softskills include general, supra-professional skills (social, intellectual and volitional competencies, sociability, teamwork skills, leadership skills, creativity, punctuality , emotion management skills, etc.). In the coming years, significant changes are forecast in the automotive industry, in the design of heat engines, aimed not only at their improvement in particular, but also at the use of fundamentally new designs and types of engines. Under such conditions, a significant number of specialists will be forced to retrain, in the process of which fundamental training, the formation of softskills in particular, should be a significant help. It is covered a long time to quantify the effectiveness of the integrated special course, and three leading softskills (critical thinking, creativity and cognitive flexibility) are identified. It is concluded that the integration of softand hard skills is an effective means of developing knowledge, skills and thinking, which contributes to improving the professionalism of professionals. The study of the proposed author’s course gives positive changes in the professional competence of future automotive professionals.
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