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The work presents bathymetric changes and changes of area of 67 lakes located within the Pomeranian Lake District in northern Poland. On the basis of bathymetric plans and topographic maps, an analysis was carried out focused on changes in bathymetry and area lakes within a period of over 60 years. The total area of the first group of lakes diminished by 5.4% and the volume of lake basins – by 13.1%. The fact that the change in volume is higher than the change in area, which was observed, clearly demonstrates that the decline of natural water reservoirs is caused not only by the shrinking coastline, but also by the phenomenon of shallowing of lake basins. The decrease in the volume of lake basins also negatively affects the lakes’ natural resistance to degradation. Moreover, the changes in the total area of all lakes throughout the 20 th century were also analyzed and it was found that the total area diminished by 8.0%.
This text is an analysis of Grzegorz Blicharz’s book on common-pool resources. The benefits which can be acquired by lawyers through using the concept of goods developed in economics have been pointed out. It is also emphasized that in Blicharz’s considerations, the use of Roman law as a specific pattern of commons regulation is a new element in the context of the hitherto literature on the subject. The author’s presentation of the public trust doctrine, developed by the US Supreme Court in its jurisprudence on environmental goods, may be relevant to Polish debates on ownership. In addition, the work of G. Blicharz can be considered a good introduction to empirical research on the legal aspects of management of jointly used water resources in Poland.
Water resources are basic condition for survival and development of mankind on certain territory. The quantity of water resources in community depends on geographical location and certain hydro-geological, hydro-logic and hydro-biologic conditions on certain area. It means, that water resources are measurable and strictly defined. Due to consumption of water to different purposes (municipal entrepreneurship, industry, agriculture), the quantity of water resources may be depleted both quantitatively and qualitatively. The local self-government, according to provisions of law has possibility and obligation to pursue a policy of providing ecological security for its citizens. Creation of civic consciousness among the citizens of communities is also an important factor for providing the ecological security.
issue 51/52
The paper presents selected issues related to the surface waters of continental Africa. In the first part, the main rivers, lakes, wetlands, and dam reservoirs are characterized, and the second outlines their importance for agriculture, fisheries, and inland waterways. The data were taken from the literature, the FAO statistical yearbook and the Aquastat, World Waterfalls Database, and Global Lakes and Wetlands Database. Africa has the world's largest river systems (Nile, Congo), one of the world's largest lakes (Lake Victoria, Tanganyika), the world's largest wetlands
The article discusses issues regarding the genesis, importance, and necessity of protection of pit lakes urrently under development in places of lignite mining. Their diversity in terms of morphometric parameters, including surface area and volume, is documented. The paper emphasises their role in the scope of increasing water retention in central Poland, featuring the smallest water resources in Europe. Attention is drawn to the negative effect of climate warming on the functioning of the lakes, resulting in, among others, an increase in water temperature and evaporation. The necessity of conducting sustainable water management in their catchments in the following years is highlighted. Their importance for society and their place in climate policy are determined and analysed. Moreover, activities aimed at the maintenance of good quality of water are proposed.
The issue of access to water in Central Asia has a centuries-old history and it is an exceptionally complex issue. The Central Asian republics, for twenty – six years of their sovereignty, have not been able to create an effective water resource management system. This state of affairs causes constant disputes and controversies, as well as various threats – social, economic and environmental. The article explores the genesis of the problem, especially from the period of Soviet power, when huge irrigation system was created and based on two rivers: the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya. These powerful investments combined with extensive farming are the root causes of today’s problems. The countries of the region tried to regulate the issue of managing the water resources by signing regional agreements in this matter, the most important are these signed in: Almaty, Kyzyl–Orda and Ashgabat. Bilateral or tripartite agreements between states were also concluded. Unfortunately, most of them were ineffective, contractual provisions remained only in writing. One could say that the cooperation between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on the rivers Chu and Talas is the only positive example. The contradictory economic and political interests of Central Asian countries were recognized as the main source of the water management system inefficiency. Relations between the states are often suspicious and fueled by nationalism. Central Asia is a region that is not internally integrated, in which it is difficult to develop inter-state agreements. The author concludes that the shift in Uzbekistan’s foreign policy may support developing a new regional compromise in the long term perspective.
Вопрос доступа к воде в Центральной Азии имеет многовековую историю, является чрезвычайно сложным. Центральноазиатские республики в тече- ние двадцати шести лет своего суверенитета не смогли создать эффектив- ную систему управления водными ресурсами. Такая ситуация вызывает постоянные споры и конфликты, а также создает различные угрозы – соци- альные, экономические и экологические. В статье исследуется история проблемы, в частности период советской власти, когда была создана огромная ирригационная система, основанная на двух реках: Сырдарья и Амударья. Мощные инвестиции в сочетании с об- ширным сельским хозяйством являются коренными причинами сегодняш- них проблем. Страны региона пытались урегулировать вопрос управления водными ресурсами, разработали региональные соглашения по этому вопросу, наи- более важные из которых подписаны в Алматы, Кызыл-Орде и Ашхабаде. Были также заключены двусторонние или трехсторонние соглашения между государствами. К сожалению, большинство из них были неэффективными, положения договоров остались только в письменной форме. Можно сказать, что сотрудничество между Казахстаном и Кыргызстаном на реках Чу и Талас является единственным положительным примером. Противоречивые экономические и политические интересы центральноа- зиатских стран были признаны основным источником неэффективности си- стемы управления водными ресурсами. В отношениях между государства- ми часто проявляется подозрительность и национализм. Центральная Азия – это регион, который не является внутренне интегрированным и в кото- ром трудно разработать межгосударственные соглашения. По мнению ав- тора, изменения во внешней политике Узбекистана может способствовать развитию нового регионального компромисса в долгосрочной перспективе.
Questions regarding the water have a specific position in the context of environ-mental challenges. The possibility of escalating tensions between individuals, social groups, states or groups of states may even be higher for water-related issues than with other environmental problems. According to many pessimistic forecasts in the course of the 21st century water conflicts occur, which can have tragic consequences. Even though such conflicts have not yet reached a significant regional or global dimension, the risk of such a conflict cannot be ruled out. The aim of the research is to identify other potential risk areas where the water situation will most likely worsen, which may result in a threat of violence, conflict. At the same time, we were comparing the state of renewable water resources in individual countries of the world.
Pytania dotyczące wody mają szczególne znaczenie w kontekście wyzwań środowiskowych. Możliwość eskalacji na-pięć między jednostkami, grupami społecz-nymi, państwami lub grupami państw może być nawet większa w przypadku problemów związanych z wodą niż w przypadku innych problemów środowiskowych. Zgodnie z wieloma pesymistycznymi prognozami w ciągu XXI wieku dochodzi do konfliktów wodnych, które mogą mieć tragiczne konsekwencje. Mimo że takie konflikty nie osiągnęły jeszcze znaczącego wymiaru regionalnego ani globalnego, nie można wykluczyć ryzyka takiego konfliktu. Celem badań jest zidentyfikowanie innych potencjalnych obszarów ryzyka, w których sytuacja wody najprawdopodobniej się pogorszy, co może skutkować groźbą przemocy, konfliktami. W tym samym czasie porównaliśmy stan odnawialnych zasobów wodnych w poszczególnych krajach świata.
This article shows the general prinicples of water protection in the international, European Union and Polish levels in the contex of human rights. Because deficit of drinking waters is very important issue not only in Africa and Asia countries but also in some state in UE e.g. in Poland with scarce water resources. The legal aspect of water protection against pollutants stemming from anthropogenic activity is complex and hence, is regulated in many conventions, directives and national laws. The very important for water protection is to limit iflows of sewage into water bodies or limit pollution at source, and effective remediation and restoration of the water damage. All contribute to improved quality of waters and ensuring their proper quality which is the basic human right to life.
Climate change has been observed for many years, being a worlwide source of concern. Reoccuring droughts and changes in precipitation in some regions of the world prompted research into the influence of climate change on the drying up of water. The following study analyses the dependencies between climate change and the drying up of rivers. In the introduction a history of climate change is presented followed by an analysis of global water reasources: their availability, changes in precipitation and their causes and effects. The third chapter deals with the influence of the observed changes on the availability of freshwater in the world. The study ends with the conclusion that the impact of climate change on the drying up of water remains unclear, with the bigger problem being the impact of these changes on the reduction of the quality of water, a fact that may lead to many global problems.
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Włocławek water barrage

The paper presents a hydrological cycle that takes place in nature and addresses the concept of water resources and the methods of their measurement as well as the shortage of water resources. In the ensuing discussion, the paper assesses those conditions by the continents and regions, pointing out the difficult situation in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. Further, it presents the investigation of the correlation between the volume of GDP and the particular features of water management within the continents. The results of calculations show differences, yet there is a clear correlation between the number of population, the water consumption and other indexes of water management. The paper ends with the conclusion that there is basically no shortage of water resources within the world economy, yet there is more and more acute crisis in water supply on the regional scale due to the insufficient water supply and sewerage infrastructure, improper economic policy and environmental policy, and poverty among large groups of population.
The paper presents the planned changes in the environmental fees system resulting from the Government’s draft water law of 23 June 2016. The comparison of existing and proposed economic instruments is made based on the regulations of the draft law and the existing legislation. Analyses of charge rates for water services and the impact of their changes on prices of some products and services are conducted.
W tekście przedstawiono planowane zmiany w systemie opłat środowiskowych wynikających z rządowego projektu ustawy wodnej z dnia 23 czerwca 2016 r. Porównanie istniejących i proponowanych instrumentów ekonomicznych jest wykonane na podstawie przepisów projektowanej ustawy oraz przepisów obowiązujących. Zostały przeprowadzone analizy stawek opłat za usługi wodne oraz wpływu ich zmian na ceny niektórych produktów i usług.
Main issues concerning drinking water supply in the Angara River watershed. Water supply for drinking and communal-general purposes plays an important role in every economy all over the world as water is not only widely used for people’s everyday purposes, but is also essential for people’s vital functions. The principle concerning the priorities of supplying drinking and communal water, stipulated in relevant norms and regulations, presumes that in the first place people should be provided with water according to the existing scientifically grounded health standards. At the same time, drinking water is only a part of natural water resources; thus, it is closely linked to the whole hydro-economic situation of the region, and the connection is one of interrelation and interdependence. The territory under consideration stretches from the source of the Angara River downwards to the city of Bratsk and constitutes the upper and middle sections of the river. The following features are typical of this territory: high level of urban development, high level of anthropogenic pressure on water resources, wide scope of water quality and quantity conditions; all of the above result in a difference in drinking water provision between the regions and communities.
A decrease in the level of water safety has been observed in recent years. Changes in climate (that have, for example, resulted in drought), insufficient water retention, demographic changes and activities in many areas of economy affect the availability of water resources. In the light of the limited size of these resources, steps taken to use them practically play an increasingly vital role. The importance of proper management of water resources is underlined in the context of sustainable development. Disparity between urban and rural areas in terms of progress in achieving the goals of sustainable development (related to water resources management), or less access to water supplies and sewage infrastructure in villages, reflect the need to assess the adequacy of actions taken by water companies. The Supreme Audit Office carried out an audit of the effectiveness of water resource management in rural areas. Its results show numerous irregularities and neglects resulting in significant water losses and problems in terms of water quality. The article highlights the most important findings of the audit in the context of the protection of water resources.
Od 2016 r. Najwyższa Izba Kontroli przeprowadziła kilka kontroli dotyczących zasobów wodnych i odprowadzania ścieków, wskazując na liczne nieprawidłowości i zagrożenia związane z nieprawidłowym gospodarowaniem w tym obszarze. Racjonalnemu wykorzystaniu wody, a także jej ochronie w Polsce miały sprzyjać w ostatnich latach liczne inwestycje. W 2020 r. nakłady na środki trwałe służące gospodarce wodnej wyniosły łącznie 2666 mln zł, z czego najwięcej przeznaczono na ujęcia i doprowadzenia wody, budowę i modernizację stacji uzdatniania oraz zbiorniki i stopnie wodne. W ostatniej dekadzie odnotowano poprawę w dostępie do wody pitnej oraz usług sanitarnych, jest ona jednak najbardziej odczuwana na terenach miejskich. Dostrzegając wagę efektywnego gospodarowania zasobami wodnymi, zwłaszcza w sytuacji słabiej rozwiniętej infrastruktury wodociągowej i kanalizacyjnej na terenach wiejskich, Najwyższa Izba Kontroli przeprowadziła badanie, którego ustalenia wskazały na problemy w gospodarowaniu przez przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowe oraz niewystarczające działania podejmowane w celu minimalizowania strat i zapewnienia właściwej jakości dostarczanej wody. Szczegóły przestawiono w artykule.
The article describes the research on the retention capacity of two mountain catchments in the Polish Carpathian Mts. These are the catchments of the Czarna Woda and Biała Woda streams. These catchments are adjacent, have a similar area (about 11 km2 each), but are geographically diverse. Their geomorphology, hydrographic network, soil water permeability and land use were analyzed. The Czarna Woda catchment is a forest catchment, and the Biała Woda catchment is a forest and agricultural catchment with pasture areas. The geographical analysis of the catchment showed that the Czarna Woda catchment most likely has greater retention capacity. Theoretical analyzes were verified on the basis of long-term measurements of flows in both streams. Outflows were calculated for the entire study period (2006-2022), as well as annual, monthly and daily outflows. The measurements were carried out using the overflow method in permanent measurement cross-sections. The total outflow from both catchments was simi-lar, so they had similar water resources. In particular years, months and days, outflow often differed significantly between catchments. It was found that during the periods of increased water runoff (from precipitation, from snowmelt) the outflow from the Biała Woda catchment was higher, while in the periods without precipitation the outflow from the Czarna Woda catchment prevailed. Short-term flood outflows were at least several dozen percent higher in the Biała Woda catchment. The measurement data confirmed that water was better retained in the Czarna Woda catchment and the outflow was slower. Water retention processes in the Czarna Woda catchment allowed to maintain minimum outflows at a level several times higher than in the Biała Woda catchment. The studies have shown that in a very small mountain area there can be a large variation in outflow in individual streams. Retention capacity of the catchment depends on environmental conditions and human activity.
Efektywność i skuteczność instrumentów Polityki Rolnej w ochronie zasobów zależy w dużej mierze od przeprowadzenia wiarygodnej oceny potencjału ich oddziaływania na środowisko. Przedstawiony w pracy przegląd wskaźników i analiza mechanizmów wdrażania instrumentów WPR w kontekście ochrony wód i bioróżnorodności, wskazuje na znaczący potencjał WPR we wdrażaniu polityki adaptacji i przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom wód i zaniku bioróżnorodności. Do praktyk rolnych posiadających największy wpływ na ochronę zasobów wodnych należy zaliczyć: zalesianie gruntów ornych, zachowanie naturalnych siedlisk, wprowadzanie uprawy konserwującej, systemów rolno-leśnych, zadrzewionych i zadarnionych elementów krajobrazu oraz optymalizacja obsady zwierząt i wypasu. Znaczącą redukcję wymycia biogenów z pól można również osiągnąć poprzez optymalizację aplikacji nawozów. Istotne oszczędności z tytułu użytkowania wody można uzyskać poprzez zastosowanie kroplowych instalacji nawadniających, sterowanych komputerowo. Szczególnie ważne jest wpieranie wielokierunkowej produkcji w gospodarstwach oraz działań, poprawiających jednocześnie świadczenie kilku usług ekosystemowych.
The effciency and effectiveness of Common Agricultural Policy instruments for resources protection depends primarily on reliable assessment of their potential environmental impact. Overview of the environmental indicators, presented in the paper shows significant potential of the CAP instruments for climate change adaptation policies, sustainable management of water and biodiversity loss prevention measures. The most important positive effects are the following practices: afforestation of arable lands, conservation of natural habitats, conservation tillage, agroforestry systems, landscape elements such as meadows or woodlands, stocking density and grazing management. The significant reduction of nutrients leaching can be achieved by optimized application of fertilizers. Water use efficiency is improved in computer-controlled drip-irrigation systems to a considerable extent. It is of great importance to support multifunctional agriculture and mixed farming, which can increase synergies among ecosystem services, provided by farmers.
The consequences of the water resources‟ scarcity are a serious problem in the International Relations. The Atlantic and Amazon Forest‟s deforesta-tion threatens the continental water systems. The near end of the tropical glaciers in the Bolivian, Peruvian, Colombian and equatorial Andes, that have caused floods in the recent past, now induces unexpected droughts that can create serious difficulties to the Brazilian agribusiness. Absurd or not, the hypotheses of conflict about water re-sources have an alarming urgency. Egoisms that move against the equal division of water resources dangerously grow in scarcity scenarios.
Las consecuencias de la escasez de los recursos hídricos son trági-cas. La deforestación de la Selva Atlántica y Amazónica compromete el régimen hídrico continental. El deshielo de los glaciares tropicales en los Andes bolivianos, peruanos, colombianos y ecuatorianos, causantes de enormes inundaciones en el pa-sado reciente, hoy provocan inusitadas sequías, que pueden comprometer el agrobusi-ness brasileño. Absurdas o no, las hipótesis de conflicto por los recursos hídricos po-seen una alarmante actualidad. Los intereses egoístas que van en contra del reparto equitativo en los recursos naturales crecen peligrosamente en escenarios de escasez.
The article presents the issue of water prices for the population in conditions – on one hand – compliance with EU rule on the costs recovery of water services – and the recommendations of the European Union and the UN so as not to pay for water greater load of household income than 4%. In developed countries, this is much easier than in poor countries, where the rate reaches as high as 10%. Among the consequences of the costs recovery of water services principle, the author analyzes trade issues of water in the stock market and the competition between bottled water and tap water.
W artykule przedstawiono kwestię cen wody dla ludności w warunkach, z jednej strony, przestrzegania regulacji UE w sprawie zwrotu kosztów usług wodnych, a z drugiej strony – zaleceń UE i ONZ, aby płatności za wodę nie przekraczały 4% dochodów gospodarstwa domowego. W krajach rozwiniętych jest to o wiele łatwiejsze niż w krajach biednych, gdzie wskaźnik ten sięga nawet 10%. Wśród opisu skutków przestrzegania zasady zwrotu kosztów usług wodnych autorka analizuje zagadnienia związane z handlem wodą na giełdzie oraz konkurencją między wodą mineralną i wodą z kranu.
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