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Pisarze wschodnioniemieccy po przełomie

The building of a new identity in the Federal Republic of Germany after its unification had to start from reckoning the past, a process that concerned also the literary milieu of the GDR. The paper is an attempt to portray the diverse attitudes and dilemmas of GDR writers and journalists relevant to their perception and assessment of the past and the role they played in consolidating the socialist state. The personal quandaries of some prominent spiritual leaders of the nation are also shown as well as the questions and accusations they had to face in connection with the responsibility of the literary circles after the Stasi files had been disclosed. The self-reflections of those writers reveal a peculiar mixture of a sense of failure, and chagrin at the „loss of the homeland” and the idea in which they believed, while on the other hand it is evident that they were aware they had let the society down by legitimizing the communist rule; some of the writers tried to suppress their guilt until the end. A review of attitudes and assessments of the activity of East German writers before and after the fall of the GDR allows us to note far reaching differences of stances in judging one’s ideals, dreams and beliefs. The dividing lines and differences in evaluating the situation before and after the breakthrough separated not only the writers of the former GDR from their critics in the West but also those writers who remained in the country from those who had to leave their “democratic” republic at various periods for various reasons or were expelled from it. Also, writers belonging to the older generations had a different view of the past than the younger generation of writers who were not embroiled in the previous arrangements and obligations.
The author of the review presents and evaluates Gustaw Ostasz’s book. He draws attention to the multitude of articles it contains and their diversity: there are sketches, reviews, studies - analyzes and interpretations of poems, as well as reflections on the achievements of selected writers. The author recommends the book to students, teachers and literary researchers.
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Wobec Zoli

The article re-evaluates the dominating view of the clearly negative relationship between two writers, Sienkiewicz and Zola. It presents the implications of Sienkiewicz’s 1878 visit to France, and further, it reconstructs his opinions that chronologically coincided with Zola’s greatest popularity. The text provides an analysis of Sienkiwicz’s remarks on Zola’s style, and it proves further that his naturalism did, in fact, help Sienkiewicz develop his own literary technique. Finally, the Polish author’s long-term interest in Zola’s writing certainly demonstrates his fascination with this famous literary persona.
The article aims to illustrate the mutual dependencies and transfers between different segments of the cultural field and areas of civic or political activities, together with the function these changes fulfil in redrawing individual trajectories and then the balance of forces. The leading idea is that, in relation with the literary field, the intellectual field is most sensitive to political changes and functions as a regulatory and legitimizing space for writers’ everyday practices, via its power to produce the criteria for public recognition and thus for symbolic inclusion and exclusion. This casts a different look on the claims for creative autonomy within the cultural field and its multiple dependencies on media, politics, the civic and the academic field, and the understanding of the inner logic of these domains through the lens of their complex interrelationship.
У рамках міждержавного науково-дослідного проекту «Україна-Молдова: спільна історична пам’ять, уроки та перспективи» ученими з України, Молдови, Болгарії було зібрано матеріал та видано двомовний (українсько-англійський) енциклопедичний словник з інформацією про відомих діячів науки, культури, політики, які народилися в Південній Бессарабії. Енциклопедичний словник є унікальним прикладом співпраці учених різних країн. Він покликаний сприяти вихованню почуття гордості у молодого покоління, а також знайомству мешканців різних держав з нашими славетними земляками. У цій статті подано базову інформацію, що характеризує підготовку цього енциклопедичного словника, висвітлює особливості його змісту.
During the interstate scholarly project "Ukraine and Moldova: common historical memory, lessons and perspectives", the materials about the prominent personalities of science, culture and politics born in Southern Bessarabia was collected by the scientists from Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria. As a result, it was prepared and published a bilingual (Ukrainian – English) encyclopedic dictionary based on these collected materials. The encyclopedic dictionary is a unique example of cooperation between the scientists from several countries. It aims to stimulate a sense of pride among the younger generation, as well as to introduce people of different countries to our famous countrymen. This article provides background information on how to prepare this encyclopedic dictionary and highlights its content.
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Turystyka literacka w Małopolsce

The topic of the article is literary tourism in Małopolska region, with focus on the importance of Kraków, as a capital city of the region and the most culture generating place. In the text the particular elements of a potential tourist trial have been analyzed. They are: area, objects, services, things, events, packages. The ways of promotion Małopolska as a literary region, inside the country and abroad, were also mentioned. The literary potential of Kraków and Małopolska region still has not been fully used. However, thanks to the efforts of institutions and groups of enthusiasts it has a chance, in the near future, to be a hallmark of the region and become a source of material and intangible be
Tematyka artykułu dotyczy turystyki literackiej w Małopolsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli Krakowa jako stolicy regionu i miejsca o najbardziej kulturotwórczym charakterze. W niniejszym tekście przeanalizowane zostały poszczególne komponenty potencjalnego produktu turystycznego – literackiego szlaku po Małopolsce, którego częściami składowymi są: obszar, obiekty, usługi, rzeczy, wydarzenia i imprezy. Uwaga zwrócona została także na sposoby promocji Małopolski jako regionu literackiego, zarówno w kraju, jaki i zagranicą. Literacki potencjał związany z Krakowem i Małopolską do tej pory nie został w pełni wykorzystany. Jednak dzięki staraniom instytucji i grup fascynatów ma on szansę w najbliższym czasie zostać znakiem rozpoznawczym regionu i stać się źródłem zarówno materialnych, jak i niematerialnych zysków.
The article is bringing the issue of the women’s being up in world, according to Heidegger’s concept „of being – in – world”. In this articule, I write only about women’s form of becoming known in literature through the writing. Such a presence determines female experience, family, social and national roles, love, initiation, rebellious or personal reports, and because of that is sending to the mythical and stereotyped phenomena rooted in the culture. It is also women’s getting to know world. I chose women’s personal notes from the 19th turning point and the 20th century – diaries which they constitute of certain kind reconstruction of the own history and the history of the family. So I will examine only chosen fragments of „Diaries” by Zofia Tołstojowa and „Memories” by Anna Dostojewska.
Hélène Cixous’s Manifesto The Laughter of Medusa was first published in 1975 and immediately became one of the most frequently quoted texts on écriture féminine – women’s writing. How can the essay be perceived today and has the literary work of women become an emancipatory element or rather fell into a trap of an essentialism? Using the example of theoretical texts, my own work, and many years of experience in conducting creative writing classes, I critically discuss Cixous’s view. I refer to the theoretical works of Marguerite Duras, Izabela Filipiak (Morska), Katarzyna Bonda or Julia Cameron, trying to draw guidelines for women writers mentioned above and juxtapose them with the examples of their literature. I also reach for my own writing workshop and check, if the model of “a madwoman in the attic” by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar is still valid in the 21st century.
Manifest Hélène Cixous Śmiech Meduzy po raz pierwszy został opublikowany w 1975 roku i od razu stał się jednym z najczęściej przywoływanych tekstów dotyczących écriture féminine – pisarstwa kobiecego. Jak można odbierać esej współcześnie i czy twórczość literacka kobiet stała się elementem emancypacyjnym, czy raczej wpadła w pułapkę esencjalizmu? Na przykładzie tekstów teoretycznych oraz własnej twórczości i wieloletniego doświadczenia prowadzenia zajęć z creative writing omawiam krytycznie spojrzenie Cixous. Sięgam do tekstów teoretycznych Marguerite Duras, Izabeli Filipiak (Morskiej), Katarzyny Bondy czy Julii Cameron, kreśląc wskazówki dla piszących kobiet i zderzając je z przykładami tworzonej przez nie literatury. Sięgam również do własnego warsztatu pisarskiego i zastanawiam się, czy model „wariatki na strychu” („A Madwoman in The Attic”) Sandry Gilbert i Susan Gubar obowiązuje w XXI wieku.
The article Polish literature in Israel. A reconnaissance is based on archival materials collected during the preliminary research for the book Polish literature in Israel. A lexicon (Karolina Famulska-Ciesielska, Sławomir Jacek Zurek, Kraków-Budapeszt 2012) and is an attempt at a synthetic presentation of the history of this literature. The view of it takes into consideration the works of Polish-Jewish writers coming to Palestine before the outbreak of World War II (1939 – emigration of Polish Zionists), during it (1939-1945 – refugees and soldiers who came there with General Władysław Anders’s army), and also after the end of it (1945-1948 – Jews who survived the Holocaust). The article discusses the literary and cultural work of Polish Jews in Israel who came there in three waves (1948-1953, 1957-1959, and 1968-1970) with the emphasis on the role of Polish language periodicals whose editorial staff for several dozen years animated Polish cultural and literary life in that country (Kronika Tygodniowa, Kronika Izraelska, Kronika, Przekrój, Kurier Powszechny, Iskry, Echo Tygodnia, Przekrój Izraelski, Po Prostu w Izraelu, Od Nowa, and especially Nowiny-Kurier), and also on libraries, bookshops and second-hand bookshops (“Hasefer”, “Gloria”, “Księgarnia Polska” – run by Edmund and Ada Neusteins) as institutions that were significant for promoting Polish literature and culture. Among all the authors who published their works in Polish (there were more than a hundred of them) first of all the names of the most distinguished ones are taken into consideration: Irit Amiel, Eli Barbur, Ruth Baum, Anna Ćwiakowska, Henryk Dankowicz, Ida Fink, Anna Garncarska-Kadary, Ignacy Iserleas, Filip Istner, Renata Jabłońska, Aleksander Klugman, Kalman Segal, Arnold Słucki, Viola Wein, Stanisław Wygodzki.
Artykuł Polska literatura w Izraelu. Rekonesans opiera się na materiałach archiwalnych zebranych podczas kwerend do książki Literatura polska w Izraelu. Leksykon (Karolina Famulska-Ciesielska, Sławomir Jacek Żurek, Kraków–Budapeszt 2012) i jest próbą syntetycznego przedstawienia dziejów tej literatury. W oglądzie został uwzględniony dorobek pisarzy polsko-żydowskich przybywających do Palestyny przed wybuchem drugiej wojny światowej (1939 – emigracja polskich syjonistów), podczas jej trwania (1939–1945 – uchodźcy i żołnierze przybyli wraz z armią generała Władysława Andersa), a także po jej zakończeniu (1945–1948 – Żydzi ocalali z Zagłady). Została omówiona działalność literacka i kulturalna polskich Żydów w Izraelu przybywających tam w trzech falach (1948–1953, 1957–1959 oraz 1968–1970) z podkreśleniem roli polskojęzycznych czasopism, których redakcje przez kilka dziesięcioleci animowały polskie życie kulturalne i literackie w tym kraju („Kronika Tygodniowa”, „Kronika Izraelska”, „Kronika”, „Przekrój”, „Kurier Powszechny”, „Iskry”, „Echo Tygodnia”, „Przekrój Izraelski”, „Po Prostu w Izraelu”, „Od Nowa”, a szczególnie „Nowiny–Kurier”), a także bibliotek, księgarni oraz antykwariatów („Hasefer”, „Gloria” „Księgarnia Polska” – Edmunda i Ady Neusteinów) jako instytucji bardzo ważnych dla promowania literatury i kultury polskiej. Spośród wszystkich publikujących po polsku (było ich ponad stu) uwzględniono przede wszystkich nazwiska tych najbardziej zasłużonych, takich jak: Irit Amiel, Eli Barbur, Ruth Baum, Anna Ćwiakowska, Henryk Dankowicz, Ida Fink, Anna Garncarska-Kadary, Ignacy Iserleas, Filip Istner, Renata Jabłońska, Aleksander Klugman, Kalman Segal, Arnold Słucki, Viol Wein, Stanisław Wygodzki.
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