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Verbum Vitae
vol. 15
For most exegetes - except for a few representatives of rationalism, who deny the existence and activity of God in history - Christophanies fully decided about the role of the apostles in supplying the disciples with the complete faith in Jesus of Nazareth as the resurrected Lord and Son of God. This is similar in the case of reconstructing the “Jesus movement” as well as the history of Christians after His death, where T. Węcławski accepts the model of Jesus as the ideal man and completely free - in relation to other people and God. From the reconstruction of the process of the Pascal faith, Paul and the event near Damascus was described, which occurred only a few years after the crucifixion of Jesus. This is a serious defect- Paul's experience contradicts the principle thesis that is the basis of the sociological and psychological interpretation of the resurrection of Jesus (the thesis of T. Węcławski), which states that there was a triple dissonance as the active cause of the process lasting several decades that elevated and equated the crucified Jesus with God, where in historical reality it was God Himself who remained silent.
Verbum Vitae
vol. 15
San Paolo per descrivere la risurrezione dai morti di Gesù usa soprattutto il verbo “egeiro”. Raramente adopera il sostantivo “he anastasis”. Questo pero non vale per gl' inni che spesso non furono scritti dall’Apostolo stesso. Abbiamo notato che nei testi provenienti dalla liturgia battesimale (Rom 1,3-4; Ef 5,14) si usa i termini della stessa radice: “anistemi” e “he anastasis”. Mentre “egeiro” troviamo solo in Ef 1,17-23. Nell’inno Col 1,15-20 l’Apostolo ha usato la formula descrittiva per collegare la risurrezione dai morti di Gesù Cristo e quella universale: “il primogenito di coloro che risuscitano dai morti”- “prototokos ek ton nekron” (Col l,18b). Paolo usa anche le immagini metaforiche e della risurrezione. Lo fa usando i termini “esaltare oltremodo” – “hyperypsoo” (Fil 2,9) o “elevare” – “analambano” (1 Tm 3,16). Da questo ricco linguaggio scaturisce l'immagine della risurrezione di Cristo come l’opera di Dio (Rom 1,3-4), o piuttosto l’opera della potenza di Dio (Ef 1,17-23). Gesù è proprio colui che precede tutti i credenti nel ritornare alla vita – “il primogenito di coloro che risuscitano dai morti” (Col 1,15-20). Questa realtà e cosi ricca che può essere descritta come “l’esaltazione oltremodo” (Fil 2,6-11) del Figlio o addirittura “l’elevazione in gloria” (1 Tm 3,16). Tutte e due le espressioni nel senso teologico racchiudono la risurrezione, l’ascensione e il prendere il posto alla destra del Padre (cf. Att 2,33; 5,31; Rom 1,3-4; Ef 4,9-10; Col 3,1). La risurrezione dei morti acquista un nuovo significato nel contesto della liturgia battesimale (cf. Ef 2,1.5-6; Col 2,13). La partecipazione alla resurrezione di Cristo è possibile grazie al sacramento del battesimo (Ef 5,14) che non solo libera dal peccato originale ma anche permette di partecipare alla grazia di Dio.
The plot in the Elijah and Elisha cycle is based on the multilevel contest: between kings and prophets on a level of bistory, between drought and rain on a level of nature, between Baal, the god ofCanaanites and Yahweh, the God of Israel on a level of religion, and ultimately between death and life on a level of human existence. This last one is a main theme of two episodes in l Kings 17,8-24 and 2 Kings 4,8-37. In the first text, despite the life-sustaining miracle of inexhaustible supplies, the son of the widow from Zarephath, Baal's territory, dies. Thus it is no longer a question of finding water or food, or even a matter of preventing possible death from starvation. It is ratber a matter of overcoming actual death. Through Elijah's action of stretching bimself out upon the dead boy, he is restored to life and returned to his mother. In the second text there is no poor widow and ber son facing starvation, but a rich woman from Shunem with no children. Through Elisha's announcement she miraculously conceived and gave birth to son. However this child is bom only to die. With the death of the boy the real issue of the story is now: can the  man of God revive the dead? The two stage action of the prophet results in the resuscitation of the boy. And again Yahweh, the God of Israel, appears to be the God of the living, not the God of the dead.
Inspiracją do napisania niniejszego tekstu stało się spotkanie z fotografiami Krzysztofa Millera, polskiego fotoreportera i książką 13 wojen i jedna. Prawdziwa historia reportera wojennego (2013) oraz jego pośmiertnie wydanym albumem Fotografie, które nie zmieniły świata (2017). Cenne okazały się także przemyślenia Rolanda Barthesa w książce Światło obrazu. Uwagi o fotografii (2008), w której analiza zdjęć oparta została na badaniu studium i punctum. Natomiast rozważania Susan Sontag zawarte w O fotografii (1977) i Widok cudzego cierpienia (2003), spisane na przestrzeni czasu, stanowiły istotną refleksję dotyczącą historii współczesnej i ewolucji fotografii. Stały się one podstawą do snucia osobistej refleksji, ale także umożliwiły wniknięcie w żywioł samej fotografii, by zapytać o jej ontologiczny status, filozoficzny akt stwarzania i interpretowania. Spisane spostrzeżenia stanowią rejestracją osobistego zbliżenia Autorki wobec fotografii, a także swoiste studium sceny i detalu. Wynikają one z przeświadczenia, że indywidualna lektura obrazu i tekstu to podstawa do zadawania pytań sobie, jako obserwatorowi, odbiorcy, interpretatorowi oraz współuczestnikowi kultury, tradycji i historii. Studium nie jest więc praktyczną szkołą czytania obrazu. Rozważania zawarte w artykule stanowią poszukiwania na temat sztuki interpretacji i roli interpretatora, która stanowi fundamentalne zagadnienie polonistycznych praktyk wobec spotkań z tekstami kultury.
Verbum Vitae
vol. 15
Le ricostruzioni della storia delle tradizioni sulla tomba e sulle apparizioni del Risorto si basano sull’approccio diacronico. L’articolo non respinge questo tipo d’analisi, ma cerca di precisare il rapporto fra la forma letteraria dei testi e la prospettiva teologica del Vangelo di Marco. Soltanto a partire dalla determinazione di questo rapporto si può adeguatamente cogliere il significato delle divergenze tra le versioni sinottiche come testimonianze degli incontri con il Risorto. I risultati dell’analisi sincronica possono offrire un solido punto di partenza per le indagini diacroniche.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 7
issue 2
The article focuses on the interpretation of the passive forms of the verb ἐγείρω used with reference to Jesus’s resurrection. It offers a detailed analysis of the deployment of the word in the Greek text of the New Testament as well as discusses the possibility of interpreting Greek passive forms in a reflexive way. The verb ἐγείρω appears in various contexts and it is analyzed here depending on its meaning in a given context (primarily “to raise” and “to raise someone”). When the verb means “to raise,” it is intransitive, and its passive forms should be interpreted as reflexive. When it refers to resurrection, passive forms may be interpreted in the same way, but since they refer also to other persons apart from Jesus (e.g. John the Baptist), they should be treated as passive. While Jesus – as God – could have raised himself, people could not have done the same on their own – they were raised by God. It is a theological argument, then, that plays a role here. Furthermore, it seems that when used with reference to resurrection, the verb should be treated as transitive (as corroborated by its active forms), which further justifies the interpretation of the passive forms as passive
The article focuses on the interpretation of the passive forms of the verb ἐγείρωused with reference to Jesus’s resurrection. It offers a detailed analysis of the deployment of the word in the Greek text of the New Testament as well as discusses the possibility of interpreting Greek passive forms in a reflexive way. The verb ἐγείρωappears in various contexts and it is analyzed here depending on its meaning in a given context (primarily “to raise” and “to raise someone”). When the verb means “to raise,” it is intransitive, and its passive forms should be interpreted as reflexive. When it refers to resurrection, passive forms may be interpreted in the same way, but since they refer also to other persons apart from Jesus (e.g. John the Baptist), they should be treated as passive. While Jesus – as God – could have raised himself, people could not have done the same on their own – they were raised by God. It is a theological argument, then, that plays a role here. Furthermore, it seems that when used with reference to resurrection, the verb should be treated as transitive (as corroborated by its active forms), which further justifies the interpretation of the passive forms as passive.
In a given article the issue of Remembrance – recollection in reference to identity, in that particular case, of several women, reveals an obvious author’s attempt to define a wide range of matters of ontological, axiological and epistemological, cultural and philosophical nature. At the same time the selection of characters is not accidental. These are primarily unique heroines, artists, human beings of the world of ideas. Preservation of memory about them, in the case of Ulitskaya, consists in enumerating such components of their biography, character traits etc. which make them unique in the context of the whole epoch actually shaping their character. Thus, Ulitskaya’s intention to incorporate all the constituents of their spiritual and physical life into immortalisation has proved to be successful.
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Cuda z dziećmi w Ewangelii

Among the many miracles performed by Jesus Christ during His earthly life were those related to children. Despite the problems associated with the precise definition of the term “child” as well as the almost complete lack of information on the age of the healed, it seems that at most five miracles of Christ concerning children can be considered. These are two raisings: the son of the widow of Nain and Jairus’ daughter, and three healings: the son of a king’s servant, the daughter of a Canaanite woman, and a possessed boy. The miracles of raising and healings described in the article are certainly only a part of this kind of occurrences that the Savior performed while on earth, because only they were recorded by the evangelists. They prove that anyone can participate in a miracle, and the necessary condition for a miracle to happen is faith, often combined with prayer and fasting. A kind of exception to this rule was the evangelical miracle of the raising of the son of the widow of Nain, that was done exclusively from Christ’s mercy, thanks to His compassionate human heart. Just as during His life on earth, Christ performed miracles by touch or just by spoken word, or even from a distance, so, thanks to the faith of the petitioner, He can do it at any moment nowadays. It witnesses, still bears witness of God’s infinite omnipotence, for whom nothing is impossible.
Im Artikel wird das Ziel verfolgt, am Beispiel von zwei unterschiedlichen Denkern – Nikolai Fjodorow und Nikolai Bierdjajew – ein philosophisches Projekt aufzuzeigen, in dem eine Abwendung von der Philosophie als Versuch der Wirklichkeitsschilderung und eine Hinwendung zur aktivistischen Eschatologie erfolgt. Dieses Projekt wird nach Bierdjajew „Philosophie des Schaffens“ genannt und macht eine gewisse Eigenschaft bei den russischen Philosophen anschaulich: die Notwendigkeit, philosophische Schlüsse in die Praxis umzusetzen und sie außerhalb der Philosophie zu verwirklichen. Im Artikel wird der Versuch unternommen, unter Bezug auf die beiden Denker die grundsätzliche Frage nach der Dialektik des Schaffens zu beantworten, wie sie von Władysław Stróżewski formuliert wurde: „Warum existiert nicht etwas, was existieren könnte (oder sollte)?“. Zuerst prüfen wir die Bedingungen für die Möglichkeiten des Schaffens, also den ontologischen Grundsatz gegenüber der Welt, der von Fjodorow und Bierdjajew angenommen wird. Dann stellen wir die Gründe fest, die hinter der Notwendigkeit des Schaffensaktes stehen, nämlich etwas Neues in die vorhandene Wirklichkeit einzuführen.
The aim of this paper is to present, on the basis of two different thinkers – Nikolai Fedorov and Nikolai Berdyaev, a new philosophical project which diverges from the common understanding of philosophy, popularly construed as an attempt to describe reality. Instead, this new philosophical project angles towards active eschatology. Called after Berdyaev “the philosophy of creativity”, this project is an example of one of the primary characteristics of the Russian philosophical thought in question – the need and insistence on applying theory, on complementing philosophy with across-theboard praxis, with employment and practice that reach beyond the confines of academic philosophy.Drawing on the thought of Fedorov and Berdyaev, the article attempts to privide an apt answer to the elementary question of dialectics of creativity formulated by Władysław Stróżewski: “Why doesn’t there exist something that potentially could (or should) exist?” Firstly, select conditions that allow the possibility of creativity – Fedorov’s and Berdyaev’s ontological presumptions about the world are examined. Secondly, reasons justifying the necessity of the creative act, i.e., the rationale behind creating something new and unleashing it onto the world, are duly considered and elaborated on.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie na przykładzie koncepcji M. Fiodorowa i M. Bierdiajewa projektu filozoficznego, w którym następuje odejście od filozofii rozumianej jako opis rzeczywistości i zwrócenie się w stronę aktywistycznej eschatologii. Ten projekt określamy za Bierdiajewem mianem „filozofii twórczości”. Stanowi on wykrystalizowaną postać stwierdzanej przez filozofów rosyjskich konieczności wcielania w życie wniosków filozoficznych, dopełniania ich realizacją poza obszarem filozofii. Nawiązując do Fiodorowa i Bierdiajewa, próbuję odpowiedzieć na zasadnicze pytanie dialektyki twórczości sformułowane przez W. Stróżewskiego: dlaczego nie istnieje coś, co mogłoby (lub powinno) istnieć. Najpierw badam warunki możliwości twórczości, czyli założenie ontologiczne przyjęte przez Fiodorowa i Bierdiajewa. Następnie przedstawiam racje stojące za koniecznością dokonania aktu twórczego.
УТОПИИ БЕССМЕРТИЯ. НИКОЛАЙ ФЕДОРОВ И ВАСИЛИЙ РОЗАНОВ Целью настоящей статьи является анализ идеи бессмертия у двух русских мыслителей: Николая Федорова и Василия Розанова. Сначала представлена философия Федорова, который утверждал, что смерть нужно победить, а всех умерших воскресить. Эту задачу Федоров рассматривал как продолжение дела Христа и осуществление основной цели христианства - спасения человека. Дальше анализируется идея бессмертия у Розанова. Он не принимал христианский вариант бессмертия и попытался заменить его собственным проектом, который предполагал слияние со сверхиндивидуальным потоком жизни. Из этого вытекало согласие на уничтожение личности. В заключении сказано, что хотя идеи Федорова и Розанова направлены в противоположные стороны, их объединяет утверждение жизни и стремление преодолеть смерть.
UTOPIAS OF IMMORTALITY. NIKOLAI FEDOROV AND VASILY ROZANOV The purpose of this work is to analyze idea of immoratlity by two Russian thinkers: Nikolai Fedorov and Vasily Rozanov. At the beginning, Fedorov’s philosophy is presented, who claimed that death needs to be defeated and all the dead people should be resurrected. Fedorov understood this task as a continuation of the mission of Christ and the realization of the fundamental postulate of Christianity - the salvation of a man. Then, the text deals with the Rozanov’s idea of immortality. He did not accept Christian version of immortality and tried to replace it with his own project, which involved a merger with the super-individual flow of life. This implied an agree for the destruction of the individual human. In conclusion, it is said that although Fedorov’s and Rozanov’s ideas seem to be opposite, in fact, glorification of life and desire to defeat death connect them.
UTOPIE NIEŚMIERTELNOŚCI. NIKOŁAJ FIODOROW I WASILIJ ROZANOW Celem artykułu jest analiza idei nieśmiertelności u dwóch rosyjskich myślicieli: Nikołaja Fiodorowa i Wasilija Rozanowa. Wpierw przedstawiona została filozofia Fiodorowa, który twierdził, że śmierć należy pokonać, a wszystkich zmarłych wskrzesić do życia. Zadanie to Fiodorow pojmował jako kontynuację dzieła Chrystusa i realizację fundamentalnego postulatu chrześcijaństwa - zbawienia człowieka. Następnie omówiona zostaje idea nieśmiertelności u Rozanowa. Odrzucał on chrześcijański wariant nieśmiertelności, próbując zastąpić go własnym projektem, który zakładał zjednoczenie z ponadindywidualnym potokiem życia. Konsekwencją była zgoda na zagładę jednostki. W zakończeniu stwierdzam, że chociaż idee Fiodorowa i Rozanowa wydają się sprzeczne, to w istocie łączy ich uwielbienie życia i pragnienie przezwyciężenia śmierci.
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