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The key categories of the article are ‚educational poverty’ and ‚region’. The author, based on an analysis of the literature on the subject and a secondary analysis of empirical research, sketches the relationship between these two terms on the example of the Federal Republic of Germany, especially from the perspective of the sphere of educational research. The question of the role of the education system in overcoming educational inequalities is important here. The review of German research on the care of small children, school, vocational, academic and rural education indicates both a number of activities that have already brought positive effects and evident deficits, the elimination of which is a challenge for politics, science and regional actors, and educational policy, in which both categories are gradually gaining importance.
Kluczowe kategorie artykułu stanowią „ubóstwo edukacyjne” i „region”. Autorka na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu i wtórnej analizy badań empirycznych szkicuje relację między tymi dwoma terminami na przykładzie Republiki Federalnej Niemiec, zwłaszcza z perspektywy sfery badań edukacyjnych i polityki oświatowej, w których obie kategorie sukcesywnie zyskują na znaczeniu. Ważną rolę odgrywa tu pytanie o wkład systemu edukacji w przezwyciężanie nierówności edukacyjnych. Przegląd niemieckich badań dotyczących opieki nad małym dzieckiem, edukacji szkolnej, zawodowej, akademickiej oraz edukacji w środowiskach wiejskich wskazuje zarówno na szereg działań przynoszących już pozytywne efekty, jak i ewidentne deficyty, których eliminacja stanowi wyzwanie dla polityków, przedstawicieli nauki i regionalnych aktorów.
The article attempts to explore the problem of functional illiteracy in the rich countries of the West. The author presents situations of adult illiterate people living in the world of Western culture who-deprived of the ability to read and write -surpass social and symbolic barriers in everyday life, struggling for survival and human dignity. The idiomatic phrase “the torture of Tantalus” symbolizes a person’s pain resulting from the desire of owning things which are close but remain unobtainable. Through their complex biographies, the author indicates crucial moments in their lives: the decision to acquire reading and writing skills, and the pivotal point directly after the accomplished literacy course. If one deprives these people of professional assistance, it reduces their chances to materialise the expectations connected with reading and writing skills. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the phenomenon of adult illiteracy, which became a major task in educational policy and adult education also in many highly developed countries.
The article points out the need of educational research on the illiteracy phenomenon in the societies, where compulsory education is enforced. The scale of illiteracy and lack of knowledge about functional illitera cy in the present time poses a number of challenges for science. The most important are: identification of groups with reading and writing deficits and etiology of illiteracy phenomenon, reflection on the essence of functionally illiterate adults learning, the role of school and other agents of socialization in reading and writing development, literacy opportunities in the workplace or the contribution of the arts to popularize adult literacy and breaking social taboo, which is inability to read and write in highly developed countries.
The author discusses the issue of functional illiteracy in the present. With reference to empirical studies conducted in England, France and Germany in the last decade, shows the scale of the phenomenon, which demands action by the political and educational systems, including the professionalization of specialists teaching adults to read and write. In the European Union there are already examples of good practices, but still there is a large variation resulting from among others the importance of the problem of illiteracy, or in different words – deficits in reading and writing, in individual countries. The phenomenon of illiteracy in the European Union can be neither denied nor ignored. Adult literacy as a specialization within the academic education of teachers exists in some universities; in the future it will be probably included in the canon of academic education.
The article summarizes the two-year project TEACH - Teaching Adult Educators in Continuing and Higher Education - realized with thanks to the financial support of the European Commission within the framework of the So-creates/Grundtvig 1 Programme. Participating partners were: Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń as the leader of the consortium, the European Association for Education of Adults (EAEA), the University of Bielefeld, dvv international as the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association, the University of Pécs, Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas, the Polish Association for Adult Education Regional Branch in Szczecin (TWP), A.I. Cuza University of Iasi, New Bulgarian University of Sofia, Bogazici University of Instanbul, Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL), the University of Stirling.As a result of the TEACH Project a threestage framework for university courses in line with the European BA/MA model was developed:• an element (module) to be contained in a first vocational Bachelor of Education degree;• a framework of modules for a second, professional Master of Adult Education degree;• a modular postgraduate European Master of adult education programme incorporating the European dimension of adult education, to expand the Master of Adult Education into a European Master of Adult Education.In the context of the Project realization, the author treats the present situation in the field of education of adult educators in Europe.
This article aims to note the importance of non-formal education in the context of lifelong learning, especially in last phase. A secondary analysis of empirical research, conducted in Germany as part of a unique project “Competencies in Later Life” (CiLL), is the starting point for a reflection on the necessity of support of educational processes, enabling the development of qualifications after leaving formal education system. This study allowed to determine the level of competence of literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments of the population aged 66-80 years.The conclusions of the study are clear: in connection with a deficit of the core competencies of older people is needed educational offer. Participation in education can prevent exclusion from social life.
The paper focuses on universals that can be found in most cultures. The perspective which is presented in the paper is based upon a belief that universals are not an antinomy or antithesis to cultural diversity. Such a view is in line with this of numerous anthropologists who claim that the need for questioning the universals comes from their great number and multi-facetedness as well as life worlds that are constructed by individuals living in diverse communities. The paper is related to global education of adults in the society, the one that serves global understanding and global order. Bearing in mind the growing nationalist tendencies even in historically tolerant countries such as Sweden, the UK or the USA, it is advisable that we talk about these challenges and values and include in educational offers the content that inspires reflection of things that are common for all humans. The text presents chosen plots of the current debate on cultural universals, displaying especially the arguments for including this issue to the educational programme for cducators and to the educational offer for adults.
Artykuł dotyczy uniwersaliów, czyli powszechników występujących we wszystkich bądź w większości kultur. Przyjęta w nim perspektywa bazuje na przeświadczeniu, iż uniwersalia nie stanowią ani antynomii, ani antytezy do różnorodności kultur. Pogląd ten wpisuje się w głoszony przez coraz liczniejszych antropologów pogląd, iż potrzeba pytań o uniwersalia kulturowe wynika w istocie z wielości i wielokształtności kultur oraz indywidualnych światów życia, konstruowanych przez jednostki żyjące w obrębie zróżnicowanych społeczności. Artykuł odnosi się do edukacji globalnej dorosłego społeczeństwa, służącej porozumieniu i ładowi na świecie. W sytuacji nasilających się tendencji nacjonalistycznych, nawet w krajach historycznie tolerancyjnych, jak: Szwecja, Wielka Brytania czy Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki, warto o tych wyzwaniach i wartościach mówić, zastanowić się nad kształtem (zagadnienia, formy, miejsce, grupy docelowe) edukacji globalnej oraz włączać do ofert edukacyjnych treści inspirujące do refleksji nad tym, co ludziom wspólne. Tekst prezentuje wybrane wątki aktualnej debaty na temat uniwersaliów kulturowych, eksponując zwłaszcza argumenty przemawiające za włączeniem tej problematyki do programów kształcenia pedagogów i oferty edukacyjnej dla dorosłych.
The article presents several aspects of the European debate on the professionalisation of adult education. Drawing upon three international projects implemented as part of the European programmes, it outlines trends and tendencies of searching for a common way leading to the increase in the quality of educational work with adults through ensuring transparency and high standards of teaching staff qualifications. A special attention is devoted to the competences of an adult learning facilitator, who constituted the research subject of the Qualified to Teach project implemented by the European partners in 2009-2011. The application of Delphi method in the project enabled to work out the consensus on key competences required of a specialist working with adult learners.
Artykuł przedstawia kilka aspektów europejskiej debaty na temat profesjonalizacji w edukacji dorosłych. W oparciu o trzy międzynarodowe projekty realizowane w ramach programów europejskich szkicuje tendencje i trendy poszukiwania wspólnej drogi prowadzącej do zwiększenia jakości pracy oświatowej z dorosłymi poprzez zapewnienie transparentności i wysokich standardów kwalifikacji kadry nauczającej. Szczególna uwaga skierowana jest na kompetencje zawodowe facylitatora procesów uczenia się dorosłych, który stanowił przedmiot badań projektu Qualified to Teach realizowanego przez partnerów europejskich w latach 2009–2011. Dzięki zastosowaniu metody delfickiej umożliwił on wypracowanie konsensusu w kwestii kluczowych kompetencji specjalisty pracującego z dorosłym uczniem.
The aim of the article is to present selected themes that form part of the contemporary discourse on informal learning, which since the 1970s has dominated the scientific debate on learning, especially in the area of adult education. The authors, using Polish and German-language literature, outline areas of scientific and research interest, as well as tendencies in the contemporary approach to the learning processes of adolescents and adults. Moreover, they present exemplary results of research on informal learning, conducted within various fields: adult education, social pedagogy, economics and others. They indicate that separate treatment of human learning (division into formal, non-formal, and informal learning) is not always justified, and is not conducive to the analysis of learning processes.
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