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Ignacy Daniłowicz, the 19th century scholar from Podlasie, a professor at the Vilnius University, then, successively, at the Kharkiv University, the Kiev University, and the Moscow University, left behind a rich and valuable scholarly legacy. A lawyer and historian by education, he also showed considerable linguistic and palaeographic skills and was fascinated with the language of Rus’ documents pertaining to the history of Lithuania. His work with said files was undoubtedly facilitated by his knowledge of the dialect of Podlasie. The text focuses mainly on the methods of transposing the Supraśl letopis, written at the beginning of the 16th century in the Cyrillic script, into the Latin alphabet. The analysis of the solution used by Daniłowicz in terms of the transliteration of vowels and consonants reveals a good command of the palaeographer’s toolkit in spite of the lack of linguistic training.
Pochodzący z Podlasia XIX-wieczny uczony, profesor Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego, a następnie kolejno Charkowskiego, Kijowskiego oraz Moskiewskiego, Ignacy Daniłowicz pozostawił po sobie bogatą i wartościową spuściznę naukową. Prawnik i historyk z wykształcenia, przejawiał też niemałe zdolności językoznawcy i paleografa zafascynowanego językiem ruskich dokumentów do dziejów Litwy. Pracę z nimi niewątpliwie ułatwiała mu znajomość podlaskiej mowy. Główna uwaga w tekście skupiona została na sposobach transponowania na alfabet łaciński Latopisu supraskiego, który powstał na początku XVI wieku jako tekst cyrylicki. Analiza zastosowanych przez Daniłowicza rozwiązań w zakresie transliterowania samogłosek i spółgłosek pokazała dobre opanowanie warsztatu paleografa mimo braku przygotowania językoznawczego.
Вучоны XIX ст., прафесар Віленскага, а пазней Харкаўскага, Кіеўскага і Маскоўскага ўніверсітэтаў Ігнат Даніловіч, які паходзіў з Падляшша, пакінуў пасля сябе багатую і каштоўную навуковую спадчыну. Юрыст і гісторык па прафесіі, ён таксама праявіў значныя здольнасці лінгвіста і палеографа, захопленага мовай рускіх дакументаў па гісторыі Літвы. Працу з імі, несумненна, аблягчала веданне ім падляшскай гаворкі. Асноўная ўвага ў тэксце звернута на спосабы трансляцыі на лацінку Супрасльскага летапісу, напісанага ў пачатку XVI ст. кірыліцай. Аналіз прыёмаў, выкарыстаных Даніловічам у працэсе транслітарацыі галосных і зычных, паказаў, што, нягледзячы на адсутнасць мовазнаўчай падрыхтоўкі, даследчык добра валодаў палеаграфічнай методыкай.
The article is devoted to the inflectional forms old Belarusian adjectives. As a source of research material, two monuments of the 16th–18th centuries were used, representing the first (the Chronicle of Suprasl) and the last (the Chronicle of Bychowiec) editions of the Chronicles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Chronicle literature reflects the condition of the living language of that period better than religious works subordinated to the canons of Church Slavonic tradition. The aim of the research is the analysis of the development of inflectional forms of adjectives with particular attention to similarities and differences in reference to the Ruthenian condition. Forms of adjectives have been selected and compared to paradigms of the earlier period. It has been established that inflectional system of adjectives took into consideration both the advanced process of phasing-out of non-complex inflexion (nominal) and the promotion of complex inflection (pronominal). Within its framework, old features referring to the Church Slavonic language have been documented, although at the same time, features of the nature of Belarusian innovations have been very clearly marked. Inflectional system of adjectives (especially The Chronicle of Bychowiec) preserved some regional features which indicate references to the south-western Belarusian dialects. These phenomena may help to establish the location of the monument or the place of origin of its author.
Артыкул прысвечаны характарыстыцы склонавых форм старабеларускіх прыметнікаў. У якасці крыніцы матэрыялу для даследавання выкарыстаны два помнікі XVI–XVIII стст., якія прадстаўляюць першую (Супрасльскі летапіс) і апошнюю (Хроніка Быхаўца) рэдакцыі летапісаў ВКЛ. Летапісная літаратура ў большай ступені адлюстроўвае стан жывой мовы гэтага перыяду, чым рэлігійныя творы, падпарадкаваныя канонам царкоўнаславянскай традыцыі. Мэта даследавання – прааналізаваць развіццё склонавых форм прыметнікаў, звяртаючы асаблівую ўвагу на падабенства і адрозненне з агульнарускім станам. На аснове аналізу прыметнікавых формаў, выдзеленых з тэкстаў, і параўнання іх з парадыгмамі больш ранняга перыяду ўстаноўлена, што для сістэмы прыметніка характэрны, з аднаго боку, інтэнсіўны працэс страты простых (назоўнікавых) форм, а з другога – распаўсюджванне складаных (займеннікавых) форм. У межах складанага скланення ў невялікай ступені фіксyюцца яшчэ старыя з’явы, якія адносяцца да царкоўнаславянскай мовы, але адначасова значна больш выразна прасочваюцца рысы беларускіх флексійных інавацый. Флексійная сістэма прыметніка, асабліва Хронікі Быхаўца, замацавала таксама некаторыя рэгіянальныя асаблівасці, якія паказваюць адносіны да паўднёва-заходніх беларускіх гаворак. Гэтыя моўныя рысы могуць аказацца важнымі для вызначэння месца стварэння помніка або месца паходжання яго аўтара. 
Artykuł jest poświęcony charakterystyce form fleksyjnych przymiotników starobiałoruskich. Jako źródło materiału badawczego posłużyły dwa zabytki XVI–XVIII wieku, reprezentujące pierwszą (Kronika supraska) i ostatnią (Kronika Bychowca) redakcję latopisów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Literatura kronikarska w większym stopniu odzwierciedla stan żywego języka tego okresu niż utwory religijne podporządkowane kanonom tradycji cerkiewnosłowiańskiej. Celem badań była analiza rozwoju form fleksyjnych przymiotników ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na podobieństwa i różnice w stosunku do stanu ogólnoruskiego. Na podstawie analizy wyekscerpowanych z tekstów form przymiotnikowych i porównania ich z paradygmatami okresu wcześniejszego stwierdzono, iż system fleksyjny przymiotnika cechował z jednej strony zaawansowany proces wycofywania form odmiany niezłożonej (rzeczownikowej), z drugiej zaś upowszechnianie się form odmiany złożonej (zaimkowej). W jej obrębie śladowo udokumentowane zostały stare cechy, nawiązujące do języka cerkiewnosłowiańskiego, chociaż równocześnie bardzo wyraźnie zaznaczyły się cechy o charakterze innowacji białoruskich. System fleksyjny przymiotnika, w szczególności Kroniki Bychowca, utrwalił również pewne rysy regionalne, które wykazują nawiązania do zespołu gwar południowo-zachodniobiałoruskich. Zjawiska te mogą być wskazówką pomocną przy ustalaniu lokalizacji zabytku lub miejsca pochodzenia jego autora.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the oldest sources of West Ruthenian lexicography written in the 16th–17th and the 18th centuries, such as (anonymous from the first half of the 16th century), (L. Zizanij, Vilno, in 1596), (P. Berynda, Kiev, in 1627) as well as (Supraśl, in 1722). The dictionaries, which were of usable and instructive nature, manifested the tradition of normative-lexicographic studies of Old Church Slavonic language initiated by fraternity schools in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania. The analysis of macro- and microstructure of the dictionaries renders it possible to observe gradual evolution of their authors’ lexicographic workshop.
In the article an attempt is made to describe ancient Cyrillic prints published by two typographies of the Podlasie region – from Zabludov (1569–1570) and from Suprasl (1695–1803). Two liturgical books printed in Zabludov influenced the development of typographic art in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania. They also affected religious and national consciousness of the Orthodox inhabitants in the state of Poland and Lithuania. Cyrillic books from Basilian monks’ printery in Suprasl, thematically different (ranging from liturgical books to didactic liturgy), hadnumerous recipients in Uniate circle, the Old Believers (starovery) and Orthodox communities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and abroad (in the Grand Dutchy of Moscow).
The article is devoted to the problems of variationality in the lexicographic description of the terms of Polish Orthodoxy. On the basis of existing definitions of linguistic variants and keyword variants, the variants of words forming entries in the Dictionary of Polish Orthodox Terminology are discussed. The dictionary was compiled by a team of theologians and linguists at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Bialystok. The analysis of the source material shows that the variant nature of the terms is revealed at the phonetic, inflectional and word-formation levels. These phenomena are a manifestation of the richness of the Orthodox lexicon, genetically diverse and documenting the multiplicity of ways of borrowing the terms that make it up (Greek, Old Church Slavonic, East Slavic languages, Polish).
The article is an attempt to refer to an ongoing discussion on the genesis of Old-Belarusian Tristan that has been preserved in the 16th-century Raczynski Codex in Poznan. The author shares an opinion that there was a South Slavic tie between Belarusian and Italian texts and gives linguistic arguments supporting this view. Lexical analysis of the text reveals words of South Slavic provenance that have been found in various Balcan languages. The group of so-called serbisms (Serbian vocabulary) known in other publications has been completed with new Balkan lexical elements certified in the vocabulary of Belarusian translation.
This article is dedicated to the issue of Polish and Russian language contacts in the 16th and 17th centuries. The analysed Old Belarusian historical assets document the presence of foreign vocabulary assimilated via the Polish language. Research shows that the Polish Language of that period formed a medium used to transfer words of German, Latin, Czech or Italian origin to the Belorusian land. The functioning of such borrowings has been tracked on the basis of two popular literary genres on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – chronicles (Kronika Supraska and Kronika Bychowca), representing original Belorusian literature, and chivalric romance (Białoruski Tristan), which was an example of translated literature. Loanwords supplemented native lexical resources with lacking units to name such areas as state, church and military institutions, living needs, war craft and the life of knights.
Dictionaries in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – a Contribution to the History of (Western)Ruthenian Lexicography and Word-Inventory In the article an attempt to describe the oldest Western Ruthenian dictionary has been made. The analysis is based on the following texts: 1) Leksis s tolkovanīem slovenskikh mov prosto  of the first part of the 16th century, 2) Leksis siriech rechenïia v"krat"tsie s"bran(")ny. I īz slove(n)skago iazyka naprosty(ĭ) ruskīĭ diale(k)t istol(")kovany L,Z  by L. Zizaniy (Vilno 1596), 3) Leksīkon slavenorosskīĭ ī imen tl"kovanīe  by P. Berynda (Kiev 1627), 4) Sinonima slavenorosskaia (the end of the 17th century). The focus of attention is directed to lexicographic specificity of the antique texts, the elements of their macro- and microstructures, sources and techniques of material documentation, which made it possible to observe the evolution of lexicographers` methodological procedure in the range of the structure of an entry, e.g.: efforts to introduce grammatical information, qualifiers (mostly etymological and stylistic), and material exemplification.Dictionaries, which were essentially used to learn the language of liturgical celebration, contained religious vocabulary. It should be noted, however, that their authors introduced Ruthenian words of various thematic groups and stylistic registers to the translated parts of lexicons. In Berynda`s dictionary Polish loan words appeared as entries. Słowniki w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim – przyczynek do historii (zachodnio)ruskiej leksykografii i leksykiW artykule podjęto próbę charakterystyki najstarszych słowników zachodnioru­skich na podstawie kilku źródeł: 1) Leksis s tolkovanīem slovenskikh mov prosto z pierwszej połowy XVI w.; 2) Leksis siriech rechenïia v"krat"tsie s"bran(")ny. I īz slove(n)skago iazyka naprosty(ĭ) ruskīĭ diale(k)t istol(")kovany L,Z  W. Zizaniego (Wilno 1596); 3) Leksīkon slavenorosskīĭ ī imen tl"kovanīe  P. Beryndy (Kijów 1627); 4) Sinonima slavenorosskaia  (koniec XVII w.). Głównie uwagę skupiono na specyfice leksykograficznej zabytków, elementach ich makro-i mikrostruktury, źródłach oraz sposobach dokumentacji materiału. Pozwoliło to zaobserwować pewną ewolucję warsztatu metodologicznego leksykografów w zakresie budowy artykułu hasłowego, jak np. próby wprowadzania informacji gramatycznej, kwalifikatorów (głównie etymologicznych, stylistycznych) oraz egzemplifikacji materiałowej.Słowniki, przeznaczone zasadniczo do nauki języka liturgicznego i lektury ksiąg cerkiewnych, gromadziły przede wszystkim leksykę religijną. Należy jednak zauważyć, że do przekładowej części leksykonów ich autorzy wprowadzali słownictwo ruskie należące do różnych grup tematycznych i rejestrów stylistycznych. W charakterze wyrazów hasłowych słownika Beryndy mogły występować również pożyczki polskie.
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