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Niniejsze opracowanie ma przedstawić proces kształtowania się pojęcia ofiary w protestantyzmie reformowanym. Spór z katolikami sprawił, że w odniesieniu do Eucharystii protestanci nie używali pojęcia ofiary, zastępując je pojęciem Wieczerzy Pańskiej (Abendmahl). Rezygnacja z pojęcia ofiary nie oznacza rezygnacji z jego treści. Doktryna ofiary w związku z Eucharystią kształtowała się w ramach sporu, w którym Kalwin występował tak przeciw Lutrowi jak i Zwingliemu. Cechą wspólną tak reformatorów jak i przedstawicieli Kościoła katolickiego było skupienie się głównie na rzeczywistej obecności uwielbionego Ciała i Krwi Jezusa Chrystusa w postaciach ofiarniczych chleba i wina.
The aim of this elaboration is to present the concept of sacrifice in Reformed Protestantism. In result of a dispute between Roman Catholics and Protestants, the latter did not use the notion of sacrifice with reference to the Eucharist and replaced it with the term “Abendmahl” (Lord’s Supper). Renouncement of the concept as such, however, did not mean renouncing its meaning. The doctrine of sacrifice with regard to the Eucharist was developing in the midst of the Reformation and in the course of a severe dispute in which Calvin was acting against Luther and Zwingli. A common characteristic of both the reformers and representatives of the Catholic Church was their focus on the aspect of the true presence of the glorified Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the form of sacrificial bread and wine.
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ks. prof. dr hab. Ignacy Bokwa - Prezes Towarzystwa Teologów Dogmatyków
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Karl Rahner is undoubtedly one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century. He has influenced and is still having an impact on its shape and trends. It can be seen from the example of his theological anthropology. His vision of a man is decidedly theological and perceived as such becomes the most important foundation of anthropology. The message of faith constitutes the highest standard and an unregulated signifi cant expression of a man. Theological interpretation of its essence occurs in the historical and living conditions of dependency and inadequacy of a man. A man is a supernatural existential (übernatürliches Existential), so as a being is qualified to grace by nature, to the supernatural, and finally defined by that reality. The most important event in human life is the fact that God turned to him and revealed him. It allows to read all theological dogmas as statements of anthropology. A man is in fact the point of intersection of God’s revelation and historical experience of himself. For Rahner a man in his deepest essence is a spirit in the world and a hearer of God’s words, a recipient of his revelation possible for recognition by the natural mind. A man is also potentia oboedientialis – an active potency to show God the obedience of faith and love as his supernatural grace. According to Rahner, Christology is the most radical, exceeding everything repetition of theological anthropology. Rahner starts his reflection in the field of theological anthropology from a man and his experience, in order to demonstrate that a man does not exist without God, moreover, a man is unthinkable. In the era of postmodern blurring of the essential philosophical and theological concepts this German theologian presents the basic truth about the legitimacy of being a Christian, the beauty of humanity relies on God, and also about the nonsense and tragedy of atheism. The whole theological thought and activity of Karl Rahner served to demonstrate the falsity and harm of theoretical as well as existential dimension of atheism. A man confirms by every act of his being, thinking and wanting that there is a God who loves his creation.
Pluralistyczna teologia religii stanowi rzeczywiste zagrożenie dla chrześcijaństwa. W imię demokratycznego równouprawnienia wszystkich religii relatywizuje ona jedyność i nieprzewyższalność zbawczego pośrednictwa Jezusa Chrystusa. Niebezpieczeństwo to rozpoznała Kongregacja Nauki Wiary i w 2000 roku opublikowała deklarację Dominus Iesus. Dokument ten nawiązuje między innymi do twórczości Johna Hicka (1922-2012). Ten angielski filozof religii należy do najbardziej znanych i prominentnych przedstawicieli pluralistycznej teologii religii. Teoria ta traktuje wszystkie religie jako równouprawnione drogi zbawienia. Absolutne roszczenie chrześcijaństwa jest mocno krytykowane. Wkład Johna Hicka do tej krytyki polega na relatywizacji zbawczego znaczenia Jezusa Chrystusa. Hick kwestionuje dogmatyczno-ontologiczny język pierwszych chrystologicznych soborów w Nicei (325) i Chalcedonie (451), zarzucając temu językowi porzucenie metaforyki języka biblijnego. Dla Hicka Jezus Chrystus nie jest prawdziwym Synem Bożym, lecz jednym z wielu wcieleń Boga. Artykuł analizuje pisma Johna Hicka i kończy się krytycznym wnioskiem.
Pluralistic theology of religion is a real threat to Christianity. It relativizes the unicity of saving mediation of Jesus Christ in the name of democratic equalityof all religions. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith recognized this threat and published „Dominus Iesus” declaration in 2000. This document refers, inter alia, to the creativity of John Hick (1922-2012). The English philosopher of religion is one of the best known and the most prominent representatives of the pluralistic theology of religion. This theory treats all religions as equal ways of salvation. The absolute claim of Christianity is severely criticized. John Hick’s contribution to this criticism is about relativization of Jesus Christ’s salutary meaning. Hick questions the dogmatic and ontological language of the first christological council in Nice (325) and Chalcedon (451). He accuses this language of abandoning the imagery of the biblical language. According to Hick Jesus Christ is not a genuine Son of God- He is one of God’s embodiments. The article analyzes John Hick’s pieces of writing and ends with a critical conclusion.
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