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Amazinga je najveći park u unutarnjem prostoru i kao takav jedini je u Hrvatskoj i Europi koji nudi atrakcije za sve dobne skupine, bez donjeg i gornjeg dobnog ograničenja (širok raspon atrakcija za sve životne dobi). Poduzeće je osnovano 2019. godine te je pogođeno globalnim širenjem koronavirusa 2020. i 2021. godine. Iako sada dobro posluje, njeni razvojni kapaciteti nisu dovoljno iskorišteni. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio identificirati mogućnost širenja poslovanja Amazinge. Pri tome su korištene kvalitativne metode istraživanja i analiza sadržaja relevantne literature i dokumentacije poduzeća te su provedeni polustrukturirani intervjui na populaciji donositelja odluka odabranog poduzeća s veličinom uzorka od 6 (N=6) ispitanika. Uz navedeno, provedena je i Google Forms anketa na populaciji dosadašnjih i potencijalnih klijenata razne životne dobi. Veličina uzorka je 112 (N=112) ispitanika. Cilj ankete bio je saznati kakvo je njihovo dosadašnje iskustvo s Amazingom i njihovu sveukupnu ocjenu parka. U sklopu istraživanja provedena je i SWOT analiza, financijska analiza i analiza konkurencije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je postojeća strateška pozicija Amazinge snažna te da je poduzeće usmjereno k daljnjem razvoju, održavanju konkurentske prednosti i širenju na druga tržišta, uključujući i ona izvan granica RH.
Amazinga is the largest indoor entertainment park and the only one of its kind in Croatia and Europe because it offers attractions for all age groups without lower and upper age limits (a wide range of attractions for all ages). It was founded in 2019 and was affected by the global Covid pandemic. 2020 and 2021. Although it is doing well, its development capacities are not used enough. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to identify the possibility of expanding Amazinga’s business. The research methods used in this paper are qualitative, and in addition to the content analysis of relevant literature and company documentation, a semi-structured interview was conducted on the population of decision makers of the selected company with a sample size of 6 (N=6) respondents. In addition to the interview, a Google Forms survey was conducted on the population of current and potential clients of various ages. The sample size is 112 (N=112) subjects. The aim of the survey was to find out what their previous experience with Amazinga was and what their overall assessment of Amazinga was. As part of the research, SWOT analysis, financial analysis and competition analysis were carried out. The research results show that Amazinga’s existing strategic position is strong and that the company focuses on further development, maintaining a competitive advantage and expanding to other markets, including those outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia.
Svjetska je ekonomija, više nego ikada, iznimno povezana i transparentna, a putanje dobara, usluga i ljudi dostupne svakom pojedincu spojenom na internetsku mrežu. Upravo zato ostaje nejasna činjenica da se greške u ljudskim odlukama i dalje ponavljaju, kao i reakcija društva u cjelini na odluke pojedinaca. Također, državni mehanizmi za kontrolu gospodarstva i dalje nisu u mogućnosti efikasno reagirati na događaje u vrijeme kontrakcije ekonomskog obujma. Iz toga proizlazi motivacija za izradu ovog istraživanja, koja uključuje proučavanje brojnih određenih situacija u kojima je ljudska odluka, direktno ili indirektno, stvorila jedan od glavnih uzroka budućeg gospodarskog pada. Pregledom ekonomskih ciklusa i ekonomskih kriza tijekom prošlog i ovog stoljeća, uočava se stalna pojava ljudske odluke kao glavnog generatora gospodarskih tokova, bilo pozitivnih, bilo negativnih. U isto je vrijeme vidljiv i stalni obrazac ponašanja društva u raznim fazama ekonomskih ciklusa. Samim time, vrlo je bitno educirati pojedince i društvo o mogućim financijskim rezultatima njihovih kratkoročnih i dugoročnih odluka, kao i odluka koje se tiču uže ili šire zajednice. Svakako je nužno i podrobnije proučavanje društva, kao i razvoja gospodarstva, kako bi se u budućnosti moglo što efikasnije reagirati na pozitivne i negativne posljedice ekonomskih ciklusa.
The world economy is, more than ever, extremely connected and transparent, and the paths of goods, services and people are available to every individual connected to the Internet. For that reason, it remains unclear why mistakes in human decisions continue to be repeated, as well as the reaction of society as a whole about the decisions of individuals. Also, state mechanisms that control the economy are still unable to respond effectively to events at a time of economic contraction. Hence the motivation for this research, which includes a study of a number of specific situations in which human decisions, directly or indirectly, have created one of the main causes of future economic decline. A review of economic cycles and economic crises over the past and this century, shows the constant emergence of human decision as the main generator of economic flows, whether positive or negative. At the same time, a constant pattern of society’s behavior in various phases of economic cycles is visible. Therefore, it is very important to educate individuals and society about the possible financial results of their short-term and long-term decisions, as well as decisions concerning the immediate or wider community. Certainly it is necessary to study society in more detail, as well as the development of the economy, in order to be able to react in the future as efficiently as possible to the positive and negative consequences of economic cycles.
Rad analizira utjecaje poslovnog okruženja na razvoj turističke industrije. U sjeni neizvjesnosti pandemijskog COVID-19 razdoblja uzima se očuvan kontekst kontinuuma proizvoda i usluga za primjer opstanka civilizacije u svijetu. Problem koji je potaknuo ovo istraživanje je konflikt nedovoljne održivosti postojećeg oblika turizma i nemogućnosti provedbe inovativnih oblika turizma. Stoga je glavni cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi kako i koliko pojedini čimbenici poslovnog okruženja utječu na razvoj turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu se provelo istraživanje anonimnim anketnim upitnikom na populaciji korisnika turističkih usluga, a veličina uzorka je bila 60 (N=60) ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su prije i tijekom pandemije uočene pojave koje sugeriraju promjenu sadašnjeg modela upravljanja na nove strateške nakane. Obrazlažu se konkurentske strategije i inovativni modeli, s ciljem održivosti ostalih sektorskih industrija. Komparativne prednosti industrija s ulaganjima uz turizam doprinose razvoju MSP RH. Provode se sinergije strategija i taktika za unapređenje proizvoda i usluga u industriji turizma, sporta i slobodnog vremena. Iniciraju se zakoni i mjere ostanka stanovništva, koje su ujedno programi povratka iseljeništva u RH.
The paper analyzes the effects of the business environment on the development of the tourism industry. In the atmosphere of uncertainty of the pandemic COVID-19 period, the preserved context of the continuum of products and services is taken as an example of the survival of civilization in the world. The problem that prompted this research is insufficient sustainability of the existing form of tourism and the impossibility of implementing innovative forms of tourism. Therefore, the main goal of the research was to determine how and to what extent certain factors of the business environment influence the development of tourism in the Republic of Croatia. In the paper, research was conducted using an anonymous questionnaire on the population of users of tourist services, and the sample size was 60 (N=60) respondents. The results of the research show that before and during the pandemics, phenomena were observed that suggest a change in the current management model to new strategic intentions. Competitive strategies and innovative models aimed at the sustainability of other sectoral industries are explained. The comparative advantages of industries with investments in addition to tourism contribute to the development of SMEs in the Republic of Croatia. Synergies of strategies and tactics are implemented to improve products and services in the tourism, sports and leisure industries. Laws and measures for the stay of the population have been initiated, which are also programs for the return of emigrants to the Republic of Croatia.
Komuniciranje, kako u privatnom životu tako i u poslovnom okruženju, predstavlja prijenos informacija, ideja, razmišljanja ili stavova između članova ili grupa. Interna komunikacija kao jedan od alata upravljanja u pojedinoj instituciji ili poduzeću mora biti pravovremena, transparentna i razumljiva. Problem koji je potaknuo ovo istraživanje je nezadovoljavajuća interna komunikacija u odabranoj gradskoj upravi. Posljedično, razina zadovoljstva zaposlenika je niska što značajno utječe na produktivnost te ostvarenje strateških ciljeva razvoja grada. Glavni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi razinu interne komunikacije u odabranoj gradskoj upravi te predložiti preporuke za poboljšanje kako interne komunikacije tako i zadovoljstva zaposlenika. Za ostvarenje glavnog cilja istraživanja podaci su prikupljani iz sekundarnih (relevantna literatura i dokumentacija gradske uprave) i primarnih (anketiranje na populaciji zaposlenika gradske uprave, veličina uzorka je 30 [N=30] ispitanika) izvora podataka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da zaposlenici odabrane gradske uprave internu komunikaciju vide kao veoma važnu značajku za međusobno razumijevanje, doprinosi izgradnji povjerenja u gradskoj upravi na svim razinama te ostvarivanju ciljeva same uprave a i zaposlenika. Kao prepreke i internoj komunikaciji navode nezadovoljstvo internom komunikacijom na svim razinama, upravljanjem i vođenjem promjenama u gradskoj upravi, radnim procesima, procedurama, plaćom, suradnjom s kolegama te su mišljenja da bi edukacija svih djelatnika i nadređenih o važnosti komunikacije najviše doprinijela poboljšanju interne komunikacije. Preporuke za daljnja istraživanja na predmetnu ili sličnu temu temelje se na istraživanju kako gradska uprava može doprinijeti većem životnom standardu i sigurnosti svojih građana.
Communication, both in private life and in the business environment, is the transfer of information, ideas, thoughts or attitudes between members or groups. Internal communication as one of the anagement tools in an individual institution or company must be timely, transparent and understandable. The problem that prompted this research is unsatisfactory internal communication in the selected city administration. Consequently, the level of employee satisfaction is low, which significantly affects productivity and the achievement of strategic goals of city development. The main goal of the research is to determine the level of internal communication in the selected city administration and to propose recommendations for improving both internal communication and employee satisfaction. To achieve the main goal of the research, data were collected from secondary (relevant literature and documentation of the city administration) and primary (survey of the population of city administration employees, sample size is 30 [N = 30] respondents) data sources. The results of the research show that the employees of the selected city administration see internal communication as a very important feature for mutual understanding, contributes to building trust in the city administration at all levels and achieving the goals of the administration and employees. As obstacles to internal communication, they state dissatisfaction with internal communication at all levels, change management in city administration, work processes, procedures, salary, cooperation with colleagues, and are of the opinion that educating all employees and superiors on the importance of communication would contribute to improving internal communication. Recommendations for further research on a subject or similar topic are based on research into how the city government can contribute to a higher standard of living and security of its citizens.
U odgovoru na korona virus, vlade zemalja poduzimaju značajne intervencije u stabiliziranju gospodarstva, a poduzeća se pokušavaju prilagoditi promjenjivim potrebama svojih zaposlenika, kupaca i dobavljača. Poslovne aktivnosti se usporavaju i ne mogu se predvidjeti posljedice korona virusa. Međutim, jedna pozitivna stvar uzrokovana COVID-19 krizom je da su poslovni subjekti prisiljeni inovirati i analizirati načine poslovanja. Stoga je glavni cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi kako transformirati poslovne modele koji će omogućiti kreiranje novih vrijednosti za poslovne subjekte, kupce i društvo u cjelini nakon globalne pandemije uzrokovane virusom COVID-19. Istraživanje se temeljilo na kvalitativnim podacima prikupljenim analizom relevantnih sadržaja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da će karakteristike poslovnih modela biti više fleksibilne (planiranje radne snage za rad na daljinu, fleksibilni ugovori s kupcima i dobavljačima, nova politika zapošljavanja), usmjerene na planiranje postupaka za ograničenje rizika i reakcija na krizne situacije, te će IT infrastruktura biti sigurnija, kao i zaštita i sigurnost ljudi. Nakon COVID-19 krize poslovni svijet će izgledati drugačije. U početku kaotično, no povijest pokazuje da tržišta i društvo postaju bolja i jača nakon globalnih kriza.
In response to the corona virus, governments are making significant interventions to stabilize the economy, and companies are adapting rapidly to the changing needs of their employees, customers, and suppliers. Business activities are slowing down and the consequences of coronavirus cannot be predicted. However, one positive thing caused by the COVID-19 crisis is that businesses are forced to innovate and analyze ways of doing business. Therefore, the main goal of this paper was to determine how to transform new business models that will enable the creation of new values for businesses, customers and society as a whole after the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. The research was based on qualitative data collected by analysis of relevant content. The results of the research show that the characteristics of business models will be more flexible (remote workforce planning, flexible contracts with customers and suppliers, new employment policy), focused on planning procedures for risk mitigation and crisis response, and IT infrastructure will be safer, as well as the protection and safety of people. After the COVID-19 crisis, the business world will look different. Initially, it will appear chaotic, but the history shows that markets and society are getting better and stronger after the global crises.
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