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Agricultural Tax - Condition and Prospects

Olsztyn Economic Journal
vol. 8
issue 2
During the recent years the issues of taxation on the family agricultural farms has been neglected frequently. Currently, with the discussions pending in Poland on the planned changes in that area, the issues of taxation imposed on agricultural farming requires a new approach. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the actual tax burden on farms in Poland and to investigate the impact of agricultural tax on the formation of revenue of local government. However, an important is to consult opinions of the farmers about the individual tax burden farming structures as well as the entire system of taxation. It is important also to propose changes in the tax applied to the Polish agriculture. Suggested by farmers alternatives in the taxation of individual farms can be used as an attempt to adjust the tax system in our country, to the solutions applied in EU member states. The paper presents the analysis of the taxation on family agricultural farms in Poland with particular focus on the agricultural tax. For the purpose of evaluating the actual burdens to the farms resulting from that title and the analysis of the volume of tax revenues to the budgets of selected communes in 2010, the method of secondary analysis of statistical data originating from the commune administration offices situated in the area of Mazowieckie voivodship was applied. It was analyzed the budgetary resolutions and reports on their implementation in the surveyed municipalities. The authors conducted the study using a questionnaire interview. The studies encompassing 200 family agricultural farms aimed at obtaining the opinions from farmers concerning the taxation system in Poland and possibilities of introducing changes proposed by the State.
Transnational corporations (TNCs) achieved domination, in global scale, over the domestic enterprises and sometimes even over the national economies, particularly in the developing countries. The TNC as a relatively new form of enterprise organisation was defined by the UNO during the 1970s. Since then the corporations have been improving their competences and skills effectively pushing the domestic local players out from the markets. They achieve competitive advantage thanks to the effect of scale and adjustment of the marketing-mix to the local customer. The scale of their operations is exemplified by the comparison of revenues from sales of just 10 largest corporations with the GDP of developed countries. In 2005, the top ten TNCs generated revenues amounting to USD 1.9 billion while the GDP of the United Kingdom was USD 2.2 billion and that of Poland USD 0.3 billion USD (World Investment Report 2006). Corporations induce economic growth in the individual countries while the increasing number of mergers and acquisitions evidences existence of a new direction of changes in the global economy. The global economic slowdown initiated by the American crisis in the real property market in 2007 decreased the value of mergers and acquisitions by 64% in 2009 as compared to 2008. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that until that time corporations developed greatly while crossborder mergers and acquisitions in 2005 reached the value of USD 462 billion while in 2008 they reached the record of USD 707 billion. The decrease in value of those transactions resulted during the recent times from their decreased number and low valuation of enterprises suffering from crisis.
The paper aims at presenting human capital in the economy, drawing attention to the multitude of determinants of that factor and the investments in human capital. To achieve the intended objectives the statistics and studies by international organizations, data from the statistical yearbooks of the CSO, scientific publications and websites were used. Significant differences between countries in the funds allocated to financing the activities involved in human capital improvement are observed. In most cases investments in education and in research and development is mentioned. Poland spends USD 5.500 per year per 1 student, which ranks it in the last position among 24 OECD countries covered by the study. Availability of studies in Poland is the highest, although usefulness of studies for finding a job is the lowest. The expenditures on R&D activities represent ca. 0.56% of the GDP and they are among the lowest in the EU countries.
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Minimum Wage and its Functions in Poland

The article discusses the issues concerning the minimum wage. Remuneration is the inseparable element of work provided to the employer. Currently, numerous forms and types of it exist, among them the minimum wage which has been the subject of political and media discussions for many years. That subject attracts immense attention and on can find many different and contradictory opinions concerning it. The objective of this article is to draw attention to the issues of minimum wage in Poland analysing the results of own studies that were conducted in 2013. The questionnaire based survey covered 200 respondents, mainly employees, people searching for a job and employers. The questionnaire consisted of 21 questions with the legend (the last 5 questions concerning the sociodemographic situation of the respondents). The minimum wage in Poland is the subject of numerous arguments and disagreements among the employees, trade unions and the government; that is why the article presents not only the principles of minimum wage operation but also the consequences both positive and negative. It also presents the correlation between the costs of work and the minimum remuneration as well as its influence on employment moving from the discussion and analysis of own studies concerning the functioning of the minimum wage in Poland as seen by the unemployed, employees and employers. The vast majority of the respondents (79%) are for the minimum wage increase. And 69% of the respondents believe that the minimum remuneration has the largest influence on the employer.
The aim of this study is to compare the investment attractiveness of six selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe, namely Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and Ukraine. The basic data used to examine the level of investment attractiveness in these countries were the basic macroeconomic indicators, i.e. the level of GDP in global and per capita terms, average salary, inflation and unemployment rate. In the next step, international economic rankings were used, as a result of which it was possible to classify the countries in perspective of their competitiveness, prevailing legal regulations for running a business and the scope of economic freedom.
The cultural diversity and related diversity of the national population within the country have been and probably will be important in shaping the history of the state. Through the diversity of this phenomenon, wanting to discuss the current situation of national minori- ties in Eastern Poland, the division of work on thematic chapters has been made. The purpose of this article is to present the activity of local government authorities for national minorities in Eastern Poland. This work was divided into two sections: theoretical and empirical parts. In the theoretical part, the Polish literature (including publications of minorities associations) and legislation have been used. In the empirical part the results of a survey that was carried out on a sample of 200 respondents have been used. The aim of the research was to identify the situation of the representatives from national minorities from Eastern Poland and also the achievement of the State policy for improvement the living conditions of these groups.
The concept of linking the position of a country in terms of inward and outward direct foreign investments and its economic development is the concept of the investment and development path - IDP (The Investment Development Path). The aim of the paper is an attempt to assess the development situation of the Polish economy against the background of selected economies of Central and Eastern Europe, in accordance with the above-mentioned concept. The analysis covers the years 1995–2020 and uses data from UNCTAD and the World Bank. On the basis of changes in the values of NOIP indicators and GDP per capita, it was found that in the case of Hungary and the Czech Republic, identification of the transition to one of the most significant stages on the investment and development path, which is stage III, is not difficult. However, it is debatable to identify the period in which Poland entered such a stage of development. This is due to, inter alia, from the low level of foreign direct investment.
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Problems of the Elderly in Rural Areas

This paper deals with issues related to aiding elderly people who reside in rural areas and who used to do jobs associated with agriculture. The main aim is to present the situation of senior citizens and to show the problems and needs of this group within the society. The main assumption of the study is that the needs of the elderly people who live in rural areas are different than those of senior citizens who live in towns. The study was carried out using data obtained by a questionnaire survey, a literature review and subjective observations of the authors on the situation of the elderly and care opportunities available to them. The study has provided data which can be used mainly to propose solutions aimed at improving the situation of the elderly. To this end, two surveys were conducted: one targeting senior citizens who live in rural areas and the other – people who work as a carer for an elderly person. For each survey, a sample of 80 respondents was singled out, and the study area included the communes of the Voivodship of Warmia and Mazury, i.e. Dobre Miasto, Lubomino, Pasłęk and Stawiguda. The data obtained from the surveys has been used to determine the level of needs for longterm or supplementary care for elderly people and to identify the main forms and type of aid based on the needs felt by a specific group. The findings have shown that such care can be arranged by employing carers performing services to elderly people.
Partnership creates a basis for relations and connections (including between states, cross-border and interregional), enabling the development of contacts and comprehensive economic and non-economic cooperation. This role is performed in its various forms and on a different basis. The article presents the partnership (including the economic one) that is being implemented between Poland and Russia, its scope, stages of development and the existing tariff, non- and par-tariff barriers in trade. The analysis shows that currently the Polish-Russian partnership is selective in nature and is subject to a high degree of uncertainty as a result of political decisions.
The aim of the article was to determine service sector’s influence on the economic growth in Poland. The article describes various factors influencing the development of the third sector and its influence on economic processes. The consumer behaviours of clients – their expectations in relation to the service market, have been presented. The characterization was carried out based on secondary data and studies carried out by the authors. Based on the carried out research, it can be stated that 75% of service providers indicate difficulties when setting up a service-oriented business. The existing service-oriented entities are of sufficient demand as confirmed by the 37% of service providers, which translates to direct satisfaction from the work of 62% of businesses. Characterized by the highest demand are medical, hairdressing and cosmetic services. It was also proven that the positive influence of services on the general condition of the economy has a direct effect on the increase in average employment over a long period of time. Customers decide to employ the services of the private sector more frequently as they believe the quality of the services provided by the public sector to be lower. On the whole, they rate the quality of services in Poland as average. Among the analysed groups of respondents 60% believe that Poland’s accession to the EU had a significant influence on the quality, variety and availability of services.
Dopłaty bezpośrednie są najbardziej znaną formą pomocy dla sektora rolnictwa w Unii Europejskiej. Są środkiem do utrzymania poziomu dochodów producentów rolnych, czyli spełniają jeden z głównych celów Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej (WPR). Głównym celem publikacji jest przedstawienie kierunków wykorzystania płatności bezpośrednich oraz próba odpowiedzi, w jakim stopniu wpłynęły one na kondycję ekonomiczną badanych gospodarstw rolnych. Podjęto także problem kształtu WPR po 2013 r., jest to bowiem ważny aspekt z punktu widzenia polskiego sektora rolnego, jako elementu polskiej gospodarki. W opra- cowanych propozycjach kształtu WPR po 2013 r. najtrudniejszym zadaniem okazało się zrównanie poziomu dopłat we wszystkich krajach członkowskich. Ostatecznie Komisja Europejska zaprezentowała projekt reformy WPR, w którym przedstawiono priorytety na okres programowania 2014–2020. Przedstawiono je również w niniejszym artykule. W celu określenia, jaki wpływ na poziom dochodów producentów rolnych mają płatności bezpośrednie oraz jakie są kierunki wykorzystania dopłat, przeprowadzono badania ankietowe w 350 gospodarstwach rolnych woj. podkarpackiego oraz dokonano analizy opracowanych wyników badań. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że środki pomocowe jakimi są płatności bezpośrednie pozytywnie oceniło większość właścicieli gospodarstw rolnych. Z analizy kierunków wykorzystania dopłat wynika, że środki unijne w większości były przeznaczane na wydatki bieżące (43,51% wydatków niezwiązanych z produkcją rolniczą). Duży odsetek respondentów wskazał na zakup nawozów i środków ochrony roślin (34,05% środków obrotowych) oraz maszyn bądź urządzeń do produkcji rolniczej (32,10% wydatków inwestycyjnych). Należy jednak zaznaczyć, że środki unijne na wydatki bieżące przeznaczali właściciele gospodarstw małoobszarowych. Ważnym faktem wynikającym z przeprowadzonych badań jest relatywnie duży odsetek gospodarstw nieżywotnych ekonomicznie (36,68%). Są to głównie producenci rolni, zajmujący się uprawą polową. Najwięcej gospodarstw cechuje wielkość ekonomiczna od 4 do 6 ESU (European Size Unit) (40,93%). Dotacje unijne dla sektora rolnictwa w znacznym stopniu wpływają na poprawę konkurencyjności oraz harmonijnego rozwoju sektora polskiego rolnictwa, mimo że gospodarstwa nie do końca potrafią wykorzystać możliwą pomoc.
Direct subsidies represent the best known form of aid to the agricultural sector in the European Union. They are the measure for maintaining the agricultural producers’ income level satisfying one of the major goals of the Common Agricultural Policy. The main goal of the publication is to present the directions of use of the direct subsidies and an attempt at answering to what extent they influenced the economic standing of the farms surveyed. The issue of the shape of the CAP after the year 2013 was also undertaken as this is an important aspect from the perspective of the Polish agricultural sector as a component of the Polish economy. In the developed proposals of the CAP shape after 2013, equalising the levels of subsidies in all the Member States proved to be the most difficult task. Ultimately, the European Commission presented the CAP reform draft in which the priorities for the programming perspective of 2014–2020 have been presented. They are also presented in this paper. For the purpose of determining the influence of the direct subsidies on the agricultural producers’ income level and what are the directions of use of such funds the questionnaire based survey was conducted encompassing 350 agricultural farms from Podkarpackie voivodeship was conducted as well as the synthesis of the survey results was developed. On the base of the results obtained it was concluded that the aid funds, which direct subsidies are, were ranked positively by the majority of the agricultural farms’ owners. The analysis of the directions of use of the subsidies indicates that the European Union funds, in the majority of cases, were used for current expenditures (43.51% of expenditures not related to agricultural production). A large percentage of the respondents indicated purchase of fertilizers and plant protection prepa- rations (34.05% of working capital) as well as machines or devices for agricultural production (32.10% of investment outlays). It should be pointed out, however, that the European Union funds were used for current expenditures by owners of small area farms. A relatively high percentage of farms that were not vital economically (36.68%) was an important fact established on the base of survey conducted. Those were mainly agricultural producers involved in production of field crops. The largest number of farms was characterised by the economic size of from 4 to 6 ESU (European Size Unit ) (40.93%). The European Union subsidies for the agricultural sector have significant influence on improvement of competitiveness and harmonious development of the Polish agricultural sector even though the farms are not fully capable of utilising the possible aid.
This paper analyses the influence of the implementation of milk quotas on the dairy sector and the situation of milk producers in the province of Warmia and Mazury and describes the changes taking place in the milk market from 2004-2009 in milk production, processing and management. The research material originated from a questionnaire-based survey conducted by the Chair of Economic and Regional Policy of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in close collaboration with the Agricultural Market Agency (AMA). The survey encompassed 313 milk producers from the province of Warmia and Mazury during the quota year of 2009/2010. The remaining data referenced in the publication originated from materials developed by the AMA, the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoA) and the Central Statistical Office (GUS). The milk production quota system was intended to prevent excessive supply of raw material on the market and trigger concentration processes in the dairy sector. On the basis of the AMA studies results, it was determined that in the six years following milk production quotas, almost 3,500 producers withdrew from the market. Additionally, an analysis of data made available by the AMA indicates that the volume of milk produced has been constantly increasing (during the years 2004-2010 the volume of wholesale milk sold from a single supplier per year increased by 58.11% in the area of the province of Warmia and Mazury).
Evaluation of changes in the value and structure of public aid in Poland and EU during the years 2007-2012 was the objective of the paper. The data from reports by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection as well as data from the State Aid Scoreboard published by the European Commission based on the information provided by the Member States concerning that aid was used. In Poland, evident increasing trends of the horizontal aid value can be observed. In 2012, as compared to 2007, it increased by 0.5 billion euro to the level of 1.64 billion euro. Its share in the total value of support oscillates within 55-60% range. In the European Union that share is generally at the level of 70-74%. In Poland, the sectoral aid is limited gradually although its magnitude still differs from the Union standards. In 2012, the share of that aid was relatively small at ca. 14% while in the EU it was 12.9%. The regional aid is at the similar level both in Poland and in the EU oscillating around 20%. However, in 2012, the share of regional aid in Poland increased to the level of 26% and it was higher by 8 pp than the share of that aid in the EU. Significant differences are characteristic for the share of the aid in the GDP. During the period covered by the study the largest differences occurred in 2010 when the share of support in Poland was 1.7% of the GDP and in the EU 0.6% of the GDP. In 2012, a half of the public aid in Poland was allocated to large enterprises.
The dominating form of modern population flows are economic migrations connected with the jobs found abroad. Therefore, the main assumption of this paper was to examine the extent of the international mobility youth on the basis of migration decisions made by future graduates of the higher secondary schools in Olsztyn. The most important objectives consisted in determining the reasons for migration of a given group and the expected time of their stay abroad. Moreover, the paper indicates the ultimate places of migration of future graduates as well as the purposes of such departures.
Underdevelopment of rural areas, in spite of many advantages of living there, causes the need of searching for the new directions of the development of these areas. Due to the interaction between the rural area and forest, we can expect that the development of one area will be an opportunity for the other one. This is possible due to the implementation of sustainable development idea, taking place in current transformation of forest management and agriculture. The present policy of rural development in Poland is a significant tool for implementation of forestry-related activities. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present that the rational forest management can be an instrument of influence on the development of rural areas. In the article, besides the results of a survey that was carried out, Polish and foreign literature, as well as statistical data were used. The empirical material that forms the basis of this work was collected during surveys conducted in 2011 on a sample of 21 representatives of managerial staff from the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Olsztyn. The results of a survey indicate that in the areas where we can find real and economically measurable effects of the implications of the rational forest management principles there are mainly: •• a reduction of unemployment rate by creating jobs directly in forest management, as permanent and seasonal work; •• development of forestry-connected sectors and owing to the fact growth of employment rate in the region (paper industry, furniture, woodworking); •• economic benefits and maintaining traditions associated with gathering undergrowth goods (fruit, mushrooms etc.); •• stable and reliable income to government budgets from forest taxes; •• collaboration with local institutions, associations, institutions in order to co-create strategies, develop plans and environmental awareness; •• support to hunting economy; •• enhance the advantages of the region in the context of the tourist and recreation services. The impact of the forest management is not limited to the described benefits that can be economically measured. We should not forget about a number of other advantages which are delivered for the society indirectly or which are difficult in the valuation, eg. the beauty of the landscape or clean air. In that case, it is worth perceiving a forest not only through the prism of a large area, but also as an economic sector strongly related to the rural development.
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Immigrants in the Labour Market in Poland

Labour immigrants play an increasingly important role in balancing the situation on labour market in Poland. Given the low demographic growth rate, pessimistic forecasts, mass labour emigration and structural maladjustment of the labour market, Poland faces the huge challenge of preventing a collapse of the pension system and public finance. A solution to the problem could be, for example, an inflow of foreign workers. The character of this paper is both theoretical and practical. The purpose of the article is to analyse the phenomenon of labour immigration in Poland (legal regulations governing employment of foreign workers, scale of immigration) and to present the opinions of employers concerning the employment of foreigners and the obstacles associated with it. The results of surveys conducted among employers in Warmian-Masurian voivodeship will be used for this purpose. According to the respondents, the main advantages of employing immigrants are lower costs (28%) and filling the gaps in the labour market (21%), whereas the biggest obstacle concerns complicated legal regulations (29%).
Migrating in order to find better living conditions is an unusual phenomenon, which is very difficult to verify. It has been typical for different groups of people for ages, either Poles have left their country to live in a state, where they were provided better economic and social conditions or political freedom. The phenomenon of economic migration of the Polish citizens after accession to the European Union structures was mainly caused by visible disproportions in level of earnings between Poland and Western countries. Primarily it has concerned young, well educated people, who perceived work abroad as an opportunity for higher earnings as well as chances for promotion or career. The aim of the following article was to probe the interest of graduates of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Arts at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in working abroad as well as defining reasons of migrations. It was essential to identify personal reasons and also individual deciding factors that lead to migration. The research concerned a group of 1410 students, who represented three majors: Pedagogics, Political Studies and Sociology. The probe was taken on associative group of 325 respondents. The results of the research poll were presented in a descriptive form, as well as in tables and graphs. The research showed that almost 25 % of students from the examined Faculty considered the possibility to work abroad. For most of them the main reason for migration was better earnings (80 percent). The only motivations to come back or quit planning migration was a definite change on the labour market, higher wages and labour demand. Due to the low level of preparation in the time of the research the scale of actual migration could be smaller.
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Migracje zarobkowe Polaków w kontekście brexitu

The purpose of the work was to diagnose the scale of the phenomenon of labor migration of Poles to Great Britain. Data on population flows were used (emigration, immigration and migration balance) in 2004–2014. An attempt was also made to diagnose migration changes caused by the Brexit referendum. For this purpose, data were used in the years 2014–2016. The secondary data from Eurostat, the Macroeconomic Data Bank and Demographic Year 2017 (CSO) were used to analyze and assess the phenomenon of migration in the analyzed periods. The majority of migrant workers came to the British Isles in 2006. In the following years, interest in going abroad for long-term was not so great. There were definitely more Polish residents who decided to go for a short-term than for long-term. Another such a big interest in going for longterm to Great Britain took place in 2013. This tendency did not last too long. The referendum did not have a big impact on the short-term migra-tion. However, it reduced the willingness to go away for long-term.
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