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The aim of the study was to answer the question whether the words “zaskoczenie” [phon. zaskɔˈʧ̑ɛ̃ɲɛ]- “surprise” and “zdziwienie” [phon. ʑʥ̑iˈvjɛ̇̃ɲɛ]- “astonishment”, which are treated in the Polish language as synonyms, possess a fixed pattern of application, and whether the colloquial context of using these words differs in terms of its emotional valence. The theoretical background for this investigation was the triadic approach to language cognition that includes perception, conceptualization and symbolization, and corresponding to this approach concept of mental representation of emotions. The obtained results have shown that people tend to use the word “zaskoczenie” to describe emotions that occur in positive situations, whereas the word “zdziwienie” is more frequently applied in negative situations. The observed emotive connotation of the investigated words has been explained by the rules of phonetic symbolism and implicative meaning of the words preserved in the popular/colloquial understanding.
Love is a complex emotion. On the one hand, it is a positive experience. On the other, its conceptualization has negative elements. One of the forms of the lexical understanding of emotions is the metaphorical model that makes it possible to reach beyond the literal meaning of emotions. The study with women (N = 43) was conducted. For establishing the lay understanding of love the two types of metaphors were used: typical ones (the target and source domain had the same valence) and atypical ones (the target and source domain had opposite valence). The state affect and emotional creativity were also measured. The obtained data showed that typical metaphors are more preferred, independently of the affect. The metaphor love is a journey enjoyed the most acceptance. The acceptance of atypical metaphors is related to emotional creativity, especially in the field of emotional novelty. The results were discussed in the context of the emotional creators’ ability to nonconventional understanding emotional experience. Literature indicates that the understanding of “love as a journey” has a negative emotive expression. This may confirm the tendency to include personal emotional experiences in the scope of the concept of love.
Miłość jest uczuciem złożonym. Z jednej strony to doznanie pozytywne, z drugiej zaś jego konceptualizacja posiada elementy negatywne. Jedną z form leksykalnego rozumienia emocji jest model metaforyczny, który umożliwia dotarcie do pozadosłownego znaczenia emocji. Aby ustalić potoczne rozumienia miłości, zrealizowano badania z udziałem kobiet (N = 43), wykorzystując typowe (nośnik i temat obdarzone tą samą walencją emocjonalną) i nietypowe (nośnik i temat obdarzone przeciwną walencją emocjonalną) metafory miłości. Zmierzono także doświadczenie aktualnego afektu oraz twórczość emocjonalną Uzyskane dane pokazały, że bardziej preferowane są metafory typowe, niezależnie od afektu. Największą akceptacją cieszyła się metafora miłość jest podróżą. Akceptacja metafor nietypowych ma związek z twórczością emocjonalną, szczególnie w zakresie nowatorstwa emocjonalnego. Wyniki zostały poddane dyskusji w kontekście umiejętności twórców emocjonalnych do pozakonwencjonalnego rozumienia doznań emocjonalnych. Literatura wskazuje, że rozumienie „miłości jako podróży” ma negatywny wyraz emotywny. Może to potwierdzać tendencję włączania w zakres pojęcia miłości osobistych doświadczeń emocjonalnych.
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Pozadosłowne rozumienie emocji

The meaning of emotions and the meaning of words- emotions’ labels are described in studiem about emotions. Although there are some differences between these two domains, most studies about understanding emotions use lexical approach. On the other hand, the nonspecific limits inspired by language can be noticed in the area of changes in emotion meaning. Two studies were conducted and metaheuristic postulates were involved with the aim of breaking these limits. The denotation and emotional complexity were examined/analyzed in the first study. In the second study the atypical connotations taken from the psychology of creativity were used. The outcomes were discussed in relation to abstraction and metaphor as a result it is possible to go beyond literal understanding of emotions and express emotions verbally.
Psychological models of art reception postulate the presence of two fundamental effects: cognitive understanding and emotional response. Unfortunately, these models are dedicated to sighted viewers. However, even though visually impaired individuals cannot directly perceive artistic creations, audio description enables them to experience the reception of, for example, a painting. In order to answer the question of whether the reception of audio description of a painting triggers similar emotions as the reception of the actual artwork, two independent studies were conducted. The research material was an audio description of Wassily Kandinsky’s abstract watercolour sketch for Composition VII, titled „Untitled”. Subjective experiences were measured using the SUPIN scale. In Study I (N = 138), higher intensity of positive affect was observed compared to negative affect after listening to the audio description. In Study II (N = 67), an increase in positive affect intensity and a decrease in negative affect intensity were observed following the audio description. The results indicate that listening to audio description, which represents an indirect contact with a visual artwork, can improve the well-being of the listeners. The obtained results will be analysed in the context of social construction of emotions and embodied cognition.
Badanie opisane w artykule opiera się na załoęeniu, ęe wiedza o emocjach jest zorganizowana w postaci prototypów. Przedmiotem badania o charakterze eksploracyjnym jest autoewaluacyjna samoświadomościowa emocja złoźona – wstyd. Uczestnicy badania (N = 29) zostali poproszeni o opisanie autobiograficznego wspomnienia, podczas którego doświadczali wstydu. Uzyskane od badanych narracje zostały skategoryzowane przez sędziów kompetentnych i poddane hierarchicznej analizie skupień. W rezultacie otrzymano prototypowy opis wstydu. Ponadto otrzymano wyniki dotyczące: (1) charakterystyki prototypu emocji złoźonej, (2) analizy strukturalnej prototypu wstydu, (3) „potencjalnej syntezy” w obszarze emocji postkognitywnych.
This study is based on the conclusion that emotion knowledge is organized in terms of prototypes. The subject of this exploratory study is autoevaluative self-conscious emotion – shame. The participants (N = 29) were asked to describe emotional autobiographical emotional episode. Then the subjects‘ narratives were categorized by coders and submitted to hierarchical cluster analysis. The result was a prototypical description of this emotion. Derived, exploratory results provide mainly: 1) the description of complex emotion as prototype, 2) the structural characteristic of shame, 3) arbitrate the issue of „potential synthesis“ in the field of postcognitive emotions.
One of the advertising strategies is the use of names of their own. The name is given to products or to the characters of commercials. The name Basia is especially operated in Polish commercials. This article assumes that the popularity of this name is conducted beyond its semantic, denotative meaning and is result of emotive associations. The sound symbolism, the infant/child-directed speech and connotative meaning were used to analysis the Basia’s “commercial potency”. It was established, that every of these phenomena was assigned to another level of lingual organization - from phonological to pragmatic - and has a specific impact into evoking the positive associations to neutral objects, which are signed by lingual symbol, which initiates pleasant feelings.
The aim of this study was to characterize the knowledge about the joy in children with mild intellectual disability. The premises relating to the mental functioning of these children suggest that this knowledge is poorer and less complex than the knowledge of their peers in the intellectual norm. The study used the authoring tool to measure children’s knowledge of emotions, including joy. The tool takes into account the cognitive representation of the basic emotions available in three codes: image, verbal, semantic and interconnection between the codes – perception, symbolization and conceptualization, which perform the functions of perception, expression and understanding. The study included children with the intellectual norm (N = 30) and children with mild intellectual disability (N = 30). The results mainly indicate the differences in how happiness is understood by particular groups, to the detriment of children with disability. The character of the results is largely determined by the level of organization of knowledge about joy and accompanying mental operations.
The last decades brought us dynamic changes in patterns of fatherhood. It is related both to expectations toward men, and their daily functioning itself. However, the role of a father is less often commercialized than the role of a mother. In line with that, commercials and marketing activities are less often addressed to fathers than to mothers. This paper is addressed to the potential grounds of this state of affairs, and the description of the new phenomenon – dadvertising. The possible manners of profiling marketing activities including fathers as primary recipients will be presented and discussed concerning findings of studies from the field of family psychology, sociology of the family, and a few existing studies aimed at commercials addressed to fathers. The abovementioned issues will be illustrated by examples of single commercials and marketing campaigns, in which protagonists or recipients were fathers.
The study was aimed to determine the role of attachment bond in emotional functioning in alexithy-mia and emotional processing in foster care alumni. The participants with experience of personal rejection – adult foster care alumni during the transition from foster care to adulthood (N = 29) and persons without such experience (N = 32) took part in the study. The Experiences in Close Relation-ships Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale and Emotional Processing Scale were used. Results present that insecure pattern of attachment occurs with alexithymia in ineffective emotional processing. We confront the results with the construct of emotion representations as the key to comprehend observed deficits in emotional functioning.
Background Due to the nature of their work, paramedics face an increased risk of developing a post-traumatic stress disorder. The main goal of this research project was to point out specific correlates of post-traumatic stress. The authors decided to approach that issue from the perspective of emotional-cognitive deficits and resources, such as alexithymia, rumination and coping with stress. Material and Methods The authors conducted 3 independent research projects in the first half of the year 2017 in the Wielkopolskie voivodship, that included paramedics. In each one of them, they estimated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms using The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R). Additionally, in the first study the authors used alexthymia scale, Polish verion of Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), in the second – rumination questionnaire, in the third – coping with stress measured with Inventory for Measuring Coping with Stress Mini-COPE. Results The analyses demonstrate a relationship between PTSD symptoms and both alexithymia and rumination. There was not any significant relationship between coping strategies and PTSD. The mediation analysis results prove the role of intrusion as a mediator in a relationship between hyperarousal and avoidance. Individuals with PTSD demonstrate high avoidance for situations similar to the original traumatic event because high hyperarousal increases the risk of intrusion. Conclusions More than a half of paramedics demonstrated post-traumatic stress symptoms, which most likely is a prognosis factor for future development of PTSD among them. The emotional-cognitive deficits correlated with traumatic stress symptoms. Resources such as coping strategies were not sufficient enough mechanisms for coping with traumatic stress. Post-traumatic stress disorder may be seen as a dynamic sequence. The nature of paramedics work entails the risk for experiencing complex and/or secondary trauma, which represent the phenomena that should be further examined. Med Pr. 2019;70(1):53–66
Wstęp Ratowników medycznych charakteryzuje podwyższone ryzyko wystąpienia zaburzeń po stresie traumatycznym. Celem zrealizowanego projektu badawczego było wskazanie specyficznych korelatów zespołu stresu pourazowego pojmowanych w kategoriach zasobów i deficytów emocjonalno-poznawczych pod postaciami aleksytymii, ruminacji i strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem w tej grupie zawodowej. Materiał i metody W 3 niezależnych badaniach, przeprowadzonych w pierwszej połowie 2017 r. w województwie wielkopolskim, uczestniczyło 145 ratowników medycznych. W każdym badaniu oszacowano objawy zespołu stresu pourazowego (post-traumatic stress disorder – PTSD) przy pomocy Zrewidowanej skali wpływu zdarzeń (The Impact of Event Scale-Revised – IES-R). Dodatkowo w badaniu pierwszym zmierzono poziom aleksytymii za pomocą skali aleksytymii, czyli spolszczonej wersji skali Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), w badaniu drugim – ruminację, wykorzystując Kwestionariusz ruminacji, a w badaniu trzecim – strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem, posługując się Mini-COPE – Inwentarzem do pomiaru radzenia sobie ze stresem (Inventory for Measuring Coping with Stress Mini-COPE). Wyniki Analizy wykazały związki pomiędzy natężeniem stresu potraumatycznego a aleksytymią oraz ruminacjami. Stosowane strategie radzenia sobie generalnie nie wiązały się ze stresem potraumatycznym. Wykonane badanie mediacji wykazało, że intruzjom można przypisać funkcję mediatora relacji łączącej pobudzenie z unikaniem. Cierpiących na PTSD charakteryzuje wysoki poziom unikania sytuacji przypominających zdarzenie traumatyczne, ponieważ wysokie pobudzenie nasila prawdopodobieństwo pojawienia się intruzji. Wnioski Ponad połowa badanych ratowników medycznych deklarowała występowanie objawów stresu pourazowego, co prawdopodobnie jest czynnikiem prognostycznym pojawienia się w dalszej przyszłości klinicznych objawów PTSD u tej grupy zawodowej. Deficyty poznawczo-emocjonalne, aleksytymia i negatywne ruminacje współwystępują z objawami stresu potraumatycznego. Z kolei zasoby strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem są niewystarczającym mechanizmem zaradczym dla stresu traumatycznego. Zespół stresu pourazowego może być ujmowany jako dynamiczna sekwencja. Charakter pracy ratownika medycznego predysponuje go do doświadczania traumy złożonej i/lub wtórnej, które mogłyby być obszarem dalszych badań. Med. Pr. 2019;70(1):53–66
Commercialization of parenting – new aspect of early adulthoodFor market specialists no group of consumers is lost. That is why the developmental task of taking on a parental role is automatically combined with the commercialization of parenting. This phenomenon relies on the redefinition of motherhood and fatherhood in terms of the market. Two main tendencies can be observed. The first one is connected with the important description of a parent as a consumer, e.g. treating them as investors, or relating to a typology of shopping mothers. The second one is connected with using psychology for projecting consumer behaviors, e.g. the analysis of parents’ vulnerability to the nag factor or milestone marketing. The possible consequences and the ways to control the commercialization of parenting will be discussed.
Brand Hero is a character identifying the brand. It is also the tool of marketing communication especially uses in the case of brands addressed to children. For them, the brand hero is a character with which they create an emotional bond. Therefore is possible, that Brand Hero accompanying product increases its sale, because in the influence market children largely decide about the purchases of goods intended for them. The study was conducted for parents and childless persons (N = 770) and its aim was to identify the influence of 3 types of brad heroes (no-name, multigenerational, mainstream) and lack of brand hero on purchase decisions regarding juice. The outcomes show the participants for themselves chose juice without the hero. When they chose juice for children comparably often chose juice without the hero and with the multigenerational and mainstream hero. The justifications of the choice allowed getting to know the motives that were directed. The most surprising fact was that, for the large group of participants (also parents), the presences of brand hero evoked adverse associations for the brand, and first of all lower quality of the product and manipulation of marketing.
Age differences in emotional intelligence – are we getting better? Processing of emotional information in adolescence and mature age This study examined relationships between age and the ability to process emotional information. Emotion processing is defined as the ability to organize and represent emotional experience and includes the ability to recognize and label facial expressions of basic emotions, the ability to express emotions, and the ability to regulate the intensity with which emotions are perceived and experienced (Bland, Williams, Scharer, Manning, 2004). The ability to process emotional information is a basic concept of emotional intelligence (Mayer, Caruso, Salovey, 1999). The participants were 77 (37 females and 40 males) in two groups: adolescents (N=38) and middle-aged (N=39). Processing emotional information was measured by Processing of Emotional Information Test (Szczygieł, 2002), based on the theory of cognitive representation of emotion (Maruszewski, Ścigała, 1995). Hypotheses related to age differences, implying that older people process emotional information more accurately than younger was supported in relation to processing of more complex and differentiated material (nonverbal feature). The interpretation of results was performed in reference to the theory of socioemotional selectivity and the concept of postformal thinking. Socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen, 1995; Carstensen,Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999) asserts that changes in the life of older adults result from motivational changes. The concept of postformal thinking assumes a progression in thinking from dualistic or absolutist thought to more subjectively determined modes of thinking in which the relativistic and/or dialectical nature of knowledge is more thoroughly understood (Labouvie-Vief, Diehl, 2000; Kielar-Turska, 2000; Gurba, 2006).
Advertising is a common part of everyday life. Because of that it is considered as a social and cultural phenomenon. It is also connected with a fact, that consequences of advertising are not only intentional (as in economy) but also unintentional. The last effects may be a cause of social and cultural changes, which can be negative or positive. First of all, the negative aspect of advertising's social and cultural impact is often analyzed by critics, but positive is usually omitted. This article presents both of them in three spheres: promotion of esthetic standards, language changes and modeling social behavior, in order to show that we need to maximize advantages and to reduce disadvantages. The presented analysis has the practical implications for the consumer education. It is very important to include social and cultural impact of advertising in consumer socialization, because well educated consumer is an important element of mechanisms of controls of advertising.
The study was aimed at validating the Polish version of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF). Our findings confirm the reliability and validity of the scale. With respect to reliability, internal consistency coefficients of the TEIQue-SF were comparable to those obtained using the original English version. The evidence of the validity of the TEIQue-SF came from the pattern of relations with the other self-report measure of EI, personality measures, as well as affective and social correlates. We demonstrated that the TEIQue-SF score correlated positively with scores on the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (INTE) (Jaworowska & Matczak, 2001). The TEIQue- SF score correlated negatively with Neuroticism and positively with Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. In addition, scores on the TEIQue-SF were related to dispositional affect, i.e., correlated positively with positive affectivity and negatively with negative affectivity. The TEIQue-SF score correlated positively with social competencies as measured with the Social Competencies Questionnaire (Matczak, 2001). We also found that trait EI, as measured with the TEIQue-SF, was positively related to the richness of one’s supportive social network and this relationship remained statistically significant even after controlling for Big Five variance. We also demonstrated that scoring on the TEIQue-SF was positively related to satisfaction with life and negatively related to perceived stress and these relationships remained significant, even after controlling for positive and negative affectivity. Taken together, these findings suggest that the Polish version of the TEIQue-SF is a reliable and valid measure that inherits the network of associations both from the original version of the TEIQue-SF and the full form of the Polish TEIQue (Wytykowska & Petrides, 2007).
The paper presents state of art in the area of emotion studies. It is stressed that emotions are multicomponent processes including neural, expression, subjective and social elements. We have tried to show that synchronization and coordination of these elements from elementary through intermediate to the most complex level may be understood in terms of emergent processes. Manifestations of emergence may be observed both in social aspects of emotions, as well as subjective and expression ones. Although the idea of emergent processes was not explicitly used by contributors of this volume, the traces of it are present in their papers.
The challenge for psychology is to integrate findings from genetics and environmental (social, biological, chemical) factors, into the study of human behavior and deep understanding of the emergence of different changes in the anatomy, physiology, and chemistry of the nervous system that influence the mental health. Currently, cognitive abilities associated with learning and memory, reasoning, problem solving, and developing relationships are in scope of molecular psychology, which is the study of behavior and its underlying brain systems using the tools of molecular biology. However, studies have demonstrated that DNA sequence variations and rare mutations account for only a small fraction of the risk for inheritance of personality traits and mental illness. The large unaccounted heritability of personality traits and mental health suggest that additional molecular and cellular mechanisms are involved. Various complex gene-environment interactions can lead to different phenotypes. These structural changes may be crucial for the development of mature neural networks that support emotional, cognitive, and social behavior. The generation of different morphology, physiology, and behavioral outcomes from a single genome in response to changes in the environment forms the basis for phenotypic plasticity, which is fundamental to the way organisms cope with environmental variation, navigate the present world, and solve future problems. Epigenetics has major implications for psychology and gives the new answer for the old question- what is the biochemical basis of learning. It is bringing back the leading role of environment and behavior, by including their effects on genome function. In addition, it opens up the possibility of memory being stored in the epigenome, so that our experiences may be embedded in our genome by epigenetic mechanisms. Epigenetics can be described as the study of the complex interactions underlying the development of an organism over its lifetime.
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