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In his re p o r t th e a u th o r commented his impressions h e h a s collected in th re e la rg e s t o rg an -b u ild in g wo rk sh o p s in th e GDR which a re also c a rry in g on th e c o n se rv a tio n of a n c ie n t o rg an s as those h av in g long tr a d itio n s in th is field. The old est of th e se firm s — “Jehm lich Bros.”, Dresden, possessed all th e time by th e same family, is doing th e b usiness w ith o u t any in te rru p tio n since 1808. The yo u n g e st of th e th r e e — “H e rm a n n E u le ”, B au tz en will commemorate th e 100- y e a r ju b ile e th is year. A lo t of co n se rv a tio n c a rrie d out a t a high level should be considered as m e rit of th e two ab o v e -m en tio n ed firm s an d also of th e th ird one, “A le x a n d e r S c h u k e ”, Po tsd am. In co n se rv a tio n of a n c ie n t organs as g e n e ra l p rin c ip le h a s been adopted th e re ta in in g to a h ig h e st possible d eg ree of th e h is to ric a l “su b s ta n c e ” of an in s trum e n t in all th ese cases w h e re it p ro v e s to be possible. In cases in which th e ir re v e rtib le decays or damage s occured an e x a c t in v e n to ry ing of a given p a r t is m ad e and, a fte r co n serv atio n , it is h a n d e d back to th e u s e r to g e th e r w ith th e in s trum e n t itse lf. P a rtic u la rly in th e firm “A lex a n d e r S ch u k e ” w h e re co n se rv a tio n is considered as th e fie ld of a c tiv itie s k e p t a t th e sam e lev e l w ith th e b u ild in g of n ew in s trum e n ts th e me th o d s ap p lied d e se rv e fo r fu ll a dm ira tio n . E n tire ly in d iv id u a l a p p ro a ch to e ach in s tru m en t is c au sin g th a t a ll th e wo rk done in th is firm is being m e t w ith high ap p re c ia tio n . As a n evidenc e fo r th e p ro p e rly u n d e rsto o d im p o rtan c e of c o n s e rv a tion of a n c ie n t o rg an s may be considered a small m u seum possessed by th e F irm whose mo st v a lu a b le p a r t is ä fin e collection of o rg an pipes d a tin g from th e 16th c e n tu ry . A h ig h ly in te re s tin g a ch ie v em en t from th e b o rd e rlin e of co n se rv a tio n of an c ie n t o rgans an d th e b u ild in g of n ew in s trum e n ts re p r e s e n ts th e b u ild in g in 1958, on in itia tiv e o f H an s Jo a ch im Schuke, of a n ew in s tru m en t fo r th e Divi Blasi C h u rch , M ü h lh au sen a c co rding to th e p re s e rv e d to o u r days design p re p a re d in 1708 by Jo h a n n S e b a stian Bach. As a n o th e r in te re s tin g a ch ie v em en t of sim ila r n a tu re , th is time of th e firm “J e hm lic h ”, Dresden, may be q u o ted th e comp le tio n in th e la s t y e a r of works c a rrie d o u t a t th e g re a t organ in H ofkirche, D resden being th e la s t in s trum e n t b u ilt by th e fam o u s G e rman o rg a n -b u ild e r Georg S ilb e rm an n an d fin a lly completed by Z. H ild e b ra n d t. This org an was sa feg u a rd ed by its s trip p in g in th e beginnings of 1944, however, its h is to ric a l p ro sp e c t h a s been b u rn t in fire th a t swallowed th e church. A fte r reb u ild in g of th e ch u rch w orks w e re u n d e r ta k e n to p la c e th e in s trum e n t in a n ew casing. This o p e ra tio n offered an o p p o rtu n ity to c a rry out special in v e stig a tio n s u n d e r th e sup erv isio n of a n um e ro u s g ro u p of e x p e rts w ith th e aim to remo v e sev e ra l modifications mad e a t la te r d a te s an d to re s to re orig in al sound to th e in s trum en t. The a u th o r sum ma riz e s his rem a rk s g a th e re d d u rin g th e d e ta ile d viewing of some an c ie n t in s trum en ts . He came to a re g re ta b le conclusion th a t sev e ra l r e s to r a tions c a rried out d u rin g th e 19th c en tu ry th ro u g h th e change of pipes an d mo d ific a tio n s of o th e r e lements h av e d ep riv ed most G e rm an o rg an s of th e ir fu ll h is to ric a l values.
The protection of old cemeteries is in Poland a new problem, initiated a s late a s in the mid-seventies. In this young history the latest decade distinguished itself with the formation of a number of social committees for the protection of individual cemeteries and the initation of a country- wide cam p a ign aimed at registering all old cemeteries. Rehabilitation measures taken up occasionally by some district monuments conservators (referred to later in the text a s the W K Z s ) are carried out in different ways and do not always yield expected results. Because until today there is no document which would specify in detail assumptions of the conservation policy of the Ministry of Culture and Art with regard to all historic cemeteries in Poland and their situation is often tragic, this article is an appeal to all district monuments conservators to undertake their own considerate policy towards these objects. The first step on this road has already been made by a g roup of conservators from the Lower Silesia, who for three years have held annual scientific conferences d e voted to historic cemeteries. The rehabilitation of cemeteries has to be preceded with a selection carried out with regard to the historic value and the condition of an individual object. Meanwhile, there is not as yet any register of all historic cemeteries in Poland. The above-mentioned country-wide campa ign of their recording on specially drawn cemetery cards, which should have been completed in 1986, will be extended by 3 - 4 years. Its completion is the most important task for the nearest future. Only on the basis of cemetery register cards it is possible to think of undertaking further historic, scientific and strictly conservation actions. O n e of the first steps should be to compile comprehensive documentation on individual cemeteries, which — together with full photographic and cartograp h ic material — would have features of a monographic report with high scientific and informational values. Unfortunately, the lack of workers (art historians or architects) willing to take up such work does not allow for its intensification. It is difficult to plan anything in the field of conservation, as it depends on a number of factors that are hardly to be foreseen Just like in the case of documentation on cemeteries, we have also here to face the lack of specialistic conservation staff. Broad-scale actions taken in Poland on the rehabilitation of historic monuments pose a strong competition to many cemeteries in villages and in small towns. Because of that, the entire conservation policy of the W K Z s should take this difficulty into consideration and think in advance of securing at least a small team of stone conservators. A s far as metal objects (mainly cast iron) are concerned (usually found in the form of tomb monuments or fencings that encircle tombs) then the best solution is to open regional workshops for metal conservation by means of spray metallization. This Polish method has been found to be satisfactory in cemetery conditions and its big advantage is that in a long run it is much cheaper than other techniques employed so far. When commencing the rehabilitation of cemeteries the WKZs should set out the criteria to be applied in choosing the objects. The alternative is the following: either a decisive role will be played by a historic value of a given cemetery or the priority will be given to the most ruined places, the existence of which is endangered. The decision on this problem should flow from the earlier adopted guidelines of conservation policy on a given territory. Conservation programmes should not be prepared ad hoc. Basing on the analysis of cards from all cemeteries in a voivodship, the district conservator should draw a programme of work for each cemetery and specify the date of its commencement. It will not always be possible to rescue individual tomb stones at their original places. Therefore, a district conservator should foresee the necessity of establishing on his relevant territory one or few cemetery lapidaries. When deciding on this, one should not forget that they are necessary evil, just a s they would sanction the wrenching of a historic object from its natural environment. O n some territories in the west and north of Poland one can find very interesting cemeteries, unfortunately closed for years. Their re-opening is the best method of securing to them the protection of the local community. Of course, the re-opening of the cemetery must be associated with a co-existence of old and new cemeteries. In no case old coffins should be removed from crypts or inscriptions from stones. The implementation of the rehabilitation of old cemeteries, which seems to be rather an unrewarded task from a viewpoint of its organization, will — to a large extent — depend on the attitude of the local community. Therefore, great importance is attached to the popularization of these problems on a broader scale, which should create the atmosphere conducive to subsequent steps taken by the WKZs. A major role might be played by the Catholic clergy and regional sections of the Society for the Protection of Monuments. We should stress out once a g a in the importance of proper and consistent implementation of planning to rescue old cemeteries. The time spent on this will be rewarded in future. It will also bring advantages that will result from a bigge r effectiveness of rehabilitation activities carried out on historic cemeteries.
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Cmentarz polski w Żytomierzu

The Roman Catholic cemetery in Żytomierz, known up to this day as the Polish cemetery, was established in 1799 about 2 kms to the south of the town, on a hilly terrain with considerable differences of height (up to 30 metres). In 1888, the cemetery was enlarged to present-day dimensions (9 hectares 60 ares). Attempts at a further expansion failed — neither the Russian nor the subsequent Soviet authorities agreed for political reasons. The only solution was the liquidation of the old graves for the purposes of reusing the sites. This campaign led to the devastation of numerous tombstones, especially in the first half of the nineteenth century. Even worse effects were produced by the sale of the more ornate tombstones, carried out by the municipal authorities in 1957-1970. Today, the cemetery contains 2 222 extant Polish graves, i. e. with Polish inscriptions. The cemetery is used and no concession for its expansion has been obtained as yet. In comparison with cemeteries in Poland, a characteristic feature of the Żytomierz site is the difference of material used for the tombstones. In Żytomierz, 98% tombstones are made of hard material — granite, labradorite and gabbro while in the Warsaw Powązki cemetery the use of such material does not exceed 3%. Iconography also discloses certain differences. A complete inventory of the Polish graves conducted in 1994 and 1995 offered data pertaining to the tombstones and made it possible to expand the base of genealogical data by several thousand names.
In the second half of the 16th and at the beginning of the 17th century the biggest growth of sgraffito occured, aparat from Italy, in Silesia, Moravia and in Czechoslovakia. Adornments found in the Scholz House, 35 Rosenbergs Street in Legnica, make a good example of sgraffito. On the basis of investigations carried out it was stated that the adornments were preserved in a good state under plasters. It muJst be stressed that the rebuilding of the tenement house was not being carried out in accordance with restoration rules (e.g. the façade of the house was destroyed when the shop was being arranged at the ground floor). After completing the job of rebuilding, the restorers started the works associated with the uncovering of sgraffito. Plaster was being removed with hammers and scalpels while the sgraffito was protected with special bands of lime-sand mortar with addition of asbestos. Cracks and bubbles were eliminated with lime-casein injections. Places in which sgraffito mortar crushed were hardened with casein milk with addition of lime and phenol. Wlhen the adornments were uncovered, reconstruction of engobe and eompleitly destroyed drawings began. The author of this report is of the opinion that in spite of all the modern methods applied a number of mistakes were made. For instance some figurai representations underwent deformation. The Music Allegory, originally in a trailing dress, is now wearing tight-fitting trousers. The restorers must have missed the fold at the bottom of the dress and exposed the outline of legs. The author proves that the restorers did not get fully acquainted with the findings of laboratory experiments, which caused the removal of the fold at the bottom of the dress and exposed the Moreover, their knowledge of plaster tinting technology as applied to Silesian sgraffito was scanty. As no measures were undertaken in order to streighten the 17th century plasters, the author is of the opinion that the adornments will need restoration again in 10 or 15 years.
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