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The aim of the article is to show the problem of humanization of death and related ethical challenges regarding accompanying the patient in the terminal state. In the event of insufficient therapeutic measures, the physician should take proper care of the dying person. The issue of humanization of death is described based on the writings of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. First of all, it concerns the patient himself and his reaction to the perspective of death. Patient responses are very different and require a lot of patience from healthcare professionals and other caregivers. Also important are the ways of experiencing this situation by relatives and family, also taking part in the passing of the dying person, which can be expressed in shaking hope or lack of acceptance. The second part of the article discusses various ethical issues related to accompanying the dying: the ability to listen, assessment of the heritage of the past, mediation in the patient's responses, respect for the values professed by the patient, entering the cultural world of the dying, spiritual accompaniment, acceptance of defeats.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie problemu humanizacji śmierci oraz związanych z nim wyzwań etycznych, dotyczących towarzyszenia choremu w stanie terminalnym. W sytuacji niewystarczalności środków terapeutycznych, lekarz powinien otoczyć właściwą troską umierającego. Zagadnienie humanizacji śmierci zostaje opisane na podstawie pism Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. W pierwszym rzędzie dotyczy ono samego pacjenta i jego reakcji w perspektywie śmierci. Reakcje pacjenta są bardzo różne i wymagają wiele cierpliwości ze strony pracowników medycznych i innych opiekunów. Istotne są również sposoby przeżywania tej sytuacji przez bliskich i rodzinę, biorących również udział w odchodzeniu umierającego, które mogą się wyrazić w zachwianiu nadziei lub braku akceptacji. W drugiej części artykułu omówione są różne zagadnienia etyczne, dotyczące towarzyszeniu umierającemu: umiejętność słuchania, ocena dziedzictwa przeszłości, pośrednictwo w reakcjach chorego, szacunek do wartości wyznawanych przez pacjenta, wejście w świat kulturalny umierającego, towarzyszenie duchowe, zaakceptowanie przegranej.
Lo scopo dell’articolo è quello di mostrare il problema dell’umanizzazione della morte e delle relative sfide etiche riguardanti l’accompagnamento del paziente nello stato terminale. In caso di misure terapeutiche insufficienti, il medico dovrebbe prendersi cura della persona morente. La questione dell’umanizzazione della morte è descritta sulla base degli scritti di Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Innanzitutto, la questione riguarda il paziente stesso e la sua reazione nella prospettiva della morte. Le risposte dei pazienti sono molto diverse e richiedono tanta pazienza da parte degli operatori sanitari e di altri curatori. Altrettanto importanti sono i modi di vivere in queste circostanze da parte di parenti e familiari, che prendono parte nell’andare via della persona morente, che può essere espresso in scosse di speranza o mancanza di accettazione. La seconda parte dell’articolo discute varie questioni etiche legate all’accompagnamento del morente: l’atteggiamento di ascolto, la valutazione dell’eredità del passato, la mediazione nelle reazioni del paziente, il rispetto per i valori professati dal paziente, l’entrare nel mondo culturale del morente, l’accompagnamento spirituale, l’accettazione delle sconfitte.
L’oggetto della nostra riflessione è un “processo del morire” di una persona cara, vissuto da lui stesso, dalla sua famiglia e dal personale sanitario, descritto ed analizzato dalla dottoressa della psicologia E. Kübler-Ross. Alla fine della nostra riflessione abbiamo indicato gli elementi essenziali di una “etica della fine della vita”, che ci permetterebbe, in modo più cosciente e responsabile affrontare il “nostro” mysterium mortis, e poi nella famiglia e nell’ospedale.
The object of our reflection is the “dying process” of a dear one, as lived by himself, his family and the medical personnel, and as described and analysed by the psychologist E. Kübler-Ross.  At the end of our reflection, we indicated the essential elements of an “end of life ethics”, which would permit us to approach, in a more conscious and responsible manner, “our” mysterium mortis at a personal level, in the family and in hospital.
Przedmiotem naszej refleksji jest „proces umierania” kogoś bliskiego przeżywany przez niego samego, jego rodzinę i personel medyczno-sanitarny opisany i przeanalizowany przez doktora psychologii E. Kübler-Ross. Na zakończenie naszej refleksji zostały wykreślone istotne elementy „etyki końca życia”, które powinny nam pomóc w bardziej świadomym i odpowiedzialnym podejściu do „naszego” mysterium mortis, a następnie przeżywanego w rodzinie i szpitalu.
The present article proposes an approach to bioethical reflection in terms of reading and interpretation of personalist philosophy. Therefore particular attention is given to the theoretical perspectives and practical indications that are relative to human life, the human body, and the person understood as a process in the ever-open task of achievement and development: therefore, from an ethical perspective. Through a direct reading of the texts of G. Marcel and E. Mounier, as well as the critical literature relevant to them, the author has posed the question of indicating the perspectives and dynamics which are a concrete part of the project of the French personalists in the elaboration and construction of a new humanism through the process of personalization of the human being and his/her world (cultural ethics).
The essay investigates some basic issues surrounding ability (or inability) to arrive at viable criteria according to which it would be possible to define a ‘moral status’ of the human embryo. According to the external criteria (originating from external factors), which are very fluid and subjective, the human embryo cannot be accorded any innermost value. Not only the embryo, but every human being is a collection of tissue and cells, processes and interrelationships which basically do not differ from the analogous phenomena occurring in other living organisms. In this context the author points to some internal criteria relating to the fundamental characteristics of the embryo. In the light of these criteria the human embryo does possess a human and individual biological status from the moment of conception. The author goes on to show that the bipolar criterion goal – means, or absolute – relative can and should be used as an ethical category, on condition that one accepts a radical and irrevocable distinction that acknowledges the human being as a proto-category of all and each ethics: human being is the aim in itself and must not be reduced to a category of means. Each and every living man is an ex-embryo. His life had begun at the embryonic stage and has been developing ever since with all its unique attributes and individual personality.
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