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The article emphasizes that Ukraine is not completely ready for the accession to the European Union structures, which is caused by internal political and economic problems. The accession is being hindered by a kind of dilemma between West and East, where Russia, considering Ukraine to be its exclusive area of influence, has a serious impact. Pro- European Ukrainian policy reflects its aspirations to become economically independent from Russia and integrate with European countries. On the other hand the European Union’s policy towards Ukraine is not a uniform conception; it is based on interactions directed for gradual reinforcement of cooperation. In Ukraine expressing a tendency to soft authoritarianism, which might be observed in the government’s activity, especially president’s Yanukovych could turn out to be the greatest threat. Ukraine’s ministrations are a kind of border that wishes to keep a similar distance between the European Union and Russia. Democratic standards are one of the most important premises of the evaluation of government’s pro- European attitude.
В статье подчёркнуто, что Украина ещё не полностью готова к вступлении в европейские структуры, чему способствуют внутренние политические, экономические и хозяйствиенные проблемы. Получение статуса члена Европейского Союза усложняет разрыв между Востоком и Западом, так как Россия, признавающая Украину исключительно своей сфере влияния, оказывает на неё сильное воздействие. Проевропейская политика Украины является отражением запросов освободиться от хозяйственной зависимости от Россий и спаяться с государствами Европы. С другой стороны Европейский Союз не имеет единой концепцйи политики; она основанна на взаимодействиях, которых целью является укрепление сотрудничества. Найболее опасной может оказаться тенденця обнаруживания мягкого авторитаризма, которая наблюдается в действиях власти, особенно президента Януковича. Границей представляет собой попытка Украины удержать похожее расстояние между Россией и Европейским Союзом. Демократические стандарты являются одним из самых важных критерии оценки проевропейского направления власти
Dyplomacja publiczna jest prężnie rozwijającą się nową odmianą dyplomacji. Stanowi ona miejsce realizacji zadań, jakie zostały nałożone na dyplomację w wyni­ku zmieniającego się środowiska międzynarodowego i przybywających na jego arenę nowych uczestników stosunków międzynarodowych. Dyplomacja publiczna nasta­wia swoje działania na kształcenie opinii publicznej, która będzie sprzyjała rządom państw. Artykuł ten dotyczy zagadnienia dyplomacji publicznej w USA. Poszczególne części poświęcone zostały: motywom działania dyplomacji publicznej, wyróżnieniu głównych instytucji ją prowadzących oraz jej zadań w stosunku do państw muzuł­mańskich. W tekście autor wykazał, że dyplomacja publiczna może służyć, jako środek do zwiększania stabilności regionalnej i globalnej, w konsekwencji może posłużyć, jako narzędzie dla umacniania więzi z USA oraz poprawy stosunków politycznych z inny­mi krajami.
It shall be stated in the article that the position of women in Islamic religion is olymorphic, controversial and volatile. It is a component of more general and difficult process of adapting religion to contemporary requirements of reality. Alterations take place in circumstances of perceptible need to accept national and ideological distinctiveness of Islamic principles. Rigorous character of Koranic regulations based on long-term tradition hinders the evolution of women’s rights as well as Islamic believers’ adjusting to changing world. Significant ideological feature of contemporary artists in the conflict between generally forward progress of more evaluated Arabian societies such as Algeria and the actual social degradation of women. Commands included in Koran once used to protect women’s dignity. However, in different historical circumstances they are regressive and they inhibit progress. Demand to wear nikabs is the basic examples of untopicality of some Koran rules.
The explosion of terrorists activities by Islamic radicals in north America, Europe and Asia in the 21st century evoked dismay, sadness and anger among the world community and the political leaders. Terrorism was almost continually front – page news and the subject of much discussion amongst politicians in the United Kingdom (UK). Moreover, Prime Minister Tony Blair’s words: “…we will not rest until this evil is driven from our world…” proved that the UK became a zone of fighting with international terrorism, even though it had connections to these strands well before these attacks.
The author documents that there are no legal grounds for property claims by Germans expelled from Poland after the Second World War. Expropriation of the German population was an internal issue of the Polish state. It was justified by the intention of the great powers following from the content of the Potsdam agreements (lack of regulations concerning changes in proprietorship on Poland's Western and Northern Territories was a sign of their intention to leave the above issue to domestic law). The German expellees and their descendants see a chance to regain their former real estate in the negligence of the Polish authorities as the property deeds of some of the so-called former German real estate are still unclear. Germans still figure as owners in real estate registers. Competent organs of Polish state administration should settle this problem legally by effecting appropriate changes in real estate registers so that the present owners could feel secure. The claims of Germans cause the response of Poles, a situation that might only contribute to squandering the legacy of decades of rapprochement and reconciliation between the two nations. It would be a good solution if the German side relinquished all claims against the Polish state and Poland replied with an analogous gesture. The assents of both sides could be an introduction to the process of a definitive settling of the question of war and expulsions. However, debate on the events in the history of Poland and Germany, which are the subject of contention, cannot be limited to a polite exchange of views and diplomatic declarations. What is needed is presentation of the truth about painful experiences in the history of both nations without dismissing historical facts that are compromising for either side. Disclosure of the truth can redress relations between the two nations, but are the society, historians and politicians prepared to undertake such a discussion?
: W artykule podkreśla się, że największą wartością człowieka jest życie, a państwo powinno stać na straży tej wartości. Przy okazji wojen i konfliktów okazało się, że ten obowiązek nie jest w zadowalający sposób wypełniany. W świecie współczesnym do większych zagrożeń ludzkiego życia należą aborcja i eutanazja. Tematyka ta skupia osoby, które opowiadają się za dopuszczalnością obu, jak i tych, którzy bronią życia ludzkiego od poczęcia do naturalnej śmierci, przede wszystkim zaś związanych z Kościołem katolickim. Obecnie obserwuje się pewien paradoks – postęp nauki, w tym w medycynie, dzięki któremu łatwiej ratować ludzkie życie, w wielu sytuacjach staje się okazją, aby drugiego człowieka go pozbawić.
It shall be stated in the article that human life is the greatest value and the state should protect the respect for this value. The right to life is the basis of all other rights, values and disrespect for it effects in nonobservance of the others. That is why the right to life is guaranteed from birth to death by numerous international law systems of human life protection. Both abortion and euthanasia gather supporters and opponents. The Catholic Church headed by the Holy Father is a resolute opponent of both those procedures. Public opinion is divided in judgment of acceptability of abortion. Legalization of abortion leads to negation of principal rule, emphasizing human life as the greatest value which is protected at all costs. Many contemporary women believe that removal of the baby is the right belonging to them because a conceived child is a part of their body and they wish to decide about it independently. Changing women mentality, who often give priority to career over establishing a family, is another threat. Euthanasia as the revocation of the right to life becomes a threat for many senior people. Putting to death because of pity and compassion becomes popular and widespread. An assurance of sense of security and care should be the family task, however more and more frequently life of the members depends on the family. Children decide to carry out the euthanasia on their parents for different reasons.
The Article reflects on the influence and distortion of mass media in modern days. Its original role of a bearer of truth, accurate information and its role, nowadays, used mainly to manipulate the audience to achieve a specific reaction. The overwhelming forces of media are illustrated on the examples of the American conflict with Iraq from 003 to 2010 starting with the World Trade Centre Attack and ending with the opinion of the polish audience concerning the American-Iraqi conflict. The article is divided in two parts, analyzing mass media and the foreign policy of George W. Bush over Iraq after September 11, 2001 and the role of US and Polish media in the process of citizens’ preparation for the conflict in Iraq. The first part approaches the importance of mass media for U.S. foreign policy against Iraq, created by President George W. Bush, especially after the September 11, 2001. It shows also how far society is involved in the maintaining of this policy. The article focuses on the influence of media during conflicts and how the public opinion and military actions influence one another. The second part focused on the supposed role of media to inform and prepare the people for conflicts. Instead, the society is overwhelmed with information so the risk shows, that the necessary news get partially lost. To prove this distortion a survey was made showing an accordance to the given information with different newspapers, radio and TV stations. Regarding the increasing of fear and misleading public opinion the Polish media did not react differently than the American. This process resulted in the opinion of polish society that their military forces should join the conflict in order to protect their freedom and safety.
The article first presents how immigration policies determine the norms which European Union countries apply in their law towards immigrants. Next the author deals with the Roma as a national minority living in France where it is not yet recognised as equal to other national or ethnic communities. Even though Romany people are protected by law, yet, due to their cultural dissimilarity, their legal status is unstable. Numerous dilemmas arise, thus making it difficult to accept any official recognition of the Roma as a supranational or national minority. Relations between France and the European Union have deteriorated, since the incident connected with the Roma deportations in 2010. There have been many accusations aimed at the French authorities, and also a threat of bringing proceedings against France before the Court of Justice. The EU strongly condemned France and its immigration policy. This, however, did not change French attitudes towards the Roma. The reaction of the EU did not result in a sudden change in French legislation which aims at preventing an influx of immigrants. In addition, France has introduced special acts to protect the country from a return influx of the Roma minority. The Directive on the free movement of citizens between EU countries has not been fully enforced in France. In the ensuing situation, the ratification of this document will occur in 2011.
The Muslim emigration to France is connected with many social, religious and political problems. The worshippers of Islam were admitted to settle, but not to integrate with French society and the national economy. Although, according to the French scheme of integration, all people are equal before the law and it is unlawful to emphasize differences, life in France does not reflect the Republican idea any more, and instead of creating the French nation as one community, a multicultural society unable to assimilate newcomers is being born. There are numerous stereotypes in French society that push aside Algerians and Moroccans, especially those living in the suburbs, and put them in conflict with the French legal system. This approach should change and the French must cease perceiving Muslims as strangers and realise they are lawful citizens, an inseparable part of their everyday life. The successive generations of Muslim immigrants should no longer be pushed to the margins of social life because of their ethnic origin, name, religion, and culture. The violent riots in France in 2005 and 2007, however, were caused not only by cultural conflict but also by the recession of the French economy. The main problem in the French suburbs is the high level of unemployment (40%) caused by the numerous meanders of the immigration policy. Instead of facilitating employment for immigrants, the government demands special professional training even for jobs which do not require such qualifications.
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