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Five major phases of interrelation between the Bible and literature may be distinguished in German literary history. During the Middle Ages, when the Church and Christian faith played the dominant role, the Bible was treated in literary circles as a work in itself. Authors of the abundant biblical epic poetry, affirmatively paraphrasing Scripture texts, initiated the emergence and development of national literature. The works of that period had a propagandist character and served Christianization as well as the deepening of the faith. The original sense and meaning of the Bible was challenged – in the name of science and the social idea – during the period of the Enlightenment. The Bible seen as poetry endowed with wonderful rhythm, having powerful imaginative impact, and containing elements of Eastern folklore became popular and enjoyed its renaissance in the 19th century, mainly on Herder’s account. Contemporary literature employs the language of the Bible not as ornamentation but as key element of poetic expression, and biblical characters serve either autoreflection or the presentation of archaeological archetypes. 20th century German literature tends to have critical and negating biblical stylization. Such stylization results when the author’s intentions and value system do not agree with what the biblical text contains, and when the word of God is used for the purpose of alienation and parody. Affirmative biblical stylization occurs sporadically in contem- porary literature. The most common kind of biblical stylization, typical of modernist and postmodernist lyric poetry, is partial stylization, serving polemic purposes or alternative solutions.
The German literary heritage from the period between Middle Ages and Modern Times (8th-17th cc.) has an unquestionably high status in German Studies in the German-speaking countries. Hence, German Medieval Studies are widely acknowledged as an indisputably vital research domain. Austrian, German and Swiss academic institutions recognize German Medieval Studies as one of the three main autonomous components in German Studies – the other two being modern German Literature and Linguistics. This division is also mirrored in the academic curricula and the regulations concerning the scope of academic examinations. German Medieval Studies have a completely different status in countries other than the above, including Poland. In Poland, there can be no mention of institutional equality between the three components listed above. As can be inferred from the changes affecting the majority of programmes offered by the Institutes of German all around Poland, academic curricula seem to increasingly marginalize the early German literary legacy. The knowledge about the Medieval, Modern or Baroque texts is presented mostly, and sometimes exclusively, through curricular lectures. In some academic programmes, literature starts with the 18th century texts onward. This marginalized status of German Medieval Studies in the Polish Academia manifests itself correspondingly in the two branches of research: specializations and publications. Drawing upon the relevant German and English-language literature, the author of this paper would like to convince the Polish milieus of the specialists in German Studies of how important Old German literature is. The author also puts forward a postulate that in both the scientific and the didactic discourse within German Studies, the early German literary legacy should be given the position it rightly deserves.
Kościół i Prawo
vol. 12
issue 2
Joseph Ratzinger – Benedykt XVI, jeden z najwybitniejszych myślicieli ludzkości i największy Papież-teolog w historii współczesnego Kościoła, bardzo wiele uwagi poświęcił krytycznej analizie ducha epoki i naznaczonej nim kondycji duchowej współczesnego człowieka, żyjącego tak, jakby Bóg nie istniał. Papieska diagnoza jest jednoznaczna i nader pesymistyczna. Pisze on otwarcie o duchowej pustyni, dramaturgii czasu, a wręcz tunelu, w jakim znalazła się ludzkość. U podłoża takiego stanu rzeczy leżą, według Benedykta XVI, dwa postmodernistyczne fenomeny: relatywizm i sekularyzm, prowadzące człowieka – w pierwszej kolejności człowieka młodego – do duchowego regresu i deformacji. W obliczu tychże zagrożeń i ich zgubnych skutków, Papież z Niemiec postuluje, by duchowy rozwój młodych ludzi potraktować jako najpilniejsze wyzwanie i priorytetowe zadanie, realizowane wspólnie przez poszczególne grupy osób wychowujących: rodziców, wychowawców, pedagogów, katechetów i duchownych. Z wielu zadań i służących ich osiągnięciu środków zaradczych, jakie Benedykt XVI w swoich przemowach i pismach nakreślił przed wychowawcami, trzy wskazania są fundamentalne: personalizm, teo- i chrystocentryzm oraz integralność i odniesienie do sumienia. Podmiotowe postrzeganie młodej osoby przez pryzmat jej ontologicznej relacji z żywym Bogiem objawionym w Chrystusie Jezusie i formowanie sumienia, poprzez które młody człowiek bierze odpowiedzialność za siebie i współodpowiedzialność za innych, są warunkami autentycznego wychowania, które może na nowo przywrócić współczesnemu człowiekowi i światu nadzieję.
Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI, one of the greatest thinkers of mankind and the greatest Pope-theologian in the history of the modern Church, has devoted much attention to a critical analysis of the spirit of the age and the spiritual condition of modern people, living as if God did not exist. The Pope’s diagnosis is unequivocal and utterly pessimistic. He writes openly about the spiritual void, the drama of the times and even the tunnel in which humanity has found itself. At the core of this condition, according to Benedict XVI, there are two postmodern phenomena: relativism and secularism, leading people, above all young people, into spiritual regress and deformation. In the face of these threats and their disastrous consequences, the Pope from Germany proposes that the spiritual development of young people become the most urgent challenge and priority task to be carried out jointly by all the different groups of educators: parents, teachers, pedagogues, catechists, and the clergy. Of the many tasks and remedies needed to achieve success, which Benedict XVI outlined for educators in his speeches and writings, three aspects are particularly fundamental: personalism, theo- and Christocentrism, and integrity and reference to conscience. The perception of a young person as a subject through his or her ontological relationship with the living God revealed in Jesus Christ and the formation of a conscience, through which a young person may take responsibility for himself or herself and co-responsibility for others, guarantee authentic education and can restore hope to contemporary people and the world.
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