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issue 318
41 - 51
Legal provisions concerning spatial planning and the European Ecological Network Nature 2000 are closely linked to the concept of sustainable development. The Nature Conservation Act of 16 April 2004 includes a definition of the integrity of the Nature 2000 area as the cohesion of structural and functional factors determining the duration of sustainable populations of species and natural habitats, for the protection of which the Nature 2000 area has been designed or designated. By way of systemic interpretation the law allows coexistence of Nature 2000 and sustainable development in spatial planning. Sustainable subsistence of the population and species habitats determined in the Nature Conservation Act is a part of the concept of sustainable development. Planning procedure must specifically include areas that have special meaning to nature. To this end, prior analysis of the legal documents being in force on the area should be done followed by designing of the local plan.
The aim of the paper was to identify determinants of Polish agriculture in the light of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. A particular attention was given to the aspects of environmental protection in agricultural production. It is also noted the main legal issues arising from the policy of greening, cross-compliance rules, agri-environmental and climatic commitments. It highlighted the existing European and national legal solutions relating to agricultural activities in the areas covered by special forms of nature conservation.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe determinanty rozwojowe polskiego rolnictwa w świetle reformy Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej. W szczególny sposób zwrócono uwagę na aspekty związane z ochroną środowiska w produkcji rolnej. Zasygnalizowano główne problemy prawne wynikające z polityki zazieleniania, zasad wzajemnej zgodności, zobowiązań rolno-środowiskowo-klimatycznych. Podkreślone zostały istniejące rozwiązania prawne europejskie oraz krajowe, odnoszące się do prowadzenia działalności rolniczej na terenach objętych szczególną formą ochrony przyrody.
The article presents the main assumptions concerning the functioning of Natura 2000 sites in Europe, with particular emphasis on Polish regulations. These areas of high natural value directly influence the shape of nature conservation and the state of the climate. In this latter context, legal norms and legislators face the challenge of finding such a legal framework to prevent the progressive degradation of the climate. The functioning Natura 2000 sites in Poland as one of the forms of nature protection may be helpful in this respect, provided that the plans of protection tasks are adapted to the changing environmental conditions.
W artykule przedstawiono główne założenia dotyczące funkcjonowania obszarów Natura 2000 w Europie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem regulacji polskich. Tereny te, cenne przyrodniczo, bezpośrednio wpływają na kształt ochrony przyrody oraz stan klimatu. W tym ostatnim kontekście przed normami prawnymi i legislatorami stają wyzwania znalezienia takich ram prawnych, aby zapobiec postępującemu degradowaniu klimatu. Funkcjonujące obszary Natura 2000 w Polsce jako jedna z form ochrony przyrody mogą w tym zakresie okazać się pomocne, o ile plany zadań ochronnych zostaną dostosowane do zmieniających się uwarunkowań środowiskowych.
The article presents issues related to the definition of the family farm as the constitutional basis of the agricultural system in Poland. The main doctrinal assumptions of Art. 23 of the Constitution are presented, and reference is made to various possible interpretations of this provision of the Constitution. An analysis was made of the evolution of the definition of the family farm in Polish constitutional and political system law against the background of European regulations. The significance of the family farm in modern agricultural real estate trade and its compliance with the Constitution were presented. The core of the consideration is the evaluation of the new proposal for the definition of a family farm in the draft Agricultural Code in the light of Art. 23 of the Constitution and its influence on the law. This assessment is critical of the definition under consideration. In conclusion, de lege ferenda conclusions are indicated.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z określeniem gospodarstwa rodzinnego jako konstytucyjnej podstawy ustroju rolnego w Polsce. Przedstawiono główne założenia doktrynalne art. 23 Konstytucji, a także odniesiono się do różnych możliwych interpretacji tego przepisu Konstytucji. Dokonano analizy ewolucji definicji gospodarstwa rodzinnego w polskim prawie konstytucyjnym i ustrojowym na tle regulacji europejskich. Przedstawiono znaczenie gospodarstwa rodzinnego we współczesnym obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi i jego zgodność z Konstytucją. Trzonem rozważań uczyniono ocenę nowej propozycji definicji gospodarstwa rodzinnego w projekcie Kodeksu rolnego w świetle art. 23 Konstytucji oraz jej wpływu na system prawa. Ocena ta jest krytyczna dla analizowanej definicji. W podsumowaniu wskazano wnioski de lege ferenda.
The article presents the legal issues related to the concept of sustainable framework for rural areas of the European Ecological Network Natura 2000. The article presents the effects of Rio+20 summit and their impact on European and national conservation regulations, in particular the Natura 2000 sites. The article also identifies possible risks associated with the implementation of new aims at sustainability, which were decided in Rio+20. In conclusion author pointed to possible solutions de lege ferenda and the most important legal issues relatedto the relationship of the Natura 2000 sites and to sustainable development. It was pointed out problematic aspects of conservations plans and their relationship with other legislation. The article discussed also the issue of compensation for the reduction in value of property which are located on area of Natura 2000 or reduce the profitability of the business on a Natura 2000 site.
L’articolo presenta le principali fasi dell’evoluzione della compravendita degli immobili agricoli in Polonia dopo il 1989. In più, le considerazioni si incentrano sugli strumenti giuridici di base concernenti le trasformazioni proprietarie. È stata inoltre valutata l’evoluzione delle funzioni svolte dai soggetti che si occupano di compravendita di immobili agricoli in Polonia. Sono state indicate varie possibilità di formare il modello dell’agricoltura polacca a seconda delle regole adottate per la gestione della proprietà statale, inclusa la privatizzazione e la locazione. Infine, è stato valutato l’impatto delle autorità pubbliche sulla compravendita di immobili agricoli privati nel contesto delle regolazioni europee.
The article presents the main stages of the evolution of the transactions involving agricultural real estate in Poland after 1989. The focus is on the basic legal instruments applicable to ownership transformation. The evolution of the functions of legal entities dealing with agricultural real estate trading in Poland has also been assessed. Various possibilities of shaping the model of Polish agriculture have been proposed, depending on the adopted rules of managing state property, including privatisation or lease. Finally, the impact of public authorities on the trading in private agricultural real estate has been assessed in the context of European regulations.
W artykule przedstawiono główne etapy ewolucji obrotu nieruchomościami rolnymi w Polsce po 1989 r. Ponadto rozważania koncentrują się na podstawowych instrumentach prawnych dotyczących przekształceń własnościowych, autorzy ocenili także ewolucję funkcji podmiotów zajmujących się obrotem nieruchomościami rolnymi. W rozważaniach pokazane zostały różne możliwości kształtowania modelu polskiego rolnictwa w zależności od przyjętych zasad gospodarowania majątkiem państwowym, w tym prywatyzacji czy dzierżawy. Określony został też wpływ władz publicznych na obrót prywatnymi nieruchomościami rolnymi w kontekście regulacji europejskich.
The subject of thorough analysis is, among others, the effectiveness of the performed transformation and one of the first attempts, in Polish science, to compare the legal changes; the attempt to answer the research question concerning the method of the implemented changes – whether the administrative and legal regulation has brought the expected results and whether all legal institutions relevant to the private law have been used appropriately; results and method of the performed inspection and supervision of the process of ownership changes in both of the countries in question. One of the basic purposes is to answer the question of how the national administration interfere in the legal turnover of agricultural real estate nowadays and how the national agricultural property influences the legal turnover of real estate. The analysed legal regulations of both countries become an interesting research area. In both cases the process of ownership changes began similarly but the further changes were proceeding differently; also, the ultimate result of the system transformations is different. The execution of the project enabled to reveal advantages and disadvantages of the changes implemented during the last 20 years. It also enabled to suggest de lege ferenda changes in the Polish Law, which made it possible to reasonably manage the agricultural real estate being the property of the State Treasury, including the transformations of the Agricultural Property Agency.
The aim of this article is to show how fuzzy logic based algorithms can be applied to analyze large datasets and present its results in a human-friendly form: using natural language. A new concept of linguistic summaries is demonstrated: multi-subject linguistic summaries of relational databases, that extends the classic manner. This paper focuses on new, interesting forms of linguistic summaries, which are represented by equations (4), (11), (15) and (18). This article also contains discussion about calculating degrees of truth of the new forms. From the potential end user point of view simplified form of presenting results using natural language expressions is the most important thing. This paper includes demonstration and description of standalone application that generates analysis of large dataset and presents results using short and intuitive expressions in natural language. Possibilities given by the multi-subject linguistic summaries, e.g. description and comparison of more than one subject in one summarization, makes them great extension and complementation of existing forms of linguistic summaries.
Professor Walerian Pańko in his two works, „The right of property and its present functions” and „Ownership of land space in the planned economy” recognizes the concept of property and its protection as a key to planning. This belief is also divided today, when ownership and functions have been modified, but the principles of planning meet other tasks. The views of this eminent professor of law who has the visionary talent will provide a starting point for discussion about the contemporary importance of planning for rural areas and the impact of spatial planning through the lens of ownership completed their functions. The authors seek to answer the question of whether the views presented more than thirty years ago, in a different economic and legal systems, spatial planning are still applicable? The answer to this question may help to use the modern legislator of the solutions proposed by Walerian Pańko in the field of space. The authors show that the majority views of the Walerian Pańko are still topicality.
The aim of this article is to experimentally verify higher efficiency of NoSQL databases over typical relational databases. After short introduction to NoSQL, document databases and key-value stores, several efficiency tests were conducted, with the use of YCSB testing benchmark. Results show that the higher the load on the database, the higher the efficiency benefit of using NoSQL, especially for insert and update operations, and for key-value stores. Afterwards, the database efficiency is compared in a real application - a user-based recommendation engine. In this case the usage of NoSQL can boost the application speed at least three times, but the predicted efficiency increase under greater loads is much higher.
This article is a continuation of research on the possibilities of the use of fuzzy logic systems and higher-order fuzzy logic to control the air filters to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides. The control process is non-linear, therefore, it is reasonable to use the fuzzy controllers. Described in this paper an interval-valued fuzzy controller (in sense Mamdani) uses interval-valued fuzzy sets compartments. They describe the use of terms of linguistic levels of nitrogen oxides at the input of the system and the degree of opening of the metering valve in the filter ammonia, based on data obtained from an expert. Using IF-THEN rules interval-valued fuzzy controller calculates the value of the output of the filter set on the basis of the analysis of data-input. The results obtained are very highly consistent with the data provided by the expert and better compared to those obtained with the traditional fuzzy controller, the use of which is presented in the articles.
Economic analysis of a farm allows to identify all basic elements of production factors which are characteristic to farms. The elements include property (predominantly land), capital, work and organization. From the legal point of view, a farm is a basic institution of agricultural law which is described by a number of definitions depending on the underlying norms for the legal regulations. On the one hand certain definitions are based on the civil law and include assets, but on the other hand the legislators use the notion of farm to define separate issues including marketing control, taxation, retirement benefits and pensions or other social welfare issues. Several basic definitions of farm may be found in Polish and European legislation. Noticeable differences between the above definitions bear significant legal implications. Therefore, the question how to define a farm becomes somewhat problematic. Several concepts and solutions are not satisfactory. However, one of them seems to be most appropriate. A farm is defined as assets of estate. This definition facilitates the security of business transactions and encourages development of business activity in agricultural sector. Trading a farm, which is an assets of estate, is in accordance with the legal regulations in force including civil law and agricultural law regulations.
The authors present the results of the research project „The Impact of Structural Funds to increase the competitiveness of Polish agriculture.” They analyze the competitiveness of Polish regions from the point of view of Polish agriculture by examining the effectiveness of the Structural Funds, the allocation of economic process and the legal and organizational framework of the Rural Development Programme (RDP). They note that their research is limited to the analysis only to a part of the Structural Funds which support Polish agriculture. The study, which included analysis of the consistency of the laws governing the RDP, at the initial stage, show not only practical economic effects of the disposal of funds, but also show the possible directions of changes in Polish law aimed at more appropriate and efficient disposal of agricultural administration of the Structural Funds.
Underweight, overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is an important epidemiological problem, mostly because of consequences of health perturbations. This paper is intended to present the analysis of characteristics of children and adolescent physical growth in the context of social and economical situation of families inhabiting the city of Bytom. The Box-Cox transformation according to WHO standards for body weight, body height and BMI (Body Mass Index) is applied in the analysis. The transformation is a base for statistical analysis of measurable data using e.g. t-test, or Mann-Whitney test. Frequencies of underweight, overweight and obesity among children and adolescents are determined by centile ranks and growth charts by the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw, Poland, and analysed using differences significance test and the post-hoc test by Benferroni for percentages. The influence of social and economical factors are evaluated with #2-test and log-linear analysis. The main conclusion of the analysis confirms that the percentage of children and adolescents with overweight or obesity is growing. Moreover, the influence of social and economical factors (e.g. education of parents, or the average income per person) is significant. These are premises for further investigations and research in this field.
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