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In the paper are discussed the linguistic and non-linguistic imagery indicators used in the encyclopaedic text of the mid-18th century, being addressed to a wide group of recipients, i.e. in the Informacyja matematyczna prepared by Wojciech Bystrzonowski. Among linguistic imagery indicators, the fallowing ones has been presented: a) use of description as one of text types being present in the Informacyja matematyczna, b) accumulations and specyfications, c) comparations, d) giving examples and arguments referring to common experiences of a reader, e) giving illustrative examples in informative part of the text, and f) use of colloquial vocabulary in the nominative function. A non-linguistic means being applied to imagery used in the Informacyja matematyczna is tabular comparations.
The article analyses the structure and functions of seventy-three titles extracted from the first Polish-language popular-science journal, i.e. Nowe Wiadomości Ekonomiczne i Uczone. It was determined that the examined titles included both uninomial and binomial titles (25) as well as multinomial ones (48). Uninomial titles relate only to relatively short texts whose publication fell within a single issue of the journal. Long texts, divided into several parts and published in subsequent issues of the journal, had multinomial titles. The analysed titles (just as in the case of the titles of strictly-scientific modern articles) fulfilled the informative and substantial function. However, they did not perform the pragmatic and persuasive functions typical of the headlines present in modern popular-science press.
The characteristic element of present-day scientific texts is so called referen ces which indicate a connection with another text (extratextual references; intertextual dialogicality) or help a recipient to move through a currently read text (intratextual references; communication dialogicality). The authors of present-day scientific texts are using the concepts of reference construction and their employment methods elaborated in previous centuries. It was not until the Middle Polish period when the rules of reference formation were being defined. In the paper have been traced the methods of edition of extra- and intratextual references being found in the Informacyja matematyczna (Mathematical information) by Wojciech Bystrzonowski of 1749. It has been showed how references are functioning in the Bystrzonowski’s text, where they are situated, what elements are composing a reference, how much a proposed record is consistent and stable, and which of the description elements have been modified throughout the ages.
The article analyses the structural, pragmatic, cognitive and stylistic aspects of a handbook entitled Introduction to governance, featured in the first Polish popular-scientific journal – “Nowe Wiadomości Ekonomiczne i Uczone” published in Warsaw in 1758–1761 by Wawrzyniec Mitzler de Kolof. It has been demonstrated that the text under analysis, which can be classified as a utility text, shows conspicuous elements of two styles – ordinary (unsophisticated vocabulary; simple syntactic structures; proverbs) and scholarly (pronounced text segmentation, perspective of the author setting himself aside from the recipient; economic terminology; defining new or more difficult concepts; references to foreign (Latin and/or German) counterparts of Polish names of plants).
The paper aims at reviewing remarks that refer to language, being contained in the Informacya matematyczna by Wojciech Bystrzonowski. The Informacya was a popular compendium focused on dissemination of traditional natural, mathematical and technical knowledge. Nevertheless, Bystrzonowski took a keen interest in linguistic problems and therefore there are some observations in the text of his encyclopaedia on: etymology of selected toponyms, anthroponyms and appellatives, sources of borrowings, functional differentiation of the Polish language, and linguistic custom.
The article focuses on description and analysis of the construction of military commands excerpted from “Piechotne ćwiczenie” by Błażej Lipowski.
The article analyses remarks on the language contacts contained in an 18th-century encyclopedia Nowe Ateny authored by Benedykt Chmielowski. It has been proven that Chmielowski pointed to: 1. Extralinguistic causes of the language contacts, such as: a) the rank of languages that get into interaction and their position in the world, b) linguistic fashion, c) development of science and technology, d) military conflicts, e) economic contacts, f) migration of people. 2. Intralinguistic causes of interference, such as: a) language insufficiency, b) stylistic value of loan words. 3. Effects of linguistic contacts: a) negative: degradation of some ethnic languages, b) positive: enrichment of the lexical stock of the recipient language.
W artykule poddano analizie uwagi na temat kontaktów językowych zamieszczone w encyklopedii z połowy XVIII wieku, tj. w Nowych Atenach Benedykta Chmielowskiego. Wykazano, że Chmielowski wskazał: 1. Zewnątrzjęzykowe przyczyny kontaktów językowych, takie jak: a) ranga języków wchodzących ze sobą we wzajemne relacje i ich pozycja na świecie, b) moda językowa, c) rozwój nauki i techniki, d) konflikty militarne, e) kontakty gospodarcze, f) migracja ludności. 2. Wewnątrzjęzykowe przyczyny interferencji, takie jak: a) niewystarczalność języka, b) stylistyczna wartość wyrazów zapożyczanych. 3. Efekty kontaktów językowych: a) negatywne: degradacja niektórych języków etnicznych lub ich całkowity zanik, b) pozytywne: bogacenie leksykalnych zasobów języka-biorcy.
The purpose of the article is to re-create the linguistic image of animals that appears in the novel of Stanisław Kujot Pierwsze nawrócenie Prusaków [“The first conversion of Prussians”] published between 1877–1878. In order to re-create this image 1. the role animals played – according to the novel – in the life of Prussians was described, 2. the words naming animals were identified, and 3. linguistic means used to characterize and value animals were investigated. It was found that the image of animals presented in the novel is rich cognitively (a variety of animals’ roles in everyday life and in the Prussian beliefs are shown), but slightly poorer linguistically (in the novel only basic animal names are used, e.g. koń, niedźwiedź, pies, wilk, żmija, synonyms are rare, used only with regard to two names: koń – rumak, konik, podjezdek and żmija – wąż, gad, gadzina), adjectives that characterize or value are scarce, e.g. rączy, święty, niski, żartki, żwawy, verbs and their modifiers are numerous and mainly describe ways animals produce sound and move, e.g. świegotliwie śpiewać, krakać, syczeć, biegać lotem jastrzębia, hasać, unosić się).
Celem artykułu jest odtworzenie językowego obrazu zwierząt wyłaniającego się z powieści ks. S. Kujota Pierwsze nawrócenie Prusaków (wyd. 1877–1878). By odtworzyć ten obraz: 1. określono, jaką rolę – zgodnie z powieściowym przekazem – odgrywały zwierzęta w życiu Prusów; 2. wydzielono wyrazy nazywające zwierzęta; 3. prześledzono określenia charakteryzujące i waloryzujące zwierzęta. Ustalono, że powieściowy obraz zwierząt jest bogaty poznawczo (w powieści pokazane różnorodne role zwierząt w życiu codziennym i w wierzeniach Prusów), a nieco uboższy językowo (w powieści obecne tylko podstawowe nazwy zwierząt, takie jak np. koń, niedźwiedź, pies, wilk, żmija; uboga synonimia tylko dwóch nazw: koń – rumak, konik, podjezdek oraz żmija – wąż, gad, gadzina; nieliczne przymiotniki charakteryzujące i waloryzujące, takie jak np. rączy, święty, niski, żartki, żwawy; liczne czasowniki i ich określenia wskazujące głównie na sposób wydawania głosu przez zwierzęta oraz nazywające ruch, np. świegotliwie śpiewać, krakać, syczeć, biegać lotem jastrzębia, hasać, unosić się).
In the Middle-Polish period numerous texts on science and technology were written. Linguists used to pay little attention to those writings – researchers analysed the terminology and noted the morphological manifestations of the scholarly style as well as the manifestations of consistency of historical scientific texts. The issues such as the emergence of the principles of drafting ancillary texts (footnotes, references, bibliography lists); the early development of the scientific press publications (popular-scientific press) in the Polish language and the emergence of new genres of text assisting the scientific aspects of life were of little interest to linguists. Moreover, a large body of historical scientific and technical texts remained entirely unknown to a vast number of readers as the overwhelming majority of those publications have never been republished. In recent years, thanks to–among others–quickly progressing digitisation, it is increasingly easier to access the old scientific and technical texts. Consequently, more and more attention is paid to them by researchers who emphasize that the development of the Polish language was influenced not only by the transformations of the artistic language but also by other stylistic varieties of Polish, including the scholarly style.
W artykule poddano analizie słownictwo specjalistyczne z zakresu architektury wyekscerpowane z Budowy kościołów Piotra Aignera. Ustalono, że 38 nazw (31% badanego materiału) to neologizmy Aignera odpowiadające łacińskim terminom architektonicznym (np. głownik to odpowiednik łac. capitellum; łęk to odpowiednik łac. arcus), nieznane XIX-wiecznej polszczyźnie i nieupowszechnione w latach późniejszych. Wykazano, że tworzenie nowych, rodzimych nazw specjalistycznych z zakresu architektury w czasach zaborów należy odczytywać jako przejaw puryzmu językowego, świadectwo traktowania języka jako podstawowego czynnika kształtujący tożsamość narodową.
In the article there is an analysis of specialised vocabulary from the sphere of architecture excerpted from Budowa kościołów written by Piotr Aigner. According to the research 38 names (31% of the investigated material) are neologisms created by Aigner, which are equivalents or translations of their Latin architectural terms (for example, głownik is an equivalent of the Latin word capitellum; łęk – the Latin word arcus), which had not occur in the 19th-century Polish language and were not disseminated later. As it seems creating new specialised native names in the sphere of architecture when Poland was divided by foreign invaders may be interpreted as a kind of language purism, an example of treating the language as a basic factor that shapes the national identity.
The subject of the analysis in the article are the etymological explanations presented in the old non-literary texts (i.e. the texts that function primarily outside literature, serving various practical purposes), i.e. in the sixteenth-century Kronika, to jest historyja świata (Chronicle, that is the history of the entire world) by Marcin Bielski and in two eighteenth-century encyclopaedic texts: Informacyja matematyczna (Mathematical information) by Wojciech Bystrzonowski and Nowe Ateny (New Athens) by Benedykt Chmielowski. The review of the etymological comments allows us to take notice of their considerable substantive and formal diversity. These comments apply to both native and foreign vocabulary. On the one hand, they provide information on the origin of proper names (toponyms and anthroponyms), and on the other hand, a whole range of these etymological comments concern common names. A depth of etymological comments presented in non-literary texts is significantly diversified and independent of the nature of the vocabulary to which these comments apply – they can be merely tips on sources of borrowings of foreign words, but they can also constitute a deeper analysis of the meaning and structure of individual words, both native and foreign. These comments are usually implementations of folk etymology. The role of etymological considerations in former non-literary texts is significant. First of all, these texts have a ludic function, typical of popularised texts – they are supposed to surprise, intrigue and entertain readers. Secondly, they serve a cognitive function typical of non-literary texts – they are supposed to expand the readers’ knowledge about the world and language. Thirdly, they have a persuasive function, which is a distinctive feature of both popularised and non-literary texts – they are supposed to provoke the readers’ thoughts on the relationship between non-linguistic reality and the linguistic way of its interpretation, they also stimulate linguistic interests, which was particularly important in the past when the reflection on the native language was poor.
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