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In the first months of the regained independence Polish lands experienced serious social and economic problems. So it was in Western Galicia. The most urgent issues were to secure food supplies and take organized care of the people who found themselves in a difficult situation (poverty, unemployment). In Western Galicia the responsibility for social assistance was largely taken by the Polish Liquidation Committee which closely collaborated on a number of issues with local governments and various organizations. The main obstacles in providing active assistance were limited financial resources and the difficulties in gathering the required amount of food. Despite the rather serious food shortages in West Galicia there were no cases of prolonged shortages of basic foodstuffs, such that could jeopardize life and health of the public on a larger scale. The disorganized labor market needed a lot of intensive initiative. Similarly to other Polish lands, at the beginning of independence Western Galicia had to face high crime rate. It partly resulted from the weakening of the security service and the ineffectiveness of judicial authorities. Another issue which destabilized the social order were ethnic conflicts.
“Ziemianin” and “Głos Ziemiański” were the periodicals for the landowners. The first of them was published in the years 1917–1919 and was a monthly, the second appeared in 1920, three times a month. Both magazines had the same editor – Józef Janota Bzowski. The editorial staff of the periodicals realized that the landowners are mainly interested in the problems which are directly connected with agriculture. However, they also inserted other information, among them the questions concerning industry. Some branch of industry were preferable to other. Undoubtedly, the branch which are directly connected with agriculture: sugar industry, production of artificial fertilizers and production of farm machinery were preferable. However, the periodicals also published the papers concerning other branch of industry, even heavy industry. A certain number of articles referred to questions connected with electrification and necessity of developing of communication, especially a railway. Some papers concerning industry which inserted in both magazines were articles from other periodicals. Most often the articles coming from “Gazeta Rolnicza” were used.
In the interwar period, a total of 841 professors headed chairs at the six then universities, 45 of whom were parliament representatives (5.3% of all professors), out of which 28 were deputies to the Sejm (lower chamber), and 21 to the Senate (higher chamber). Of them all, four professors held positions in both the Sejm and the Senate. Compared to other professors who headed chairs, the interwar parliamentary professors were quite a specific group. They were distinguished primarily by their strong political commitment, contrary to the vast majority of the academic staff who, though remained interested in politics, did not actively participate in it. Political parties saw great intellectual potential in the academic staff and appreciated the experience that allowed them to perform parliamentary duties efficiently. Among the deputies and senators, there was a good representation of lawyers and economists (23 persons), whose skills certainly facilitated participation in a large part of parliamentary work.
W artykule przedstawiono drogę życiową Mścisława Wartenberga, filozofa związanego zawodowo z Uniwersytetem Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie. Wartenberg ukończył studia na Uniwersytecie w Jenie, tu obronił doktorat, habilitował się na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. W 1903 został profesorem na Uniwersytecie we Lwowie i do przejścia na emeryturę w 1933 r. kierował II Katedrą Filozofii. Środowisko filozoficzne Lwowa w okresie profesury Wartenberga wyróżniało się na tle mapy naukowej II Rzeczypospolitej. Jego liderem był profesor Kazimierz Twardowski
The article discusses the life of Mścisław Wartenberg, a philosopher, employed at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv. Wartenberg graduated from the University of Jena, where he defended his PhD, then habilitated at the Jagiellonian University. In 1903, he became a professor at the University of Lviv and held the Second Chair of Philosophy until he retired in 1933. During Wartenberg’s professorship the Lviv philosophical environment stood out against the background of the other scientific centers of the Second Polish Republic. Its leader was Professor Kazimierz Twardowski
В статье рассказывается жизненная путь Мстислава Вартенберга, философа, профессионально связанного с Университетом Яна Казимежа во Львове. Вартенберг окончил Йенский университет, защитил там кандидатскую диссертацию, а докторскую защитил в Ягеллонском университете. В 1903 году он стал профессором во Львовском университете и до своей отставки в 1933 году он руководил вторым философским факультетом. Львовская философская среда во времена профессора Вартенберга выделялась на фоне научной карты Второй Польской Республики. Его руководителем был профессор Казимеж Твардовский
Wydział Prawa i Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego w Wilnie był największym spośród wszystkich wydziałów Uniwersytetu. Na przykład w roku akademickim 1923/1924 miał 525 studentów (na 2209 studentów Uniwersytetu), w 1933/1934 – 1497 (na 3923), w 1937/1938 – 1035 (na 3148). W okresie międzywojennym Wydział zatrudniał w sumie 15 profesorów kierujących katedrami, w zdecydowanej większości byli oni prawnikami. Wydziały prawa (także wydziały lekarskie) na polskich uniwersytetach należały do tych, na których studentom stawiano największe wymagania. Studia prawnicze trwały 4 lata, liczba przedmiotów kończących się egzaminami była duża – 17, a organizacja egzaminów sprawiała studentom dodatkową trudność. Za ważny element oceny procesu kształcenia w okresie międzywojennym trzeba uznać terminowość kończenia poszczególnych lat studiów i uczelni w ogóle. Na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego najbardziej terminowo kończyli studia słuchacze prawa, farmacji, teologii i medycyny, nawet jednak w tych dyscyplinach dotyczyło to mniej niż połowy studentów. Mimo, że studia prawnicze były trudne, większość studentów angażowała się w życie Uniwersytetu, szczególnie w działalność organizacji studenckich.
The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the Stefan Batory University was the largest of the University in terms of the number of students. For example, in the academic year 1923/1924 there were 525 students (of the total 2209 students at the University), in 1933/1934 - 1497 (of 3923), in 1937/1938 - 1035 (of 3148). In the interwar period, the Faculty employed a total of 15 professors as heads of chairs, the vast majority of whom were lawyers. At Polish universities Faculties of Law (also Faculties of Medicine) had the highest requirements for students. The law studies lasted 4 years, the number of subjects ending in an exam was large – 17 and organization of exams was difficult for students. In the interwar period, an important element of the student assessment was their promptness in completing subsequent years of study and the university in general. At the Stefan Batory University the most timely were students of Law, Pharmacy, Theology and Medicine, though even in these disciplines it applied to less than half of the total. Although the study of law was difficult, most students engaged in the university life eg. by joining student associations.
Факультет права и общественных наук Университета им. Стефана Батория в Вильнюсе был крупнейшим из всех факультетов университета. Например, в 1923/1924 учебном году у него было 525 студентов (из 2209 студентов университета), в 1933/1934 - 1497 (из 3923), в 1937/1938 - 1035 (из 3148). В межвоенный период на факультете работали 15 профессоров, управляющих кафедрами, подавляющее большинство из которых были юристами. Юридические факультеты (также медицинские факультеты) в польских университетах принадлежали к тем, где студенты были наиболее востребованы. Юридические исследования длились 4 года, количество предметов, заканчивающихся на экзаменах, было большим - 17, а организация экзаменов была дополнительной трудностью для студентов. Своевременность завершения отдельных лет обучения и университетов в целом должны рассматриваться в качестве важного элемента в оценке образовательного процесса в межвоенный период. В Университете им. Стефана Батория студенты юридических факультетов, аптек, теологов и врачей закончили учебу наиболее вовремя, но даже в этих дисциплинах это касалось менее половины студентов. Хотя юридические исследования были сложными, большинство студентов были вовлечены в жизнь университета, особенно в деятельность студенческих организаций.
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