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After André Gide and Marcel Proust, Louis Guilloux is one of the first writers of the 20th century who rejects the 19th-century literary tradition, creating in 1935 an exceptional and innovative novel – Le Sang Noir. Its innovation resides in the similarity to the New Novel from the 50s on the level of composition, narration, organization of spatio-temporal setting, role of the reader and character construction. The article discusses the innovative character construction employed by Guilloux in the creation of Cripure, the protagonist. By means of the techniques of internal monologue and various points of view, the author created a protagonist with highly complex personality, impossible to be unambiguously characterized. An anonymous narrator, showing dualistic approach towards the protagonist, constantly shifts the points of view, rendering any description of the protagonist’s identity unfeasible as the information provided about him by the narrator and other characters is contrary. Guilloux uses elliptic constructions, enabling the reader to interpret characters’ conduct. However, the constructions do not reveal the motivation of their actions, but are limited to presenting events, citing characters’ statements and, above all, demonstrating their behavior. The reader has to fill the gaps and interpret characters’ conduct themselves. Two decades later, this “adventure of writing” rather than “writing of adventure” will become one of the fundamental principles of the New Novel.
Michel de Ghelderode, fascinated by the misty and rainy landscape of Belgium, makes of water an important element of the world presented in the collection of fantastic short stories Sortilèges (1941). The role that this element plays in the spatial structure is not only decorative and mimetic, but mainly symbolic and meaningful: sinister and dark water space conducive to the manifestations of a fantastic phenomenon, produces hallucinations and provides atmosphere of fear and terror. As in G. Bachelard, water has an ambivalent nature: it is a force both demiurge and destructive, life-giving and deadly. Combined secret relationship with supernatural, water becomes an important and distinctive compositional element of dark stories of this writer.
Zafascynowany mglistym i deszczowym pejzażem Belgii Michel de Ghelderode czyni z wody ważny element świata przedstawionego w zbiorze opowiadań fantastycznych Czary (1941). Rola, jaką ów żywioł odgrywa w strukturze przestrzennej nie jest jedynie zdobnicza i mimetyczna, ale przede wszystkim symboliczna i konstruktywna: przestrzeń wodna, złowroga i mroczna, sprzyja pojawianiu się zjawisk nadprzyrodzonych, generuje halucynacje oraz wprowadza atmosferę strachu i grozy. Podobnie jak w poetyce G. Bachelarda, posiada ambiwalentną naturę: jest siłą jednocześnie demiurgiczną i destrukcyjną, życiodajną i śmiercionośną. Połączona sekretną więzią z siłami nadprzyrodzonymi, woda staje się ważnym i charakterystycznym elementem kompozycyjnym mrocznych opowieści tego pisarza.
Fasciné par l’improbable géographie de brume et de pluie de la Belgique, M. de Ghelderode fait de l’eau un élément important de l’univers crépusculaire de ses contes fantastiques, publiés dans le recueil Sortilčges (1941). La fonction qu’il lui octroie n’est pas seulement ornementale et référentielle, mais avant tout fonctionnelle et significative : l’espace aquatique, sinistre et hostile, est propice au surgissement des forces maléfiques et devient générateur d’hallucinations et d’angoisses. Dans ses récits, comme dans la poétique de G. Bachelard, l’eau est une matičre primaire ambivalente et contradictoire : elle est ŕ la fois une force créatrice et destructive, démiurgique et thanatomorphe. Lié intrinsčquement au surnaturel, l’élément aquatique constitue une composante essentielle et caractéristique de la charpente des contes fantastiques ghelderodiens.
In the works of Jean Muno the absenteeism theme has got diffrent features and forms. Escape from grey and sad reality to world of imagination is the best way to deal with mental and physical absenteeism: weary figure is looking for loneliness away from his everyday reality. He wants to dream and reflect in peace and quite. The absence has been showed as a lack, also has been presented in the perspective of ontological. Characters created by J. Muno have personality problems cause by time reality and society. Society determined who character should become. All efforts being yourself ends failure. Muno in his works presents french speakers Belgians, called la belgitude. Heroes of Muno have problem with find them national identity, they suffer because of double culture. They are able to accept and take advantage of this situation.
The theme of duality, omnipresent in the writing of Jean Muno, is particularly discussed in the novel L’histoire exécrable d’un héros brabançon. The duality has various features and appears in various layers, beginning with the composition of characters, spatio-temporal dimension, narration and the language. This theme is inseparably connected with the recurrent motive of absence of personal and national identity (la belgitude).
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Jean Muno, témoin de son temps

Jean Muno is the writer who does not introduce History into his fiction until his penultimate work – "L’histoire exécrable d’un héros brabançon" (1982). The autobiographical novel shows, very often in a humoristic or even ironical way, the most important events of the years 1925 – 1981: World War I, the Prague Spring, the May of ‘96 and the Belgian language and identity issues. Muno gives up the humorous tone only when he writes about the Belgian unitary problem and he does it in an oblique way by introducing the secondary character of Madame Eendracht – an evident personification of Belgium. Her appearance indicates significant stages of the country’s historical evolution and allows the reader to track the institutional changes of the 1920s till the reform in 1980, which puts an end to the unitary state and makes Belgium a multiethnic and multilingual federal country.
Das Volume enthält keine Abstracts in deutscher Sprache.
This article focuses on the aquatic element in two fantastic Belgian texts: Médua by Maurice Carême and La Grande pitié de la famille Zintram by Anne Richter, to study different functions: first, the aquatic space evokes the geography of mist and rain of Flanders, mythical land where everything can happen and around which floats an aura of mystery. The role of this location is twofold : it creates both the effect of reality and the fantastic effect. Water also has a diegetic function. Tainted with negative value, it has a negative influence on the characters: it triggers or promotes their metamorphosis and their decay.
Le présent article porte sur l’élément aquatique dans deux textes fantastiques belges : Médua de Maurice Carême et La Grande pitié de la famille Zintram d’Anne Richter, et en étudie différentes fonctions. En premier lieu, l’espace aquatique évoque la géographie de brume et de la pluie de la Flandre, contrée mythique où tout peut arriver et autour de laquelle flotte une aura d’étrangeté. Le rôle de cet ancrage est donc double : il crée à la fois l’effet de réel et l’effet fantastique. L’eau revêt aussi une fonction diégétique. Teintée de valeur négative, elle a une emprise néfaste sur les personnages : elle déclenche ou favorise leur métamorphose et, en fin de compte, leur déchéance.
Том не содержит аннотаций на русском языке.
This article concerns the portrayal of the World War II in the Belgian literature on the basis of Les Jumeaux millénaires Maud Frère (1923-1979). Published in 1962, the novel is considered as one of few testimonies of German Occupation in Belgium, its influence on the post-war Belgian-Belgian conflicts (Quastion royale, 1940-1945) and the literary output (déshistoire). This autobiographic narration, full of bitterness and disappointment, portrays a literary and very subjective interpretation of this shameful, unsaid and often neglected period in the Belgian history.
Questo articolo è un tentativo di delineare il modello dell’educatore nella pedagogia dei Resurrezionisti. L’analisi degli scritti, delle lettere e dei sermoni dei suoi fondatori e membri più importanti mostra che questa figura deve dare l’esempio, interagire con gli studenti, avere rispetto e fiducia in loro, evitare la severità e i rimproveri, e non forzarli nell’apprendimento, ma motivarli. Questo concetto di educatore appare non solo universale, ma anche intramontabile. Può essere utilizzato nelle istituzioni educative indipendentemente dalla loro ubicazione geografica, dall’appartenenza culturale e religiosa e dai tempi, perché non perderà la sua attualità. La conoscenza di questo aspetto ci permette anche di comprendere la posizione di categorica opposizione che la Congregazione ha assunto nei confronti degli abusi sessuali sui minori.
This article is an attempt to outline the model of an educator in the pedagogy of the Resurrectionists. The analysis of the writings, letters and sermons of its outstanding founders and members show that this figure should lead by example, interact with students, trust and respect them, avoid severity and scolding, and not force them into learning, but motivate them. This concept of the educator appears not only as universal, but also timeless. It can be used in educational institutions regardless of their geographical location, cultural and religious affiliation, and times, because it will not lose its relevance. Knowing this also allows us to understand the position of categorical opposition that the Congregation took to sexual abuse against minors.
Artykuł stanowi próbę zarysu wzorca wychowawcy w pedagogice Zgromadzenia Zmartwychwstania Pana Naszego Jezusa Chrystusa. Z analizy pism, listów i kazań wybitnych założycieli i członków zgromadzenia wynika, iż nauczyciel powinien świadczyć przykładem, być stale obecny w życiu wychowanków, darzyć ich zaufaniem i szacunkiem, unikać surowości i karcenia, jak również nie przymuszać do nauki, lecz motywować. Wzorzec doskonałego nauczyciela wychowawcy jawi się nie tylko jak uniwersalny, lecz także ponadczasowy: może być wykorzystany w instytucjach edukacyjnych niezależnie od ich usytuowania geograficznego, przynależności kulturowej i wyznaniowej oraz czasów, gdyż nie straci na aktualności. Poznanie go pozwala też zrozumieć stanowisko kategorycznego sprzeciwu, jaki zgromadzenie zajęło wobec nadużyć seksualnych wobec nieletnich.
Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się na motywie kołtuna polskiego i jego funkcjach – mimetycznej, diegetycznej i ideologicznej – w opowiadaniu Zielone dzieci Olgi Tokarczuk. Jego przedstawienie w tekście jest zgodne z wiedzą o tym zjawisku w XVII w.: dla jednych był on skutkiem braku higieny, dla innych chorobą wywołaną przez siły nadprzyrodzone. Powiązany z zielonymi dziećmi z nieznanej krainy i obdarzony magicznymi mocami, kieruje narrację historyczną w stronę cudowności i fantastyki, tworząc nową formę literacką – opowiadanie bizarne. Pisarka wykorzystuje motyw także do rozważań na temat inności i swojej ekocentrycznej koncepcji świata.
L’article porte sur le motif de la plique polonaise et ses fonctions – mimétique, diégétique et idéologique – dans le conte « Les enfants verts » d’Olga Tokarczuk. Sa figuration est conforme au savoir sur ce phénomène qu’on avait au XVIIe siècle : pour les uns, il était dû au manque d’hygiène ; pour les autres, c’était une maladie causée par des forces insolites. Liée aux enfants verts venus d’un ailleurs inconnu et dotée de pouvoirs magiques, la plique fait glisser le récit historique vers le merveilleux et le fantastique, en créant une nouvelle forme littéraire: une histoire bizarroïde. L’écrivaine s’en sert aussi pour parler de l’altérité et de sa conception écocentrique du monde.
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