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The author discusses the nature of accretions on the surfaces of murals and their origin. He explains the manner in which accretions adhere to the surface of historical objects and lists ways of mechanical dry cleaning. The article also considers examples of methods of cleaning with fluids, taking into consideration the sensitivity of material to solvents, depending on the technology of production.
Artykuł stara się ukazać najbardziej znaczące i komentowane zganienia ostatnich lat omawiane przez prawników, politologów oraz dziennikarzy, dotyczące finansowania partii politycznych. Obecnie walka pomiędzy ugrupowaniami przekształca się w rywalizację, której koszty stale rosną, osiągając niekiedy poziom przekraczający ustawowe limity wydatków. Funkcjonowanie luk prawnych w obowiązujących przepisach sprawia, iż politycy starają się korzystać z różnorodnych form wsparcia. Alternatywne metody finansowania partii to techniki zgodne z literą obowiązującego prawa, jednakże sprzeczne z zakładanym ratio legis ustaw. Wymienione w artykule praktyki wspierania ugrupowań z jednej strony są gwarantowane przez zasadę wolności słowa czy wolności zrzeszania się. Z drugiej jednak strony, techniki te powodują naginanie konstytucyjnej zasady jawności finansowania partii politycznych.
This article shows the most conspicuous and frequent issues concerning the funding of political parties, discussed by lawyers, political scientists and journalists. Today a struggle between political parties transforms into contest where costs are still increasing, reaching levels exceeding the statutory limits on spending. Functioning of the loopholes in the current legislation makes the politicians try using various forms of financial support. Alternative methods of party financing techniques are consistent with the letter of the law, but unfortunately they are contrary to the assumed ratio legis. Practices mentioned in this article about supporting parties are guaranteed on the one hand by the principle of freedom of speech or freedom of association. But on the other hand, these techniques cause the strain of the constitutional principle of transparency of political party funding.
According to the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters, adopted by the Venice Commission, the fundamental elements of electoral law should be closed to amendment less than one year before an election or be written in the constitution or at a level higher than ordinary law. Unfortunately the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and Electoral Code do not protect the stability of the law to a suffi cient extent. Lack of restrictions caused in recent years the state of the affairs, where the electoral law have been frequently modifi ed just before the elections, mainly because of the particular interests of ruling party. However, in 2006 the Constitutional Tribunal referred positively to the suggestions of the Venice Commission and introduce to the legal system the principle of stability of electoral law, related to democratic rule of law. From this moment the essential elements of the electo ral law must be adopted at least six months before the next election, understood not only as the act of voting, but as a whole the activities covered by the electoral calendar. This article tries to answer the question: how we should understood the term “fundamental elements of the electoral law” and how to calculate the six months period, during which any change of electoral law are prohibit. It will be taken into consideration also critical comments and questions that have emerged during the adjudicate the conformity of statutes by the judges of the Constitutional Tribunal.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie genezy powstania współczesnych organów administracji wyborczej oraz ich ewolucję na przestrzeni XX w. Kolejno zostały zaprezentowane instytucje wyborcze w II Rzeczypospolitej, Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej oraz w początkowym okresie III Rzeczypospolitej. Kluczowymi organami w owym czasie były Państwowa Komisja Wyborcza oraz generalny komisarz wyborczy na szczeblu centralnym oraz okręgowe i obwodowe komisje wyborcze. Autor dokonuje omówienia funkcjonowania organów wyborczych w oparciu o obowiązujące ówcześnie prawo wyborcze. Artykuł przybliża tradycje administracji wyborczej w Polsce i jednocześnie uwidacznia politykę poszczególnych rządów w stosunku do organów strzegących wolności i uczciwości procedur wyborczych. Doświadczenia oraz dorobek prawny zgromadzony w latach 1918–1991 pozwoliły na stworzenie obecnie jednej z najlepiej funkcjonujących instytucji, będącej podstawą demokracji w III RP.
This article present the origins of contemporary election administration bodies and their evolution during the twentieth century in Poland. The paper elaborate institutions organizing elections in the Second Republic, the Polish People’s Republic, and in the early period of the Third Republic of Poland. The key authorities at that time were the National Electoral Commission and the General Electoral Commissioner at the central level and provincial and district electoral commissions. The author have discuss the operation of the electoral authorities based on existing in those days electoral law. The article describes the tradition of election administration in Poland and simultaneously exposes the policies of individual governments to bodies, which was set up to guard the freedom and integrity of electoral procedures. Without a shadow of a doubt, the experience accumulated in the years 1918–1991 led to the creation of one of the best functioning institutions, which is nowadays the basis of democracy in the Third Republic of Poland.
Murals are co a ted by a ssorted fo r eign substances ow in g to in ten tion a l human activity or natural p ro cesses o f the se ttlem en t o f impurities and the crystallisation o f salt. Such substances render the r e c ep tion o f the w o rk o f art illegible or even im p o ssib le , and thus are rem o v ed in the course o f c on se rv a tion . Foreign substances are d ivided into: b u ild -u p , w h ich en c om p a ss e s p a in tin g , plastering, the use o f w all paint and artistic o v e rp a in tin g , and co a tin g w ith varnish and fix in g agents; a ccre tion o n the p a in ted surface in the form o f dust; o rganic im pu rities, i. e. p lan t o rganisms and substances a sso c iated w ith the p resen c e o f animals; and salt e fflo r e sc en c e , i. e. substances crystallised on mural surfaces.
The parliamentary elections in 2011, accounted for another installment of the rivalry between the two major parties: Platforma Obywatelska and Prawo i Sprawiedliwość. The most expected moment of the campaign was the debate between the leaders of the two formations, which could help the undecided voters to compare the images and programs of candidates. Lack of TV duel major politicians, made the interview by journalist Tomasz Lis with statesman Jarosław Kaczyński has become a substitute for debate. Because of diversity of views of both interlocutors and the course of the meeting, the event attracted a lot of emotion and audiences. Eristic techniques used during the program could indicate the involvement of publicist, who wanted to prove the falsity of the image of politics. Jarosław Kaczyński mindful of the experience of 2007, when he lost the debate with Donald Tusk, this time prepared to meet substantially, using a variety of techniques. The aim of this article is to present the most important moments of the interview and evaluate the role of event made for the election campaign.
The new owner of the much neglected fourteenthcentury castle in Morąg commenced a gradual restoration of the whole building. Repair and construction conducted in 2002 were preceded by a search for murals in the castle interiors. All the interiors were examined by means of uncovering methods applying the cross-strip system as well as a non-invasive method based on solvents. Both investigations and earlier quests led to the discovery of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century vaults richly decorated with ornamental polychrome and figurai motifs in the tondos. The researchers also uncovered fragments of murals in ground-floor interiors underneath numerous layers of plaster and lime whitening. Finally, the author describes a series of examinations of the plaster and brick walls.
The author presents methods of cleaning murals, and introduces a division into mechanical and liquid varieties. He explains the nature of the methods in question and concentrates on physico-chemical types. The article discusses the impact of organic solvents and characteristic groups of the latter as well as their application. The author advises how to choose suitable solvents and their mixtures by resorting to the J. R Teas triangular diagram. He subsequently examines the effect of water and water solutions such as detergents, acids, enzymes and alkalines upon the substance to be removed. Finally, he proposals the use of absorbents and solvent carriers as substances assisting in the process of cleaning.
Krosno, near Orneta, is located on a meander of the Drwęca Warmińska river. Since the 16th century, it has been known as a pilgrimage site, owing to the presence of a shrine which was built in the place where a small stone figure presenting the Holy Mother with the Child was found in the river. The shrine building was completed in 1777., although decoration works were later performed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Italian artist Zanetti of Königsberg and Ferdinand Busch of Berlin. Currently, the entire layout requires urgent restoration work. The immediate intervention of a conservator is particularly necessary for the interior of the shrine where the painted decorations on the vault are endangered. The condition of the wall-painting in the church is disastrous. As a result of the total degradation of the organic binder, the entire surface of the wall paintings is powdered. In 2007, the conservation of one of the scenes in the wall painting was undertaken by Agnieszka Markowska, a student of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art of the Academy of Fint1 Arts in Warsaw. This task constituted the practical part of her master’s thesis. The works consisted in the requisite technical and technological treatments and the reconstruction of all the missing parts of the paint layer. In the course of the conservation works thus carried out, the student performed a series of typical treatments, such as the disinfection, desalination and cleaning of the painting surface, as well as the consolidation and supplementation of the missing parts of the base. However, the most difficult task was to strengthen and reconstruct the paint layer. A question hangs over the future of the entire pardon complex. Such a large building requires huge financial commitment. Apart from repair works on th<; convictus of the priestly congregation and galleries, an exhaustive restoration of the church is required. For such extensive works, comprehensive and scheduled activities are normally required. It is necessary to develop a uniform and cohesive conception, together with a sweeping conservation and arrangement design encompassing the interior and furnishings in their entirety.
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