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Alexander Kushner’s poetry is an endless and timeless dialogue with his predecessors. Alexander Pushkin has a special place among them. Overt and covert references to the author of “Eugene Onegin” are present at various levels of Kushner’s texts – in themes, images, ideas, as well as at the level of formal organization: in language and metrics. The present article deals with the modes of reception and interpretation of Pushkin’s lyrics in the oeuvre of the contemporary poet from St. Petersburg. The analysis focuses on the varied forms of Kushner’s intertextual dialogue with the Romantic poet (quotations, allusions, reminiscences, references both of literary and biographical character). The sources and nature of reminiscences from Pushkin are indicated, such as accepting dialogue, polemics, assimilation, rejection and partial redefinition.
The aim of the article is to interpret poems concerning Don Quixote written by contemporary Russian poets, like Iosif Brodsky, Alexander Kushner, Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky, Robert Rozhdestvensky, David Samoilov and many others, with the view to showing how the Spanish literary figure transforms in the receiving culture into an (indigenized) philosophical category. The author sets out to identify the main semantic constants of the Russian Don Quixote, to show an evolution of the hero in the oeuvre of particular poets (Pavel Antokolsky and Zinovy Valshonok) and to indicate the relationship between the image of Don Quixote and the lyrical subject. She also examines the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza and, finally, explains political connotations of the figure of Don Quixote in the poems by Margarita Aliger and Yevgeny Dolmatovsky.
Автор рассматривает разные виды трансформаций, которым подвергаются словесно-музыкальные тексты в процессе введения в другую культуру. Материалом для анализа стали произведения Йонаша Кофты, базирующие в основном на русских мотивах, музыке и текстах песен. Оказывается, что польский вариант необязательно является переводом, он может быть и пародией, и совсем новым произведением, и даже мистификацией.
The author examines various types of transformations which a musical texts undergoes when it is introduced into a different culture. As the material for the analysis served poems of Jonasz Kofta, relying strongly on Russian motifs, Russian music and song lyrics. It turns out that the Polish version is not necessarily a translation: it may also be a parody, a completely new text or even a mystification.
Точкой отсчета для наших рассуждении стал труд "Перформансы насилия" Марка Липо- вецкого и Биргит Боймерс. В книге рассматриваются проявления коммуникативного насилия, являющегося результатом кризиса идентичности постсоветского поколения. В статье анализу подвергаются три новодрамовские пьесы русских драматургов: Ксении Драгунской, братьев Пресняковых и Фарида Нагима. В своих пьесах авторы сосредоточились на динамических изменениях в области общественной жизни в постсоветской действительности, одним из ко- торых является кризис идентичности, нашедший свое отражение в жестах коммуникативного насилия.
The starting point for the analyses has been Mark Lipovetsky and Birgit Beumers’ study „Performing Violence”, which investigates the violent portrayal of the identity crisis of a generation in 21st-century Russian theatrical works. In the present paper, three dramas by contemporary Russian playwrights – Ksenia Dragunskaya, the Presnyakov brothers and Farid Nagim – are analyzed. In their plays they concentrate on the dynamic changes taking place in the sphere of public life in the post-Soviet country. A dominant feature of their plays is the deep crisis of identity of the post-Soviet society which manifests itself in acts of communicative violence.
В статье рассматриваются некоторые особенности рецепции Кушнером гоголевской поэмы "Мертве души". Анализируются прямые высказывания современного поэта о класси- ческом произведении и его авторе, включенные в эссе поэта, а также литературные реминис- ценции и аллюзии в избранных стихотворениях. Отмечается, что Кушнеру близка установка прозаика на вещную конкретность, использование вечных образов и мотивов.
The paper discusses the reception of Gogol’s "Dead Souls" by Alexandr Kushner. The focus is on the direct comments on Dead Souls and its author to be found in Kushner’s essays, as well as on numerous references to Gogol in the form of reminiscences and literary allusions in selected poems. A detailed analysis can reveal interesting parallels and similarities in the poetics of both authors: the perception of things in close association with humans, the feeling of a special communication between man and object, referring to eternal images and motifs.
Предметом исследования является роман современного писателя В. В. Дворцова с загадочным заглавием Каиново колено. В статье показывается, как автор, проецируя на современную жизнь Советского Союза и новой России библейскую историю потомков Каина, показывает духовно-нравственный кризис русской интеллигенции, прежде всего из театральной среды. Главную причину духовной и профессиональной деградации своего героя – Сергея Розанова – писатель усматривает в его погоне за мирской славой и в несоблюдении Божьих заповедей.
The subject of the present investigation is the novel by a contemporary author Vasily Dvortsov, enigmatically titled ‘Kainovo koleno’ (‘Cain’s Kin’). In the article it is shown how the writer projects the biblical story of Cain’s descendants onto the contemporary life in the Soviet Union and the new Russia, thereby depicting the spiritual and moral crisis of the Russian intelligentsia, first of all in the theatre milieu. The writer sees the causes of the spiritual and professional degradation of his protagonist, Sergei Rozanov, in the latter’s pursuit of worldly fame and in his non-observance of God’s commandments.
Статья посвящена феномену сверхтекста, его характеристике и классификациям. Осо- бое внимание уделяется Петербургскому тексту Александра Кушнера. Рассматриваются клю- чевые для данного сверхтекста образы и их репрезентации в лирике Кушнера, а также делает- ся попытка определить характер диалога со сложившейся литературной традицией.
The paper is devoted to the phenomenon of a supertext, its characteristics and typology. Particular attention is paid to the ‘Petersburg text’ in the oeuvre of Alexander Kushner. The author analyzes key images of the ‘Petersburg text’ in Russian literature and their representations in the poetry of Kushner, trying to determine the nature of his dialogue with the earlier literary tradition.
W artykule rozważana jest możliwość ustanowienia na gruncie literaturoznawstwa rosyjskiego, poprzez analogię do tekstu petersburskiego, tekstu donżuanowskiego literatury rosyjskiej. W tym celu ustanowiony został zespół cech wspólnych dla utworów odwołujących się do postaci Don Juana. Jednym z dowodów istnienia tekstu donżuanowskiego jest krąg tekstów odwołujących się do modelu słynnego uwodziciela i prześmiewcy. Innymi wyznacznikami są obecność osnowy mitycznej, związek ze sferą ‘sacrum’ i ‘profanum’, obecność konstant w zachowaniu Don Juana, zbliżony sposób językowego kodowania i inne.
The author of the paper considers the possibility of creating in the Russian theory of literature, by way of analogy to the ‘Petersburg text,’, the ‘Don-Juan text’ of Russian literature. To this purpose, a complex of permanent futures shared by literary works that refer to Don Juan are described. The existence of a ‘Don-Juan text’ is evidenced by a group of literary works that employ the archetype of the famous seducer. Other indicators are: the presence of mythological structure, connection with the spheres of the sacred and the profane, constants in Don Juan’s behaviour, specific vocabulary, classifying the most recurrent words and phrases according to their semantics and function in the text.
В статье на материале русской литературы XIX – начала XX веков рассмотрено становление модели поколения и ее динамика. На основании анализов сделаны следующие выводы: в изображении русских писателей модель поколения образовалась не столько на возрастной основе, сколько на почве общности исторического и культурного опыта. Модель поколения трансформировалась под влиянием важных исторических событий, интересов (искусство/наука), модных идеологий. Наиболее выразительный облик у поколений сороковых и шестидесятых годов – литературных отцов и детей. Отношение к этим двум традициям и тенденция освободиться от них стали основой идентификации очередных поколений: 1880-х, 1890-х и начала XX века. Внешним проявлением поколенческих отличий стал стиль жизни.
The paper presents an attempt to reconstruct a generational model and brings some reflections on the dynamics of its changes. The following conclusions have been drawn from the analysis of a selection of works: – the model of a generation was not age-related, but emerged in the consciousness of Russian writers on the basis of a shared social, cultural and historical experience; – the ways in which individuals make sense of the past and establish generational identities are manifest in their attitude towards the prevailing values and norm systems of older generations, as well as in references to the literary images – in this case particularly to those of the 1840s and 1860s generations, of ‘fathers and sons’ – through acceptance or rejection thereof; – members of the post-1880s generation rejected the legacy of their fathers, without offering anything in return, thus becoming a generation at the crossroads. The turn-of-the-century generation was characterized by an ambivalent attitude towards their predecessors: – the generational model evolved under the impact of historical events, fashionable ideologies and fascinations for art or science, which offered a common generational experience; – the style of life came to be the outward manifestation of generational differences.
The present study explores the ways of utilizing literature in political dispute, as defined by Bakhtin’s concept of speech genres exploited in secondary genres. The material includes Turgenev’s and Dostoyevsky’s novels and Yevgeny Chirikov’s family chronicle. The writers in question present politics in the anthropological sense of the term: as man’s relation to his social reality. The author attempts to determine which literary works were viewed as politically motivated and what functions they fulfilled in political disputes. The analysis reveals the following: literary works often served as a pretext to start a dispute, and in the dispute itself – as a means of defining the protagonists’ cultural and generational identity and values, as a rhetorical trick, as a source of social concepts and behaviours, as a catalyst for a revolutionary paradigm and, finally, as a means of discriminating against political opponents. On these grounds, the author is inclined to argue that Russian literature of the 19th century constituted a strong social communication component and provided ideological material for political discourse.
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