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2018 | 50 | 37–49

Article title

La formule plombier polonais dans la presse écrite


Title variants

Languages of publication



Formula plombier polonais in the press discourse The object of this study, based on the theoretical framework of French Discourse Analysis, is the expression plombier polonais (Polish plumber) circulating in the press discourse since 2005. The aim of the paper is to describe this expression in regard to four properties of the formula proposed by Alice Krieg-Planque (2009). The subsequent sections of the study, are meant to (1) examine the stability of the form of the expression plombier polonais and compare it with the degree of fixation of similar expressions, (2) present that the formula plombier polonais results from language practice and not from the language system, (3) observe its nature as social referant and (4) analyze the polemical dimension of the expression plombier polonais.







Physical description


  • Uniwersytet Wrocławski


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Document Type

Publication order reference


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