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2022 | 4(76) | 9-22

Article title

Metoda regulacji i potrzeba konstytucjonalizacji polskiego języka migowego – prolegomena


Title variants

The form of regulation and the need for constitutionalisation of the Polish sign language – prolegomenon

Languages of publication


The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the form of legal recognition of sign languages, including the formula of constitutionalisation of the Polish sign language. Sign languages are natural and national languages. Their legal recognition proceeds at the international level and the national one. The regulation at the national level takes the form of a statute, although some countries undertake the constitutionalisation of these languages. A possible regulation of the Polish sign language in the Constitution should adopt a subjective formula, which would properly safeguard legal interests of deaf people.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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