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2018 | 12 | 21-38

Article title

Tybetańskie manuskrypty tradycji bön w Nepalu na przykładzie kolekcji z jaskiń Mardzong w Górnym Mustangu ..


Title variants

Tibetan manuscripts of Bön tradition in Nepal: A case of the collection of manuscripts from the Mardzong caves in Upper Mustang

Languages of publication


Bön religious manuscripts were not traditionally seen as artefacts characterized by a distinguished form and technology. As a result, the numerous manuscripts of the Bön religion have not been clearly identified as a separate corpus so far, they have not been subjected to codicological and material research, despite their importance for the study of history and religions of Central Asia. Considering these perspectives, this article presents the current state of knowledge and the results of preliminary research on Bön manuscripts in Nepal. The main focus of this research is the collection of Mardzong manuscripts preserved in the Chöde Monastery in Lo Monthang in Mustang (Nepal).


  • Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii


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Biblioteka Nauki

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