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Electronic aggression, a phenomenon currently taking place among young people, poses difficult tasks for teachers. They relate to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in theschool environment and require the cooperation of headmasters, teachers and parents. The analyses undertaken in the study present the specificity of the activities of the religious education teacher aimed at preventing aggression among young people. Firstly, the scope of meaning of ‘electronic aggression’ has been given. Next, the multidimensionality of electronic aggression among the young has been pointed out. In this context, preventive measures taken by the religious education teacher in the school environment have been described. Aims, tasks and rules, as well as forms, methods and means necessary for the prevention of electronic aggression among young people have been brought to attention. The cooperation of the religious education teacher with the headmaster, parents and other teachers in carrying out the tasks set by the school prevention programme has been considered significant.
There are numerous publications concerning blessed John Paul II. Various aspects of his life and teaching are analysed. The aim of this study is to show, basing on papal teaching and testimony of life, blessed John Paul II as the teacher of prayer. Firstly, the term “teacher of prayer” is explained. Next, the contents regarding prayer that John Paul II underlined in his teaching and aimed at the clergy, laics, adults, children, teenagers, the sick and suffering, is discussed. It gives a chance to characterise his attitude as a witness who through his life taught about prayer. Underlining the effectivness of his prayer – not only after death but also during his life, is a completion of above mentioned issues.
Family Forum
vol. 8
W analizach podjętych w niniejszym artykule zwrócono uwagę na regulacje prawne dotyczące twórczego działania nauczyciela innowatora oraz na różnego rodzaju rozwiązania programowe, metodyczne, organizacyjne w obszarze nauczania, wychowania i opieki w reformowanej szkole. W codzienności edukacyjnej innowacje pedagogiczne polegają m.in. na zastąpieniu jednego rozwiązania metodycznego lub organizacyjnego drugim, uzupełnieniu treści programowych i rozwiązań metodycznych, wzmacnianiu skutecznych działań dydaktyczno-wychowawczych. Dzięki nim nauczyciel wychowania do życia w rodzinie może rozwijać kreatywność uczniów, kształtować w nich postawy aktywne i wdrażać do odpowiedzialnego uczestnictwa w życiu społecznym. Niezwykle istotne jest tu odpowiednie zaangażowanie nauczyciela wychowania do życia w rodzinie, jego kreatywność w myśleniu i działaniu, refleksyjność oraz profesjonalizm.
The analyses performed for this paper focused – among other things – on legal regulations concerning creative activities of a teacher-innovator and on various solutions in the area of curricula, methodology and organisational matters in regard to teaching, education and care at the new school. Pedagogical innovations implemented in everyday educational work involve, for example, replacing one methodological or organisational solution with another, expanding syllabuses and methodological solutions and enhancing the effectiveness of teaching and educational activities. These innovations help a teacher of education for family life to reinforce student creativity, develop an active attitude in students and prepare them for responsible participation in social life. Teachers’ of education for family life commitment, their creativity in thinking and actions and their thoughtfulness and professionalism are of great importance.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie możliwości, ograniczeń i wyzwań związanych z realizacją edukacji regionalnej polskiej młodzieży w nauczaniu religii. Podjęte analizy koncentrują się wokół zainspirowania młodzieży do poznawania problemów społeczności regionalnej i dziedzictwa kulturowego regionu oraz przygotowania jej do chrześcijańskiego zaangażowania w działania społeczno-kulturowe. Kolejno zostały opisane następujące zagadnienia: istota edukacji regionalnej w polskiej szkole, miejsce i rola edukacji regionalnej w nauczaniu religii, realizacja edukacji regionalnej na lekcjach religii w gimnazjum i w liceum. Wszystkie te problemy zostały ukazane na tle polskiej literatury pedagogicznej i katechetycznej, i jedynie w odniesieniu do młodzieży. Pozwoliły dostrzec złożoność i wieloaspektowość edukacji regionalnej młodzieży w nauczaniu religii. W podsumowaniu wyprowadzono niektóre wnioski i postulaty katechetyczne.
Family life education delivered by Polish schools requires well-organised classes to make pupils more multilaterally active. Of particular importance is learning through discovering and experiencing values as it activates pupils, thus allowing to properly implement that part of the curriculum which refers not only to communicating the message, but also to developing skills and social attitudes. It may also contribute to internalising values and upholding them in everyday life. Correctly presented issues encourage pupils to resolve them. Such issues foster active participation in discussions on the value of marriage and family. They show the universal values and stimulate pupils to think creatively and arrive at conclusions about their own attitude towards marriage and family. Learning through discovering and experiencing values during family life education classes requires appropriate methodologies and teaching methods. Teaching aids such as short educational videos, plays and varieties of drama, e.g. sociodrama can prove benefi cial, as they evoke various emotions and lead to discussions on the valuation of marriage and family.
Wychowanie do życia w rodzinie prowadzone w polskiej szkole wymaga odpowiedniej organizacji zajęć, w której ma miejsce wielostronne aktywizowanie uczniów. Niezwykle istotne jest uczenie się przez odkrywanie i przeżywanie wartości. Aktywizuje ono uczestników zajęć z wychowania do życia w rodzinie, a przez to pozwala rzetelnie realizować założenia programowe, które odnoszą się nie tylko do przekazywania wiadomości, ale również do kształtowania umiejętności i postaw społecznych. Może też przyczynić się do internalizacji wartości i kierowania się nimi w życiu. Odpowiednio postawione problemy aktywizują uczniów w procesie ich rozwiązywania. Motywują do aktywnego udziału w dyskusji na temat wartości małżeństwa i rodziny.Pozwalają eksponować uniwersalne wartości oraz pobudzać uczniów do twórczego myślenia i formułowania wniosków dotyczących własnych postaw wobec małżeństwa i rodziny. Organizacja uczenia się przez odkrywanie i przeżywanie wartości w czasie zajęć z wychowania do życia w rodzinie wymaga zastosowania odpowiednich rozwiązań metodycznych i środków dydaktycznych. Pomocne mogą okazać się tu krótkie fi lmy edukacyjne, inscenizacje i odmiany dramy (np. socjodrama). Dostarczają one różnych emocji oraz stają się podstawą do prowadzenia dyskusji i wartościowania na temat małżeństwa i rodziny.
The use of visual materials and methods in teaching so as to appeal to students’ senses is one of the earliest defined and most commonly accepted (especially in the twentieth century) principles governing the activities of religion teachers and students in religion lessons. In order to adhere to this principle one needs a detailed knowledge of teaching norms and methodological guidelines set down under the new religion curricula. In this article, an attempt will be made at describing the use of visual materials as a principle on which the teacher’s educational activities are based in the context of the amended “Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland” and “Curriculum of RomanCatholic religion teaching”, approved in 2010 by the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Episcopal Conference. One shall begin with the understanding of the use of visual materials in general and catechetic didactics. Then, one shall analyse the issues related to this rule as a principle on which the religion teacher’s educational activities are based as proposed in the new, abovementioned curricula. In the conclusion, one describes catechetic suggestions for the authors of new series of textbooks and religion education materials as well as for religion teachers.
Preparing young people for the sacrament of Confirmation has recently become a subjectof numerous analyses and discussions. Therefore it seemed useful in this article to search for an answer to the question: in what ways are these problems dealt with in Polish catechetical literature. To answer the question the article firstsubmitsforanalysisamatterof the essence and the importance of the catechesis which prepare young people for the sacrament of Confirmation. Afterwards a composite formulation of stages and forms of parish preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation and pluralism is presented, as well as a variety of suggested catechetical literature. Finally the article points to questions which require further detailed studies and empirical verification. The above statement have allowed a better understanding of contemporary studies on parish catechization of candidates for Confirmation. This is also an inspiration for further analysis and empirical researche.
Twórczość edukacyjna nauczyciela należy do podstawowych kategorii badawczych we współ- czesnej pedeutologii. Zagadnienie to analizowane jest w powiązaniu z aktywnością dydaktyczną    i wychowawczą w szkole. Wśród różnych powinności współczesnego nauczyciela wymienia się twórczość w myśleniu i działaniu. Powinność ta odnosi się również do nauczyciela wychowania  do życia w rodzinie. Jej realizacja wymaga innowacyjności oraz umiejętności wielostronnego sty- mulowania uczniów do aktywnego udziału procesie nauczania i wychowaniu w polskiej szkole. Twórczość edukacyjna nauczyciela wychowania do życia w rodzinie wymaga bowiem umiejętno- ści przekraczania zastanych reguł postępowania dydaktycznego i wychowawczego oraz tworzenia - na bazie dotychczasowej wiedzy i doświadczenia - nowych rozwiązań edukacyjnych. Istotna jest też zdolność do osobistego namysłu (refleksyjności przed, nad i w trakcie działania) oraz umiejęt- ność podejmowania decyzji, samodzielnego rozstrzyganiu problemów praktycznych, modyfikowa- nia własnych sposobów aktywności zawodowej i działania naznaczonego oryginalnością. Wyżej wymienione właściwości znajdują wyraz w aktywności zawodowej nauczyciela wycho- wania do życia w rodzinie, ukonkretnionej w przekazie wiedzy na temat wielorakich aspektów małżeństwa i rodziny, ludzkiej seksualności, kontaktów interpersonalnych i rozwoju osobowego oraz współczesnych zagrożeń w zakresie życia indywidualnego i społecznego. Nauczyciel wycho- wania do życia w rodzinie ma wspomagać uczniów w kształtowaniu postaw społecznych i moral- nych. Skuteczność jego działalności edukacyjnej jest warunkowana m.in. osobowością nauczyciela wychowania do życia w rodzinie (w tym postawami, wartościami, światopoglądem), samodzielno- ścią w myśleniu i działaniu oraz troską o integralny rozwój uczniów. Za priorytetowe uznaje się  też podmiotowe traktowanie wychowanków, tworzenie atmosfery zaufania i dialogu, stymulowa- nie uczestników zajęć do samodzielności w rozwiązywaniu problemów oraz rozwijanie umiejętno- ści wartościowania w zakresie życia indywidualnego, rodzinnego i społecznego.
Gradation of difficulty is one of the fundamental didactic principles in religious instruction. This principle determines the norms for religion teachers’ activities as far as conveying knowledge and developing students’ skills in an accessible way adequate to their level of development is concerned. The aim of this paper is to present the principle of gradation of difficulty as seen by the authors of new curricula for religious instruction at schools, which was approved in 2010. Consequently, the article begins with a description of the general understanding of the difficulty gradation principle in religious instruction as defined by contemporary methodologists. The next section presents how the issue is perceived by the authors of the amended „Core curriculum of catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland” and „Curriculum of Roman-Catholic religious instruction in kindergartens and schools” prepared in connection with the former document. Final remarks contain, apart from conclusions and catechetic suggestions, specific guidelines for authors of new series of textbooks and religious instruction materials for various student groups.
In 1990, when religion lessons came back to Polish schools, priests were faced with new requirements concerning pedagogical qualifications. They are defined in Polish educational law and they influence the quality of direct, theoretical and practical preparation of alumni of theological seminaries for their work as religion teachers. When forming the alumni’s pedagogical and catechetical programme, current standards of education preparing to work as teachers and guidelines included in ratio studiorum for theological seminaries in Poland need to be taken into account. The analyses taken in this article aim at presenting the contemporary, based on standards written in the regulation of The Minister of Science and Higher Education from 17 January 2012, model of pedagogical and catechetical preparation of alumni of theological seminaries in Poland. Firstly, the correct understanding of the term “pedagogical and catechetical education” and the legal basis of professional qualifications required from religion teachers are mentioned. In this context, the issues connected with programming of the pedagogical and catechetical education in theological seminaries in Poland are described. It is accomplished through the analysis of guidelines included in ratio studiorum and in standards of pedagogical education, defined in the above-mentioned, current regulation of The Minister of Science and Higher Education. The attention is also paid to new, conditioned by changes in school education and teachers’ training, quality of pedagogical and catechetical training. Since apart from theoretical preparation, alumni are also obliged to undergo training in different types of schools, at different levels of education.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 23
issue 4
The training of teachers of Roman Catholic religion in Poland is carried out at universities – at the faculties of theology – as part of uniform five-year master’s degree studies or two-year (four-semester) postgraduate studies. The Church ensures the quality of both subject matter (theological) and catechetical preparation, as well as pedagogical preparation of future religion teachers. Current ministerial standards of pedagogical education in Poland are considered important. The analyses undertaken in this paper highlight the fact that the presence of religion lessons in Polish schools requires the reliable preparation of future religion teachers to perform didactic, educational and caring tasks. It also raises the need to pay more attention to the personal and spiritual development of religion teachers. It is, above all, the Roman Catholic Church that is responsible for the quality of theological and catechetical and pedagogical education of those people to whom it gives a mission to teach religion in Polish schools. It is supported in these activities by external entities (e.g. the Ministry of National Education and Science). The above-mentioned activities ensure that the education of teachers of Roman Catholic religion in Poland is integral and, at the same time, adequate for contemporary educational tasks. In the training of Roman Catholic religion teachers, a balance between theological and catechetical and pedagogical formation can be observed. This is visible both in the content and forms of education, where it is preferred to combine theory with practice. This is achieved by internships of theology students carried out in primary schools and various types of secondary schools. Such an integrated approach to the training of religion teachers seems to be the most professional.
The teaching of the Roman Catholic religion at school involves a variety of didactic, educational and evangelizing measures. Among them special care is taken to support students in developing motivation for Christian action. The scope of this catechetical activity has been clearly defined in curriculum documents for religious education, referred to in the core curriculum of catechesis and the religious education syllabus.The paper analyzes the teaching of the Roman Catholic religion at school as a means conducive to motivating young people to Christian action. First, the nature of the teaching of the Roman Catholic religion in middle school and high schools is indicated. In this context, attention is drawn to the core curriculum in the aspect of motivating young people to Christian action. The following factors are presented in a sequence: goals, objectives and content of religious education as well as guidance how to achieve the objectives of the curriculum related to the above-mentioned are of work of the religion teacher. A brief concluding section includes, besides a synthesis of the discussed points, indications concerning empirical research.
Family Forum
vol. 10
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu ukazanie znaczenia współpracy pomiędzy nauczycielami religii i psychologami policyjnymi w zapobieganiu przemocy domowej. Zastosowano metodę analizy literatury i dokumentów państwowych (np. prawa oświaty). Wnioski zostały przedstawione w sposób syntetyczny. Zauważono, że współpraca nauczycieli religii z psychologami policyjnymi służy eliminacji czynników ryzyka, które mogą prowadzić do przemocy domowej. Strony muszą zatem pozostać otwarte na siebie nawzajem, być gotowe do dialogu oraz dzielić się wiedzą i doświadczeniem w zakresie zapobiegania przemocy domowej. Przetłumaczono z www.DeepL.com/Translator (wersja darmowa)
This article aims to show the importance of cooperation between religion teachers and police psychologists in preventing domestic violence. The method of analysis the literature and state documents (e.g. law of education) was used. The conclusions were presented in a synthetic way. It was noted that the cooperation of religion teachers with police psychologists serves to eliminate risk factors that can lead to domestic violence. The parties must therefore remain open towards one another, be ready to engage in dialogue and share knowledge and experience in the area of the prevention of domestic violence.
In recent years, under the influence of cultural and social transformations, the quality and form of parental involvement in stimulating the cognitive activity of children has been changing. In meeting social and cultural demands, parents often engage in searching for innovative forms of education. They are increasingly often guided by trends and popularity, abandoning traditional methods of supporting children in their cognitive development. Therefore, parents often choose modern proposals, diversified in terms of quantity and quality, advertised in the mass media and promoted by teachers, psychologists and sometimes also by their acquaintances. Parents’ involvement in stimulating the cognitive activity of their child is a complex process, which encounters various limitations and impediments in everyday life. They result, among others, from diminishing the role of play in the family, of free time spent together, from reducing the number of children in the family to only one, from a high speed of life, the domination of new information and communication technologies, a lack of time, following the trends, excessive, parental ambitions inadequate to the child’s capabilities, their requirements towards the child and realization of their own dreams. Under such conditions, stimulating the cognitive activity of a child does not always bring expected results that are directly proportional to time and money invested. On the contrary, it is often difficult for parents to see clear, measurable effects. This is particularly true in situations when parents resign from simple, traditional, proved methods of supporting their child in cognitive  development  and  follow  fashion,  striving  for  satisfaction  of  their own, excessive ambitions. The choice of specific forms of stimulating cognitive activity of a child and parents’ approach determine, to a high extent, not only the quality of their role in this process, but also the efficiency of undertaken activities.
W ostatnich latach, pod wpływem przemian kulturowych i społecznych, zmienia się jakość i forma zaangażowania rodziców w stymulowanie aktywności poznawczej dzieci W celu spełnienia wymagań społecznych i kulturowych, rodzice często angażują się w poszukiwanie innowacyjnych form kształcenia. Sięgają przy tym do bardzo zróżnicowanych jakościowo propozycji, proponowanych w mediach i oferowanych przez niektórych nauczycieli czy psychologów. Zaangażowanie rodziców w pobudzaniu aktywności poznawczej ich dziecka jest jednak procesem bardzo złożonym, który w życiu codziennym napotyka różne ograniczenia i utrudnienia. Wynikają one z przemian wychowawczych, mniejszej ilości czasu spędzanego razem, zmniejszonej dzietności rodzin, szybkości życia, braku czasu czy z tendencji rodziców do stawiania nieadekwatnych do możliwości dziecka wymagań. Stymulowanie aktywności poznawczej dziecka w takich uwarunkowaniach nie zawsze przynosi oczekiwane rezultaty, adekwatne do zainwestowanych środków. Jest to szczególnie istotne w sytuacjach, gdy rodzice rezygnują z prostych, tradycyjnych, sprawdzonych metod wspierania ich dziecka w rozwoju poznawczym i sugerują się nowymi trendami, dążąc niekiedy do zaspokojenia własnych, nadmiernych ambicji. Wybór konkretnych form stymulowania aktywności poznawczej dziecka i postawa rodziców warunkują w dużym stopniu nie tylko jakość działań, ale także ich efektywność.
The transmission of the essence of faith takes an important place in teaching religion. It is directly connected with the task of developing the knowledge of faith on every level of children’s and teenagers’ education. People involved in teaching and catechetical education, also religion teachers, are responsible for accomplishing this task. Today, after twenty two years of teaching religion at school, the transmission of the essence of faith is being critically discussed in school environment. The objections concern difficulties and limitations relating to the transmission of the essence of faith in school environment. Catechists and religion teachers unanimously claim that the transmission of the essence of faith is not possible without the grace of God in sacraments. They seldom pay attention to the teacher’s role in the process of transmitting the essence of faith. The author of this article makes an attempt to show the tasks that a religion teacher should fulfill as far as transmitting the essence of faith in school environment is concerned. Not only strategies of development and experiencing faith but also limitations and difficulties relating to it were mentioned. At first, the term „transmission of faith” was explained. Next, a short characterization of teaching religion at school was made. The  basic tasks of religion teachers in transmitting the essence of faith were depicted in this context. Apart from catechetical activities directed at pupils, the attention was also paid to teaching staff, school staff and parents. This is because a religion teacher is qualified to have influence on all members of catechetical interaction in school environment. Finally, the most important, crucial to religion teaching and parish catechesis, open issues were described. They require further theoretical research and empirical verification. Searching the new model of catechetical priesthood is also essential.
The family is one of the important areas of research in the sciences of theology. Researchers consider various aspects of life in the family. They pay attention to the family as the primary educational environment. Increasingly, these issues are taken by catecheticsteachers. Analyses undertaken in this study are intended to show the family as an educational environment in terms of Polish catechetics teachers. undertaken analyses do not pretendto fully describe the research in contemporary catechetics. They are more in the nature of a sketch. This paper highlights the key thematic areas of the family as an educational environment. First the terms „family” and „educational environment” were clarified. Then the issues were described in detail. Much attention was paid to the issues related to the integral recognition of education in the family and with those responsible for education. Efforts were made at the same time see the similarities and differences in opinions of Polish catechetics teachers. The relationship between socialization and upbringing in the family, how to implement educational functions and co-operation with other family educational environments (eg. school, church) were considered significant. In this context there were given offers of further study. These included, among others, the need for dialogue of catechetics teachers with representatives of the social sciences. This will not only allow to develop a sound theory but also to conduct quantitative and qualitative research. The acquired data will enrich the catechetical study area and may contribute to the improvement of family catechesis and pastoral care.
The theory of religious education holds a very important place in the Polish catechetics. It is continuously enriched with new issues, determined by the social and educational situation, that are significant from the point of view of practice. Some of them are integrally interwoven with pedagogy. Such issues include analyses related to the processes of communication between the religious education teacher and the students or to developing a dialogue approach in the participants of the religious education classes. The religious education publications dealing with the above-mentioned problems do not directly include the category of dialogue pedagogy. However, several issues can be perceived as referring to the role of the dialogue understood as the approach and the method in teaching religious instruction. Additionally, the methods of conducting a dialogue between the religious education teacher and the students are repeatedly described. Their analysis leads to the conclusion that issues in the scope of dialogue pedagogy occupy an important place in the theory of religious instruction, since they refer to various dimensions of didactic and educating activity of the religious education instructor and the students. Nevertheless, they require detailed empirical research to determine the (un)usual significance of dialogue pedagogy in practice – in educational interactions between religious education teachers and students.
We współczesnej katechetyce coraz częściej zwraca się uwagę na problematykę wychowania młodzieży do życia w rodzinie. Odwołując się do katechetycznych dokumentów Kościoła, badacze określają cele, zadania i treści tego wychowania. Jednocześnie zwracają uwagę na nowe wyzwania w zakresie wychowania młodzieży do życia w rodzinie. Wiążą je wprost z ukazywaniem katolickiej koncepcji małżeństwa i rodziny oraz z formacją postaw prorodzinnych. Słusznie zwracają uwagę na potrzebę korelacji z edukacją szkolną, w której ma miejsce realizacja zajęć z wychowania do życia w rodzinie. Korelacja ta polega głównie na uzupełnianiu treści oraz na podejmowaniu polemiki z zagadnieniami, które są sprzeczne z katolicką koncepcją małżeństwa i rodziny. Analizy podjęte w niniejszym artykule bazują głównie na wytycznych zawartych w najnowszych dokumentach katechetycznych i w prawie oświatowym. Mają one na celu poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: na czym polega istota wychowania katechizowanej młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych do życia w rodzinie? czym różni się to wychowanie od przygotowania do małżeństwa? dlaczego obecnie w katechezie należy mówić o wychowaniu, a nie o przygotowaniu do życia w rodzinie? jakie są założenia programowe katechezy w zakresie wychowania młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych do życia w rodzinie? Na czym polega realizacja tych założeń? Poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na wyżej wymienione pytania wymaga krótkiego wprowadzenia w problematykę dotyczącą realizacji wychowania do życia w rodzinie w edukacji szkolnej. Dopiero w tym kontekście zostaną podjęte kwestie szczegółowe.
In contemporary catechetics more and more attention is paid to the issue of educating teenagers to family life. Referring to catechetical documents of the Church researchers determine tasks, aims and contents of this education. At the same time, they underline new challenges as far as educating teenagers to family life is concerned. They directly connect them with showing the Catholic concept of marriage and family and with forming family attitudes. They also rightly emphasise the need of correlation with school education where the education to family life takes place. This correlation mainly consists in completing the contents and discussing issues that are at variance with the Catholic conception of marriage and family. The analyses conducted in this article rely on guidelines included in recent catechetical documents and educational law. They aim at seeking answers to the following questions: What is the essence of educating teenagers from secondary schools to family life? What is the difference between this educating and preparation for marriage? Why nowadays one ought to discuss eduacating during religion lessons and not preparation for family life? What are the curricular assumptions of catechesis as far as educating secondary school teenagers to family life? What is this assumption data about? Searching for answers to the above-mentioned questions requires a short introduction to problems concerning accomplishment of educating to family life in the school education. Only in this context detailed issues are taken into account.
In der heutigen Katechetik wird erhöht die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Problematik der Erziehung der Jugendlichen für das Leben in der Familie gelenkt. Anhand der katechetischen Dokumente der Kirche benennen die Forscher Ziele, Aufgaben und Inhalte dieser Erziehung. Gleichzeitig wird auf neue Herausforderungen im Bereich dieser Erziehung verwiesen. Sie hängen direkt mit dem Aufzeigen der katholischen Sicht der Ehe und Familie sowie mit der Formung der profamiliären Haltungen zusammen. Es wird richtig auf die Korrelation mit der schulischen Bildung verwiesen, da die genannte Erziehung gerade in der Schule stattfindet. Diese Korrelation besteht vor allem in der Ergänzung der Inhalte, aber auch in der Polemik mit Konzepten, die der katholischen Sicht der Ehe und Familie widersprechen. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen gründen auf Richtlinien, die in den neuesten katechetischen Dokumenten der Kirche sowie im Bildungsrecht enthalten sind. Sie verfolgen das Ziel, Antworten auf folgende Fragen zu finden: Worin besteht das Wesen der Erziehung der nachgymnasialen Heranwachsenden für das leben in der Familie? Warum sollte man heute eher über eine Erziehung, denn über eine Vorbereitung zum Familienleben sprechen? Wie sind die programmatischen Voraussetzungen im Bereich der Erziehung der nachgymnasialen Jugend für das Leben in der Familie? Wie sollen sie realisiert werden? Die Suche nach Antworten auf die genannten Fragen verlangt nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Problematik der Erziehung für das Familienleben in der gesamten schulischen Bildung. Erst in diesem Kontext werden die Einzelfragen erörtert.
A contemporary young man witnesses the continuous strengthening of the relations and the integration between states, communities and cultures. He participates in the processes of globalization and the notions such as national state and “small homelands” are becoming obsolete. Considering the above, systematic environmental education of the young generation by all teachers, including religion teachers, seems essential.The analyses undertaken in the article seek answers to the question of the scope of environmental education in teaching religion to the youth. The following issues are discussed in more detail: definition of environmental education, environmental education program framework in teaching religion to youth, methods of environmental education included in religion lessons. Reference is made to the religion teaching curriculum in Polish schools. New educational challenges are also indicated.
Music occupies an important place in the teaching of religion. It is a the source of content, a carrier of universal values and an effective means of teaching that multilaterally activates children and youth. Apart from the functions of teaching, music performs educational and therapeutic functions. It therefore seems equitable use of music in religious education and to motivate students to direct contact with musical works. This involves supporting the catechized in the experience and understanding of the values that are carried by music. They van be served by various forms of activation of students, such as eg. listening and analyzing pieces of music, making reflection and prayer on the canvas of music, painting a song, singing, creating text and melody, gestures and dance steps to music. Thanks to them there is revealed the educational value of music in the teaching of religion. With this in mind, it is worth to shape musical culture of religion teachers and their competence in the field of music education. This requires appropriate forms of education during the studies and training in the permanent formation. To achieve pedagogical innovations in the use of music in religion classes it may be helpful to gather the opinions of students and teachers of religion. It seems worth therefore taking empirical research on this topic. This will provide new and interesting ways, activating students multilaterally, to use music in teaching religion.
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