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After the end of World War II, in the then new arena of political reality, the trade union movement entered the era of monism characterized by the fact that in labour relations only one organizational structure functioned that represented the interests of employees working under direct control of the state. In contrast to the interwar period in which there had been tremendous growth of the union movement thanks to the conditions cre- ated by the first of the reborn Polish governments, the realities of Polish socialism was a top-down ideological and organizational unification of the trade unions operating in various sectors of the economy, as well as nationwide. The trade unions became uniform, centralized entities, based on the principle of centralism and with essentially the same organizational structure. The trade union movement in Poland after the Second World War was organized on the concept of doctrinal W.I. Lenin, which developed as a result of sharp discussions that took place in the Russian Communist Party in the years 1918-1922.
Le considerazioni svolte si concentrano sull’analisi della regolazione contenuta nel Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 in merito agli strumenti di sostegno a investimenti per la prevenzione e il ripristino del potenziale produttivo agricolo. L’obiettivo è di rispondere alla domanda se e in che misura i tipi di sostegno evocati tutelino il produttore agricolo e riescano a preservare l’impresa agraria. Nella parte conclusiva, l’Autore afferma, tra l’altro, che due di essi, ovvero “Investimenti effettuati al fine di proteggere le acque dall’inquinamento provocato da nitrati provenienti da fonti agricole” e “Sostegno agli investimenti in azioni di prevenzione volte a ridurre le conseguenze di probabili calamità naturali, avversità climatiche ed eventi catastrofici”, grazie ai finanziamenti a condizioni favorevoli e alle regolazioni giuridiche chiare, contribuiscono a far crescere l’interesse degli agricoltori ad adottare determinati atteggiamenti di fronte al problema di gestione attiva del rischio nell’attività agricola, aumentando così la loro resistenza alle situazioni di crisi. Nel caso di “Ripristino del potenziale produttivo agricolo danneggiato da calamità naturali”, lo strumento non incide in modo significativo sulla tutela dell’impresa agraria dei produttori agricoli e richiede modifiche legislative.
The deliberations focus on the analysis of regulations included in the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 concerning the instruments of support for investments that prevent destruction and restore the potential of agricultural production. They aim at answering the question whether and to what extent these forms of support protect the agricultural producer and ensure the durability of his workplace. The author argues, among other things, that two of them: “Investments aimed at protecting waters against nitrate pollution from agricultural sources” and “Support for investments in preventive measures aimed at reducing the effects of probable natural disasters, adverse climatic events and catastrophes,” owing to favourable financing conditions and clear legal regulations introduced, contribute to an increased protection of farmers’ interest by adopting specific attitudes towards active risk management in agricultural activity, and thus increase their resilience to emerging crisis situations. In the case of “Restoring the potential of agricultural production damaged by natural disasters” however, this tool does not significantly affect the protection of the agricultural producers’ workplaces and requires legislative changes.
Rozważania koncentrują się na analizie regulacji zawartych w Programie Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich 2014-2020 dotyczących instrumentów wsparcia inwestycji zapobiegających zniszczeniu oraz przywracających potencjał produkcji rolnej. Ich celem jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i w jakim stopniu te formy wsparcia chronią producenta rolnego i zapewniają trwałość jego warsztatu pracy. W konkluzji autor stwierdza, że dwie z nich, czyli „Inwestycje mające na celu ochronę wód przed zanieczyszczeniem azotanami pochodzącymi ze źródeł rolniczych” oraz „Wsparcie inwestycji w środki zapobiegawcze, których celem jest ograniczenie skutków prawdopodobnych klęsk żywiołowych, niekorzystnych zjawisk klimatycznych i katastrof” ze względu na korzystne możliwości finansowe oraz jasne regulacje prawne przyczyniają się do przyjmowania przez rolników postawy aktywnego zarządzania ryzykiem działalności rolniczej, a tym samym do zwiększenia ich odporności na pojawiające się sytuacje kryzysowe. W przypadku „Przywracania potencjału produkcji rolnej zniszczonego w wyniku wystąpienia klęsk żywiołowych” narzędzie to nie wpływa istotnie na ochronę warsztatu producentów rolnych i wymaga zmian legislacyjnych.
Objectives This paper focuses on the normative solutions established under the Polish Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014–2020 for the support of water-law companies involved in the protection of agricultural production against the consequences of adverse weather conditions such as flooding, partial flooding or torrential rain. Material and methods The paper aims to determine to what extent, if any, the aid ensures the continued operation of an agricultural producer (farm sustainability). In terms of methodology, the research relies chiefly on a dogmatic analysis of legal texts. Legal considerations are supplemented with statistical data under access to public information regulations. Results The study of the research material has revealed that water-law companies are more inclined to invest in the protection of the producer’s workplace when presented with favourable financial terms and clear legal regulations.With regard to operations performed by water-law companies to protect agricultural production against the effects of adverse weather conditions such as flooding, partial flooding, or excessive dampness caused by flooding or torrential rain, this aid has a narrow thematic scope and addresses the need for public intervention due to drainage and irrigation hazards. Conclusions It may be assumed that the analysed form of ex-ante support dedicated to water-law companies – “Support for investments in preventive measures for the mitigation of damage caused by probable natural disasters, adverse climatic phenomena, and catastrophic events” – ensures farm sustainability with respect to the explicitly identified risks.
Streszczenie: Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przypomnienie postaci Pawła Popiela i zarysu jego interesującej biografii, w której, jak w soczewce, skupiają się czasami dramatyczne wybory stojące przed polskimi myślicieli i politykami w XIX wieku. Paweł Popiel łączył w sobie cechy romantyka i pozytywisty, nostalgika Europy przedrewolucyjnej i racjonalisty zachowawczego. O sprawie polskiej, o niektórych wydarzeniach z nią związanych wydawał nieraz trafne sądy, nie potrafił jednak zaproponować rodakom żadnej skutecznej Unii postępowania na przyszłość celem odzyskania upragnionej wolności. Wypowiadał się w sprawach lokalnych krakowskich, galicyjskich, ogólnopolskich, kościelnych, politycznych i obyczajowych.Słowa kluczowe: Paweł Popiel, myśl polityczna, polski konserwatyzm, twórca polskiej myśli politycznej.Summary: The purpose of this article is to guide the form of Paul Popiel and outline his interesting biography, in which, as in a lens focus sometimes dramatic choices faced by Polish politicians and thinkers in the nineteenth century. Paul Popiel combined the features of romantic and positivist, Nostalgik Europe's pre-revolutionary and conservative rationalist. The Polish case, certain events associated with it sometimes seemed pertinent courts, but could not offer any effective countrymen line of conduct in the future to recover the desired freedom. He spoke on local matters of Krakow, Galician, national, ecclesiastical, political and moral.Keywords: Paweł Popiel, political thought, Polish conservatism, the creator of Polish political thought.
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