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Przedmiotem oceny jest książka Magdy Heydel "Gorliwość tłumacza. Przekład poetycki w twórczości Czesława Miłosza". Autorka recenzji uznaje, że jest to praca wybitna, a przy tym pionierska, ponieważ dokonane przez Miłosza tłumaczenia poezji polskiej na język angielski nie zostały dotąd wnikliwie zbadane. Analiza taka ma istotne znaczenie dla pogłębienia znajomości oryginalnego warsztatu twórczego poety. Wielką wartością omawianej książki jest także prezentacja oraz próba zastosowania nowych koncepcji z zakresu teorii przekładu.
The object of evaluation here is Magda Heydel’s book "Gorliwość tłumacza. Przekład poetycki w twórczości Czesława Miłosza" ("Translator’s Zeal. Poetic Translation in the Work of Czesław Miłosz"). The reviewer acknowledges the book as illustrious and also pioneering since Miłosz’s translations of Polish poetry into English have not so far been meticulously researched, and such analysis is of crucial importance for in-depth understanding of the poet’s original field of activity. Presentation and attempts at applicability of new concepts in translation theory only add to the tremendous value of the book in question.
The article presents the character of Julia Hartwig, a prominent war generation poet, born in 1921 and  still extremely creative. The au­thor of the article lists the most important information about her life, characterized by a poetic and translation achievements; the author also discusses the main features of Hartwig’s language and her attitude towards the world. The article draws attention to the role of memory and image. It also characterizes the ethical dimension of the poetry and the relationship with the great tradition of the European culture.
The article is dedicated to the memory of prof. Bożena Chrząstowska as a researcher appreciating and popularizing contemporary poetry at school. One of the people appreciated by her was Józef Baran (born 1947). His most recent volume entitled Before Departure refers to the popularity of the poetry of the "middle", derived from Gałczyński’s tradition, accessible to the reader and, at the same time, original. The collection Before Departure has the character of a lyrical autobiography, it also brings reflections on the meaning of human existence. In this volume, the elegiac convention is mixed with self-irony and humor. The poet writes about transience as a very personal, but also a universal experience, inscribed in the harmony of being.
Artykuł jest dedykowany pamięci prof. Bożeny Chrząstowskiej jako badaczce doceniającej i popularyzującej poezję współczesną w szkole. Jednym z cenionych przez Nią twórców był Józef Baran (ur. 1947). Jego najnowszy tom pt. W wieku odlotowym potwierdza popularność liryki „środka”, wyprowadzonej z tradycji do Gałczyńskiego; przystępnej dla czytelnika i zarazem niebanalnej. Zbiór W wieku odlotowym ma charakter lirycznej autobiografii, przynosi też refleksję na temat sensu ludzkiej egzystencji. W tomie tym konwencja elegijna miesza się z autoironią i humorem. Poeta pisze o przemijaniu jako doświadczeniu bardzo osobistym i zarazem uniwersalnym, wpisanym w harmonię bytu.
Vitalism is a vague and ambiguous philosophical notion which researchers try to apply to describe modernist literature, especially from the period of the Young Poland. The author of the article suggests that vitalism should be approached as an interpretive category. She examines whether it is possible to distinguish feminine vitalism and conducts an analysis of selected types of literature (H. Poświatowska, A. Świrszczyńska, W. Szymborska, A. Szymańska, U. Kozioł, M. B. Kielar). The analysis shows that modernist feminine vitalism in the poetry of the second half of the 20th century encompasses various types of affirmations: of nature, corporeality and existence. In late modernity it transforms into post-vitalism, which signifies new understanding of life and the reduction of the anthropocentric perspective, both determined by new discoveries of science.
Anna Legeżyńska Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicz, Poznań, Poland anna.legezynska@amu.edu.pl   БЕС НА ДНЕ БУТЫЛКИ… МЫСЛИ И КОНТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ НОВОГО ПРОЧТЕНИЯ ПОЭМЫ ЕРОФЕЕВА Резюме Слово «бес» в разных европейских культурах вызывает универсальные ассоциации с понятием зла, греха и наказания. В моем эссе оно является метафорой распада сознания современного субъекта. Бес в виде алкоголя «крадет» человеку сознание, борьба со злом заканчивается поражением. знаменитым примером «алкогольной прозы» в литературе считается российское произведение Венедикта Ерофеева  Москва-Петушки, впервые прочитанное в Польше благодаря эмиграционному переводу (вне цензуры) в 1976 году, позднее обновленное в качестве аллегории советского тоталитаризма. Сегодня книга требует нового прочтения, поэтому выбираю новые контексты и примеры: стихотворение Ежи Либерта, прозу Малькольма Лаури (У подножия вулкана), а также Марка хласко (Петля) и другие польские тексты из новейшей литературы. В анализе российской «поэмы» я обращаю внимание на широко понимаемую проблему свободы личности, живущей в десакрализованном мире, лишенном фундаментальных ценностей. Показываю трассу путешествия-жизни на плане порочного круга, выходом из которого может быть только смерть. герой Ерофеева в этой интерпретации – это человек, отдавший «душу» или личность «дьяволу», но не совершивший тем самым никакого выбора, потому как отчасти был обречен на существование без сознания. DEVIL AT THE BOTTOM OF A BOTTLE… THOUGHTS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR RE-READING YEROFEYEV’S POEM Summary In different European cultures a word „devil” implies universal association with a concept of evil, sin and punishment. In my essay it is a metaphor of modern subject division. The devil in the form of alcohol steals consciousness from a person, a fight with evil ends in failure. The most prominent example of „alcohol prose” in Russian literature is Venedict Yerofeyev’s book Moscow-Petushki. For the first time it was available in Poland in 1976 thanks to “emigrant translation” (no censorship), then reprinted as an allegory of Soviet to-talitarianism. Nowadays it requires new interpretation, therefore I choose new contexts and examples: a poem by Jerzy Liebert, pieces of prose by Malcolm Lowry (Under the Volcano), Marek Hłasko (Loop) and other Polish newest literary works. Analysing Russian narrative poem I pay attention to the problem of individual freedom in a desacralized world, where there are no moral values. I show a route of life-peregrination as a vicious circle that may be broken only by death. Character created by Yerofeyev is a person, who gave his “soul” (i.e. his identity) to the “devil”, but he did not made any choice, because he had been  predestined to  existence without consciousness.
In different European cultures a word „devil” implies universal association with a conceptof evil, sin and punishment. In my essay it is a metaphor of modern subject division. Thedevil in the form of alcohol steals consciousness from a person, a fight with evil ends infailure. The most prominent example of „alcohol prose” in Russian literature is VenedictYerofeyev’s book Moscow-Petushki. For the first time it was available in Poland in 1976thanks to “emigrant translation” (no censorship), then reprinted as an allegory of Soviet totalitarianism.Nowadays it requires new interpretation, therefore I choose new contexts andexamples: a poem by Jerzy Liebert, pieces of prose by Malcolm Lowry (Under the Volcano),Marek Hłasko (Loop) and other Polish newest literary works. Analysing Russian narrativepoem I pay attention to the problem of individual freedom in a desacralized world, wherethere are no moral values. I show a route of life-peregrination as a vicious circle that may bebroken only by death. Character created by Yerofeyev is a person, who gave his “soul” (i.e.his identity) to the “devil”, but he did not made any choice, because he had been predestinedto existence without consciousness.
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Księga domowa

The article contains a discussion of the subject taken in the family autobiography of Bożena Chrząstowska (mother) and Joanna Ciechanowska-Barnuś (daughter) entitled A double voice taken from life (Poznań 2015).The author analyzes selected elements of identity discourse, placing them in the historical and theoretical order. She indicates the main categories: family community, ethos of Greater Poland area, rooting, self-creation. She draws attention to the generational changes of the Polish gentry-intelligentsia culture, reflected also in the family history. She discusses the genre form of the analysed autobiography, finding in it the features of Silva Rerum. The author draws attention to the open composition, chronology, association, polyphony of narration, and the significance of emotions.
Artykuł zawiera omówienie tematyki podjętej w rodzinnej autobiografii Bożeny Chrząstowskiej (matki) i Joanny Ciechanowskiej-Barnuś (córki) pt. Dwugłos z życia wzięty (Poznań 2015). Autorka analizuje wybrane elementy dyskursu tożsamościowego, umieszczając je w porządku historycznym i teoretycznym. Wskazuje główne kategorie: wspólnota rodzinna, etos wielkopolski, zakorzenienie, autokreacja. Zwraca uwagę na pokoleniowe przemiany polskiej kultury ziemiańsko-inteligenckiej, odbijające się także w dziejach rodzinnych. Omawia formę gatunkową analizowanej autobiografii, odnajdując w niej cechy sylwiczne. Zwraca uwagę na otwartą kompozycję, chronologię, asocjacyjność, polifonię narracji, znaczenie emocji.
The article consists of three parts. In the first part, the author interprets the poem of A. Blok as a modernist variant of a “Petersburg Text”, in the second – proposes and explains the formula of the “translation functionalism”, and in the third part, uses it in the analysis of the three Polish translations of The Twelve. The author proves that each of the translators: Wacław Denhoff-Czarnocki, Seweryn Pollak and Wiktor Woroszylski choose a different principle of coherence of the text.This is shown both in the modeling of the city area as well as the social features of the characters. Consequently, three different interpretations of enigmatic epilogue are created, in which the revolutionaries are preceded by Christ carrying a “bloody flag”.
When summing up the history of translatology in the second half of the 20th century, the author points to undoubtful achievements of this discipline as well as disputable questions and tasks for the future. She proves that the postmodern conceptions of the exhaustion of literature (Lyotard) are not reflected in studies of translation. Just the opposite, this field has been developing dynamically, although its autonomy is still questioned. The chance of translatology is its interdisciplinary character, relation with methodology of linguistic studies, using the theory of interpretation and the theory of intertextuality. Some of the questions which are disputed are: equivalentisation, non-translatability, opposition of archaisation and modernisation. In the sphere of postulates is the synthesis of Polish knowledge on translation, Formation of proper criticism of translation and codification of terminology. All these motifs of considerations are supported by references to the most important conceptions and trends of the 20th century translatology.
The main subject of the article is a diverse image of the generation of World War I in Polish and Balkan literature. The two works which have been a subject of the comparative study are Badge of Loyal Service by Andrzej Strug and the novel Domobran Jambrek by Miroslaw Krleža (a part of Croatian God Mars). The author explains the principles and functions of pompous poetics of the description of war in the prose by Strug and in a completely different, ironic poetics of the stories by Krleža. Despite many similarities, the two works transmit different artistic and political ideologies. In the last part of the article, another point of reference to the subject of war is a novel by Serbian writer Miloš Crnjanski: Records of Czarnojevic. In the conclusion of her considerations, the author points to the diversity of contexts of tradition and draws attention to the importance of formative function of Polish Romanticism.
Głównym tematem artykułu jest zróżnicowanie obrazu pokolenia I wojny światowej w literaturze polskiej i bałkańskiej. Przedmiotem przeprowadzonej analizy porównawczej stały się dwa utwory: Odznaka za wierną służbę Andrzeja Struga oraz opowiadanie Ambrożek domobrońca (Domobran Jambrek) Miroslava Krležy z tomu Chorwacki bóg Mars. Autorka objaśnia zasady i funkcję patetycznej poetyki opisu wojny w prozie Struga oraz zupełnie odmiennej, ironicznej poetyki opowiadania Krležy. Mimo wielu podobieństw, oba utwory emitują odmienne ideologie artystyczne i polityczne. W zakończeniu artykułu kolejnym odniesieniem dla tematu wojennego jest powieść serbskiego pisarza, Miloša Crnjanskiego pt. Zapiski o Czarnojeviciu. W konkluzji rozważań autorka wskazuje na odmienność kontekstów tradycji i zwraca uwagę na formacyjne znaczenie polskiego romantyzmu.  
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Herbert w hermeneutycznej sieci

The author of this article discusses several books that were written by Artur Grabowski, a Cracow poet, critic and researcher who is an expert in the theory of poetry, theater, drama and contemporary art, by focusing on his latest book Herbert-Hermes. Konteksty nowoczesności w esejach, dramatach i wierszach Zbigniewa Herberta [Herbert-Hermes: The Contexts of Modernity in Zbigniew Herbert’s Essays, Dramas and Poems] (The Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2013). This book represents an original attempt at situating Herbert’s essays, selected poems and a drama (Jaskinia filozofów [The Cave of Philosophers]) in the context of interpretive, hermeneutic practice which is treated quite loosely, and it has been highly favorably reviewed. The author of the present article draws attention to the erudition and inventiveness of Artur Grabowski, who has managed to start a new thread of research on Herbert’s work, but she also challenges ideas presented in certain passages of the book.
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Hybrydy wciąż młode…

This is a review of Paweł Majerski’s book Hybrydy. O „młodej poezji” z lat sześćdziesiątych (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2011) [Hybrids. About “young poets” of the 1960s]. The author discusses the history of this literary group and interprets the literary output of some poets. This book is very important for Polish post-war literary history because it restores the importance of the generation, which was discredited by younger writers of the so-called “generation of 1968”.
The author pays attention to the need to search new keys of interpretation of the ouevre of Ewa Lipska, recognising that the constant distinguishing feature is the anthropological aspect. The main thesis of the article is as follows: Lipska’s poetry may be treated as a particularly important evidence of cultural experiences. Also attention is focused by the author on the poetic phenomenology of sensual perception, its reflection in the awareness and memory of the subject, and also distinguishes “cultural memory” as an effect of experience. She also states that Ewa Lipska’s works are a criticism of culture – both of the so called PRL’s (Polish People’s Republic’s) culture and the later one, called the postmodern culture. The poet exposes myths and threats of post-modernity, however, the cultural experience as recorded in her works is of ambivalent character: on the one hand, it contains a negative feeling of domination of man’s existence by cyberculture, and on the other, shows the deepening and sharpening of the critical awareness of the subject, who defends himself against the inauthenticity of experience.
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