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Recenzja książki: Tim Cole, Selling the Holocaust. From Auschwitz to Schindler. How History is Bought, Packaged, and Sold, Routledge, New York 2000, 314 s.
Kaźmierczak Marek, O atrofii kultury literackiej. Uwagi na przykładzie semiotycznych i rzeczowych funkcji książek w filmie Sara [Atrophy of Literature. Remarks about the Semiotic Functions of Books in the Film Sara]. „Przestrzenie Teorii” 32. Poznań 2019, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 383–400. ISSN 1644-6763. DOI 10.14746/pt.2019.32.21. The article concerns the relations between the main character of the film Sara (directed by M. Ślesicki in 1997) and books (especially Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment) in the context of social and political changes in Poland in the 1990s. The presence of books in popular Polish films from that period is not described in research, hence this article provides a short introduction to this subject. The main hypothesis of the paper is that the presence of books on the margins of narration in popular films reflects social changes in thinking about literature.
Krzysztof Zanussi’s Struktura kryształu [The Structure of Crystals] is a film not only semiotically but also mythologically rich, in the context of myths as understood and proposed by Roland Barthes. The article explores the binary nature of the film’s symbolic layer, built upon the two distinct life realities: the metropolitan vs the rural, the prestige of an academic career vs the simplicity of a family life that the main characters chose for themselves.
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The oak tree

The oak tree   The text titled The Oak Tree is a true story told by Kazimiera, a woman who in 1941 saw the bodies of murdered Jews being dumped into a common grave in a forest in Western Poland. This text refers to the work of memory and to the work of narration in the context of representation of the Holocaust. This text opens a question about the limits of commemorating and abusing of the past hidden in words and in silence.
The paper discusses a 1937 film directed by Michał Waszyński, also considering the novel written by Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicza which became the source of the screenplay, and the second adaptation of this novel directed by Jerzy Hoffman in 1981. The paper focuses on the interpretation of the film directed by Waszyński in the context of the relations between man and nature which was original and – in some way – went beyond the melodramatic convention. The film is interpreted in the context of the strong tension between traditional Poland and modern Poland, between fiction and reality.
Powieść Tadeusza Dołęgi-Mostowicza, a także jej dwie filmowe adaptacje (pierwsza – Michała Waszyńskiego z 1937 roku, a druga z 1981 roku w reż. Jerzego Hoffmana) są tekstami kultury popularnej, dlatego intrygujące poznawczo jest wydobycie nieoczywistych, bez wątpienia nie tylko uwarunkowanych estetycznie, relacji między środowiskiem naturalnym i człowiekiem. Autor artykułu analizuje i interpretuje film w reżyserii Michała Waszyńskiego. Podejście ekokrytyczne pozwala w ciekawym kontekście ujrzeć napięcie między fikcją filmową oraz rzeczywistością, a także między tzw. Polską nowoczesną i tradycyjną.
Artykuł dotyczy różnych wymiarów i form upamiętniania zagłady Żydów w lesie Niesłusz-Rudzica. W 1941 roku uśmiercono tam około 1500 Żydów. W 1944 roku spalono wydobyte zwłoki ofiar. W latach siedemdziesiątych XX wieku zbudowano grób, na którym umieszczono inskrypcję, w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku pojawiła się w tym samym miejscu druga inskrypcja. Niedaleko grobu usytuowano cokół z informacją o zdarzeniu z 1944 roku. W głębi lasu postawiono kolejny monument. W artykule omówione są inskrypcje – dwie znajdujące się na terenie grobu oraz jedna umieszczona na położonym w jego pobliżu cokole. Opisana została także inskrypcja, upamiętniająca Żydów pomordowanych w obozie pracy przymusowej w Czarkowie, utrwalony na nagrobku znajdującym się na cmentarzu w Koninie. Autor artykułu omawia miejsca pamięci, uwzględniając przemiany kulturowo-polityczne, które miały wpływ na pamięć o pomordowanych.
The article refers to the different dimensions and forms of commemorating of Jewish extermination in the Niesłusz-Rudzica Forest. In 1941 around 1500 Jews were put to death there. In 1944 the excavated corpses were burnt. In 20th century, in the 70s, a grave was erected there, on which an inscription was put, and in the 90s in the same place a second inscription was placed. Not far away from the grave the information about the 1944 incident was located the on the pedestal. Another monument was erected in the depth of the forest. The article discusses the inscriptions, two found on the grave and the one fixed on the pedestal nearby. Another inscription is also referred to, namely the one which commemorates the Jews murdered in forced labour concentration camp in Czarków, preserved on a cemetery grave in the town of Konin. The author of the article discusses the places of memory, allowing for the cultural-political changes which influenced the memory of the murdered.
Broken images. "Auschwitz", nostalgia and modernity. The reception of the Holocaust in popular culture   The reception of the Holocaust in popular culture is like a set of the broken images of the past. There are fluent differences between fiction and reality, beetween texts and facts, between knowledge and ignorance. This article concerns the forms of the influence of poplar culture on the representations of the Holocaust. Broken image can reveal a part of same event, the same fact. There are intellectual and axiological challenges between revealing and abusing the “Auschwitz” in the contemporary texts of culture. There are three main parts of the article: The contexts of the terms, Opened arguments and How instrumentally where are described the mechanisms of reduction, instrumentalization and mediatization of the reception of the Holocaust.
The main hypothesis of the article titled “Specialists” about European Union. Common sense as the limit of cognition of European community in the context of Polish policy is: understanding of European Union is shaped and determined by common sense (colloquial thinking). The author of the paper shows that the fragility of UE is rooted in the experience of the pornography of democracy where the rules and law fundamental for democratic society are used against citizens (compare with Polish or Hungarian perspective). That is why common sense is treated as the limit of political thought. Everybody in this context can be treated as the specialist of economy, ecology, international affairs, history, etc. Common sense makes emotions much more real than the facts that is why we can observe a lot of examples of the discourses of exclusion. There is also another important context: the status of liberalism. The author of the paper is convinced that in thinking about liberalism we should concern “biological turn”.
Główna hipoteza artykułu pt. ‘Specjaliści’ od UE. O myśleniu potocznym jako granicy poznania wspólnoty europejskiej a sprawa polska brzmi: rozumienie Unii Europejskiej jest kształtowane i wyznaczane przez zdrowy rozsądek (myślenie potoczne). Autor artykułu pokazuje, że kruchość UE jest zakorzeniona w doświadczeniu pornografii demokracji, w której zasady i prawa fundamentalne dla społeczeństwa demokratycznego są wykorzystywane przeciwko obywatelom (por. perspektywa polska czy węgierska). Dlatego zdrowy rozsądek jest traktowany jako granica myśli politycznej. Każdego można w tym kontekście potraktować jako specjalistę od ekonomii, ekologii, spraw międzynarodowych, historii itp. Zdrowy rozsądek urealnia emocje a nie fakty, dlatego można zaobserwować wiele przykładów dyskursów wykluczenia. Jest też inny ważny kontekst: status liberalizmu. Autor artykułu jest przekonany, że myśląc o liberalizmie powinniśmy mieć na uwadze „zwrot biologiczny”.
This article concerns YouTube as the helpful service from the deontological perspective. There are many texts created by different users in this service. Big part of them refer to ethical issues. These texts are small forms which reveal big existential problems. There are six main topics of the article. First part concerns chances and threats in using of Web 2.0; YouTube is an example of this phenomenon. Social services on the Internet help to spread the official discourses, but also unofficial discourses. That is why we can observe the proliferation of commonness as the pattern of thinking and acting. Second part of the article refers to the philosophy of personalism. This kind of relection is important in the context of the social services on the Internet. Third part reveals some cultural phenomenons depended on the morality and immediacy. Fourth part consists of the interpretation of the peculiar example. The audiovisual text titled: For Jonah Mowry. Whats going on? became the source of many ethical explanations. The author of the article treats YouTube as the space of drama in the another part. The personal relations among users are shown in the perspective of the texts which are presented on this medium – it is the last topic of this article.
Small Forms, Big Problems. Deontology and Commonness in the Audiovisual Texts Presented on the YouTube This article concerns YouTube as the helpful service from the deontological perspective. There are many texts created by different users in this service. Big part of them refer to ethical issues. These texts are small forms which reveal big existential problems. There are six main topics of the article. First part concerns chances and threats in using of Web 2.0; YouTube is an example of this phenomenon. Social services on the Internet help to spread the official discourses, but also unofficial discourses. That is why we can observe the proliferation of commonness as the pattern of thinking and acting. Second part of the article refers to the philosophy of personalism. This kind of relection is important in the context of the social services on the Internet. Third part reveals some cultural phenomenons depended on the morality and immediacy. Fourth part consists of the interpretation of the peculiar example. The audiovisual text titled: For Jonah Mowry. Whats going on? became the source of many ethical explanations. The author of the article treats YouTube as the space of drama in the another part. The personal relations among users are shown in the perspective of the texts which are presented on this medium – it is the last topic of this article.
Collective Memory and Colloquial Aesthetic Experience. Remarks on the Functions of Digitalized Paintings in Second Life The article addresses the representation of art in Second Life. There is an interesting dichotomy between collective memory and colloquial aesthetic experience in virtual reality. The article consists of two main parts: the first pertains to decontextualisation as a paradigm in art; the second refers to the features of daily aesthetic experience. The main hypothesis of this paper is: digitalized images of paintings reveal changes in thinking about art in a world dominated by new media (and thus also by Second Life). This hypothesis confi rms the presumption that collective memory nowadays is dominated by colloquial thinking about art, aesthetic and beauty.
The article deals with different images of social and cultural effects of the financial crisis which are created and propagated by users of the Facebook service. The text consists of two complementary parts. The first part, titled The Faces of Crisis, discusses numerous forms of presenting on Facebook pages the socio-cultural problems that result from the financial crisis. The second part (made up of two sections titled Facebook as a Medium of Colloquial Thinking and “National Bank of the Former Republic of Greece”, respectively) characterizes this social networking service as a medium of colloquial knowledge which is an important element of describing and cognizing reality. The main hypothesis of the reflections developed in the article is based on the belief that Facebook, a medium that serves to express a variety of emotions and feelings, thereby facilitating the articulation of numerous attitudes possible in the public life, is becoming a filter of the civic society.
In the result of the emergence of the new media we are faced with unpredictable consequences for the textual communication. Contemporary metaphor of these "unpredictable consequences" is the World Wide Web (www). In this article - titled "Virtual Sender" - I am trying to describe the strong impact of the www exerted on the textual communication. The main issue of this article is the semiological status of the sender in the www. I am interpreting this category in three aspects: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. Each of these aspects has a prevailing characteristic: for syntactic is an autopoietic function; for the semantic it is non-scaling function and for pragmatic aspect it is an autotheological function. Using these three aspects I am describing a very important relationship between the tools of communication and the subject of the communication. This article shows the main problem area connected with semiological status of the sender.
Images performed by words in Howard Jacobson’s novel “Kalooki Nights”. Remarks about intersemiotic relations among words and picturesThe article titled Images performed by words in Howard Jacobson’n novel Kalooki Nights. Remarks about intersemiotic relations among words and pictures concerns the intersemiotic tensions among words and pictures. The theoretical model is supported by the interpretation of Howard Jacobson’s novel titled Kalooki Nights. This novel redefines the limits of representation and reception of the Holocaust in the context of identity and contemporary world. Exploring the forms of “reading” (“looking at”) of the linguistic codes as the visual codes, such terms like “transframing” and “performing” refer to the patterns of creation the fictional worlds (constructed by the words which are treated as the images). The being of words still means looking through them, through their semantic flaws. This intersemiotic translations are rooted in the will of creation (Eros) and the will of destruction (Thanatos). The history of interpretations of these two sources of semiosphere touches the limits of questions: what can be shown in written wor(l).
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W sieci metafor

A review of Miłosz Babecki’s monograph Metaforyka polskich gier przeglądarkowych. Konteksty – porównania - analizy (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztyn 2020, pp. 340) contains some positive remarks concerning theoretical foundations of the work as well as its interesting interpretations. The reviewer points out that the author of the monograph could have devoted more space to network features relevant for the functioning of browser games. The review is concluded with a positive assessment of the monograph.
Recenzja monografii Miłosza Babeckiego zatytułowanej Metaforyka polskich gier przeglądarkowych. Konteksty – porównania – analizy (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztyn 2020, ss. 340) zawiera uwagi pozytywne na temat teoretycznych podstaw dzieła, a także na temat ciekawych interpretacji. Autor recenzji zauważa, że Miłosz Babecki mógł poświęcić więcej miejsca w swej monografii na aspekty sieciowe istotne w przypadku funkcjonowania gier przeglądarkowych (i nie tylko). W konkluzji autor recenzji rekomenduje czytelnikom lekturę monografii.
This paper demonstrates the influence of common sense on the perception of facts from the past. In order to understand the mechanisms of reduction, instrumentalisation and banalisation of the Holocaust in popular culture, we need to understand the influence of common sense on the understanding and misunderstanding of the past, represented in this paper by the testimonies of the massacre of 1500 Jews in the forest of Niesłusz-Rudzica.The main premise of the paper is that common sense is the dominant form of knowledge and the description of reality, which is reproduced by the mechanisms at function in popular culture. This paper is an example of ‘archaeological’ work in this context.
The pedagogy of commonness might be the art of distinguishing between complementary knowledge and its appearances and communicative masks. Ignorance can create some myths of daily life that sanction mistakes, abuses and misunderstandings as the equivalents or even substitutes of knowledge based on true research, dialogue and exchange of thoughts and ideas. The main thesis of this article is: commonness will not cease – that is why the future reception of the Holocaust depends on the critical thinking skills of people who as users of new media should know why the Holocaust is not only a word. The pedagogy of commonness should prepare every user (who is or will be interested in) of the new media to think critically about the diversity of representations of the Holocaust.
There are a lot of the dynamic meanings - important messages for the west civilization - in the antique tradition, deeply rooted in every medium. The authors of this text are showing us a lot of problems, connected with the ontological statue of text, context and relations among (not only between) sender and receiver, during the creating antique meanings in the different kinds of the communication. To be able to describe contemporary metamorphosis of the antique tradition they (the authors) are presenting us the most important changes in the west cultural reading - „through" the Internet - the antique heritage.
The article concerns the rdations between digital and symbolic signs. Digital technology shapes the forms of functioning of symbolic signs in contemporary culture. Semiotics was the theoretical background for our research.
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