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The main goal of the article is to show the possible ways of thinking about the relation between multiculturalism and liberal democracy. Author of the article tries to present some troubles with reconciliation of such political culture and elements of multicultural ideology which supports rights of member of foreign (nonwestern) communities to manifest their cultural convictions freely. In his opinion that would be a little bit naïve to think that all elements of political culture connected with liberal democracy can be accepted by members of the communities in questions. That is why he articulates the thesis that some conflicts between them and people faithful to the ideas of liberal democracy are inevitable and that it cannot be found possible solution of these conflicts which can be gladly accepted by all sides. Someone will have to give up some parts of cultural heritage of a given community if we are supposed to live in peace together. Although the author of the article believes that this resignation should not be limited to only one side of the potential conflict he argues that a political culture of liberal democracy is so precious that its defenders should not abandon it for the sake of ideas of multicultural society even if this brings about some pain on the side of their interlocutors.
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Aktualność Marcusego

The main goal of the article is to look at the most important theses of Marcuse’s philosophy in order to identify their actuality or nonactuality. The theses in question are those which say that we are living in the totally administrated world, where one-dimensional man has been created by industrial capitalism, culture has affirmative character as for the status quo, people work too much, technics and technology are important elements of the politics, the most important economic power are not transparent for the society and the classical subject of political change – working class is not able to cause political change any longer, which is why there is need to seek for a new such subject. I try to defend a stand according to which Marcuse’s theses are still actual and valid if only one takes into account today’s phenomena in economics, politics and social life.
W tekście podjęto namysł nad aktualnością szeregu tez filozofii Herberta Marcusego. Chodzi m.in. o tezę dotyczącą istnienia „totalnie administrowanego świata”, anonimowości dominujących sił ekonomicznych, wpływie techniki i technologii na politykę, narodzinach „człowieka jednowymiarowego”, istnienia „kultury afirmatywnej”, zbędności i szkodliwości pracy ponad ludzkie siły, a także trudności ze zidentyfikowaniem podmiotu ewentualnej zmiany społecznej. Autor powołując się na szereg dzisiejszych zjawisk z zakresu ekonomii, polityki i życia społecznego wskazuje na to, że tezy te zachowują swoja aktualność, choć uzasadnienie ich trafności musi odwoływać się do innych faktów społecznych niż te, o których wspominał sam Marcuse.
The main aim of the article is to reconstruct and critique E.D. Hirsch’s position in the debate about the necessary conditions and results of any interpretation. The author of this article seeks to demonstrate the difficulties connected with the intentionalist approach to the theory of interpretation which is typical of E.D. Hirsch and which unjustifiably privileges authorial intention. He also attempts to uncover the hidden assumptions of this approach by showing that, generally speaking, the dualist tendencies that are present in Hirsch’s theory cannot be justified. One of the objectives of this article is to propose an alternative approach to interpretation, which has been inspired by Stanley Fish and which emphasizes the integrity and monistic nature of interpretation as well as its constructivist and inevitably evaluative character. The author points to the fact that the arbitrarily established evaluation limits are unjustified as there is an element of evaluation on every level of interpretation and that the difference between understanding and interpretation cannot be validated. Also, one cannot interpret a text without each time referring to the social and cultural context.
Andrzej Szahaj "The Ideology of Multiculturalism - a Philosophical and Political Context" The ideology of multiculturalism was born in the 1980's although its earliest traces go back to Horace Kallen's notion of cultural pluralism introduced in 1925. In the context of multiculturalism Szahaj explores Charles Tay­lor's views with particular emphasis on his notion of "the politics of recognition" - as well as Will Kymlicka's insistence on the necessity to respect and recognise other cultures. Also, Szahaj offers an overview of social, political and educational consequences of multiculturalism in the United States of the 1980's and 1990's. He sees the value of multiculturalism in its exposure of the illusions of assimilationism and its attendant mechanisms of political and economic oppression. However, Szahaj is wary of multiculturalism's pitfalls which include its pro­blematic understanding of culture as such and its underlying assumption of the equality of all cultures (which leads to relativism). Thus he concludes, following Richard ]forty's position presented in his essay "The Unpatrio­tic Academy", that multiculturalism is acceptable only in its moderate version which assumes respect for other cultures and their differences, without antagonising particular social groups and reversing the already existing social hierarchies.
Andrzej Szahaj "The Ideology of Multiculturalism - a Philosophical and Political Context" The ideology of multiculturalism was born in the 1980's although its earliest traces go back to Horace Kallen's notion of cultural pluralism introduced in 1925. In the context of multiculturalism Szahaj explores Charles Tay­lor's views with particular emphasis on his notion of "the politics of recognition" - as well as Will Kymlicka's insistence on the necessity to respect and recognise other cultures. Also, Szahaj offers an overview of social, political and educational consequences of multiculturalism in the United States of the 1980's and 1990's. He sees the value of multiculturalism in its exposure of the illusions of assimilationism and its attendant mechanisms of political and economic oppression. However, Szahaj is wary of multiculturalism's pitfalls which include its pro­blematic understanding of culture as such and its underlying assumption of the equality of all cultures (which leads to relativism). Thus he concludes, following Richard ]forty's position presented in his essay "The Unpatrio­tic Academy", that multiculturalism is acceptable only in its moderate version which assumes respect for other cultures and their differences, without antagonising particular social groups and reversing the already existing social hierarchies.
Introducing Stanley Fish in the context of his position in the American academia, the author of the article focuses on the concept and mechanisms of interpretation in Fish’s understanding, who ascribes to it the function of a ubiquitous epistemological tool for man as homo interpretans. With this purpose in mind, the article juxtaposes Fish’s ideas with hermeneutics and structuralism and reveals their constructivist nature. This does not lead, nevertheless, to relativism as culture is grounded on a solid rock of fossilized meaning, which has been constituted as a result of previous consensual interpretations within a social group. This rock of fossilized meaning is a starting point for the negotiation of further meanings, which leads to the transparency of the acts of interpretation in everyday life for the people who preform them. Such existence in the world understood has its ethical and philosophical consequences, which the article briefly examines in its conclusions.  
Kreśląc sylwetkę Stanleya Fisha w kontekście amerykańskiej akademii, Autor artykułu skupia się na omówieniu mechanizmów interpretacji w ujęciu Fisha, a w konsekwencji jej rolę jako wszechobecnego narzędzia poznania, którym posługuje się człowiek jako byt interpretujący – homo interpretans. W tym celu idee Fisha zostają zwięźle zestawione z hermeneutyką i strukturalizmem, by ukazać ich konstruktywistyczne podłoże. Nie prowadzi to jednak do dowolności i relatywizmu, gdyż kultura posiada twardy grunt skamieniałego znaczenia – wynik wcześniejszych uzgodnionych już interpretacji w ramach danej grupy społecznej- który stanowi punkt wyjścia dla konstytuowania się dalszych znaczeń. Powoduje to, że interpretacja w życiu codziennym pozostaje niewidoczna, a my sami jesteśmy jej nieświadomi. Autor artykułu omawia również etyczne i filozoficzne konsekwencje tak rozumianego istnienia człowieka w świecie.
The text defi nes such notions as culture, cultural studies, fundamental sciences, and culturalism. It argues that cultural studies are fundamental sciences in three important senses: 1) theoretical (the object of research of science has its inevitable cultural dimension), 2) practical (the ability to manipulate signs, symbols, information and other products of culture is crucial in the age of cognitive capitalism), and also 3) axiological (in the context of contemporary ecological risks we cannot aim at further conquest of Nature, but we should rather try to understand mechanisms shaping various spheres of culture: economics, religion, tradition, art, politics and science).
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O zgodzie, bez złudzeń

Stanowisko w dyskusji czy możliwe jest uprawianie polityki bez konfliktu.
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Nauki o kulturze jako nauki podstawowe (i krytyczne)

vol. 11
issue 1(12)
The main goal of the article is to prove that today cultural sciences replace sciences on nature in the role of fundamental sciences. Author tries to show that cultural sciences are now fundamental ones taking into account two different aspects of being fundametal: theoretical one and political one. He uses some arguments taken from Jerzy Kmita’s works to support his own position. They are connected mostly with Kmita’s thesis about the primary role of culturally created vision of the world as the necessary background of each knowledge. The political aspect of fundamental role playing today by cultural sciences is linked with the main role played by information in today world and especially in so called cognitive capitalism. Author’s thesis is that cultural sciences can take critical shape showing the relative character of all dogmas of today capitalism or they can play effective role in capitalist world as important and useful element of its mechanisms.
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W Instytucie Kulturoznawstwa UAM mówiło się o nim po prostu Profesor. Nigdy i nigdzie nie spotkałem się później z tak wielką atencją wobec osoby jakiegokolwiek profesora. Pamiętam, że czyniło to na mnie wielkie wrażenie. W 1976 roku wkraczałem w świat akademicki z ogromną ciekawością i pewnym lękiem, a sposób odnoszenia się pracowników Instytutu, w którym studiowałem, do osoby Profesora Kmity budował we mnie przekonanie, iż znalazłem się w świecie, który ma charakter nieomal sakralny, choćby dlatego, że ma swych Wielkich Kapłanów. Przyznam, że przekonanie to towarzyszy mi do dzisiaj, choć owych Wielkich Kapłanów widzę wokół siebie coraz mniej. Nie ukrywam, że kontakt z profesorem Kmitą ukształtował mnie na całe życie. Choćby dlatego, że poznawszy Profesora i kult jego osoby, sam zapragnąłem być profesorem. Ale jeszcze bardziej dlatego, że dzięki szczęśliwemu zbiegowi okoliczności stał się on moim Mistrzem, kształtując raz na zawsze mój sposób myślenia o nauce, a zwłaszcza humanistyce.
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