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Dotychczasowe badania dotyczące społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR) skupiały się przede wszystkim na próbie wyjaśnienia wpływu CSR na konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw oraz dyskusji etycznych podstaw ich działalności. Natomiast społeczne i środowiskowe efekty dobrowolnych działań przedsiębiorstw pozostają niemal nierozpoznane. W konsekwencji krytycy CSR twierdzą, że termin ten ma charakter symboliczny i jest przejawem „zorganizowanej hipokryzji” ze strony przedsiębiorstw. Celem artykułu jest próba weryfikacji wpływu CSR na poziom emisji zanieczyszczeń. Podstawą teoretyczną analizy jest ujęcie instytucjonalne, w którym CSR jest traktowane jako jedna z instytucjonalnych determinant poziomu zanieczyszczeń emitowanych przez przedsiębiorstwa, obok takich uwarunkowań jak krajowe regulacje środowiskowe, podatki środowiskowe i zbywalne pozwolenia na emisję. Analiza ekonometryczna opiera się na danych Eurostatu dla 29 państw Europy oraz własnym badaniu ankietowym wśród ekspertów. Badanie to wykazało, że CSR, obok krajowych norm środowiskowych oraz subsydiów środowiskowych, ma istotny wpływ na poziom emisji zanieczyszczeń w badanych sektorach. Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, że dobrowolne, społecznie odpowiedzialne działania przedsiębiorstw mogą być źródłem pozytywnych efektów społecznych i środowiskowych.
The existing literature concerning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been predominantly focused on the relationship between CSR and corporate economic performance as well as on the ethical foundations of corporate behavior. The societal and environmental effects of corporate voluntary activism remain largely ambiguous and unknown. As a consequence, the critics of CSR argue that it is of a symbolic and ritual character, and brings very little, if any, positive effects for society. This paper attempts to verify the influence of CSR on the level of CSR emissions. The analysis follows an institutional approach, where CSR is treated as one of the institutional determinants of corporate environmental performance, apart from national environmental regulations, environmental taxes and subsidies, and tradable permits. The econometric analysis has been conducted with the use of Eurostat data from 29 European countries. The study findings show that CSR, next to the national environmental regulations and subsidies, has a significant impact on the level of CO2 emissions in the selected sectors. The findings suggest that voluntary actions taken by enterprises, motivated by CSR, can be a significant source of positive social and environmental effects.
Исследования, касающиеся социальной ответственности бизнеса (Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR), до настоящего времени сосредоточивались прежде всего на попыт- ках объяснить влияние CSR на конкурентоспособность предприятий, а также на дискус- сии относительно этических основ их деятельности. Общественные эффекты действий предприятий остаются почти неизученными. В результате, критики CSR утверждают, что этот термин имеет символический характер и является проявлением «организованного лицемерия» со стороны предприятий. Целью статьи является попытка проверить влияние CSR на уровень эмиссии загрязнений. Теоретической основой анализа является инсти- туциональный подход, в котором CSR рассматривается как одна из институциональных детерминант уровня загрязнений предприятиями окружающей среды, кроме таких усло- вий как национальные урегулирования. касающиеся окружающей среды, налоги в данной среде и ликвидные разрешения на загрязнение. Эконометрический анализ опирается на данные Евростата для 29 государств Европы, а также на собственное анкетное исследо- вание среди экспертов. Это исследование выявило, что CSR – наряду с национальными нормами для окружающей среды и субсидиями в этой сфере – имеет существенное вли- яние на уровень эмиссии загрязнений в исследуемых секторах. Полученные результаты показывают, что добровольные социально ответственные действия предприятий могут стать источником положительных эффектов как в социальной, так и в природной среде.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between the concept of intellectual capital (IC) and the idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The common theoretical background of both approaches and their mutual influence was underlined. The necessity of convergence of these two concepts by the inclusion of information on IC to CSR report in order to create one integrated set of information was emphasized.
Polityka rządowa oraz dostępność Funduszy Europejskich mają realny wpływ na wdrażanie działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych na poziomie projektu przez przedsiębiorstwa zainteresowane pozyskaniem finansowania zewnętrznego. Docelowo może mieć to pozytywny wpływ na wdrażanie do strategii zarządzania przedsiębiorstwa idei społecznie odpowiedzialnego biznesu. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród polskich przedsiębiorstw z sektora MŚP, wskazujące na kluczowe obszary implementacji działań społecznie odpowiedzialnych w realizowanych projektach. Przedstawiono, w jaki sposób kadra zarządzająca rozumie idee społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu, w kontekście planowanych w projektach działań. Zaprezentowano determinanty wdrażania założeń CSR oraz ograniczenia propagowania tej idei w działalności przedsiębiorstw przez pryzmat realizowanych projektów.
The government policy and the availability of European Funds have a real impact on the implementation of socially responsible activities at the project level by enterprises interested in obtaining external financing. Ultimately, it could have a real, positive impact on the implementing the idea of corporate social responsibility to the management strategy of enterprise. The article presents the results of findings conducted among companies in the MŚP sector pointing to the key areas of implementation of socially responsible activities in the projects. It was presented how managers understand the ideas of Corporate Social Responsibility in the context of the planned project activities. It was presented determinants of implementing the CSR and restrictions in promoting of this idea into business activities through the prism of projects.
For over five decades, the modern concept of sustainability has evolved along with its implication in almost all spheres, including the engagement of businesses via their Corporate Social Responsibility. The EU has joined international UN endeavors and attempts to progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The EU regime for CSR and CSR reporting is a mixture of hard-law, soft-law and policy measures and has predominantly facultative features. Nevertheless, its backbone is Directive 2013/34/EU, especially Art.19a with a rather general wording about which the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU (“CJ EU”) has not yet developed. The organic shaping of the understanding and application of the CSR reporting has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and related crises translated in EU law measures. Arguably, the COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented stress test which has brought new light in the interpretation of the scope of CSR to be reported, perhaps it even takes it into a new dimension.
Car production is a kind of activity that affects environment, society and global economy to a large degree. The most negative impact can be observed in the first of mentioned fields. Every day automotive companies consume big amount of energy and resources. What is more, their final products are considered as one of the main pollution sources. Nevertheless many car producers made effort to minimize negative external effects of their businesses. Year by year various CSR classifications and rankings showed that those efforts were resultful but Volkswagen emissions scandal and anti-diesel lobby shed new light on car industry in the terms of CSR. The aim of the article is to review CSR activities undertaken by Audi AG. Literature review and report analysis performed within the case study shows that the company is active in the field of ecology, society and corporate governance. In many terms Audi AG can be considered as the one of global CSR leaders. It is characterized by wide range of long term initiatives, high employee satisfaction and constant dialogue with stakeholders. On the other hand Audi AG can not be seen as a responsible company in the light of misleading customers to raise sales volume. (original abstract)
In the globalized era, the world economy is facing many challenges resulting from deterioration of the environment, financial crises, and deepening of social inequalities. Human activities, including business activity, lead the world to the limits of growth. In the past, missions of many companies were focused on generating profits for their owners rather than on other issues, such as social and environmental matters. Today, more and more often the questions associated with responsibilities of businesses and sustainable development are raised and discussed in the context of national economies as a whole, rather than individual enterprises exclusively. Corporate social responsibility is voluntary. For marketing reasons many companies regard CSR as part of their PR strategies exclusively. Emerging challenges raise the need for in-depth research on how businesses follow and incorporate the CSR principles into their day-to-day operations, both globally and locally. The purpose of this paper is to present a study of awareness and applications of corporate social responsibility principles in SMEs companies operating in Lublin Voivodeship.
Corporate social responsibility is a concept that many organizations find interesting and try to implement. It can be said that Polish firms have already consolidated it. We can also observe the evaluation of approaches to CSR: from individual charities to development of deliberate strategies. However, Polish companies stand out in comparison to the global market in terms of measuring the effectiveness of social engagement and social responsibility. The paper presents the results of the survey conducted among SMEs in the region of Czestochowa. The purpose of this article is to introduce tools for measuring the effectiveness of CSR actions, focusing on London Benchmarking Group model. The paper shows examples of CSR activities' indicators as well.
The aim of this article is to present the results of bibliometric analysis of the scientific studies on the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. The analysis allowed us to identify the main territories in the context of the above issues. For the purposes of the analysis were used bibliometric analysis of the data available in the Web of Science database, the analysis of trends in terms of number of publications, the method of co- -occurrence of words and a cluster analysis method and also mind mapping. In the analysis was used software VOSviewer. The analysis led to extending the area of research relating to the issue of corporate social responsibility reporting to the following sub-areas: corporate social responsibility, disclosure of non-financial information, integrated reporting, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards.
Artykuł nawiązuje do problematyki dostępności usług pocztowych dla osób z niepełnosprawnością w aspekcie społecznej odpowiedzialności publicznego operatora pocztowego. W opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe definicje i założenia koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu. Przybliżono regulacje dotyczące dostosowania placówek do potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych. Opisano również rozwiązania, jakie Poczta Polska S.A. wdrożyła w celu ułatwienia konsumentom niepełnosprawnym korzystanie z usług pocztowych.
The article refers to the problem of the accessibility of postal services for people with disabilities in terms of social responsibility of the public postal operator. The paper presents basic definitions and assumptions of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. Article introduces regulations concerning the adjustment of post offices to the needs of people with disabilities. Furthermore, it describes certain solutions that Poczta Polska has implemented in order to facilitate consumers with disabilities to use postal services. Author of the publication has also made the assessment whether the facilities for access to postal services are a sign of a real commitment of postal operator in Corporate Social Responsibility or they are the results of legal obligations.
The authors have suggested analytical tools to evaluate levels of internal social responsibility by developing an aggregate set of indicators. The reference indicators values were substantiated on the basis of average industry ones, which provided an opportunity to determine the multiple coefficients. The suggested tools provide the opportunity to define enterprises’ tendency for change in the level of responsibility level by years. This research can have important practical impacts due to its quantitative assessment having been based on published financial statements. The study creates additional opportunities for stakeholders to evaluate current internal corporate social responsibility levels and predict their own development direction.
The paper presents benefits resulting from the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility by observing guidelines included in ISO 26000:2010 standard according to the studies carried out by the Association Responsible Business Forum and KPMG an audit and advisory company. We presented the methodology of the studies undertaken by the organization mentioned above which analyzed the condition of the CSR in Poland. The same studies are carried out every year and special reports are drawn up based on their results which are described in detail together with a commentary comparing the current state of affairs with the previous year. The results of these measurements allow to check whether the CSR idea becomes more popular and more frequently applied and whether it brings measurable benefits both to the companies and their surroundings.(original abstract)
In this paper fashionable at present and broadly promoted doctrine of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been confronted with the sad reality in which millions citizens around the world and thousands of them in Poland has suffered because of highly irresponsible deals of such corporations, banks and firms like ENRON, Lehman Brothers or Barclays, and in Poland - AMBER GOLD. Such un-ethical./irresponsible socially firms engage PR consultants, which apply already proven methods of crisis PR, theoretically supported by the Benoi's theory of image restoration strategies. The theoretical approach, presented in parts one and two, is illustrated in part three by a case study based on image restoration campaign of BP after 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill ecological disaster.
Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept according to which enterprises voluntarily take social interests and environment protection as well as relations with diverse stakeholder groups into account at the stage of building their strategies. Indicating benefits to enterprises from implementation of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is the objective of this paper. Results of the authors' survey of 106 enterprises operating in the Mazovian region are compared to these of a national survey commissioned by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. They serve to demonstrate application of CSR is in direct proportion to size of a business. In addition, respondents designated improvement of company image as the key external benefit and perception of an enterprise as an attractive employer as the major internal benefit. Results of the authors' research in the region of Mazovia and of the national-wide survey show a marked similarity.(original abstract)
Acting in line with seven rules of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - acting in an ethical and transparent manner, considering complex social and environmental requirements, creates value added to a company. This value added supports long-term and stable growth of the business; improved planning and more efficient consumption of resources; as well as creating environment of social trust enhancing innovative initiatives. Strategic dimension of CSR involves implementing its rules into all processes in the firm towards financial aims taken by a management. Strategically, CSR is looking towards obtaining a mutually beneficial (both socially and financially) understanding of expectations and interactions between the company and its widely defined stakeholders - including the surrounding society.
Today the concept of corporate social responsibility is getting more and more public attention. There is growing awareness of the impact of organizations on the environment and the significance of their responsibility to the society. Simultaneously, the dynamic growth of digital technology has resulted in the development of new instruments of organizations' communication with their environment which are successfully used to promote the idea of CRS. The aim of the paper is to analyze the importance of new media for dissemination of the idea of CRS. This aim will be reached by presenting literature review and the results of empirical research concerning the use of Polish websites in popularizing corporate social responsibility.
This article analyses the main problems and challenges of corporate social responsibility in energy sector. Corporate social responsibility has emerged as a business approach for addressing the social and environmental impact of company activities. Development of socially responsible business in energy sector can provide for the implementation of sustainable energy development. The purpose of this article is to present the concept and the role of corporate social responsibility in the creation of development strategies of energy companies. The article investigates the key areas of CSR policies where energy companies are expected to make a positive contribution: improvements in environmental performance, development and governance.
The purpose of this study is to identify the patterns of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, in adverse economic circumstances, so as to understand the importance ascribed by the companies to each of their stakeholders. Prior research on stakeholder salience has looked into various issues related to the relative attention given to corporate stakeholders by management, however, none has examined what this relationship looks like following a prolonged economic crisis. We investigate the activities of CSR in Greece, examining how companies spend their CSR resources in a depressed economy, studying the respective activity patterns of the companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). Content analysis is used, thoroughly examining all public data available on the internet from 175 companies. The study includes data reported in 2014, collected at the end of 2015. Our results demonstrate that, the most popular CSR activities related to the human resources and the least practiced were the society and environment related ones. The findings show concern for the employees of the companies and their morale, superseding the interest for the other stakeholder categories in spite of the crisis and the soaring unemployment rate. Moreover, a significant divergence emerged between the CSR programs of the various industries. This indicates that for reasons unbeknownst to us, companies are placing less emphasis on consumers, environment and the society and tend to cater to the needs of their internal constituents. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono krótki przegląd problemów związanych ze społeczną odpowiedzialnością przedsiębiorstw (Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR), które mają znaczenie dla zrozumienia i wyjaśnienia społecznej odpowiedzialności organizacji publicznych dokonujących zamówień publicznych. Następnie przybliżono istotę, zasady i uczestników zamówień publicznych, a na podstawie analizy unijnego dokumentu ukazano korzyści i sposoby realizacji odpowiedzialności społecznej sektora publicznego w procesie zamówień publicznych.
The article reviews the problems linked with CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). These problems are important for understanding and explaining social responsibility of procuring entities. Moreover, the article also concerns the essence, rules and participants of public procurements. On the basis of EU documents the advantages and the ways of realization of social responsibility in the public sector in public procurements are shown.
Pojęcie społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw jest dziś w Polsce dużo lepiej znane i znacznie szerzej dyskutowane niż wcześniej. Rok 2018 był bowiem pierwszym rokiem w historii, w którym – w związku z implementacją dyrektywy Unii Europejskiej – duże i średnie przedsiębiorstwa zaczęły oficjalnie raportować wdrażanie strategii z zakresu społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu, a przedsiębiorstwa nieprowadzące takiej polityki musiały wyjaśniać w swych raportach przyczyny takiego stanu rzeczy. Artykuł, odwołując się do istniejącej literatury na ten temat i toczącej się dyskusji, poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie o możliwość takiego zaangażowania kulturotwórczego przedsiębiorstw, które byłoby integralną częścią ich odpowiedzialności społecznej.
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is now much better recognized and more widely discussed in Poland than before. The year 2018 was legislatively the first year in which, according to the directive of the European Union, large and medium- sized enterprises became obliged to report their CSR strategies or to explain the reasons of non-compliance. The article, referring to the existing literature on the subject and ongoing discussion, looks for the possibility of such cultural involvement of enterprises which would be an integral part of their social responsibility.
The paper hypothesizes the possible influence on consumer behaviour and purchase intent, which can be exercised by the firms because of the partially emotional character of the decision making proces and economic reasoning. Corporate identity constructed around the notion of CSR could be one of the possible platforms of such influence.
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