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The article analyses the condition of the housing resources in Poland and four neighbouring countries, which are members of the European Union. Chosen quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing standards were discussed. The negative phenomena in this area have been pointed out.
W artykule przedstawiono poziom wydatków na mieszkanie w budżetach polskich ​​gospodarstwach domowych w 2011 roku. Analizę przeprowadzono m.in. według: grup społeczno-ekonomicznych, liczby osób, miejsca zamieszkania. Przedstawiono również zmiany poziomu i udziału wydatków na mieszkanie w latach 2000-2011 oraz porównano wydatki na mieszkanie w Polsce z innymi krajami.
The article presents the level of expenditure on housing in households in 2011. The analysis of housing expenditures is conducted by socio-economic households and by the number of people in the household, income status, as well as on a regional basis. The dynamics of changes in the years 2000-2011 is presented, too. (original abstract)
The purpose of the article is reflection about the place of the housing security in the system of social security in contemporary Poland. The author put up a thesis that with the civilization development of the Polish society, social policy in Poland should gradually tend to extension of guarantees of the minimal level of social security, in this to extension of scope of public guarantees of housing security for the ecomically marginalized households. In the article the contemporary level of public housing assistance is presented as a starting point to planning the activities which can improve effectiveness of this assistance
Housing market develops in keeping with economic situation. In this paper the author seeks to explain the market mechanisms observable in the crisis period, and Poznań local housing market serves as an example. Studying housing offers on the secondary market in Poznań in the crisis period led the author to the conclusion that it was subject to numerous and diverse changes. The main motive behind flat purchase was price, while other factors played less significant role in the decision process. However, considering the changeability of conditions, the offer structure analysis cannot deliver satisfactory and unambiguous results if basic analytical tools are used. Housing market in crisis should be studied with the use of more advanced and sophisticated research tools. It is distinctive of the housing market hit by crisis that there is a significant supply surplus. Thus observing the evolution and tendencies within housing offers is an important issue. However, it seems to be much more interesting to find answers to the following questions: How do customers act in such a situation? What are their preferences? How do they evaluate offers and choose the flats? These essential sociological issues demand proper tools and research techniques. The author believes that this housing research direction is most legitimate from socioeconomic practice perspective. The results of such qualitative studies supervised by the author in the years 2011-2012 proved the usefulness of this more proper (yet more timeconsuming) research approach within local housing market analysis [Housing needs of the local housing market and ways of their satisfaction, 2012]
Investment attractiveness of real estate market is shaped by many factors of diverse character. Investment efficiency in this market is function of correct analysis of those factors. Therefore, obtaining the reliable information is for an investor an essential element in the process of optimal investment decision making. The aim of this work is analysis of chosen demand factors that influence the real estate market, taking into account accessible sources of information about them. Rated among those factors are: level of fulfillment of housing needs, transaction prices, demographical factors, income of households as well as accessibility and external cost of capital. Those factors have been characterized and the sources of information about them have been named.
The growing importance of real estate in the economy has resulted in an increased demand for reliable market information. In response to this, public and private entities have been preparing a variety of analytical studies. In case of public entities, investors are provided with information through periodic market reports, and some private entities also make fragmentary information available to the public. The topic for this paper was inspired by the promising results of a pilot study conducted in 2011 which involved a critical assessment of all adopted system solutions concerning the organization of public registers recording sales transactions in the real estate market. Another inspiration came from the results of a 2009 study of the commercial real estate market which revealed incorrectness of the evaluation of its basic parameters. The aim of this study is to assess the completeness and methodology of data collection on residential real estate sales transactions by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), the National Bank of Poland (NBP), the Polish Banks Association (AMRON) and the local database of real estate appraisers (Baza RM). The detailed results of the study refer to the Katowice market. The paper presents supplemented and corrected results of the author's own research from 2009 and 2011 on the residential real estate market, which is the most frequently analyzed market by both public and private entities and is highly active, as well as relatively homogeneous and stable in terms of its operating conditions.
Having a place to live is one of the most important human needs. Nowadays, we are observing changes in family model and housing standard, which determine the size of households' expenditure on living conditions. More and more often people spend most of their incomes on maintaining their dwellings. The aim of the article is to present how the housing standard was changing in Poland over the years and how it influenced the volume of households' housing expenditure depending on job career and household size in Poland. Furthermore, the author presents a comparison of housing costs in Poland and other countries.
It is said that young home buyers are the dominate group of customers on Real Estate market. But demographic forecasts indicate that in Poland the aging of society will proceed. It can thus be expected that in the structure of population a group of people reporting new housing needs will emerge. Therefore, there is a need for thorough research, particularly due to substantial information gaps in this area. The aim of the article is to present the results of the research on attitudes of customers on the housing market - i.e. seniors. On the basis of the research conducted in the Department of Investment and Real Estate at Poznan University of Economics, housing preferences of older people and their motives and factors behind housing purchase are presented.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki estymacji hedonicznych modeli cen nieruchomości mieszkaniowych za pomocą metody opartej na kwantylach oraz wyniki konstrukcji hedonicznych indeksów cen mieszkań. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone dla warszawskiego rynku wtórnego mieszkań na podstawie danych transakcyjnych. (fragment tekstu)
Using the Quantile Regression for an Analysis of Dwelling Price Differences The aim of the article is to indicate theoretical and practical advantages of using quantile regression as well as a sensitivity analysis of factors influencing a dwelling price (taking into account the regression distribution). This is a new approach in comparison to previous surveys on carried in Polish market which analyzed the factors' impact on average price level. Additionally, surveys are described which make possible to estimate dynamic price differences in selected price segments using hedonic indices. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono faktografię zmian w zakresie: rozmiarów i standardu budownictwa mieszkaniowego w latach 1990—2004, w ujęciu miasto-wieś oraz jego inwestorów. Omówiono również dane o stanie i strukturze własnościowej substancji mieszkaniowej, standardzie instalacyjnym oraz warunkach mieszkaniowych ludności — w różnych grupach jej zamożności, a także o wydatkach na mieszkanie gospodarstw domowych i pomocy mieszkaniowej. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In the article the factography of changes has been presented in the range of: housing standard and sizes in years 1990-2004, in rural-urban approach and its' investors. The data on structure and condition of housing property, installation standard and housing conditions of population in different wealth groups were also discussed. The expenditures spent on housing by households and housing aid were also presented. (original abstract)
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację tematyczną artykułu "Mieszkalnictwo w Japonii" opublikowanego w "Wiadomościach Statystycznych" 9/2003, z wykorzystaniem aktualnych danych, przede wszystkim spisu mieszkaniowego 2003.
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